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WOWZERS thats scary! :o



Is this the Hasbro or Takara version?

Is this supposed to be the battle damaged or pristine (a.k.a BLING BLING) version?

Are the smokestacks going to be circu..........UM. Are they going to be long or short?


Looks GREAT. I can't wait. B))

  UN Spacy said:
Is this the Hasbro or Takara version?

Is this supposed to be the battle damaged or pristine (a.k.a BLING BLING) version?

Are the smokestacks going to be circu..........UM. Are they going to be long or short?

hasbro - battle damage, short stacks

takara - clean, normal stacks

was it the mouth under the face plate?

*shudder* yes...

But in all actuality it could've been much worse....and it was pretty "ballsy" of the sculptor.


  Veifwan Es said:
was it the mouth under the face plate?

*shudder* yes...

But in all actuality it could've been much worse....and it was pretty "ballsy" of the sculptor.

I think its a good detail. Its not like your going to have to look at it all the time. If you don't like it keep the face plate on :)

I think its a good detail. Its not like your going to have to look at it all the time. If you don't like it keep the face plate on 

Oh I agree. It certainly won't make me cancel my preorder! :lol:

I guess I just assumed that there would be circuitry behind that mask..not a mouth....

  Veifwan Es said:
I think its a good detail. Its not like your going to have to look at it all the time. If you don't like it keep the face plate on 

Oh I agree. It certainly won't make me cancel my preorder! :lol:

I guess I just assumed that there would be circuitry behind that mask..not a mouth....

Well in the comics he gets his face ripped off a few times and he has this funky skelital mouth under it.


I was hoping the mouth would be more of a loudspeaker type thing, which would look even more creepy IMO. It's fine though, I dig little extras like that.

  GobotFool said:
with his mask off he looks like ultra magnus :blink:

......and with those teeth he's gotta have a great smile.


  Lightning 06 said:
Optimus Prime/Convoy actually had a mouth under there??

I think in the comics it might have been a speakerbox. I guess that's what Takara is shooting for....... :ph34r:



never mind, i just saw the pic. -shudders- man, that's scary, no wonder why he had that faceplate on the whole time!


Just for the record Hasbro has neither confirmed nor denied that MPC Prime will have the short stacks. On their site, they specifically state that they intend to have the full-length stacks. It's not Hasbro's fault if the stacks do get shortened though, it's those damn hippie child safety laws :D, the same laws that prevent us from ever seeing another G1 Megatron reissue or MPC. Now, the battle damage thing, that's all Hasbro there.

Posted (edited)
  mister_e said:
Just for the record Hasbro has neither confirmed nor denied that MPC Prime will have the short stacks. On their site, they specifically state that they intend to have the full-length stacks. It's not Hasbro's fault if the stacks do get shortened though, it's those damn hippie child safety laws :D, the same laws that prevent us from ever seeing another G1 Megatron reissue or MPC. Now, the battle damage thing, that's all Hasbro there.

Hasbro not at fault? Yeah right...

As mentioned by countless others, if Hasbro chooses to label their G1 reissue Prime (as well as a G1 reish Megs) and MPC Prime as "adult toys only and not for children under the age of __ because of choking, poking, etc. hazard" and then sell them at places reserved for adult toy collectors like music stores, hobby/comic shops, or e-tailers, they wouldn't have to deal with the US child safety laws. But since they are a mega corporation out for profit, they will probably choose the short stacks instead of the cartoon accurate ones (that only Freaky Fan boys know about) to basically sell more of the toy. Basically this expensive toy is obviously made to satisfy a broader customer base and was never intended only for the TF fan/collector who can afford them. In addition to us 'Freaky Fan Boys' who are a gimme anyways, Hasbro is also aiming for those kids who can convince their mommies to spend $75 or more on a toy of a character design they probably have no real attachment to and thus the need for the child proofed stacks.

Everyone knows mega corporations like Hasbro choose to be vague instead of having to explain the bottom line.

Edited by GDomino
  GDomino said:
  mister_e said:
Just for the record Hasbro has neither confirmed nor denied that MPC Prime will have the short stacks. On their site, they specifically state that they intend to have the full-length stacks. It's not Hasbro's fault if the stacks do get shortened though, it's those damn hippie child safety laws :D, the same laws that prevent us from ever seeing another G1 Megatron reissue or MPC. Now, the battle damage thing, that's all Hasbro there.

Hasbro not at fault? Yeah right...

As mentioned by countless others, if Hasbro chooses to label their G1 reissue Prime (as well as a G1 reish Megs) and MPC Prime as "adult toys only and not for children under the age of __ because of choking, poking, etc. hazard" and then sell them at places reserved for adult toy collectors like music stores, hobby/comic shops, or e-tailers, they wouldn't have to deal with the US child safety laws. But since they are a mega corporation out for profit, they will probably choose the short stacks instead of the cartoon accurate ones (that only Freaky Fan boys know about) to basically sell more of the toy. Basically this expensive toy is obviously made to satisfy a broader customer base and was never intended only for the TF fan/collector who can afford them. In addition to us 'Freaky Fan Boys' who are a gimme anyways, Hasbro is also aiming for those kids who can convince their mommies to spend $75 or more on a toy of a character design they probably have no real attachment to and thus the need for the child proofed stacks.

Everyone knows mega corporations like Hasbro choose to be vague instead of having to explain the bottom line.

Ummm....but it IS a toy....did I miss something? You think Takara wouldn't do the same? Just because they don't have to contend with the same laws as Hasbro doesn't mean they wouldn't do the same. Takara is a "mega corporation" just like Hasbro, and they're both "out to make a profit".

In the end, I'm not too worried about it, I plan to get both a Takara and a Hasbro version.


I cannot justify getting 2 OPs... well I can :rolleyes: but, I will not absolutely get the hasbro one even though they are cheaper. I saw my friends reissue of OP at TRU and I was disappointed because of the shortened stacks. I broke down and ordered the New Year's OP with the matrix from Takara and it was simply awesome. I do not want to get it where I will be simply disappointed with Hasbro's version. :angry:

Yes, I should be happy that Hasbro reissued the toy but the Takara version are a lot better to me. Hasbro has been a complete let down to me time and time again, and I for one will not support them. I rather get the takara versions of the g1 reissues than getting the hasbro reissues. The cover is a lot cooler looking than hasbro as well.

It seems to me that the Japanese picks up the slack in quality again. They did it in cars and now in toys.

Goes with the HG MPCs vs Yamato's 1/60 and 1/48. I have buyer's remorse on getting the MPCs and will not buy the Alphas unless they are cheap (which I will be on ebay looking for them.) Also I have sold my extras MPCs at a loss (sort of. I paid the Hunter VF-1J full price and never did afterewards.) :ph34r: Yes I know that the MPCs are made in China but so what? Looking at companies like HG vs Yamato and Takara vs Hasbro, you can see who made the correct decisions and better quality.

Posted (edited)
  Godzilla said:
I cannot justify getting 2 OPs... well I can :rolleyes:  but, I will not absolutely get the hasbro one even though they are cheaper.  I saw my friends reissue of OP at TRU and I was disappointed because of the shortened stacks.  I broke down and ordered the New Year's OP with the matrix from Takara and it was simply awesome. I do not want to get it where I will be simply disappointed with Hasbro's version.  :angry:

Yes, I should be happy that Hasbro reissued the toy but the Takara version are a lot better to me.  Hasbro has been a complete let down to me time and time again,  and I for one will not support them. I rather get the takara versions of the g1 reissues than getting the hasbro reissues.  The cover is a lot cooler looking than hasbro as well.

It seems to me that the Japanese picks up the slack in quality again.  They did it in cars and now in toys. 

Goes with the HG MPCs vs Yamato's 1/60 and 1/48.  I have buyer's remorse on getting the MPCs and will not buy the Alphas unless they are cheap (which I will be on ebay looking for them.) Also I have sold my extras MPCs at a loss (sort of.  I paid the Hunter VF-1J full price and never did afterewards.) :ph34r: Yes I know that the MPCs are made in China but so what?  Looking at companies like HG vs Yamato and Takara vs Hasbro, you can see who made the correct decisions and better quality.

Well, the Toynami vs. Yamato issue is alot different than Takara vs Hasbro. When you're talking about Yamato vs. Toynami you're talking about different toys completely, but when you talk about Hasbro vs. Takara, you're only talking about cosmetic changes (or in the case of Binaltech/Alternators, die-cast vs. plastic). The Takara and Hasbro MPC Primes are going to be 95% identical. Only difference is the paint scheme and POSSIBLY the short stacks. Hasbro's version even has the same die-cast content as Takara's. I'm not defending Hasbro or anything, if you prefer Takara's paint scheme and/or longer stacks, by all means get that one. Like I said, I'm getting both, I have no loyalty to either company.

Edit: spelling

Edited by mister_e
  mister_e said:
[ummm....but it IS a toy....did I miss something? You think Takara wouldn't do the same? Just because they don't have to contend with the same laws as Hasbro doesn't mean they wouldn't do the same. Takara is a "mega corporation" just like Hasbro, and they're both "out to make a profit".

In the end, I'm not too worried about it, I plan to get both a Takara and a Hasbro version.

Yes this is a toy but at $75+ a pop, this isn't your average kid's toy. This toy was originally announced as a quality toy for the collector---to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Transformers (as implied by Orson from TFW2005 who no longer is allowed to disclose any Hasbro info)...Heck we [well they] at various TF boards even voted to make OP to be the 20th anniv AND was even unveiled with the long smoke stacks at that TF convention in San Diego back in July...so in essence we all thought Hasbro and Takara was taking a page from Bandai's SOC line. Finally a TF toy made for us fan boys who wave a distinct connection with the original cartoons. But in typical Hasbro fashion, they are thinking with their pockets and they have obviously change their marketing stance to accomodate the younger age groups, hoping the cool factor' will also appeal to today's kids. They know they are pissing off the collectors when they are trying to accomodate both worlds but they don't give a f-ck as long as they take more of our money!

For the record I'm not bashing Hasbro [well, maybe I am]. I like some of the things they do. They've taken plenty of my cash because they made RID, the G1 reissues, and the soon to come Alternators line more readily available for us and at lower costs [and so far I've only imported reish OP and BT-01]. BUT Hasbro is again trying to steal Takara's fire and they fail to understand that the Japanese toy market is very successful because they have toys aimed for the collector [kids at heart] that want a quality toy to quench the nostalgia factor. And YES, Takara is also a corporation and no-one can stop them from cutting the stacks just to help Hasbro minimize losses from us importers but I have faith that Takara will do what it takes to keep the collector happy. They've done it countless times in the past. That's the difference between Takara and Hasbro. Takara and other Japanese toy companies like Yamato are often sincere about making their customers as happy as possible while Hasbro and companies like HG and Toynami just follow suit showing no real appreciation for their customers, producing overpriced and "not as good as they could be" toys.

Sorry for the long rant in what should've been a short reply again...

Posted (edited)
BUT Hasbro is again trying to steal Takara's fire
I don't think Hasbro is trying to steal Takara's thunder. Takara sells Hasbro the right to manufacture and distribute the molds in the US. If anything Takara is giving away its' thunder :p.
Takara and other Japanese toy companies like Yamato are often sincere about making their customers as happy as possible while Hasbro and companies like HG and Toynami just follow suit showing no real appreciation for their customers, producing overpriced and "not as good as they could be" toys.
I disagree. I think you are only fooling yourself if you think that the Japanese toy companies somehow "care" about you. The only thing they care about is your money. If it seems that they are catering to a more adult market, then I'm willing to bet that it's because their research has shown that's where they can make the most money and not because they really care about the fans. Conversely, if Hasbro is marketing their version to kids and adults alike, then it's most likely because that's where they feel they can make the most money.
And YES, Takara is also a corporation and no-one can stop them from cutting the stacks just to help Hasbro minimize losses from us importers
I wasn't trying to imply that Takara might shorten the stacks on their version to help out Hasbro's sales, I was trying to say that if Japan had the same child safety laws as the US then Takara wouldn't think twice about neutering ol' Prime.

I do respect your opinion. If you like Japanese toy companies better than their US counter-parts, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that (not that you need my approval anyway). It just bothers me when people bash a company for something that is pretty much out of their control. And, no, I don't believe it is a reasonable solution to only market this toy to adult collectors just because we feel they somehow "owe" it to us. The want to make money (just like ANY company) and that means marketing it to a wider audience.

Edit: grammar and such

Edited by mister_e
  CF18 said:
I can't resist to post this.

Awesome :blink: and very detailed : just have a look at Megatron with his Destron/ Decepticon Logo :lol:


And on a side note, the computers at Target have Prime listed at a mere $59.99. For that, I can easily ignore the brief period of exclusiveness that Toys We Be has, and just wait for him to show up elsewhere. Add to that the fact that dirty paintjob doesn't bother me at all, and I can't see myself spending the extra $25-40 just for Takara's long smokestacks. Others may have that extra money to blow on them, but I don't.


On the other hand, Hasbro and Orson have repeatedly stated that 20th Prime will have the same die-cast content as MP Convoy, and the people who've gotten copies of the short stack Prime (which we've generally assumed to be the Hasbro release) confirm that he has the same amount of diecast as the long stack prototypes floating around (chest, shins, etc).

It's more likely that they got 20th Prime mixed in with Binaltech vs. Alternators.


Owner of the HK toy news board was showing off his US version. Really cool engineering, but not extremely complex.

If you don't want to be spoiled by the transformation secrets, don't click!























Original post links. Try these if the pics in my host doesn't work. My unlimited host can be a little unstable.

























Simply amazing. Some kind of perfect transformation... I love it. It's simply fantastic!!! :rolleyes:

Mooommyy!!! My be-loved wiiiiifeeee!!! Do you know who has been a veeeeeery good guy this year??

Ideas for christmas...



My goodness...it's taking every ounce of my strength to NOT click on those links...I really want to see the pics but I also want to be surprised when I actually get my hands on the thing. Still....argh!!


Don't be worried, you'll be surprised anyway, for sure!!!

the most complicated transformation process for a transformer ever!!! Be-yo-u-ti-ful!


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