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i'm new here and i just bought the Masterpiece VF-1J Miriya 1/55 by toynami now do u guys think this model is good and worth it cause i got it for 59.65, is it better or as good as yamato 1/48 or 1/60 or do u think it completely sucks i would like some thoughts so when i do buy another i will get the right one and i don't mind the opinions i wanna have the best one for my collection much appreciated. (sorry if this was posted before)


Not sure if this post is for real or just a troll ....


If you like the Toynami Masterpiece valks, great. But I can safely say that most, if not all, of the MW regulars would probably agree that the Yamato valkyrie toys are definitely better than the Toynami stuff. Hands down.

I suggest you buy a 1/48 perfect transformation Yamato valkyrie, or wait for the 1/60 release later this year - you will not regret it.

Posted (edited)

damn but the only thing is that i don't like the prices for the yamato figures but i think it's too late for me to get my money back...:(

Edited by VS-1UX

It depends on what you're looking for. If you want something durable, but can take that nostalgic looks, get a bandai. If you want something similar to a Bandai but with more moving features, missles, and other details, you will like the MPC. If you want the most detailed and articulated valkyrie and are willing to pay up, either buy a 1/48 now from Yamato, or wait it out for the new 1/60. Don't get the old 1/60 VF-1s, you will be dissapointed.

Me personally, I am one of the handful on this forum that actually liked the MPC's. Not the best VF-1 toy, but certainly not the worst. If it had the proportions and durability of the Bandai it would be the best 1/55 scale VF-1 hands down.


1/48's are beautiful. And the new 1/60 lines are nice as well.

Difference between the two are the 1/48's look sexier in fighter mode/gerwalk,

and the new 1/60's have a better battroid frame all round.

Welcome to the forums. :)

  VS-1UX said:
i mean i wanted to get the 1/48 but it was too much money but if u want u can lend me the money :p

Please believe when you see a Yamato 1/48 Valk in comparison to the MPC Valks that money will not be an issue. I'm new to this hobby as well and after getting my first Yamato perfect transformation fighter, a Macross Zero VF-0A Cannon Fodder, I immediately sold the other stuff I made bonehead purchases on. This included some of Yamato's first generation 1/60 scale fighters; nice but not perfect transformation. These fighters required removal of the legs to transform. I also purchased the MPC Miriya. I never even took it out the box because by then I had been exposed to Yamato's VF-0A. I sold my Miriya for $50.00 to a co-worker who loves the MPC's. I have a Ben Dixon that I will probably end up giving to my son as a toy to play with as I did with the Joon I purchased when I wasn't up to snuff on what was what.

Don't feel bad about the purchase. Form your own opinion about the toy. If you like it that's all that matters. I strongly suggest you get your hands on a Yamato 1/48 Valk and chances are you will have the same appreciation that most of the guys here have for it. By all means, check out Jenius' site. It's loaded with unbiased information on lots of toys that are discussed here. Also, check out the Hall of Fame forums for "Display Your Collections". Many members have posted picutres of what they have collected. You can see the difference in the toys there too.

Finally, welcome to the forums!




Actually this is not a bad price. MPC is also a good direction and Miriya type is also harder and harder to find. So Why you say you throw the money, bro? ^_^

I acutally suggest you to buy one Bandai 1/72 HCM VF-1S, which I personally think is the real masterpiece, even compared with the current 1/48 VF.


Once apon a time I actually was going to get an MPC until i forced myself to do research on what else was on offer.

I wasn't happy with the battroid mode of the MPC, i am glad i was stubborn. :D


I still have a vf-1j hikaru (rick hunter) MPC (Mastpiece Piece Collection to answer your question) and I do have some love for it as it was one of the very first macross/robotech toys I bought. It isn't bad but when you get your hands on a yamato you will leave your MPC in the box. The Yammies are better scuplted, more accurate, better accesories or add ons and are just simply beautiful. Yes the price tag is a little steep but one of those is better than most other things.



Honestly brother. If you like it you like it. Not a single one of us can change your mind on that. We are not you. Don't think that you threw away your money though for when I had a Max and Milia collection I would killed to get one for the price that you did. I could'nt find a MPC for that price. Hell...you may like it. Just be gentle with it.



I personally think the MPC IS a waste of money.

Yamato is not expensive for what you're getting.

MPC calls itself "masterpiece" but the details are extremely scant. I once did a side by side photographic comparisson of a Toynami MPC VF-1 and a Yamato 1/48 - and believe me - when you look side by side at the pictures - arms, legs, hands, wings, vents etc etc - MPC really is asking for too much money for the crumby thing you are getting. Even Yamato's old 1/60 line is superior to the MPC.

Sell it and join me! Together we can overthrow Toynami and RULE the universe together; Old-Yammie Collecter and Newbie-Macross-Yammie-Convert - side by side!

It is the only way...


Yamato is not expensive for what you're getting.

Yes it is. Don't kid yourself, each company had expensive toys.

Even Yamato's old 1/60 line is superior to the MPC.

Sculpt/detail/aesthetic yes. As a toy, no. In fact, I think the old 1/60 line was so bad that the new one was made to make up for it. So bad that when the 1/48 came out, most of us quickly jumped ship and forgot the old 1/60.

Sell it and join me! Together we can overthrow Toynami and RULE the universe together; Old-Yammie Collecter and Newbie-Macross-Yammie-Convert - side by side!

It is the only way...

Oh please, people thought the actual boycott would work years ago, and where are we now? Not a damn thing has changed.


Hi VS-1UX,

Try here: Comparisons or all available scales.

Courtesy of our MW toy guru.

Once you swim through these pages you'll be better informed. Price is relative when you compare the scales (brands) according to what your looking for in a purchase.

Welcome to MW, and may the Macross Gods spare the life essence of your wallet.



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