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it looks nice, i hope hlj can send me the gx-19 and the optimus before x-mas ...

about the face of optimus I think it's too little it should hide more of the face.

for people who have already it or who have the information, what s its weight ? how much die-cast in it ?

Posted (edited)

HLJ has got mine in processing so its just a matter of days until I get my hands on the most anticpated TF ever!!!


OH WOW!!.. The vents [on the shin] also open and close. That is so awesome!!!

Edited by GDomino

When I checked my order status I got this.

Order Stop This is a new item that has not yet been released by the manufacturer. We have already taken more orders than we expect to be able to fill. No further orders will be accepted until supplies are confirmed when the product is released.

I also had to reenter the shipping request. What's that all about? I already did that a week ago.....and now I have to do it again. The worst part is that they're away for the weekend.

This might be the last time I order from HLJ.com :ph34r:

......I wish I had my processing. :(

When I checked my order status I got this.

Order Stop This is a new item that has not yet been released by the manufacturer. We have already taken more orders than we expect to be able to fill. No further orders will be accepted until supplies are confirmed when the product is released.

I also had to reenter the shipping request. What's that all about? I already did that a week ago.....and now I have to do it again. The worst part is that they're away for the weekend.

This might be the last time I order from HLJ.com :ph34r:

......I wish I had my processing. :(

That sucks dude...

I guess HLJ just didn't have enough on stock to go around for all the preorders they got... I've seen this time and time again. They really should start limiting on how much preorders they accept for what they figure will be a very hot item.

Have you tried BBTS?

When I checked my order status I got this.

Order Stop This is a new item that has not yet been released by the manufacturer. We have already taken more orders than we expect to be able to fill. No further orders will be accepted until supplies are confirmed when the product is released.

I also had to reenter the shipping request. What's that all about? I already did that a week ago.....and now I have to do it again. The worst part is that they're away for the weekend.

This might be the last time I order from HLJ.com :ph34r:

......I wish I had my processing. :(

Gah! I got the same message. Man am I peeved.... <_< Though! I ordered 2 from 2 different sources! Yes I was that determined to make sure I got one! ;) I predicted this might happen, so hopefully BBTS will deliver where HLJ fails.

Posted (edited)

Nevermind! He's in payment processing! WHOO HOO!

Hopefully he'll get here by the end of the year.

Edited by VF-19
Nevermind!  He's in payment processing!  WHOO HOO!

Hopefully he'll get here by the end of the year.

You lucky man you.

Well... I did have him on pre-order since he could be pre-ordered, which is about 2 months... Oh, my bank account is going to kill me...

Posted (edited)
Nevermind!  He's in payment processing!  WHOO HOO!

Hopefully he'll get here by the end of the year.

You lucky man you.

Well... I did have him on pre-order since he could be pre-ordered, which is about 2 months... Oh, my bank account is going to kill me...

So did I actually. :(

Edited by GobotFool

Cant' wait for mine either :D

Love your pics ( especially Prime vs Unicron :lol: ) and what a wide range of poseability :blink:


Love the Unicron vs. Prime pics. May have to get a Unicron after all.

Is Prime stable enough for me to pose him like this?


Love the Unicron vs. Prime pics. May have to get a Unicron after all.

Is Prime stable enough for me to pose him like this?

There is a picture of him on the back of the box in a down knee pose. Lower right corner.


LOL! especially love that last pic of Prime having Unicron in a head-lock, beating the living crap out of him.

If only I was brave enough to play with my toys like that....

Posted (edited)
Love the Unicron vs. Prime pics.  May have to get a Unicron after all.

Is Prime stable enough for me to pose him like this?

There is a picture of him on the back of the box in a down knee pose. Lower right corner.

The pic you are talking about is not in the kneeling pose, in actuality its this:


----Purely speculation on my part, but I think the blocky calves would get in the way of achieving that kneeling pose...

Speaking of the back (panel) of the box, why does it have a pic of a transformed G1 OP (art pulled from the G1 box art)? The one with the exposed front wheels...

here's the pic (next to top most large pic of MPC Prime)



Edited by GDomino

It's seems that more and more people are getting their hands on Masterpiece Convoy (I guess I'm getting mine in January :( ).

There are two GREAT galleries (beautiful pics with SPOILERS) HERE AND HERE (pics with other Primes). B))B))B))B))


Hi guys,

Its a must get i must confess. Even though im a diehard Macross fan, i was blown away by its beauty and sculpt, not to mentioned the articulation and features incorporated into the overall design itself.

In the end i got myself two sets, one for display and one for MISB. Im sure you wun regret once you have this baby in your hands. Sheesh i just have to gourge on bread during lunch time for the next 2 weeks with the money i spend on the 1/48 VF-1J and MP OP, nevertheless its worth it as i couldnt help but admire it, its the feeling same as when i get my first 1/48. A truly Masterpiece.


Hi guys,

Its a must get i must confess. Even though im a diehard Macross fan, i was blown away by its beauty and sculpt, not to mentioned the articulation and features incorporated into the overall design itself.

In the end i got myself two sets, one for display and one for MISB. Im sure you wun regret once you have this baby in your hands. Sheesh i just have to gourge on bread during lunch time for the next 2 weeks with the money i spend on the 1/48 VF-1J and MP OP, nevertheless its worth it as i couldnt help but admire it, its the feeling same as when i get my first 1/48. A truly Masterpiece.


Gah! You lucky guy. 2 when I have none :(

Oh well, hopefully come January mine will come in.


Hey recon, can you let us know how much you paid for your Optimuses? :D Will need to allocate the proper funds, AND brace myself, in case I don't get to buy one because people like you had to get more than one! :D

Posted (edited)
Hey recon, can you let us know how much you paid for your Optimuses? :D Will need to allocate the proper funds, AND brace myself, in case I don't get to buy one because people like you had to get more than one! :D

Hey there BOB and Gobotfool,

Yah i must say its quite costly to get both of them as it really put a huge dent in my bank account, for this december, not only that i got the 1/48 VF-1J/Non Fps as well as a diamond ring for proposing to my fiancee...that really cost my whole bonus, but trust me guys its worth it.

Ok back to the topic and questions, the MP OP is really a work of art, just by looking at the figure alone is enough to have you mystified by its beauty and sculpt...handling and transforming will have you gasped at its weight, sturdiness, features as well as its mechanical design and transformation sequence. I must say those who were not really keen on the previous G1 or G2 issues due to its sculpt and size, this is a defintely must get ..why? cos its has the feel of a chunky monkey but yet process the beauty of a yamato 1/48..sorry about having to use macross products to describe the MP OP. keke :lol::p I intend to collect all of the MP OP series if they do ever release them...secretly im hoping for a MP GodGinrai version, cos Headmasters was my Fav TF anime during my time..boy will have to get 2 sets again if they do release...another big dent. :lol:;)

With regards to the price, i bought mine for both SGD$170 each which works out to roughly USD$99.3087, for those who are overseas, the shipping and taxes will be added on, so in all it will work out to be from the range of USD $90 to $110...close to the price of a 1/48. I must say alot of us here in SG have abit of MISB syndrome, one for playing and one for safekeeping. Someone even went to the extend of ordering 8 MP OP..why? he has a Mint in Seal Box Sealed Case (MISC) syndrome, 6 for keeping in the box (Each carton holds about 6 MPOP) and 2 for display, one in Robot form, one in truck form...boy he must be loaded!! :blink::huh:B)) . The reason i bought two is cos i will buy 2 of any toy i really love alot..just in case of emergencies it got damaged or lost and if i have a son in the future, these will be passed on to him too only at a later age...father has one, son also has his own toy too.

Final conclusion, get it while you can before scalpers jack up the market price due to its limited quantity...believe me you will enjoy this toy


Edited by recon
After seeing this pic, I hope Hasbro doesn't try to censor him even more so...



Bwaaaaah :lol::lol::lol:

Hey there BOB and Gobotfool,

Yah i must say its quite costly to get both of them as it really put a huge dent in my bank account, for this december, not only that i got the 1/48 VF-1J/Non Fps as well as a diamond ring for proposing to my fiancee...that really cost my whole bonus, but trust me guys its worth it.

Ok back to the topic and questions, the MP OP is really a work of art, just by looking at the figure alone is enough to have you mystified by its beauty and sculpt...handling and transforming will have you gasped at its weight, sturdiness, features as well as its mechanical design and transformation sequence. I must say those who were not really keen on the previous G1 or G2 issues due to its sculpt and size, this is a defintely must get ..why? cos its has the feel of a chunky monkey but yet process the beauty of a yamato 1/48..sorry about having to use macross products to describe the MP OP. keke :lol::p I intend to collect all of the MP OP series if they do ever release them...secretly im hoping for a MP GodGinrai version, cos Headmasters was my Fav TF anime during my time..boy will have to get 2 sets again if they do release...another big dent. :lol:;)

With regards to the price, i bought mine for both SGD$170 each which works out to roughly USD$99.3087, for those who are overseas, the shipping and taxes will be added on, so in all it will work out to be from the range of USD $90 to $110...close to the price of a 1/48. I must say alot of us here in SG have abit of MISB syndrome, one for playing and one for safekeeping. Someone even went to the extend of ordering 8 MP OP..why? he has a Mint in Seal Box Sealed Case (MISC) syndrome, 6 for keeping in the box (Each carton holds about 6 MPOP) and 2 for display, one in Robot form, one in truck form...boy he must be loaded!! :blink::huh:B)) . The reason i bought two is cos i will buy 2 of any toy i really love alot..just in case of emergencies it got damaged or lost and if i have a son in the future, these will be passed on to him too only at a later age...father has one, son also has his own toy too.

Final conclusion, get it while you can before scalpers jack up the market price due to its limited quantity...believe me you will enjoy this toy


Haha, it really sucks for a toy collector not having to live in HK or Singapore. No matter how you justify buying them expensive, it is no way anywhere as expensive for the rest of us. What's more, you're already buying two OPs and planning ahead for your future son! :lol:

I'm getting my cousin who's in Singapore, to buy one on my behalf. :p Thanks for the short review of this OP and for the idea on the price recon. I hope I get lucky.

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