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Hey guys, thanks for the well wishes and condolences. I appreciate it. As for the temperature here in SoCal, it's a bit warmer, but hasn't peaked above 90. My apartment is burning hot though, and it makes for a good weight loss program.


I just watched Macr Zero again (dubbed) and is it me, or does Edgar have an odd voice to go with the character? Doesn't seem like that voice fits the character, however, the mixing and work you put in Hikuro is decent. It's good to see what you got so far.

  Jasonc said:
I just watched Macr Zero again (dubbed) and is it me, or does Edgar have an odd voice to go with the character? Doesn't seem like that voice fits the character, however, the mixing and work you put in Hikuro is decent. It's good to see what you got so far.

The oddness is why I love it.

It's so lol-worthy! :lol:

As to the heat comments, until you can beat several hours a day outside in the 105+ I don't consider it a problem. Especially if you spend that time riding a bike uphill 5 miles to see friends because you're too young to drive... <_<

And Che, do not "y'all" me. It only serves to push me.

  Jasonc said:
I just watched Macr Zero again (dubbed) and is it me, or does Edgar have an odd voice to go with the character? Doesn't seem like that voice fits the character, however, the mixing and work you put in Hikuro is decent. It's good to see what you got so far.

Yeah it does seem out of place or like he has an accent. But its still awesome. Mao and Sara's voice fit perfectly to me.


Also, a problem with Edgar is that he's had a problem in recording - some have fuzz and others don't. The fuzzy ones tell me his soundcard must have A) turned on mic boost or B ) turned down mic level and the audio was post-processed to be louder.

It's no big deal, really. I just nitpick those sorts of things.

I really think you did good this time, Hik. Same to your cast.

  SchizophrenicMC said:
As to the heat comments, until you can beat several hours a day outside in the 105+ I don't consider it a problem. Especially if you spend that time riding a bike uphill 5 miles to see friends because you're too young to drive... <_<

And Che, do not "y'all" me. It only serves to push me.

Hey, the y'all thing wasn't a texas dig. My dad's family is from Alabama and Georgia, so I picked that up from them (even though he grew up in Bridgeport, CT). Besides, I'm an emcee, we say "yes yes y'all!" all the time. Whattaya want from me?

Still, yeah, you got it hotter down there than we do up here. I can't speak for Hik, other than I've heard him say it's been over a hundred for a hot minute out there.

  chillyche said:
Hey, the y'all thing wasn't a texas dig. My dad's family is from Alabama and Georgia, so I picked that up from them (even though he grew up in Bridgeport, CT). Besides, I'm an emcee, we say "yes yes y'all!" all the time. Whattaya want from me?

Still, yeah, you got it hotter down there than we do up here. I can't speak for Hik, other than I've heard him say it's been over a hundred for a hot minute out there.

Ah, well, that makes it only 99.9% of the time people say "y'all" to annoy me. Being from the southwest really makes a lot of people think less of me. :unsure:

Man, I can't imagine life without giant air conditioning units outside of everyone's house, running with their trademark whir...

On that note, I always love it when northerners come down to go to Six Flags in the middle of summer. I live real close to a hotel and a gas station. Some days, I just hang out in the gas station and wait till I see a northerner (You can pick 'em apart easy) walk in. They always complain more about the heat than anyone else. Then, I walk outside in plain view, with my black hoodie on. The expressions on their face are priceless. :lol: Even funnier when Ben and his overcoat come with me. ^_^

But, I digress. The temperature's gone down into the 70s what with this rain. However, it still feels horrible because it's so humid you can't breathe. (You ever been in Texas the day after a rain? :wacko: The temperature's 90-something and the relative humidity is 99%.)

Er... Back to the dub.

  • 2 weeks later...

Short update, Episode 2 is closing in. The sound levels are WAY off balance and will have to be corrected before release.

Kumada who played Roy in Episode 1 will not be in Episode 2 as it'll be Lionel who originally played him in Episode 1.0 and DYRL. For those of you who don't like that I'm pretty much just gonna tell you TS.

Kumada has stepped down due to the fact he has enlisted into the national guard and no longer has the time to be playing any voice over roles for animations. However I'm sure he'll continue his radio drama roles that he's becoming known for.

There are still plenty of extras that'll need to be filled in for crowds and fillers and I'm hoping to get that started at some givin point, like when the main cast is finished.


Got a fellow VA gal friend of mine to do the Marine chick that kicks Shin's ass during his training. And I also got her to do lines for Frontier 2....woot. Just like, a lot more to go!

  • 3 weeks later...

Soooo, any update on this project? Are you still working on part 2, reworking part 1, hope it's still moving forward. Let me know if you need anymore extras for voices. I'm available.


working on part 2 still, waiting on some more main VA's to get their stuff done so I can move onto extras.

Boinger is getting a proper HD version up. I just gave him the Audio for it.


It'll be good to see an HD version. I know you won't go back to editing your episode 1, but still think you should consider redoing a couple of the characters. But, as it is your work, my opinion is just that. I can definitely see the hard work put into it, and that's great to see. Awesome work on your part.


I need to check with Maria to see how her mic issue is coming along. Not too mention I have to buy a new mic myself as I tore the Mic wire out of the ear phone by accident....real retarded move by me for not cleaning my room more frequently.

I know you won't go back to editing your episode 1, but still think you should consider redoing a couple of the characters. But, as it is your work, my opinion is just that. I can definitely see the hard work put into it, and that's great to see. Awesome work on your part.

Sadly, not really in the line up of being able to recast characters I work with what I got : / sometimes I get lucky and can find someone to fill in and replace, but not recently.

  • 2 weeks later...

I know it's not really On topic, but I sent you auditions for Macross Plus. Are you gonna be working on Plus and Zero at the same time?


*smacks forehead* Plus was going to be a surprise release.......crap.....

Uh, yeah I'm gonna work on them at the sametime. But seeing how I"m not getting enough auditions for Plus or even i nthe quality I'm looking for, Plus could be just cut out and not done. I'm waiting until the end of the month.

Episode 2 is still in the pipe of being finished, it's just slow.


Movie edition since it was never made.....which was LAME to not of been. And the dub was pretty decent, until the 4th episode.

  Hikuro said:
Movie edition since it was never made.....which was LAME to not of been. And the dub was pretty decent, until the 4th episode.

Best part of episode 4's dub is the part that (I think) is always in English - Information High.

Well, I wish you godspeed, Hik. You do good work, and I'd LOVE to see a repeat of DYRL?


With Plus I think you could see things being topped in comparison to DYRL. IF I get a good voice cast. So far it's pretty dismal. I think I might be able to cast 3 characters at the most. Otherwise it's just going down the shitter.

And I technically hadn't even mixed the movie as I don't want to mix something and let it sit in my hard drive for 3 years like I did with DYRL.

  Hikuro said:
With Plus I think you could see things being topped in comparison to DYRL. IF I get a good voice cast. So far it's pretty dismal. I think I might be able to cast 3 characters at the most. Otherwise it's just going down the shitter.

And I technically hadn't even mixed the movie as I don't want to mix something and let it sit in my hard drive for 3 years like I did with DYRL.

Well, if this stupid nasal spell clears up, I'll be an option. Of course, with winter bearing down on us, I can't make any promises.


Sadly my auditions site has gone down so I'm waiting for the VAA to get back online which should be any day now since it's been out the entire weekend. I might have a few people chosen for the project but not enough, not nearly enough, not even CLOSE.


Speaking of, I can't send emails to you. Either your mailbox is full, or you can't accept mail over 10Mb. Let me know what I can do to send stuff to you, Hikuro.

Posted (edited)

If you need any cannon fodder or radio voices that don't need lipsyncing, I'm definitely an option for you. If it's a role that needs it, (As it probably will...), I probably won't be able to, since I'm not so good at that.

Damn, I got here late.

As to that statement, if I read it right, you've pussied out.

Edited by SchizophrenicMC

Damn, and now I know. Well, if you need any extras, let me know. I sent you an email regarding why my auditions weren't going through about a week ago. If you have any cast members back out. I can do Yang Newman pretty damn good. Anyways, good luck with the project. I'll be happy to see updates.

  • 1 month later...

Alright, lil update, got a new Aries, expecting lines from her this weekend. I also got lines from Nikki who's now Sara, and I'm going to update my takes so they sound better with the new mic, then I got extras left to work with, one liners, groups, that sort of thing, and the episode is done.

I'd say, 99% chance the episode will be up this month.

  • 3 weeks later...

I've only seen bits and pieces of the work so far, so it maybe interesting to see. Wasn't big on Edgar or the old guy, but I'll reserve my thoughts till the final product. Will it be available for download? and, will all 5 be done, or is this just the one episode and that's it?


yeah it obviously never made it. Still having issues, and it'll still be the same voice overs for edgar and nutuk sorry :p

We're still having issues....but hey in the meantime, uuuuuhhhh, Frontier 2 is almost done!

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