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For those in Japan looking for a binder to hold the next 10 issues: try the そーなんだ! (Sou nanda!) that's starting from this week by Deagostini. It's the same dimensions as the Macross Chronicle Binder, but only costs ¥190.

The only issue with it is that the binder rings are reversed (it looks like the そーなんだ! is published like a normal Japanese book). Otherwise, it's a great holder that won't hurt the bank.


A small recap of the first 30 issues of Chronicle. Taking into considerations only character and mecha sheets (including splash pages), total page count devoted to each series is:

168 Macross TV+DYRL+Flashback

122 Macross 7+7Movie+7Dynamite

54 Macross Frontier

46 Macross Plus

40 Macross 0

36 Macross II

Posted (edited)

Interesting, Nexxstrait. Seems like Macross II isn't getting the shaft, like some people think it is.

Anyhow, it's time to peer into our crystal balls, and guess at the remaining content for #40~50. Mine are:





03 VF-0D

05 Cheyenne

06 Ship-Borne aircraft - transport helicopters, refuelling craft, F-14A+ if we're lucky.




01d SDF-1 ship systems (fold drive, gravity control, PPB control, etc.)

03b have yet to see the magic hands... and the other 2 VF-1 sheets have a B.

05 VF-1D (VEFR-1/VF-1G if we're lucky)

16 Space ship-borne craft - Spider bug, Lancer II. Hound Dog, too???


02 Gluag

03 Nousjadel-ger


02 Fan Liner




02 VF-4




02c YF-21 transformation...

03c VF-11 transformation (or it'll be on the M7 sheet)

04 X-9 Ghost



01a City 7 / Battle 7

01c City 7

04b VF-17 Kai Sound Booster

06b VF-11 Full Armour (perhaps a D sheet with the transformation)

08b VF-19 Excalibur super packs <- Missed >.<

09b M7 Fleet: remaining 4 ships

11 ??? Destroids?

13 ???


01 Quadlunn-Rau

02 Meltraandi Fleet


01c transformation

02 Az-130 (maybe a B sheet, with transformation)

04b Varoota fleet: remaining 5 ships




01c transformation


02 Graham's Armour and launch ship/sled




01a~c Macross Frontier: a general, b Battle Frontier bridge, c City Frontier interior


01b Macross Quarter interior (bridge, carrier)

03a Super parts. Transformation, too?

09a Macross Frontier Citizen Vehicles <- Missed >.<


01a Varuta

?? (Macross Galaxy) Mainland

04 Macross Galaxy Fleet (Deneb Class, Darfim)




01D ship interior (non-bridge sections)

03a VF-1

03b Super VF-1

04a VT-1 and VE-1


01 Regult, Nousjadel-ger, etc.

04 Zentraadi fleet (rest of the ships)


03b Meltrandi fleet (rest of the ships)




01b VF-2SS FAST packs

02 VF-2JA Icarus

03 Metal Siren / VF-XX

05 UN Forces weapons (remaining unpublished mecha)

06b UN Forces Fleet (remaining ships)


Extra Sheet

Game and Advanced Valkyrie 1 <- Missed >.<

Game and Advanced Valkyrie 2 <- Missed >.<

Game and Advanced Valkyrie 3

Game and Advanced Valkyrie 4 <- Missed >.<

Edited by sketchley
Posted (edited)




01 UN wars?



02 UN Wars? SDF-1 rebuilding? Development of the UN Spacy?

05 Sara Mars Base?

15 Interstellar Wedding Missed! >.<

16 Destruction of Earth

17 post destruction of Earth



01 Minmei sayonara concert / departure of Megaroad 01



04b remaining Protodevlin

08 Basara wandering / destruction of Raks

10 End of the Varoota War



08 End of the Vajra War



01d VF missiles

01i ???

01j ???

01l ???

01p MF VFs

02b Destroid weapons/post SWI uses

03c I've been left with a feeling that there is more to say on Emigrant ships. Especially about Mainland 1.

12 Protoculture equipment/weapons

13 Supervision Forces equipment/weapons

15 Varoota equipment/weapons



01a Earth UN Government

02a UN Spacy

03a ???

04b Zentraadi Missed! >.<

08 Vajra

12 General Galaxy

13b Again, I'm feeling that there is more to say about SLR Emigration Fleets.

14 South Ataria Island

21 Zola

24 Varoota War

27 Propaganda Films Missed! >.<


I don't have predictions for the other sections, but I do hope that we get a rough description of the events of M3, Digital Mission VF-X, and VF-X2 in one of the extra sheets or good sheets. Also, I really hope that there will be an enemy weapons version of this coming weeks "fuselages/VFs that appeared in games" sheet.

Edited by sketchley
  sketchley said:
I don't have predictions for the other sections, but I do hope that we get a rough description of the events of M3, Digital Mission VF-X, and VF-X2 in one of the extra sheets or good sheets. Also, I really hope that there will be an enemy weapons version of this coming weeks "fuselages/VFs that appeared in games" sheet.

My predictions:

Character Sheets:



* 02A Mao Nome



* 01C and D Hikaru Ichijo

* 03B Roy Focker

* 04B Maximilian Jenius


* 06A - Kamujin Kravshera


* 03B People Aboard the Macross



* 03A Sharon Apple



* 02A Maximilian Jenius

* 03A Milia Jenius [or is she a civilian by this point...?]

* 04A Exsedol Formo

* 05A Captain Kinryu

* 12B Soldiers of Macross 7


* 03A Sivil


* 02H Mylene Flare Jenius [Just kidding! Maybe.]

* 05A Akiko hojo [or Milia if she's a civilian...]

* 06A Rex

* 07A Michael Johnson

* 09A ???

* 10A ???

* 11A ???

* 12A The Flower Girl

* 13A People of Macross 7



* 01A Emilia



* 01A Liza Hoyley [she IS in the military, right...?]


* 01A Basara Nekki

* 02A Mylene Flare Jenius


* 01A Rascher



* 01B/C Alto Saotome

* 08A Soldiers of SMS [Maybe...? I dunno.]



* 04A Maximilian Jenius / Hayao Kakizaki

* 07A People of UNS


* 02A Molk Laplamiz


* 01C Lynn Minmay

* 02A Lynn Kaifun

* 03A People Aboard the Macross



* 01A Sylvie Jena


* 03A Wendy Ryder

Posted (edited)

Edit: I know this's gonna sound rather frustrated, but I think after the most recent batch of sheets I have good cause to be.

  sketchley said:
Interesting, Nexxstrait. Seems like Macross II isn't getting the shaft, like some people think it is.

Oh you're entirely correct... Macross II isn't getting the shaft the way some people thought it would. In fact, it's been getting the shaft in a way most of us simply didn't expect. Yes, it's gotten a fair bit of coverage, more than any of us really expected it would, but the content of that coverage is virtually worthless... a mixture of internally inconsistent and blatantly incorrect information which varies in obnoxiousness from merely annoying to genuinely facepalm-worthy. If they're getting readily-available information wrong on a consistent basis, what's the bloody point?

Just for example, the recent Macross II Zentran mecha sheet's size comparison is completely incorrect, making the mecha substantially larger than the plethora of available sources (one of which is an official size comparison published in Macross II's This is Animation book and reprinted in several other publications) indicate they are. We're not talking splitting hairs over a foot or two, we're talking some of the mecha being represented at as much as 1.5x the size their original designers intended. Somewhat more excusable is their goof with the Giant Monster, inadvertently referring to it as the "Monster II" instead... though where they got the sizes for that is anybody's guess...

Edited by Seto Kaiba

#40 contents

* ■メカニックシート


・VF-17T ナイトメア改



* ■キャラクターシート




* ■タイムラインシート


* ■ヒストリーシート


* ■ワールドガイドシート



* ■テクノロジーシート


* ■用語辞典


* ■エクストラシート


・マクロス クロスオーバーライブ

#41 contents

* ■メカニックシート

・VF-0D フェニックス

・VF-19 エクスカリバー



* ■キャラクターシート




* ■タイムラインシート


* ■ヒストリーシート


* ■ワールドガイドシート


* ■テクノロジーシート


* ■用語辞典


・PCS反応~VF-5000B スターミラージュ

* ■エクストラシート



Btw, those who thinks they missed out on the Macross binders and don't want to go with Sketchley's quite frankly reasonable and financially sound alternative, hmv.jp has got them back in stock again.

  nexxstrait said:
#41 contents

For the language impaired...

(My comments in (bold))

Mechanic Sheet

* VF-0D Phoenix (More data and art...yummm)

* VF-19 Excalibur (VF-19F.... probably has the Super parts as well)

* Macross 7 (B-sheet probably)

* Vajra (sheet for the little ones???)

Character Sheet

* Mao Nome

* Millia Fallyna Jenius (M7 sheet?????)

* M7 Civilians

Timeline sheet

* Galaxy Fleet crisis (So we're gonna spend the next 9 issues with Frontier huh....)

World Guide sheet

* Zentradi

Technology Sheet

* Variable Fighter - Missiles (Nothing like spending an entire section on an Itano-circus)

Glossary Sheet

* Hassan - Vampire (Varauta army vampires, I guess)

* PCS Reaction - VF-5000 Star Mirage (Now we're getting to the VFs)

Extra Sheet

* Game & Advanced Valkyrie 4


Contents review #40


M7 01a: Macross 7: as expected. Interesting that it gives exact numbers of variable craft on the ship. Reverse has both modes, as well as the transformation sequence (simplified). I doubt we'll see a C sheet.

M7 04b: VF-17Kai: sound booster and cockpits. Doubt there'll be a C sheet (unless if the Mega-Speaker Pod isn't covered on a C sheet for the VF-19Kai)

MF 09a: MF fleet's citizen's vehicles: Ozuma's car, an announcment van, cable car, limo, a sedan, and "the car that Ranka rode in".

II 05a: UN Forces Weapons: GERWALKroid (about half the content), VF-XX (about 1/4) and UN forces helicopters and an extra report on the shuttle liner.


M7 03A: Max: covers the entire series. Wish there was more on the VF-22 pilot's suit. Ah well...

M7 04a: Exedoru: some cool rough art of him in the bridge. Otherwise...

SDFM: 03B: the people inside the Macross: the mayor, Miss Macross contestants, etc..

Timeline 48: content from eps #2~4 (I think)

History M 15a: interstellar wedding ceremony. Mostly on Max and Miria, but there's a juicy extrareport with all of their daughter's names.

Worldguide 13b: Super Long Range Emigration Fleet: a mix of stuff. Not quite sure how to summarize it. Nothing truly remarkable or unexpected. Hopefully the text has some juicy tidbits.

Worldguide 27a: Propaganda films (this issue's big question mark). The films: "Little White Dragon" (Jan. 2010), "Do you remember love?" (Feb. 2031), "the Lynn Minmei Story" (2045), "the Fire Bomber Story" (undated), "Bird Human -Tori no hito-" (Jul. 2059). The M7 content is IDed as TV. The extra reports are "propaganda ceremonies" 1 and 2. 1 is Lynn Minmei's Last Concert and the 30th Anniversary (the one from M+... can't remember the name at the mo'). 2 is the interstellar wedding (max, miria) and Reon Mishima becoming the President of the MF fleet.

Technology 02b: Destroids. This one is interesting. Extra report on the "Anti-Unification Alliance's "Destroid"". Reverse has a destroid development chart (how they all fit together), as well as their use in the SDF-1 (Monster for shooting reaction warheads at capital ships, Defenders and Phalanxs for shooting down inbound craft. And the Tomahawk and Spartan for stopping enemies that breach the ship and get inside. Someone should tell the Destroid thread elsewhere in MW about this sheet.

Glossary 17: High Manuever Missile and Bio-neural chips are on this page. Interesting. M+ Game Edition content: Neo-Gluag. MII: Nex Gilbert. Lost [strayed?] Zentraadi. (There's also an entry of the same name for M7).

Extra sheet Game and Advanced Valkyrie 3: my big question mark. Front VF-4G, VF-5000B and VA-3M. I'm not surprised that all four get limited coverage, considering that they're all covered elsewhere (FB2012, M7D and M7D, respectively. Reverse is all the VB-6. And most of that is the transformation sequence (!). Though, that's not entirely surprising, given that the MF VB-6 sheet doesn't have it. Only the VA-3M and VB-6 have stats.

Given that that was sheet 3, it makes me wonder what sheets 1, 2 and 4 are? Advance Valkyrie was that series of designs Kawamori did way back when. So that's what? All of sheets 1 and 2? Sheets 4 (+?) will be the remaining M3 content? Hopefully the Pheos Valkyrie, Neo-Gluag and so on get some space.

Extra sheet Macross Crossover Live: concert stuff, with concert goods occupying the bottom 1/3 of the reverse side. There's also a set list for both concerts.

The next issue promo page has art for the VF-0D, VF-19 firing missiles from it's super parts (the super part page?), Mao, and Aruto's Armoured VF-25 flying with the VF-27 in front of singing Ranka and Sheryl from the last episode of MF. I'm guessing it's for the "Vajra Homeworld Battle" history sheet. And then there's the Game and Advance Valkyrie #4 page yelling at me to speculate what the content of it is...


My comments in bold:

#41 contents

* ■メカニックシート

・VF-0D フェニックス drool

・VF-19 エクスカリバー

・マクロス7 so soon?

・バジュラ finally!

* ■キャラクターシート




* ■タイムラインシート


* ■ヒストリーシート

・バジュラ母星戦 curious

* ■ワールドガイドシート

・ゼントラーディ B sheet loves you, yeah

* ■テクノロジーシート

・バリアブルファイター/ミサイル drool10 & a little finally2 mixed in

* ■用語辞典


・PCS反応~VF-5000B スターミラージュ there better be content on the games content!!!

* ■エクストラシート

・ゲーム&アドバンスドバルキリー4 drool100


Unknown. When it's translated, we'll know. (If you're asking me to do it; then yes, it's on the list. No, it won't be translated for anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

It's a long list.)

  sketchley said:
Unknown. When it's translated, we'll know. (If you're asking me to do it; then yes, it's on the list. No, it won't be translated for anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

It's a long list.)

Would you be able to provide a digital photo or scan of the blurb?

Posted (edited)

In lurking deeper I found an old post by him about image snippets.

I don't mind translating the blurb (and sharing), but a starting point is an item of difficulty.

Edited by Ryu Connor
  nexxstrait said:
Final rush is on, only 10 splash pages remaining. My guesses:

- VF0D (done)

- Macross 25

- VF4

- Metal Siren


- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?

- VF-1D

- Glaug

- Nousjadeul-Ger (maybe)

- VF-1A (DYRL)

- Nousjadeul-Ger (DYRL)

  nexxstrait said:
Final rush is on, only 10 splash pages remaining. My guesses:

- VF0D (done)

- Macross 25

- VF4

- Metal Siren


Oh you have NO idea how happy that would make me... but it'll never happen. About the best we can reasonably hope for is a VF-4 cover page. By all accounts Chronicle's editors would much rather use main timeline designs for the cover, even if they're sinfully ugly like the VB-6, VF-19 Kai, VF-11MAXL, etc. etc. etc.

  Gubaba said:
- VF-1D

- Glaug

- Nousjadeul-Ger (maybe)

- VF-1A (DYRL)

- Nousjadeul-Ger (DYRL)

UH! I totally forgot about DYRL! I agree on the VF1D and maybe A. I also think VT1 and VE1 (even if there is not much lineart to go with, so maybe only a standard sheet) could get a splash page.

  Seto Kaiba said:
Oh you have NO idea how happy that would make me... but it'll never happen. About the best we can reasonably hope for is a VF-4 cover page. By all accounts Chronicle's editors would much rather use main timeline designs for the cover, even if they're sinfully ugly like the VB-6, VF-19 Kai, VF-11MAXL, etc. etc. etc.

Hey, I Like the VF19 Fire!!

My updated splash page wannabe:

- VF0D [done]

- Macross 25

- VF4

- Metal Siren


- VF1D

- VF1A Dyrl

- VT1

- ?

- ?


The Vajra page reminds me of something I was thinking about a while back: I've gotten the impression that the publisher of Macross Chronicle is contractually obliged to limit the amount of MF content they publish; so as to allow other publishers the chance to sell books.

  sketchley said:
The Vajra page reminds me of something I was thinking about a while back: I've gotten the impression that the publisher of Macross Chronicle is contractually obliged to limit the amount of MF content they publish; so as to allow other publishers the chance to sell books.

You may be right. Despite being the most recent Macross series and quite a succesful one, MF material got mightly cramped. The official books on the series, however, do not contain a huge amount of lineart or cgs, to be honest. All of it 8or mostly) has been reprinted in Chronicles.

I still think that all songs sheets, some Extra sheets (concerts recap I'm looking at you) and some merchandise (vehicles and costumes/shirts) are simply wasted pages that could have been devoted to more detailed mecha and characters sheets. Or gallery sheets, that seem to have completely disappeared.


Deagostini has started releasing a (weekly) "Evangelion Chronicle". First issue with binder is ¥390. It's much cooler looking than the そーなんだ! binder, plus it's the right way for Macross Chronicle content.

Anyhow, no, Eva Chronicle doesn't give any meaningful stats for the EVA-01 (alas, no height), but it does have a list of all the pages and contents of the pages for the entire print run (4 binders)! Why couldn't Macross Chronicle have this?!?!?

If you're a fan of Tomotake Kinoshita, he's got some art in it.

  sketchley said:
Anyhow, no, Eva Chronicle doesn't give any meaningful stats for the EVA-01 (alas, no height), but it does have a list of all the pages and contents of the pages for the entire print run (4 binders)! Why couldn't Macross Chronicle have this?!?!?

Because they didn't know yet what to do! (see the production sheet change on the fly)

  sketchley said:
Deagostini has started releasing a (weekly) "Evangelion Chronicle". First issue with binder is ¥390. It's much cooler looking than the そーなんだ! binder, plus it's the right way for Macross Chronicle content.

Anyhow, no, Eva Chronicle doesn't give any meaningful stats for the EVA-01 (alas, no height), but it does have a list of all the pages and contents of the pages for the entire print run (4 binders)! Why couldn't Macross Chronicle have this?!?!?

If you're a fan of Tomotake Kinoshita, he's got some art in it.

Actually its also listed to address a lot of criticism that Eva Chronicles is getting. The 30 of the 40 issues are a reprint - the series originally finished just before Eva 1.0 hit cinemas but featured no information on either 1.0 or 2.0. Now they are reprinting it with 10 extra issues worth of information and newly (better) designed binders. This is seen as basically a money grubbing tactic by many (like myself) who collected the whole series the last time through.

  Tochiro said:
Actually its also listed to address a lot of criticism that Eva Chronicles is getting. The 30 of the 40 issues are a reprint - the series originally finished just before Eva 1.0 hit cinemas but featured no information on either 1.0 or 2.0. Now they are reprinting it with 10 extra issues worth of information and newly (better) designed binders. This is seen as basically a money grubbing tactic by many (like myself) who collected the whole series the last time through.

Ohhh, I have a bad feeling about this...

Is this the same company publishing Macross Chronicle? Let's hope there won't be a Chronicle "reloaded" in the near future, unless it's only made of extra issues covering the movies and, who knows, new series.

  nexxstrait said:
Ohhh, I have a bad feeling about this...

Is this the same company publishing Macross Chronicle? Let's hope there won't be a Chronicle "reloaded" in the near future, unless it's only made of extra issues covering the movies and, who knows, new series.

Odds are they'll probably run an extension to cover the movie material and that'll be it for the time being... though I wouldn't say no to a VF-2SS Master File.


Different companies. I believe it's ウィ-ブ that's putting out Macross Chronicle.

The good thing about the "Eva Chronicles" is that I didn't collect it the first time. ;) It's also very nice to see very nice looking binders for a low cost. (The 2nd and 3rd binders are either ¥990 for the pair if you preorder/mail order, or ¥1,770 for the set; with the 4th binder being a "present".)

Anyhow, must... find... time... to... translate... MC...

  • 2 weeks later...

Chronicle #42:

Mechanic Sheet

* Nousjadeul-Ger [Did I call it or what?]

* Glaug

* SV-51

* YF-21

* UN Forces Battleships

Character Sheet

* Kamujin Kravshera

* Mylene Flare Jenius

* Morry / Dick

Timeline Sheet

* The Birth of the Super Dimension Cinderella

History Sheet

* Mars Base Salla

World Guide Sheet

* Super Dimension Chinese Restaurant "Nyan Nyan" [bet none of us saw that one coming, huh?]

Technology Sheet

* Variable Fighter / Escape Systems

Glossary Sheet

* VF-3000 Crusader ~ VF-4G Lightning III

Song Sheet

* Aimo / Nyan-Nyan Commercial Song / Carrot Loves you yeah!

Goods Sheet

* Bandai DX Chogokin Macross Quarter

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