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Well seeing how I don't have the money to buy a computer I'm not gonna worry about it.

As for your sound, go to start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> Entertainment = Volume Control check your settings there if you got a microphone option.

If not, in that same location you also got a sound recorder then go to Edit, Audio Properties then select Sound Recordings wher eyou can tweek your settings there go to advanced and deselect Mic Boost, that's the number 1 cause of cracking and background noise.


Well, as much as that helped, it still sounds bad...

I just realized how stupid I am. I have a palatial expander. There's no way I can speak clearly!

In the words of Bender, "Eh, screw da whole thing."

Thanks for the advice, though.


OT for the most part...

I guess I might have to mess with XP 64-bit. The problem is I need access to as much ram as possible for aps like 3ds max and After Effects, and the 32-bit OS's don't give me anything above 4GB (in my understanding), so, I gotta play with fire.

Meanwhile, hopefully I'll get the rest of my lines turned in tonight.

And, Jason -- the ice field stuff has impressed all of us. I can't wait to get finished with stupid RL jobs and get to work on the character models.

And, Jason -- the ice field stuff has impressed all of us. I can't wait to get finished with stupid RL jobs and get to work on the character models.

Yeah, tell me about those jobs we all punch a clock to...My job is stressful as can be, I get strange days off, and people are just a pain to deal with. On the good note, I just got a significant raise and saw it on this paycheck, so I'll have a little more room to buy stuff while saving.

Hikuro, I hope you get more people wanting to audition for the missing parts and all. It'd suck to have this on halt. Perhaps creating another thread here for episode two may help or something.

Got some Afrin today, and you're right. It works friggin' wonders!

For the first time I can remember, I can breathe!

Good, now audition for sumthin' already!!! But seriously, that's good news. Hope you give that mic a workout.

  SchizophrenicMC said:
Got some Afrin today, and you're right. It works friggin' wonders!

For the first time I can remember, I can breathe!

I know, right? It's crazy. I didn't ever really have a sense of how much I couldn't breathe until a few years ago I did some acupuncture and it cleared me up like whoa. But eventually that wore off. And was hella expensive. The Afrin is out of control though. I would recommend you don't go too crazy with it, though. I find that sometimes it irritates my sinuses or something. Not right away, but like the next day I wake up, and weird things are going on in my nose. I'm basically reserving this stuff for whenever I have to do voice work.

Anyway, with luck, today I'll finish my lines for Ep 2.


  chillyche said:
I know, right? It's crazy. I didn't ever really have a sense of how much I couldn't breathe until a few years ago I did some acupuncture and it cleared me up like whoa. But eventually that wore off. And was hella expensive. The Afrin is out of control though. I would recommend you don't go too crazy with it, though. I find that sometimes it irritates my sinuses or something. Not right away, but like the next day I wake up, and weird things are going on in my nose. I'm basically reserving this stuff for whenever I have to do voice work.

Anyway, with luck, today I'll finish my lines for Ep 2.


Yeah, I agree. Save it. It feels weird. I CAN'T MOUTH BREATHE!

Also, I have this weird, cold feeling at the back of my mouth...

This stuff works better than a prescription I had once.

I'll try auditioning for something, I guess... Preferably a cannon fodder or other helmetted role, because they have short lines, don't have to sound awesome, and it doesn't matter if they have an orthodontic device in their mouth.


Always looking for extras so it's not like I'd mind.

But here's some bad news for you all. Macross related items on my youtube account are banned...surprisingly I can keep the ones I've currently got. I've uploaded Frontier1.1 a dozen times, along with other Macross related items, and they're all disabled due to Infringments. Guess that's popularity for you. Bandai doesn't like competition lol.


What a bunch of B.S., I guess. Bandai should be thankful that there's an english version out for people here in the U.S., and other english speaking countries to get into their series. They should be sending you a thank you letter, and helping you out. Just my $0.02. At least it's available through other means. Thanks for that. Oh, read your post Hikuro about probably having a Bobby. Who did you pick?

  chillyche said:
Ew. Who takes somebody else's nasal spray?

I don't know. Got a new bottle, though.

Currently, I'm unable to record because my father (Whom is deaf) is using his video phone (Government grant lets him get a Sorenson VRS VP200 for free. It uses ethernet to transmit its signal) in my room. Why is it in my room? He's an ass, and that's all I can think of.

He's really loud, so he'd register pretty noticeably in the recording.

He uses that thing near-constantly, lately... <_<

Posted (edited)
  Hikuro said:

Got a little bit of a sample here, nothing too spectacular, but it'll help ease some people waiting to see this.

I get about 4 or so messages a day on youtube of people wanting to know when the next release is. Sadly, they wont be seeing it on youtube.

Pretty good, Hik.

Same to you, Che and Cristina.

Anyway, we move on to my nitpick: I know it's not done, but I'm gonna say when I get the chance, I'm volunteering for the intro. Your voice is too... Teenage pilot for the ominity one would expect from an intro about the history of humans blah blah blah.

Again, it's the Shin Kudo note. You're good in some roles, not in others.

That, though, is my only nitpick, aisde from Ranka and Michelle versus Lanca and Michael. And those are practically invalid points, since it's spelled Ranka and sometimes pronounced Michel.

Now, git 'r done promptly, so's I can watch the awesoem that is Dark Heroes Entratainment.

Edited by SchizophrenicMC

Not bad at all so far. Can't wait to hear when it's mixed completely and all lines are in. Was any part of that with alternative music, or was that the same that was in the original Japanese?

the whole segment was the alternate tracks.

Then I must say, good job on capturing the drama of the moment in that scene with proper music. It fits nicely, and no issues it seems.

  Jasonc said:
Then I must say, good job on capturing the drama of the moment in that scene with proper music. It fits nicely, and no issues it seems.

My sentiments, exactly.

Looking on other fandubs, your Macross dubs are the best I've seen, Hikuro. I was looking at a few attempts at CLANNAD, and they all failed to varying degrees. This, however, is win.


Well it took sometime to piece together I think 3 tracks to get that to work out. I think it's pretty much the same substance that was in Episode 2 but the original was like a remix of those 3 to fit into what they wanted. That's what I really hate.

Even the ending piece is the same, it's Zero Hour I think but with only the backdrop of the song and not all the other instruments in it...where as mine is everything just nicely edited into what I needed.

I got a few lines from people buuuuuuut still got a lot to go and the VAA went belly up I think yesterday so I got nothing coming in for auditions. However Steve got a few girls he thinks will fit the bill.


I managed to get a few people too turn in lines, but still not enough, not even close. There's only 13 days left....dum dum dum!


waiting on a lot more, still don't have a full bridge crew just yet. extras are sort of ticking me off, none of them have turned in lines.

  Hikuro said:
waiting on a lot more, still don't have a full bridge crew just yet. extras are sort of ticking me off, none of them have turned in lines.

Gimme some lines for the extras (And, I'd like to try the intro, for kicks), and I'll try some stuff.


Hikuro, I don't know what you had planned for me, if anything, but if you needed extras, I didn't get anything as far as what you needed. PM me and let me know what's going on. Also, let me know what additional voices you need. I've been talking to a couple people who may be able to fill in some spots quite well. Let me know.


I think I got the one and only male extra done....I'll have to check my list to be sure if that was the only one or not...I don't think it was. I guess I'm having email problems or something since I just had someone quit on me when I received an audition from them yet I didn't receive the lines they did.

But it just goes to show you I'll probably have to stop after Episode 2 cause the VA's are getting a little frustrated I think...I do tend to be annoying and bug them a lot over lines.


Hopefully you got some more good auditions in. I'd like to see more of these pan out. SchizophrenicMC, are you gonna try for narrator? Is there even a narrator in the 2nd episode? I haven't seen it in awhile. What other characters are you looking for?


Just looking for Canaya now I think. And there's a narrator in every episode at the beginning explaining the details of the storyline, spacefolds, protoculture all sorts of stuff.

Everythings do next week....but I'm long passed worried.

  Hikuro said:
Just looking for Canaya now I think. And there's a narrator in every episode at the beginning explaining the details of the storyline, spacefolds, protoculture all sorts of stuff.

Everythings do next week....but I'm long passed worried.

I thought it was spelled Canalia...


The project has been canceled. I just couldn't get enough lines to really complete anything and I've still got Canaya unfilled. There's just no point if I can't get all the mains up and running along with extras...I didn't even have anymore male extras, it's just all female.


Ah, shame. That's too bad. It seemed like a promising project. How about the Macross Zero Project?

Ah, shame. That's too bad. It seemed like a promising project. How about the Macross Zero Project?

It'll probably go down the crapper too. which actually sucks cause the 2.0 of Episode 1 is REALLY good. I really wish I had kept the original voice overs and had just placed those over the new mix tracks I'd of been done so so long ago.


Why not just start from scratch? is it that hard to get some new VAs for it. The good thing about Zero, is that it's only 5 episodes, and what you have now is an awesome Roy Fokker. Like your DYRL project, finishing Zero would definitely get a good resume for you, and some notice on various boards and forums. I'd definitely help any way possible.

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