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Hi all, I'm new to the forum. Read the noobie section, went thru all three pages of Toy postings, even used the search function. I'm reasonably satisfied that my question hasn't been asked before...at least not that I can see! :)

Ok, I want a transformable Valkyrie toy. But which one? Its gotta be on the market, not be over say $150-$200, work well (good quality - I understand some toys have problems with their joints, assembly, etc.) and just be plain ol' cool.

What do you guys recommend?


AH, I used to have questions like that...

Welcome to MW!

Well the VF-0S with Ghost fighter is pretty neat. Nora's SV-51 is also a good one. YF-19 with Fast Pack kit and so far the YF-21 are all great valks with not much problems.

Hope it helps...


Well, depending on your personal tastes, there are different answers. Tell us a little more on what things are important to you and we can give you a more tailored response.


Posted (edited)
  dreadpyrat said:
...I'm reasonably satisfied that my question hasn't been asked before...at least not that I can see! :)...

Never been asked before. LOL! That's funny!

Anyway, on to bussines.

If you don't want to wait for the 1/60 VF-1 which is due to be released later this month, I'd say go with any 1/48 VF-1 release and get some FAST/strike packs to go with it. You can not go wrong with the 1/48's. It's big, it's PT (Perfect Transformation), it's sturdy, it's iconic, it's everything you want in a valk.

Edited by Dante74
  Dante74 said:
I'd say go with any 1/48 VF-1 release and get some FAST/strike packs to go with it. You can not go wrong with the 1/48's. It's big, it's PT (Perfect Transformation), it's sturdy, it's iconic, it's everything you want in a valk.

I agree on that. The 1/48 VF-1 with super parts is uberallis. Or like lonewolf said the vf-0s with ghost is really nice too.

Posted (edited)

Sounds like you want the old school valks (not Macross Zero, etc.), so here is a quick rundown:

You have three choices: (and this only includes 1/55 scales or larger)

1. 1/55 Re-releases: If you want a toy that you can fiddle with and throw around (while eating pizza or adobo), I say wait for the 1/55 releases that will be put out by Bandai and Toynami in the upcoming month(s). I believe they should easily be in your price range.

The Good: Tough as nails. You can almost transform them forever, and they'll probably always stand, snap in palce, etc. Easy to transform. The best designed toy ever. It's the "Tonka toy" of valks. Still a favorite among collectors.

The Bad: They look chunky and funny (hence "Chunky Monkey," the nick name given to them by people in this forum) when compared to the newer Yamato toys (read on). Stiff-looking, which is the reason I no longer own any. I'm in it for looks, since I don't play with them anymore. =) I play with myself, but that's a whole different story.


2. Yamato 1/48s: If you want a toy for looks and size, then go with a Yamato 1/48.

The Good: They look awesome! If you're planning to display it, this is the way to go. They're the tallest Valk on the market right now. Heavy in detail, etc. Poseable as hell. They look great in every mode.

The Bad: Not a toy. More of a model-toy. Some parts are very fragile. Pretty much all plastic, so they're not nearly as durable as the 1/55's mentioned above. Also, depending on what version you're looking for, price range may vary. But still, they should fall close to your maximum price range. Keep in mind that extras (armors) will cost ya about $100 more... people in this forum are always selling various 1/48 valks/parts, so this forum is a good place to shop. After 10 transformations/extreme poses, you'll notice the hip joints will wear out on you. I own one that has trouble standing (when it has the armor on) because of its history of transformations. I think it's fine when it's bare though...the armor adds on some weight.


3. Yamato 1/60: I'm not talking about the old 1/60's (which, personally, I don't recommend, I don't own any), I'm talking about the upcoming new release coming out in a month (someone above mentioned it).

The Good: They look awesome! Even more awesome-looking than the above mentioned 1/48. Closest thing to the Anime, looks-wise (perfect transforming, looks great in all modes). They're obviously not going to be as big as the 1/48. No details on the durability, but I'll still say that it won't be a "toy" like the 1/55.

The Bad: Again, not yet on the market so no details yet.


Tips on buying: In addition to buying from people in this forum, try valkyrie-exchange.com and amazon.com to get some good deals. I got my brown 1/48 for $119.00 (with no ridiculous shipping charge) from amazon.com. valkyrie-exchange is just as cheap (and his service is excellent!) and usually offers free shipping on pre-orders! I hardly never shop on ebay.... unless I'm looking for Filipino Macross Action Figures that fit my low budget. =)

Hope this helps. And beware, these valks are just like potato chips. NO ONE can eat just one. =)

But seriously, read on to what others have to say. I'm by no means an expert like a lot of the others in this forum. I'm speaking for myself, a casual collector (I only own three 1/48's, a jetfire arm, and a bucket of un-cooked adobo). I used to own a 1/60, some 1/55's... but i decided to keep the best, and sell the rest.

Edited by fifbeat

Hi, welcome dreadpyrat

if you saw the series and films MACROSS, you have an idea of valkyrie do you prefer?

Will you make a collection or just buy a walk.

if it's to make a collection, remains in the 1 / 60 and waitfor the vf1s 1 / 60 if it's the model that you want

otherwise take a VF1 1 / 48 (best tramsformation, solid) :D


Hi, wow, thanks everyone! IO totally expected a "piss off n00b" response becasue that is how most forums are these days but you guys have been so helpful! I truly appreciate it. Well, to answer some of your questions....

I tend towards the "classic" macross designs. I really like the ones with all the huge boosters on the back (like the super ostrich) and the one with a skull and crossbones(Fokker?), and lastly, which ever models have a head design similar to that of JetFire. That's the toy I had when I was a kid and my unwitting introduction to Macross.

Is there one that captures all of that? ;)


Sounds like you want a VF-1S (Roy Focker version) with Super or Strike Parts, I'll leave it to others to recommend scale as I don't actually own any Valks of my own (I wish, me poor).

Posted (edited)

Yup affirmative. sounds like you want a VF-1S with super parts (not armor parts). Now it will come down to personal preference between the 1/48 scale and the v.2 1/60 scale one which is to be released (this month?). You can look at the comparison shots and make a decision. I was for a while sold on the new V.2 1/60 scale but have gone back to preffering the 1/48 scale instead. Of course non of us own the v.2 1/60 scale vf-1s yet.


A new 1/48 scale VF-1S with Super Parts will run you about $195 (+ shipping)

A pre-owned or used 1/48 scale VF-1S with Super Parts will run you somewhere around $160 (+ shipping)

A new V.2 1/60 scale VF-1S with Super Parts will run you about $120 (+ shipping)

Edited by miriya

my opinion:

1) the original 1/60 yamatos are nice and heavy, great in fighter mode, but turds in the other two modes

2) yamato 1/48...too big, plastic is cheap looking, transformation is finnicky, there's no metal in it, and I've never been happy with the hands. Every one I've owned, I've ended up selling except for 3.

3) Bandai 1/55s...this is the classic jetfire looking guy you remember. If you want something that reminds you of your childhood, can be picked up, moved around and manhandled without falling apart or losing its"pose", this is the one to get. Looks good in all modes, but isn't espeically poseable. Also has a nice mix of metal and plastic, so it has a good heft to it.

The yamatos all tend to have a dull plastic, while the bandais have nice shiny plastic, which has always appealed to me more.

If you don't want the old school looking ones, wait for the new yamato 1/60s that are coming out. They appear to be the best option available.


get a 1/55. they're pretty cheap too and it may/may not satisfy your need for valks in a sub-$100 package. if you don't break it, if the cost of buying it AND another valk doesn't break YOU, if you feel the need to buy something better... then you know a 1/48 is right for you.

My 1/48 is the prize of my collection but i'd be very unsatisfied if i didn't have my 1/55. when my roommates are out i still click it through it's modes and zoom it around the living room, i've even dropped it once (though i don't reccomend this, chunky monkey or not, the wings and tails are thin.)

start with a 1/55.

they make great gifts to jr. macross fans too (if you decide it's not for you)


Thanks again all! Ok, looks like the VF-1S is my objective. I'm not clear on the difference between Super and Strike but I definitely want one with the big booster jets on the back....one version seems to have one booster and one double barreled cannon.

Amazon didn't turn up any Bandai VF-1S listings...any sellers you'd recommend?

Posted (edited)

The closest to the Jetfire is the VF-1S valkyrie. I advise skipping the original 1/60 scale VF-1S Focker as it doesn't look that good compared to the more recent versions, the die-cast legs lose paint easily and the hip joints get pretty loose causing it to fall in battroid. You also have to completely detach the legs from the body to transform it into battroid (lots of arguments on whether or not that was perfect transformation or not).

A number of people LOVE the 1/55 scale valkyries made by Bandai. They are affectionately nicknamed "chunky monkeys", due to their thick parts. They're very very durable, are good designs from the 80s, and are very simple to transform. The gunpod cannot store underneath in fighter mode and won't attach to the arm unless you use a clip that it comes with. Heatshield is something you have to attach I believe (I own a bootleg from the 80s, it didn't come with a heatshield). Posability is very limited due to the design of the toy (legs can only go back and forth). It's a great starter toy, especially for those that feel nostalgic. I believe the 1/55 VF-1S Focker is available, but I haven't kept track on the Bandai reissues.

The 1/48 VF-1S by Yamato, is fantastic. I own a VF-1A (same body, different head and paint scheme). The only parts that aren't plastic are the pins/screws, landing gear parts, and the T-bar that is used in transformation to battroid. Despite its size, it's light and has pretty good posability. Comes with:

-a pilot figure

-integrated heatshield (stores inside in fighter and gerwalk, comes out during transformation to battroid)

-collapsible gunpod that stores underneath the VF-1 in fighter mode and can stay attached to the arm in battroid


-intake covers for transformation to battroid

If you like the look of the VF-0S (what Roy used before the VF-1S in the Macross timeline), Yamato made it in 1/60 scale. Be sure to pick up the version that comes with a Ghost Booster, as it has vital fixes that you won't necessarily get on the other VF-0 releases. In addition to coming with everything that the 1/48 VF-1 has, it has a cleaner fighter mode that allows for the arms and shoulders to store without bulging out like the 1/48 VF-1. It has an improved transformation sequence over the VF-1 (they have similar transformations, the VF-0 toy has an improved transformation for attaching the legs). The pilot seat rotates with pilot figure for transformation into battroid.

The 1/60 scale VF-1S version 2 is coming out soon. It has even more posability than the previous VF-1 and VF-0 releases (double jointed elbows). It has a transformation that is revised with a VF-0 type nose hatch for leg connectability in battroid mode, and the nose slides along rails to make the nose section in battroid mode shorter (like the VF-0). The arms and shoulders now stow correctly in fighter mode and no longer hang low. The legs are thinner now, the hands are larger (people thought the hands on previous releases were too small), and there are a number of added details that the previous versions didn't have.

It's not out yet, so no advice on what version to get, since we don't know of any possible quality control problems or things that aren't quite right but will be fixed on future versions. However, it should be noted that QC has been pretty high lately, and it sounds like there are relatively few problems with the current YF-21 valkyrie toy that's been released.

Check out the macrossworld toy gallery to look at the different VF-1s available, read the reviews using the search function here in the forums, and decide what you like best from there. :)

-addition: the difference between Super and Strike is that Super is the two rocket packs, Strike is the one with the double-barreled cannon that replaces the tip of one rocket pack.

Amongst many places that sell the Macross toys, one that comes off the top of my head is Hobbylink Japan. I don't know if Tam at Twin Moons Anime is selling any 1/55 Bandai VF-1 toys, I bought stuff from him before and he was a great guy. Very friendly. Otherwise you might want to check and see if Kevin at the Valkyrie Exchange is doing anything with the Bandai 1/55 valkyrie toys, as I believe he's gotten back into selling some Macross toys on a limited basis (he's a great guy, I bought a number of valkyries from him before he shut down for a bit.).

Don't forget to check through our "For Sale and Trade" sub-forum for the "Straightshooters list" and "Blacklist" to see what places/people are good and which ones to avoid. Avoid Hobbysearch, they're on the blacklist.

Edited by Sumdumgai

Start with a 1/55, durable, still good amongst transforming jet toys of today, looks great, sleek, high quality, and a classic. What it has over most reissues of classic gokin, transformers or any other vintage robots is articulation; the only thing really missing is a ball jointed leg system or a way for universal hip rotation.

Start from there, it can only get better detail/aesthetic/appearance/accuracy-wise from there.


Wait for the 1/60 vf-1 because it will:

-have a nice look in all modes.

-Better poseability from the old 1/48

-Details comparable to 1/48 which so far is considered the king for vf-1 in terms of using it for display. (more than playing)

-support for future two seater valkyrie fighter (that means elint, ostrich, vf -1d etc)

-cheaper than 1/48

-smaller than 1/48 so it saves space (to display more?)

-to scale with all the newer 1/60 macross toys (like the bandai VF-25 or yamato's old 1/60 Qrau)

-if it breaks spare parts are easy to find here :D

-I have a feeling there is an increase chance of more *diverse releases due to lower price point so more people can afford it

*where a more expensive toy would be harder to sell due to costing more, a cheaper one means more people to sell to. People that might not have bought say an angel birds paintscheme at 1/48 size, might be tempted at 1/60 since it won't burn as huge a hole in the wallet. Maybe yamato can sell more by bringing the price point down, and they can start taking more risk with unpopular characters?


VF-1S: Four Head Lasers

VF-1J: Two Head Lasers

VF-1A: One Head Laser

Roy was the leader of Skull Squadron and piloted a VF-1S. In Macross: Do You Remember Love his VF-1S was equipped with fast packs, boosters, and a strike cannon (this is the double barrel cannon you're referring to). Hikaru pilots a VF-1S in DYRL as well which is also equipped fast packs, boosters, and a strike cannon. Hikaru, Max, and Kakizaki all piloted VF-1A's in their respective colors with fast packs and power boosters in DYRL; these three along with Roy made up Skull Squadron. There are also several cannon fodder VF-1A's, the tan/beige fighters in DYRL and the TV series. These were given the name cannon fodder because they are always seen being blown away by enemy fighters.

In the TV series, Hikaru piloted a VF-1J Valkyrie Figther. He later piloted Roy's VF-1S after he was killed in battle. Max and Miria both pilot VF-1J's in the TV series as well, while Kakizaki pilots a VF-1A.

Bang for your buck, the 1/48 VF-1 fighters win hands down. I was in your shoes towards the end of January earlier this year. Be warned that if you buy one you will no doubtedly want more. I started out looking for a G1 Transformers Jetfire figure, and now own every 1/48 Valk made by Yamato along with a few customs. It's very addictive!

Make sure you look for second edition releases. There are subtle differences in the releases. I'll let someone else explain those to you.

You will find the guys around these parts most helpful. I'm the leader of the Ballchinian Brigrade and will answer any questions I can; understand I still consider myself a newbie at all this too. I've only been collecting since late January.

Welcome to the forums!



Posted (edited)

The new 1/60 VF-1S, hands down (judging by what you want). It'll give you time to set aside the money for it. But if you're impatient, you can opt for the 1/48 right away. Normally I'd say buy whatever valk that comes from your favourite Macross show that you've seen (Macross Plus, Macross Zero, the original, etc.).

p/s: The Nora above is a hawt thing to get ;)

Edited by renkenjutsu

Wow guys, more great info! Im really digging on some of these newer valk designs, the more I dig around. I went thruthe entire gallery as suggested and saw some valks I really like and alos thought up a couple of questions.

This one, I think is a must have, the Yamato 1/60 VF-0A/ I really dig how clean the lines are and how it is bristling with armament.


Now, what is this?


And this?!


Sorry, I swiped those pics from the gallery, hope that was ok...


If you like the design of the VF-0, go with the VF-0S with Ghost instead of the VF-0A with ghost. No QC issues on the VF-0S which the Shin's VF-0A with Ghost might have.


It is really hard to find stealth FP's nowadays, but that 1S hikky looks as sharp as a tack.

  dreadpyrat said:
Wow guys, more great info! Im really digging on some of these newer valk designs, the more I dig around. I went thruthe entire gallery as suggested and saw some valks I really like and alos thought up a couple of questions.

This one, I think is a must have, the Yamato 1/60 VF-0A/ I really dig how clean the lines are and how it is bristling with armament.

The VF-0 is a beauty.

The VF-0A (grey) supposedly has some chemical reaction problem between the plastic and rubber in the shoulder joints. They will crack/explode over time and the arms may fall off.

The VF-0S (white with yellow/black markings) is supposed to have the joint problem fixed. Just make sure you get the version that comes with the extra armaments.

Posted (edited)

Personally, I prefer the DYRL valks in 1/48 scale. I started my collection with the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru and later added the FAST pack to it. But by itself the VF-1S Hikaru is still iconic and at the same time I've seen it on sale for about $130 plus shipping. In fact you could collect the whole DYRL Skull Squadron for a pretty reasonable sum, relatively speaking. Of course, it make may take time to get all four, not to mention getting the FAST packs for them. The cheapest one out of all of them that I've seen is the VF-1A Kakizaki which I've found for around $100 plus shipping. They're all well made and for the most free of QC problems. If you're not interested in collecting a whole squadron per se and just want to get your 'feet wet' to see if this something that you want to do long term, you can't go wrong with the VF-1S Focker. However, there have been issues (accept for the 2nd run, I believe) with crooked skulls on the tailfins. Mine has this issue but it doesn't bother me. Or you could go with the series icon: the VF-1J Hikaru. That was the second one that I bought and I bring it out to admire it more than any of my other valks. But that's just me. For the most part, you can't go wrong with the 1/48 VF-1 series. Hope this helps you in your decision but be careful...collecting valks, not to mention all things Macross, can become a very expensive addiction.

Edited by shogun029

Maybe it is just me thinking this since I don't own any Valks now, but I can't see why I'd want so many of the same type. What I mean if if I get a VF-1, I'm more likely to get a VF-1S Roy or a VF-1J Max (or VF-1A Max from DYRL) and then I'd be good on the VF-1. I can't imagine why I'd want to spend all the money on so many of them when the difference is head and color for the most part. However.. I can see me wanting to get more than one VF-25 when that comes out because I like the S, F, and G (don't care for the RVF though) so that will be a decision.

Maybe it is because I am low budget and know I'd never be able to get more than one for a long while. Either way it is on my list to get a good VF-1 and a VF-25 when that line is released, looks like the Yamato 1/60 VF-1 line is what I'll go with sometime in the future.


As a disgruntled owner of a VF-0A with disintegrated shoulders, I recommend getting the VF-0S Focker with Ghost Booster, as it will have the fixed arms that won't crumble.

Posted (edited)
  Master Dex said:
Maybe it is just me thinking this since I don't own any Valks now, but I can't see why I'd want so many of the same type. What I mean if if I get a VF-1, I'm more likely to get a VF-1S Roy or a VF-1J Max (or VF-1A Max from DYRL) and then I'd be good on the VF-1. I can't imagine why I'd want to spend all the money on so many of them when the difference is head and color for the most part. However.. I can see me wanting to get more than one VF-25 when that comes out because I like the S, F, and G (don't care for the RVF though) so that will be a decision.

Maybe it is because I am low budget and know I'd never be able to get more than one for a long while. Either way it is on my list to get a good VF-1 and a VF-25 when that line is released, looks like the Yamato 1/60 VF-1 line is what I'll go with sometime in the future.

I guess deciding whether you want to collect all variations of the VF-1 or not depends on several factors:

1.) How much money you're willing to spend on collecting them.

2.) How much room you have in your house to actually display them.

3.) If applicable, how amenable your spouse or significant other is to your collection taking up space in the house and taking away from money that 'should' be spent on her.

4.) How much of a completist you are.


5.) How much money you're willing to spend on collecting them ^_^

Edited by shogun029

Nice call making 1 and 5 the same thing, heheh. Yeah that is the biggest problem for me, money and there isn't much of it. Room to display isn't a problem, I display other models and figures I have, just no Macross... yet. I have no significant other in my life right now (to my dismay, but enough on that), so it isn't a factor for this. I've never been a completist, that can be proven by seeing my Transformers collection. I am a huge TF fan, but I have probably no more that 15 figures total (all from assorted lines). At least for TF, and probably how I will go about Macross is I don't go collecting all or a lot, just what I truly desire and want to have. As such some of the things in my TF collection I knew I needed to have include Movie Optimus Prime, Masterpiece Optimus Prime (I don't have the MP-04 trailer though), and Masterpiece Starscream (I can say I own something Kawamori designed).

So after going through that list it seems mostly a combination of lack of money and that I don't feel I need to have a complete set at all. However I know I need to have a few Valkyies someday, like I said a VF-1 and a VF-25 are my goals for now (I might go for a YF-19 someday, and maybe a YF-21... depends). The Valkyies of Macross represent a lot of the best engineering ideas I've seen for a fighter jet platform (I've mentioned before I am an Aerospace Engineering student) so it is hard for me to not want them for just that reason, Macross being such a fantastic series only compliments that.

  Master Dex said:
Nice call making 1 and 5 the same thing, heheh. Yeah that is the biggest problem for me, money and there isn't much of it. Room to display isn't a problem, I display other models and figures I have, just no Macross... yet. I have no significant other in my life right now (to my dismay, but enough on that), so it isn't a factor for this. I've never been a completist, that can be proven by seeing my Transformers collection. I am a huge TF fan, but I have probably no more that 15 figures total (all from assorted lines). At least for TF, and probably how I will go about Macross is I don't go collecting all or a lot, just what I truly desire and want to have. As such some of the things in my TF collection I knew I needed to have include Movie Optimus Prime, Masterpiece Optimus Prime (I don't have the MP-04 trailer though), and Masterpiece Starscream (I can say I own something Kawamori designed).

So after going through that list it seems mostly a combination of lack of money and that I don't feel I need to have a complete set at all. However I know I need to have a few Valkyies someday, like I said a VF-1 and a VF-25 are my goals for now (I might go for a YF-19 someday, and maybe a YF-21... depends). The Valkyies of Macross represent a lot of the best engineering ideas I've seen for a fighter jet platform (I've mentioned before I am an Aerospace Engineering student) so it is hard for me to not want them for just that reason, Macross being such a fantastic series only compliments that.

I'm the same with my Transformers collection, if you can call it that. For a time, I was collecting the Alternators line with the aim of collecting them all. But, I found that I didn't want to pay $70 to $90 for a Prowl (I got Red Alert for a great price) and I just didn't want to collect all of them. I kept Red Alert, Wheeljack and Smokescreen and said 'good-bye' to the rest.

But with valks it's different. I feel compelled to collect all of them..within reason. No offense to anyone else but I don't feel the need to get an Angelbird, a Low Vis. version 1 nor a weathered edition Focker to 'complete' my collection. I mean they're cool, I'll admit. But in my mind I've drawn the line at spending $300 or $400 dollars on a 'toy' albeit a very well-designed and nostalgic one. That's why I appreciate Dreadpyrat's (Roberts? ^_^ ) original question about which valk he should purchase. It seems that he's trying to be judicious about where his money is going and is looking to get value for his money. I think we all are in one way or another. Collecting 'em all may not be the best way to go if that's the case.

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