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Posted (edited)

later next year please, with the 1D v.2, VF-0S re-issue (with unconfirmed fixes??) VF-1J v.2, and other cool stuff, i don't have any monies!

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
  lechuck said:
Forget about the heat shield.

I'm just hoping that Battroid mode doesn't turn out to be a crappy compromise like the YF-21.

Blasphemy! Kill him!!!1


  SuperHobo said:
Something I'd really like to see throughout Yamato's new releases is ratchet joints on the shoulders. The ball joints are tight for now, but still I worry it might become loose one day. Shoulders like on the YF-19 can barely hold the gun up and think ratchets could of solved that with no problem. Again thin hinges like the one of the new VF-1's shoulders should be made of metal to prevent total breakages. Make me smile again Yamato!

Yeah, they need to get some metal ratchet joints in there like some of the SOC toys have. SOC Walker Gallia is a great example: tough ratchet joints at the shoulders and hips with small teeth for a very wide range of movement.

Posted (edited)

They wouldn't even have to be metal. Look at any large size hasbro toy, or the CMs Legioss and Tread. Come on yamato. Sculpt is important, but for good battroid mode love: solve the floppy limbs syndrome once and for all with teeth joints.

Maybe start with the destroids at first as a test, since this is easy due to them not being transforming robots?

One thing the koenig monster really needed was the click joints for the hips.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

in macross plus we do see how the heatshield works, comes from the front and back of the canopy under slits....check out episode 1 or the halfway point of the movie.

also, I vaugely remember, wasnt yamato making a 1/60 sometime ago but ended up scrapping the mold cause of lack of time or budget? so this would be really the "fourth" attempt?


oh sweet, thanks Graham for the info!

I got a question, I assume the first release of the vf-11 will be Isamu's, so, will the UN Spacy Kite be tampoed gray instead of the red one used for the GNU Doi?? since Yamato is tampo printing all of this I wouldn't like a mistake like this ... hehehe I'm really eager for this one...

  jenius said:
Word on the street is that the new 1/60 VF-11B is very dark gray...


What street? I hope some pics come through from that street and on to this forum soon.


hmm...darker gray...as long as it's not as light as the GNU I'm happy with it

hahaha! detachable vf-11 cockpit, this is a Macross 7 thing...so Yamato doesn't have the license to make it detachable, hahahaha! :D


I can't wait to find out if Yamato's method of doing the heatshield is like the way some of us proposed, or if they went a completely different route than with what's been done before (like the flip-out heatshielf on one of the models).


Well, the VF-11's design inherently has no gaps where there's markings, and almost no panel lines. Yamato's last VF-11 way-back-when had every marking tampo-printed, I can't imagine there'd be fewer this time. (it also inherently has very few markings to start with)

::edit:: Whoops, just checked pics against my memory---the kite on the nose wasn't printed. But the entire front half of a VF-11 is "static" and doesn't have any parts/panels open to transform, so they certainly should be able to print it on this time---though there is a "bend" in the area due to the canard. Hmmmn.


So the detachable cockpit is only a M7 thing or does it just doesn't show it in Plus?

Also lets keep track of prototype pictures that will be released. If there's going to be any that is.

VF-0S re-issue (with unconfirmed fixes??)

Isn't that already out>?

So the detachable cockpit is only a M7 thing or does it just doesn't show it in Plus?

It wasn't shown in plus. The B model is in Plus, the C in 7, so there is a chance that only the C model has it.

Now I wonder, will Yamato include the dual atmospheric boosters, and FAST packs, or make a supplementary set for them? Also, it would be great to see some drones come with the VF-11B, like the ones in the scene where Isamu is the chase pilot for Guld and steals a kill, and pisses him off.

  Black Valkyrie said:
Strange it was never shown in MP or M7 how it actually slides or comes out.

It's been shown in line art and IIRC may have been shown in M+ (have to rewatch again).


  eriku said:
Yeah, they need to get some metal ratchet joints in there like some of the SOC toys have. SOC Walker Gallia is a great example: tough ratchet joints at the shoulders and hips with small teeth for a very wide range of movement.

Yamato seem to be improving with their joints. The joints on my 1/60 YF-21 toys are still nice and stiff and can hold any pose. Likewise, the new 1/60 VF-1S has super tight joints (some may say too tight).

Sadly most of my 1/60 YF-19 toys have turned into froppy messes in battroid mode. :(


Posted (edited)

But if yamato were to re-release the monster though, (due to its appearance in macross frontier) ratchets would help that imo.

In gerwalk the arms on mine tend to fall a bit so that the missile launcher is more like an underarm weapon rather than held straight. Friction joints at that size should be scrapped in favour of ratchets like the large transformers toys. CMs Tread is a good example of clicky joints.

Even though plastic is light, some mech designs which are heavy and bulky at the extremes of the limb will require clicky joints. It's ok with me for the monster since it is not a mech that you pose much and just sits in one spot.

But robots with really long gangly legs and stuff would benefit with it for the hips. When valks wear the armor there is even more weight so the hips I think need that kinda thing for the bulky designs. Qrau for example is a design where a lot of weight/bulk is right at the back of the robot so that it falls back easily. So based on

-size of the toy

-the design

-whether it has to hold extra things like armor or large gunpods etc

that is when I think clicky (not the normal joints) is going to really help.

If bandai for example were to do the destroids in macross frontier or the VB6, I would hope that they'd consider those limbs so that instead of flopping down to the side, they'd consider clicky joints to solve the problem instead of just making the joint tight. (but which may over time, go loose easily the more you transform it)

CMs tread has made me a big fan of the clicky joint. Maybe the look of the toy might even suffer due to having an ugly appearance but it might be worth it so the toy doesn't have problem standing up or holding a pose on a stand in robot mode where limbs are extended. You could have the tread in robot mode in a superman style flying pose, and the hip joints won't give to cause the legs to droop down. Clicky joints allow for better battroid/robot mode love. Yamato have been good at locking things together in fighter modes, now they can focus on improving robot modes.

Let's say for example the spartan destroid comes out, and you can have the robot hold the billy club. The shoulders shouldn't droop down under the weight of the weapon it is holding in its hand. The clicky joints you have on the shoulders of the CMs Legioss and tread (and they are all plastic btw) would solve that droopy arm problem once and for all so that no matter how many times you wanted to fiddle with the pose you don't risk loosening it.

When you get to mech designs like the vf-11 from macross 7 where it can wear the armor and hold a huuge gunpod, clicky joint would be a must. Without clicky joints you wouldn't be able to put it on a stand in battroid mode floating in space holding the gun and wearing the armor without the "droopy limb" syndrome that you get with normal friction joints on yamatos.

Granted it might not be necessary for some robots with short limbs and small gunpods, but just for durability reasons alone the clicky joint feels good on toys.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  Valkyrie addict said:
DAMN, imagine Yamato's oversized box for this... :wacko::blink:

It would be the size of an American SUV.


hahaha...Yamato could make the 1/60, weathered it and add the Monster girl pin up.... mark it limited

and we can see how this will sell on ebay for thousand of dollars and bitch about the horrible shipping fees the seller has marked for it ^_^

  ruskiiVFaussie said:
aeh, we are talking about the monster, lol whoops, yes, the box will be flippintastically huge.

flippintastically :lol: Do you make these words up as you go?

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