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Posted (edited)

He was just confused.

He doesn't know that the 1/48 also had removable nose.

From now on when you mentioned the nosecone of the 1/60 'version 2' just say "removable cockpit section".

Some people who are noobs are going to get confused because of the terminology being used.

"Nosecone of 1/48".

"nosecone of 1/60".

"the nosecone of 1/60 is no longer removable".

See what I mean? "removable cockpit piece" would be less confusing I think. It's not just the nose tip that is removed. Instead it is the whole cockpit area. 1/48 was only the nosecone tip.

Unless you owned a 1/48 or looked at pics of the removed piece you wouldn't know what people are referring to.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

"The other thing is why are there no comparison pics to a VF-1 1/48. Seems like you intentionally didnt. To make it seem like something unique and help yamato sales?"

For one, as said earlier, other reviews have already made the comparisons. IF he intentionally didn't make comparison pics, it could be taken as the 1/60 being reviewed on its own merit. I see no foul-play there. From your tone, you seem to imply that the new 1/60 is so below the 1/48's that Yamato needs help to boost the 1/60's sales. Clearly that's not the case. For one, while the new 1/60 lost some details (particularly in fighter mode like the wing flaps etc), other details were added and the design incorporates improvements (like double jointed elbows). So if you have the impression of the 1/60 being just a shrunk 1/48 (based on your "seem like something unique" comment), then you're dead wrong. Now, unless Yamato paid ALL independent reviewers over the world, I'd say jenius's review reflects the conclusions you'll find in other reviews: that whether compared to the 1/48 or not, the new 1/60 is among the best Yamato's churned out. Besides, it sold out too fast that it can't be attributed to a single review.


Onm crooked skulls: Mine arestright, though one is slightly higher than the other. I didnt notice at all till I was specifically looking for it, and even then i had to REALLY look hard, so im not worried about it at all.


Any news on when will the VF-1A will be out? :unsure: the stand alone VF-1S is already out, lets just hope that the VF-1A and the others are not that far....

Posted (edited)

The stock stickers aren't that bad, as long as you trim off the excess so your sticker edges are sharp, rather than the factory die-cut. I went ahead and put on the minimum markings (001's, pilot name, SDF-1 markings).

I've actually transformed it into all modes with and without FAST packs, and have decided to leave it in naked fighter mode next to my 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S . I love the streamlined belly, without the low-hanging arms. I've also come to appreciate the nose/cockpit section profile. After staring at it for a couple of days, it really seems to capture the VF-1 lineart better than the 1/48, which is a bit exaggerated in an F-111 style.

Edited by ghostryder
  Alain said:
Yah the camera can wait! :ph34r: speaking of luck, just noticed that the kite logo starboard side of my YF-21 is crooked <_<

dude how do you like your new 21?

cant wait to get my roy ...im so excited now

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Wait does jenius have a review up or did the guy just confuse him for Graham? I've been anticipating jenius' review but haven't seen it on his site, the last review there was the GNU 19.

Yea, I'm confused about that too.


I go in and out of macross. Last time I was here and looking around. 1/48 vf-1s was new and everyone was dumping the old 1/60's. Now everyone is dumping the 1/48's for the new 1/60. Say yamato came out with the newer 1/60's right after the old 1/60's. Then Came out with 1/48's. Would you still hold onto the new 1/60 or dump it for the 1/48?

That aside, it's always great to see the new yamatos.

  marx said:
I go in and out of macross. Last time I was here and looking around. 1/48 vf-1s was new and everyone was dumping the old 1/60's. Now everyone is dumping the 1/48's for the new 1/60. Say yamato came out with the newer 1/60's right after the old 1/60's. Then Came out with 1/48's. Would you still hold onto the new 1/60 or dump it for the 1/48?

That aside, it's always great to see the new yamatos.

Not everyone dumped their 1/48's, I know I didn't! The 1/60 V.2's a welcomed addition to my collection, and if YAMATO ever came out with a 1/48 V.2 (which I doubt!),I'd buy those too but would still keep the old ones. 1/48's rule!!!


I am stoked on the new V.2 series, especially to get a VF-1D, but the more I look at comparison shots the more I am still liking the 1/48 best. And there is no (foreseeable) way I would sell my 1/48s. There are some improvements on the new 1/60 and I am going to get at least one if not a few but I will still want the 1/48s too.


miriya, my man, i can tell you only one thing.........1:48 FOREVAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:rolleyes::lol:


Just got finished unboxing and transforming my VF-1S Focker 2.0. Overall, I love it! The proportions are very nice, makes my 1/48 feel chunky, the 1/60 seems more sleek overall. I love all the tampo and improvements. Had no real problems with transformation, just had to check the instructions on how the swingarm fits into the nose in battroid mode. I really like the 1S head, near perfect IMO with no seam running down the middle. The head being detachable is a plus, I was always wary of bending or snapping the head lasers when transforming the 1/48, but now I can just take off the head and not worry.

Only two minor gripes. I don't like how the arms kinds float there in battroid mode, but I guess it always for more poses. As long as it doesn't become a floppy mess down the road. Second, as someone mentioned before, the eyepiece on the head is a very dark green. I though it was black until closer inspection.


I just got mine. Yamato has finally won me over. It has everything I like about the 1/48 and more, while it doesn't inherit what I don't like about the 1/48s.

Could it be that Yamato has finally earned enough to get a better qc guy? hahaha!

  marx said:
Say yamato came out with the newer 1/60's right after the old 1/60's. Then Came out with 1/48's. Would you still hold onto the new 1/60 or dump it for the 1/48?

That aside, it's always great to see the new yamatos.

not really. there are those who'd like their collections to be in scale :) and the 1/48's are still great if you love VF-1's

  Hikuro said:
gonna maybe preorder Hikaru's VF-1A tomorrow with packs on Ovedrive.

You'll have to order the fast packs and the stand alone valk separately, cause the super VF-1A is already sold out :huh:


It has not gone up on HLJ yet though. Do you think that it will? I hope the TV Hikaru does not sell out in preorders before I get my foot in the door. Nor the VF-1D, especially that. I must get those two or I dont know what I will do, maybe cry for weeks on end and eat chocolate until I overdose.


Just got mine! W00T!

I'm glad I got over my flip-flopping on this one, after hearing that its mostly sold out in Japan. HLJ still has it in stock last time I checked though (that's where I ordered from). They also have the naked 1S in stock too.

Wow. What else can I say? Just WOW. I'm looking at the valk right now as I type this and its just GORGEOUS.

Compared to the VF-0S (my only other Yamato Valk), the new 1S looks like it was made by another higher-end company. It's infinitely tighter and the plastic used feels of much MUCH better quality (only time will tell though if it will become brittle and disintegrate like the 0S's shoulders). The details are also cleaner than the zero's. The new 0.2 mm panel lines look like they're going to give me a pain to line though.

I haven't transformed it yet. Just soaking in the valk glory right now.

I'll save my vote in the other thread until I completely transform this baby and back. I'm crossing my fingers that I don't encounter any breakage during the process.

Overall, for a semi-newbie valk collector like me, the new v.2 1/60 is a Godsend. I'm saying it again. Its GORGEOUS. Pics don't do this baby justice.

Oh Yamato, whatever you're paying your engineers and that new QC guy for this one seems to be paying off! :lol:


Greetings from Malaysia! At last i got my 1/60 vf-1s with strike parts, and have been scrutinizing the toy for the past 2 days. i compared him with the vf-0s and the 1/48 vf-1a. man there is so many things to say, but overall, the new 1/60 simply rocks.

however, buying a 1/60 vf-1s to replace your 1/48 vf-1s in your collection, could be as wrong as buying a yf-19 to replace a vf-0s, if you get what i mean. anyway, i dont even know where to start to comment, i'll just let the pictures do the talking. a pic says a thousand words...










Greetings from Malaysia! At last i got my 1/60 vf-1s with strike parts, and have been scrutinizing the toy for the past 2 days. i compared him with the vf-0s and the 1/48 vf-1a. man there is so many things to say, but overall, the new 1/60 simply rocks.

however, buying a 1/60 vf-1s to replace your 1/48 vf-1s in your collection, could be as wrong as buying a yf-19 to replace a vf-0s, if you get what i mean. anyway, i dont even know where to start to comment, i'll just let the pictures do the talking. a pic says a thousand words...









Posted (edited)
  jenius said:
I did a review also, view it by clicking here.

thanks for the review Jenius and thanks for the pics honkhet. Out of curiosity, has anyone tried putting the 1/60 articulated and fixed posed hands on the 1/48? Just wondering if the pegs are the same diameter.


Edited by chowyunskinny
  honkhet said:
Greetings from Malaysia! At last i got my 1/60 vf-1s with strike parts, and have been scrutinizing the toy for the past 2 days. i compared him with the vf-0s and the 1/48 vf-1a. man there is so many things to say, but overall, the new 1/60 simply rocks.

Great pics man!

OT, I see that you have the VF-0S with Ghost pack. How is it? Is it floppy or loose in the joints? Are the shoulders okay? I'm thinking of getting the ghost combo (I'm so pissed off with my first gen 0S), so I'd appreciate a little feedback on it. terimah kasih!


HAHA i see what you mean

yeah the VF-0S i have is floppy in jet mode,

this cant be helped...

but mine has no loose joints,

shoulders are 'A' OK!

note the shoulder "pads" in my photos which i point upward,

it was only possible to do this after adding some super glue inside to create residue and give some friction.

else it would be too loose and the shoulder "pads" just flop down.

but this is only a small problem =)

this fix was worth the effort, as u see in my first pic,

shoulder pads pointing upward in GERWALK mode is darn awesome (assuming you will agree with me ^_^).

  honkhet said:
HAHA i see what you mean

yeah the VF-0S i have is floppy in jet mode,

this cant be helped...

but mine has no loose joints,

shoulders are 'A' OK!

note the shoulder "pads" in my photos which i point upward,

it was only possible to do this after adding some super glue inside to create residue and give some friction.

else it would be too loose and the shoulder "pads" just flop down.

but this is only a small problem =)

this fix was worth the effort, as u see in my first pic,

shoulder pads pointing upward in GERWALK mode is darn awesome (assuming you will agree with me ^_^).

Thanks man!

Yours has loose shoulder armor? That's weird because they're pretty tight in my 0S. Its disheartening to hear that even the supposedly fixed 0S with the Ghost pack is also floppy. I thought they fixed that. Oh well.

Anyway, back on topic, I've put on the fast pack on my 1S and it went from gorgeous to OOOH-LA-LA! THIS is the valkyrie that I've been wanting to have since I became a fan of Macross many, many years ago! Thank you Yamato for making this wonderful toy!

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