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1/60 V2 VF-1S Roy Focker ( no strike packs)


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Oh indeed, I am saving to buy the Fastpack version but this is quite good for first time valk buyers so they dont have to track down a Roy 1/48 by any means necessary.

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it's not really that far-fetched :) I was actually considering buying one instead of a second 1/60 with FP (wasn't able to buy the second-hand 1/48 Roy with FP for the same price as a bnew 1/60 :( ) because I wanted it displayed in fighter mode only. My compulsiveness got the better of me, though, so I now have in display a fighter mode with FPs :lol:

Besides, I think the price point would entice new collectors who just want to try out owning their first valk without coughing up a lot of cash. Or those who really want to own a valk but do not have enough to fit in their budget. This way, they can own the valk and save up for th FPs at a later time :)

If they come out with the TV VF-1A's, I'll get the non-FP versions :)

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Actually, there is another reason to get the bare bones version of the VF-1S. I'm against the "munchkin" upgunned version of the Valkyries. I know that the reason they have things like armor packs and Strike Packs is to keep the TV series going and have something new to show the kids watching this week. But, it does end up being "munchkin". FYI for those who don't know the term munchkin, it is a term used in role playing games to describe somebody who MUST have the biggest, fastest, toughest, most powerful everything.

I prefer the normal versions.

At least in the DYRL Macross it is explained that the strike pack is only used in out space. It cannot fly in an atmosphere. Either way, I think it ruins the clean lines of the sleek fighter.

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Getting a standard Valk would be a good idea if you were one of the few unlucky ones to get a busted Strike. It's also appealing for those who want to build a whole fleet.

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To each his/her own, I guess. As much as I love the design of the VF-1, it just isn't complete without the FP's on. I love that aggresive look on the armored VF-1.

Actually, there is another reason to get the bare bones version of the VF-1S. I'm against the "munchkin" upgunned version of the Valkyries. I know that the reason they have things like armor packs and Strike Packs is to keep the TV series going and have something new to show the kids watching this week. But, it does end up being "munchkin". FYI for those who don't know the term munchkin, it is a term used in role playing games to describe somebody who MUST have the biggest, fastest, toughest, most powerful everything.

I prefer the normal versions.

At least in the DYRL Macross it is explained that the strike pack is only used in out space. It cannot fly in an atmosphere. Either way, I think it ruins the clean lines of the sleek fighter.

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The super packs in the tv series acted in the same way the strike and super packs did in DYRL.

You never actually saw the super packs used in the atmosphere in the tv series. So I think the upgrade from valkyrie to super (or strike) valkyrie is very well done in both movie and tv series.

When I think about super valks I think of the valk actually NEEDING the extra firepower and speed to deal with an alien enemy that outnumbers the humans, and so upgrades like that don't actually seem so over-the-top anymore. The upgrade is just a cheaper alternative to creating a new fighter by merely boosting performance of an old one. (like how you might upgrade only certain parts to your existing car in a gran turismo type game to save money, before finally being able to afford a new, and much better one) The tacked-on feel of the parts reminds you that it's trying to stretch an old vehicle beyond its limit, and gradually make old ones still reuseable instead of completely wasting them. Not to mention allowing upgrade path to be more free by making the parts seperate so that the robot can be tailored for the mission. (eg gbp armor looks clumsy and bulky but could do a lot more damage than a naked valk. A naked valk however had more options because it's not stuck in one mode) Instead of having three seperate robot you just have one basic one with options to equip it with super/strike parts, gbp armor, or go naked. (for times where all the mission is just flying around in the atmosphere)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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