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Posted (edited)
  Gubaba said:
Ah...Atlita. THAT'S why nothing came up when I Googled "Altira" (except "Birdy the Mighty" stuff).

*sigh* That's what I get for not getting the Gold Book when I had the chance lo, these many years ago...I'm doomed to ignorance in the finer points of DYRL. :(

アルティラ = Arutira

With Altira, Altila, Artira, Artila as potentials.

Where'd Atlita come from? The consonants are reversed.

It's also in TiA The Select: DYRL?

Edited by sketchley
  sketchley said:
アルティラ = Arutira

With Altira, Altila, Artira, Artila as potentials.

Where'd Atlita come from? The consonants are reversed.

Where did it come from? Probably the same place Vrlitwhai, Quamzin, and Zjentolauedy came from...the brain of someone who decided that the romanization of Zentradi names on the Arii model kits should be as long as possible, and have little if any connection to how the names are actually pronounced.

Seriously, the use of those particular spellings bugs me no end; I don't care if they showed up on an official source, they're totally FUBAR, and I refuse to accept them as accurate.

  sketchley said:
It's also in TiA The Select: DYRL?

Ah. I guess this is where I have to come out and admit that the only DYRL printed material that I own is the two-volume film comic of the movie, and I haven't even looked at that since before I really learned me some Japanese.

I don't have the Gold Book, I don't have ANY of the TIAS books (except Macross Plus Movie Edition), I don't have Perfect Memory, I don't have any of the Design Works...is it any wonder that I have such high hopes for Macross Chronicle to be the be-all and end-all of Macross publications?

  Gubaba said:
Where did it come from? Probably the same place Vrlitwhai, Quamzin, and Zjentolauedy came from...the brain of someone who decided that the romanization of Zentradi names on the Arii model kits should be as long as possible, and have little if any connection to how the names are actually pronounced.

Seriously, the use of those particular spellings bugs me no end; I don't care if they showed up on an official source, they're totally FUBAR, and I refuse to accept them as accurate.


  Gubaba said:

I don't have the Gold Book, I don't have ANY of the TIAS books (except Macross Plus Movie Edition), I don't have Perfect Memory, I don't have any of the Design Works...is it any wonder that I have such high hopes for Macross Chronicle to be the be-all and end-all of Macross publications?

I don't have the Gold Book, either. (Though, it's on the hunt down and get ASAP list.) I do recommend trying to find some of those books (the TIA and PM being at the top of the list.) The main reason is the notes that Kawamori-san, and occasionally others, add to their line art. These notes have been erased from the artwork included in Chronicles. There's a bunch of groovy info that can be gleened from them - if one figures out a way to read Kawamori-san's handwriting (it's... well, good luck!)

  sketchley said:
if one figures out a way to read Kawamori-san's handwriting (it's... well, good luck!)

Now there's a feat I'd like to see someone attempt. :lol::(


Gee, I hope this is the final issue with page about Mylene fashion show <_< . So far most of the Sound Force valk have been covered (except for Ray VF-17 custom), and I love the Jamming Birds girl poster. ^_^

  azrael said:
Now there's a feat I'd like to see someone attempt. :lol::(

Doing it. With the wife's assistance at times. She's the one who said that he has really, really, really bad handwriting.

(Ok, I may be exaggerating, but there was at least one "really".)


Re this issue

VF-11 MAXL Kai: there's a bit grabbing my attention in it about head laser(s).

SDF-1 Macross: more DYRL bridge madness. Where's the rest of the ship??? Is it going to become a multipage monster like the VF-1?????

Macross city: interior of the SDF:M ship. Some nice stuff that I don't remember seeing elsewhere.

Next issue:

EX-gear: I'm guessing there's going to be a reference or two to the real-life powered exoskeleton.

  sketchley said:
Re this issue

VF-11 MAXL Kai: there's a bit grabbing my attention in it about head laser(s).

The Compendium does list a set lasers. It doesn't say where though.

  sketchley said:
Re this issue

VF-11 MAXL Kai: there's a bit grabbing my attention in it about head laser(s).

They actually GAVE MYLENE WEAPONS??? After she went apeshit with the VF-19's missiles? Someone wasn't paying attention when they made the fighter...(I blame Ray and Max).

  sketchley said:
SDF-1 Macross: more DYRL bridge madness. Where's the rest of the ship??? Is it going to become a multipage monster like the VF-1?????

Did you have any doubt on that score? And this is only the DYRL version! I'm sure they'll be getting to the TV version eventually...

  Gubaba said:
They actually GAVE MYLENE WEAPONS??? After she went apeshit with the VF-19's missiles? Someone wasn't paying attention when they made the fighter...(I blame Ray and Max).

Yup. In addition to the Launcher Pod (speaker pod gun, which can be used as a blunt weapon), there's also the exact same "little rock" missile launcher in the legs/engine nacelles as the VF-19Kai, AND 2 (4?) dorsal "little rock" missile launchers, with a pair of missiles in each. (the parts they are in end up as the upper back thrusters in battroid mode.)

You can see the leg launchers in the Chronicle article. The article states:

internal speaker system/launcher pod/laser cannon x2

internal leg micro missile launcher x4

She's definitely well equipped, and me thinks the Chronicle article comes up lacking in detail...

  sketchley said:
Yup. In addition to the Launcher Pod (speaker pod gun, which can be used as a blunt weapon), there's also the exact same "little rock" missile launcher in the legs/engine nacelles as the VF-19Kai, AND 2 (4?) dorsal "little rock" missile launchers, with a pair of missiles in each. (the parts they are in end up as the upper back thrusters in battroid mode.)

You can see the leg launchers in the Chronicle article. The article states:

internal speaker system/launcher pod/laser cannon x2

internal leg micro missile launcher x4

She's definitely well equipped, and me thinks the Chronicle article comes up lacking in detail...

THAT'S right...I remember her using the leg missiles (or almost using them). And maybe there will be more detail on the "B" page...

Oh, and Morpheus...now that I actually HAVE the issue, I checked the Mylene pages, and no, we're not done with her. The "Character Episodes" haven't reached the end of the series yet. So yes, more Mylene fashion is on the way! Whether you want it or not!

Posted (edited)

The term Atlita was created during a phase when I was attempting translations on my own. It's the best I could come up with based on the text from the Gold Book. I can certainly change it to something more correct if that helps, but who really knows which is correct?

For the rest of the intentionally "alien" Zentradi words and names, I've been using either the Macross Compendium or the Animeigo English subtitles, which I consider the definitive English translation. So I use Animeigo designations like Reguld for mecha or "Britai" for names and so forth on my website. I find using the Animeigo subtitles meshes all the trivia on my website better with the actual animation itself. This way a new Macross fan can watch the Animeigo or ADV sets and then read the Macross Mecha Manual with a minimum of confusion.

I didn't know the VF-11MAXL Custom had head cannons (I'd be curious to know where they are located) but I knew about the dorsal fuselage missile launchers. I have them described on my website and I have some line art of the missile launchers included in the profile.

Edited by Mr March
  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like Azrael's worst fear has come true in Chronicle #14...

Mechanic Sheet

* VF-1S Valkyrie [judging from the cover, which shows Max's VF, it ain't the TV version...]

* SDF-2 Megaroad [what, no fold-out page for the Megaroad? Damn.]

* Octos

Character Sheet

* Amy / Saori / Natasha [No, I didn't know who they were either...they're Sylvie's Fairy Squad in MacII.]

* Lynn Minmay

Gallery Sheet

* Macross II

Timeline Sheet

* Zentradi Non-Peace Factions

History Sheet

* Ranka Lee Live

World Guide Sheet

* Varauta Army

Song Sheet

* Aimo ~BIRD HUMAN~ / Aimo O.C.

Goods Sheet

* COSPA Apparel

  Gubaba said:
Looks like Azrael's worst fear has come true in Chronicle #14...

Mechanic Sheet

* VF-1S Valkyrie [judging from the cover, which shows Max's VF, it ain't the TV version...]

Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? ...

  azrael said:
Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? ...

They are not done, not yet, until they featured the Orguss Valkyrie :lol:


I recall when I first opened the Macross Mecha Manual, my website feature mostly VF-1 profiles and there was something like 25 of them. There's a lot of VF-1 variants :)


Man, I'm I really behind in Macross Chronicles! I like that I get it at cover price, but having to wait 3 months at a time is sheer torture!

  azrael said:
Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet? ...

What's wrong with VF1? It's still the best valkyrie ever made! :)

Posted (edited)

Stuff to get excited about in MC #13:

MBR-04 Mk IV (yeah, that's right. MBR-04 Mk VI & MBR-04 Mk IV)

Lt. Dan!

Type 04 chasis/internal parts

Altira (Mr.March - looks like the most official romanization we'll be getting of it's name.)

4x M0 gallery images (as none fold out, I guess this is our compensation) - one even has a rarity: a hand-drawn VF-0

DYRL Misa Hayase

ASS-1 image (not the DYRL version)

EX-Gear (Extender Gear): LINEART

military use EX-Gear: LINEART


MF galaxy tour final pictures

MF cosplay gear. ?!?! (doesn't rock my boat, but it's an interesting add to have on the back cover.)

Edited by sketchley
  sketchley said:
Stuff to get excited about in MC #13:

Altira (Mr.March - looks like the most official romanization we'll be getting of it's name.)

4x M0 gallery images (as none fold out, I guess this is our compensation) - one even has a rarity: a hand-drawn VF-0

ASS-1 image (not the DYRL version)

EX-Gear (Extender Gear): LINEART

military use EX-Gear: LINEART


WOW! This is THE issue to get (like I'd miss any of them anyway, but you know what I mean, lol). Impressive!

I'll make a note about the Altira and make the change. Bit of a name roller coaster with this one, but at least we have a proper name now. Thanks!

  • 2 weeks later...

For Chronicle #15:

Mechanic Sheet

* SDF-1 Macross [TV Version, this time]

* Macross 7 Fleet Aircraft [i *think* that's what it says...]

* VF-0S Phoenix

Character Sheet

* Nora Polyansky

* Bruno J. Global

* People of the U.N. Spacy

Gallery Sheet

* SDF Macross

Timeline Sheet

* An Attack After Two Years [MY STARS! Are the actually finished with SDFM now???]

History Sheet

* The Zentradi Attack

World Guide Sheet

* Macross Frontier Fleet

Song Sheet

* Macross / Runner

Goods Sheet

* Itasha (Car Lap Sheet) [i think...]

* Bandai VF100's

  Gubaba said:
* Macross 7 Fleet Aircraft [i *think* that's what it says...]

aircraft, aeroplane, etc.. I wonder what it'll be about.

* People of the U.N. Spacy

I think this is a B sheet.

* An Attack After Two Years [MY STARS! Are the actually finished with SDFM now???]

battle [fight] after two years is probably a closer translation. See: http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/sjis/dose...%AC&WC=none

I think it may just be the tail end of SDFM. Kamjin's attacks, etc..

World Guide Sheet

* Macross Frontier Fleet

This looks interesting. Let's hope that it's a bit more substantive than what's been released in magazines/books to date.

  Gubaba said:
Timeline Sheet

* An Attack After Two Years [MY STARS! Are the actually finished with SDFM now???]

Never mind that. There's no VF-1!!!!! YES!!!! happy0030.gif

  sketchley said:
battle [fight] after two years is probably a closer translation. See: http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/sjis/dose...%AC&WC=none

I think it may just be the tail end of SDFM. Kamjin's attacks, etc..

Yeah. Kamjin's attack = end of SDFM, no?

As for "battle" vs. "attack," yeah you're right. Blame it on my doing the transcription quickly, and at six AM. :wacko:

  azrael said:
Never mind that. There's no VF-1!!!!! YES!!!! happy0030.gif

I knew you'd be thrilled. ^_^

  Gubaba said:
Yeah. Kamjin's attack = end of SDFM, no?

Yes. However, after I wrote that, I got a thinking... perhaps it means a space battle (as they already have the start of the "ground battle" with the Zentradi), as in the operation to capture the factor satellite (I don't think that's been covered yet.)

  David Hingtgen said:
Sorry, a bit late here and I don't often check this thread---

There was a Mylene valk page? Anything new? Sketches, drawings etc?

There was some lineart, but I don't think there was anything new...dramatic battroid poses, fore and aft shots, cockpit details, that kind of thing.

Apparently, it also has two head lasers, but no one seems to be able to figure out where.

  sketchley said:
Yes. However, after I wrote that, I got a thinking... perhaps it means a space battle (as they already have the start of the "ground battle" with the Zentradi), as in the operation to capture the factor satellite (I don't think that's been covered yet.)

That's...a definite possibility. :unsure:

At any case, I think we've only got a sheet or two more for SDFM chronology. I wonder how much time they'll spend on the 28 years before Plus? I'm guessing two sheets max, unfortunately.


The latest MC's timeline sheet mentions the factory satellite retrieval operation, so it's not that...

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