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  jonwayne said:
When Yamato release the 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru, it's a once way ticket ever since.

dude i love your display cabinets. i always dreaming of that kind of setup for mine

  BoBe-Patt said:
well you should come on by AP to check out my collection. Here's the link, so just go through the pages. There's not much because everything is all in boxes and bags. ^_^

Pix of my put away collection

DAMN! amazing collection.....


That's nothing. Wait til you see my collection.

I guarantee to have the most low budget collection of Robot technology Defence Force goods.


Almost none of my original stuff from the early '80s is still with me, other than a 1/55, a Gakken 1/35, and some old model kits. So, I'd have to say that the collecting bug only really hit me in '02 or '03 with my first Yammie purchases.

I don't buy as much as a lot of the folks around here, but in the last five years or so I've accumulated about 150-odd pieces of vintage and modern plastic... Plus some model kits, books and videos.

Posted (edited)

My own collection is growing rather fast since I just got in the mail (delivered to my work address on the same day) 1/48 low vis. armor parts, VF-1J Stealth and VF-1A Angel Birds B))

The latter two are from HLJ's sale. The prices were too good to pass up. Now if I could just find some 1/48 Stealth Super and Strike parts...

Edited by funkymonkeyjavajunky

my brother bought me my first 1/55 Bandai reissue Hikaru 1A back in 2002 and gave me an extra 1/60 yamato VF-1A he had that summer... bought my 1st valk which happened to be a toynami Masterpiece Rick hunter. I remember i was so un-informed back then, that i thought the "Masterpiece" i was getting was supposed to be the like the pictures of the 1/48 yamato i had seen on MW but didn't know any better....

Had those 3 valks for a long while until i started buying some transformers in the summer of 2004 because it was cheaper and more readily available... then it all went downhill from there and been collecting lots since i got out of college and could afford some good stuff.. =]




My re-introduction to toys started in July 2001, when I went to my first Anime Expo, and saw all the Robotech/Macross toys out there. I started with my original Jetfires as a kid in 86, and that was all. Today, after several thousands of dollars, I have a decent sized collection. One of these days, I'll post pics of it all, but for now, it's all in boxes in display cases, and in my closet. But in my opinion, it's a lot of stuff. Lots of unopened G1 Transformers, Unopen G.I. Joe toys, and tons and tons of Macross toys.

Posted (edited)

Um i believe since 01 or 02. I have been hunting them down since 85 but it wasn't until then that i could afford it. Really it all comes down to money and how much ramen u intend on eating to get a big collection. My collection is decent but I normally don't display everything i have just my 1/48 yammies and the new 1/60 versions of stuff like the YF-19 and upcoming valks. Now if i actually become the filmmaker i want to be then i shall blow you all away as i buy everything, including some of your stuff mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! :D

Edited by kanedaestes

As a matter of fact my Christmas present to myself is updating my collection by 4 or 5 valks since i haven't bought anything new since last year valk wise. I got back into TFs since they are cheaper and easier to come by, oh and a Garland finally as well which is equally as badass if you get the newer versions.

  kanedaestes said:
As a matter of fact my Christmas present to myself is updating my collection by 4 or 5 valks since i haven't bought anything new since last year valk wise. I got back into TFs since they are cheaper and easier to come by, oh and a Garland finally as well which is equally as badass if you get the newer versions.

TF's are EXTREMELY easy to come by. I had the Army Color Version Garland a while back and it was SWEET!



That's the one i have now. Back on topic how much does a mint low vis ver 1 go for nowadays? I want one for chrismas

  kanedaestes said:
That's the one i have now. Back on topic how much does a mint low vis ver 1 go for nowadays? I want one for chrismas

Eh.....I've seen them go for around $200 USD before shipping on EVILBay.



i have been into this hobby since 2006 collecting mainly anime figures.. but it was just mid-last year, that i got really hooked up to buying macross toys. 'til now, i still can't believe i managed to buy over 20 Yamato Valkyries in just a span of 5 months.. my girlfriend thought i'm going nuts.. ( i guess i am.. )

  MaveRick said:
i have been into this hobby since 2006 collecting mainly anime figures.. but it was just mid-last year, that i got really hooked up to buying macross toys. 'til now, i still can't believe i managed to buy over 20 Yamato Valkyries in just a span of 5 months.. my girlfriend thought i'm going nuts.. ( i guess i am.. )

You are going/gone nuts....I mean...look to your avatar....that kitty looks crazzzzzzyyyy. :D


Posted (edited)

I got a Robotech comic in 1985 and a few of years later I had a large Robotech collection (toys, comics, posters, and books) and a handful of Macross models and books.

In 1998 Ebay got big and I really started hitting it hard. So much stuff that I thought I would never see and even more I never knew existed. For the most part I havent stopped since.

Here is my collection in 1989:


Edited by Totoro242
  Totoro242 said:
I got a Robotech comic in 1985 and a few of years later I had a large Robotech collection (toys, comics, posters, and books) and a handful of Macross models and books.

In 1998 Ebay got big and I really started hitting it hard. So much stuff that I thought I would never see and even more I never knew existed. For the most part I havent stopped since.

Here is my collection in 1989:

And I can vouch for this man....his collection is SOOOOOO MUCH LARGER now! It's simply beautiful. Any completest would be jealous.



These pics are a bit out of date...





...But you get the idea.

I have a further 8 boxes in the store room, plus ive gotten a few mort things sinc ethen and re-arranged the shelves.

Posted (edited)
  Totoro242 said:
I got a Robotech comic in 1985 and a few of years later I had a large Robotech collection (toys, comics, posters, and books) and a handful of Macross models and books.

In 1998 Ebay got big and I really started hitting it hard. So much stuff that I thought I would never see and even more I never knew existed. For the most part I havent stopped since.

Here is my collection in 1989:


Thats a cool pic. So old skool. As much as Robotech seems to be hated around here. Most americans grew up watching Robotech instead of Macross.

Hey Totoro242 can you post pics of your collection as of today??


Edited by carlodibi

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