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See? Singing=life.

Also, has anyone heard of


dying yet? I kinda have a theory that she's effectively immortal in the game.

I think you might be the only one on these boards that recruited her over Samara

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He sang for me, was a constant on my team during the final mission, and he lived for me.

Jack I understand, but Mordin? He's like the best character in the game against everything except a few enemies that put up shields. Especially when you max his cold and fire attacks and they become area-of-effect attacks.

Mordin kept running into fire and dying when I used him early on to do zaeed's loyalty mission, after than I never used him again. I had my own biotics for area effect attacks and so I ended up using garrus for sniping and then tali for geth missions or whoever else the loyalty mission was for

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There has to be some kind of random factor then, because I did the same things you did on my first play through and lost none of the crew (though I did select some different people). Mordin wound up randomly dead however in the final cutscene.

Thats EXACTLY what happened to me, and i couldnt figure out why. Not only that, but the voiceover from joker says that "They got everyone out" so I couldnt figure out why Mordin had died at all!

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Mordin kept running into fire and dying when I used him early on to do zaeed's loyalty mission, after than I never used him again. I had my own biotics for area effect attacks and so I ended up using garrus for sniping and then tali for geth missions or whoever else the loyalty mission was for

Ah, see, I was a soldier. Occasionally, I'd order Mordin to use his fire attack, and by the time I'd leveled it up the whole way he was taking most enemies from full health to zero. And I never had a problem with him running out and getting shot to death; it was Tali who'd do that.

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he sang for me as well, told me he wasn't interested in mating with humans, used him for zaeed and Jack's loyalty missions and nothing else, didn't use him at all during the final mission, had his uber omni tool upgrade and he lived.

He did the same things for me, but I used him less and he died. The singing is quite awesome though.

Interesting bits about Mordin in the thread. He does mention that "holding the line" is not his style. So maybe keeping him with you or sending him back with the crew is a good way to keep him alive.

Edited by kaiotheforsaken
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ok... so what happened when you met on horizion if you met that is.

Also anyone complete the mineral quest on on me1?

He's not happy with you. He can't believe you were alive and never contacted him, and he can't believe you were working with Cerberus. He basically pulls a paragon Shepard on you; the ends don't justify the means.

And yes, I did, I completed everything.

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He's not happy with you. He can't believe you were alive and never contacted him, and he can't believe you were working with Cerberus. He basically pulls a paragon Shepard on you; the ends don't justify the means.

And yes, I did, I completed everything.

Did you get a bonus at the beginning of the game ie 48000 element zero?

Or is it b/c I started another play through?

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PC modders already got Eclipse armor:


I so wanted that. (Though at the moment it seems it's only possible to equip as "casual clothes" and not in combat)

Links to mods?

Anyway, I'm amused at the thought of Shepard coming back from a mission in one set of armor, changing into another, and acting casual.

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People post their results a lot more than they post how they did it, but the main threads for PC modding are:



And Texmod works just as well as it did for ME 1.

(still, I want model-swapping above all else---I'd probably buy the PC version if I could have Liara's model used for Morinth, etc)

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yeah and that armour looks good too. If the helmet comes off that's perfect!

It won't. And who the hell rolls a Shock Trooper? Maybe on Insanity, I guess, but really, these "complete" armor sets leave something to be desired. How about something for those of us who like to shoot things, either rapid fire style or at range.

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Heavy armor on a FemShep looks REALLY bulky at times. (most of the time IMHO).

Light armor on ManShep and heavy armor on FemShep look equally "odd". (mainly because the heavy armor in ME 2 is even heavier than ME 1's was---if it was DA:O, it'd be classified as massive armor) ME 1 heavy armor on a female could look good, but ME 2's is just too much.

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When ME 1 characters meet in ME 2, they almost never acknowledge it. (Shepard excluded). You'd think that if I bring Tali along when I meet Liara the first time, they might at least say "hi" to each other. Most of these people haven't seen each other in years it seems, yet the reunions go un-remarked upon.

Ashley does if you take Garrus with you to Horizon.

No hello , but more of a you too type thing.

Edited by BeyondTheGrave
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does if you take Garrus with you to Horizon.

No hello , but more of a you too type thing.

Yeah, I don't think the crew from ME1 were on particularly good terms with anyone else. I can't really see ashley giving a rats ass about any of the aliens she had to work with, Liara and garrus go way dark, tali was always in it for herself as was Wrex.

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