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Okay every time I see a pic of of Captain Wilder and his goggles I think that if I was a pilot aboard the Quarter I would have to jack them and put them over my flight helmet then call up the bridge on their little video phone thing. (maybe have a good old silk flying scarf a la Hikaru as well!)

Posted (edited)
  Gubaba said:
Three dirty old men... ^_^

Words cannot describe the calm and utterly overpowering awesomeness contained in that picture. Macross, Seven, Quarter, Frontier, go forth!

EDIT: And Global is still the most badass of them all.

Edited by Lindem Herz
  Lindem Herz said:
Words cannot describe the calm and utterly overpowering awesomeness contained in that picture. Macross, Seven, Quarter, Frontier, go forth!

EDIT: And Global is still the most badass of them all.

Don't you ever wonder, "What would Global do?" in situations, on M7 and MF? Or is that just me? ^_^

Posted (edited)
  SkullLeaderVF-X said:
Don't you ever wonder, "What would Global do?" in situations, on M7 and MF? Or is that just me? ^_^

I wonder why Perry or Wylder never shout "Don't take your eyes off your monitor!" :)

PS: by the way, what's the complete name of Battle Frontier's captain?

Edited by Nexx Stalker

That's an AWESOME piece of fan art! great find!

  Nexx Stalker said:
PS: by the way, what's the complete name of Battle Frontier's captain?

Matthew C. Perry ?


its said that Wilder is a unification war vetern, hikaru and misa would be in their 60s by now so how old does that make wilder? and think how young wilder was during the unification war. plus wilder must have either been really lucky do not get vaporized on earth or was on the macross during sw1.

Posted (edited)
  polidread said:
uh, who said that ?

Not sure, I heard Wilder was a SW1 veteran but not a Unification War vet... that seems to be a stretch.

My thoughts on that awesome fan art: Three Wise Men.

Edited by Master Dex

Thank you for spoiler-proofing whatever it is you wrote. I have accidently read WAY too many spoilers in this thread the past few months. It seems like people like to post visible spoilers here 30 secs after they air in Japan, even when it's "forbidden" to do so in the main discussion threads.

Though when the final ep airs, I plan to completely avoid the site entirely until I've seen a subbed version. No way whatever happens will "stay quiet" that day...


Wait what? Nobody wants to start the WWGD? (What Would Global Do?) thread or fanclub? Make stickers, tshirts, websites. It could be a "Global" phenomenon!!!

Posted (edited)
  Gubaba said:
Three dirty old men... ^_^

Caption would make more sense if Exsedol was there.

  Fatalist said:
Wait what? Nobody wants to start the WWGD? (What Would Global Do?) thread or fanclub? Make stickers, tshirts, websites. It could be a "Global" phenomenon!!!

I'd rather have a WWMD? club since the answer would be simple, he'd say "don't take your eyes off the monitor". :)

Edited by d3v
  Fatalist said:
Wait what? Nobody wants to start the WWGD? (What Would Global Do?) thread or fanclub? Make stickers, tshirts, websites. It could be a "Global" phenomenon!!!

Ah dammit.I'm starting one right now!

  hobbes221 said:
Okay every time I see a pic of of Captain Wilder and his goggles I think that if I was a pilot aboard the Quarter I would have to jack them and put them over my flight helmet then call up the bridge on their little video phone thing. (maybe have a good old silk flying scarf a la Hikaru as well!)

I don't know, they make me think that the Quarter is hiding a Wave Motion Cannon.


Nope, a Wave Motion Cannon would have a much bigger impact, and would be so bright that goggles would be manditory before firing.

  d3v said:
Caption would make more sense if Exsedol was there.

I'd rather have a WWMD? club since the answer would be simple, he'd say "don't take your eyes off the monitor". :)

Ok, I'll do it, and that will indeed be the answer. We know it is always the right thing to do. Check sig.


Anything is possible, the Universe is Infinite. I bet he is hiding the Wave Motion Cannon out of phase or some such thing that no one can properly explain.

  RF-26AAC said:
ranka still looks a touch too femmy

but good work no less, Sherman is spot on.

For us who won't watch Gundam, we don't get this.

Posted (edited)
  MisaForever said:
For us who won't watch Gundam, we don't get this.

The only Gundam I watch is 08th MS team <3 <3

Surely you've seen the Claudio and Rowena pic, right? o_O

<== not into the whole "gay" gundam thing.

Oh, and about the pic above:

Like Grace could ever act loving or caring.

Edited by RF-26AAC
  Final Vegeta said:
That pic was the work of a Grace shipper :ph34r:


oh eww. Like a Grace/Sheryl shipper? Or did you mean a fan?

(Shipper as in "relationshipper" or "worshipper"?) LOL

  MisaForever said:
For us who won't watch Gundam, we don't get this.

Its not a gundam thing. Its just the internets gender-bending our favourite characters. (I blame Haruhi)

  wolfx said:
Its not a gundam thing. Its just the internets gender-bending our favourite characters. (I blame Haruhi)

Oh, well carry on then :)

  Final Vegeta said:


Still not breast-squeezing Grace though :p


That picture is so sweet. Too bad Grace is a real B!*CH.

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