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  Macross007 said:
So why I saw 20th on a wall ? :huh:

No idea...but the dialogue clearly said "juu-ni," not "ni-juu."

Beside, if it had been the 20th, Katherine would've been, what...Nine? Ten? when she was in the 8th contest. Not EVERYONE on board the Frontier is a pedo...(I don't think...)

  DJ Loe Kee said:
it will be on dvd, i can guarantee you that. 7 and sdfm are all on dvd... the japanese will release a dvd for their (japanese) viewing pleasure.

And I am supposed to believe you didn't know what I meant?

  DJ Loe Kee said:
then why is that shinsen fault???

Because the other fansub groups got it right. But, its one bad episode, they still put out the most complete Macross F fansub.

I don't see why we have a few members here who get so uptight over the rest of us having an honest and open discussion about fansubs.

Posted (edited)
  Duke Togo said:
Because the other fansub groups got it right. But, its one bad episode, they still put out the most complete Macross F fansub.

I don't see why we have a few members here who get so uptight over the rest of us having an honest and open discussion about fansubs.

then you must know japanese. then tell me what they really said. don't tell me what other fansubs groups said. that doesn't make it right. you don't understand japanese or you would be watchin' the raws and not the fansubs groups. how the heck is somebody who can't speak japanese tell shinsen that they made a translation error.

gubaba said that they said 12th and not 20th. apparently he speaks japanese and not you. gubaba did not mention anything about a mistranslation.

when you learn fluent japanese, then start your own fansub group. until then, you have as much credibility as the native german who only speaks german tryin' to translate anime shows that are spoken in japanese for me.

please, damn nerds and geeks who think that they know everything. get a life and quit complainin' about anime that you didn't pay for. once you pay for it and it has translation errors, then you can complain.

Edited by DJ Loe Kee
  DJ Loe Kee said:
then you must know japanese. then tell me what they really said. don't tell me what other fansubs groups said. that doesn't make it right. you don't understand japanese or you would be watchin' the raws and not the fansubs groups. how the heck is somebody who can't speak japanese tell shinsen that they made a translation error.

gubaba said that they said 12th and not 20th. apparently he speaks japanese and not you. gubaba did not mention anything about a mistranslation.

when you learn fluent japanese, then start your own fansub group. until then, you have as much credibility as the native german who only speaks german tryin' to translate anime shows that are spoken in japanese for me.

please, damn nerds and geeks who think that they know everything. get a life and quit complainin' about anime that you didn't pay for. once you pay for it and it has translation errors, then you can complain.

Dude, calm down. Seriously. Its a fansub, its not life or death. No kitties were harmed in the making of this thread.

  Duke Togo said:
Dude, calm down. Seriously. Its a fansub, its not life or death. No kitties were harmed in the making of this thread.

Thank God or I'd have to hurt someone. :ph34r:

Posted (edited)
  Duke Togo said:
Dude, calm down. Seriously. Its a fansub, its not life or death. No kitties were harmed in the making of this thread.

calm, i am calm. debatin' on forums is what i do.

and i see no proof that of a mistranslation. let the people who can speak japanese tell us when they make translation errors, not people who speak only english makin' irrational comments.

anybody on shoupz, shoupz wow forums, 3gn or any other forum where i go to will tell you, don't debate with loe kee...

Edited by DJ Loe Kee
  DJ Loe Kee said:
calm, i am calm. debatin' on forums is what i do.

and i see no proof that of a mistranslation. let the people who can speak japanese tell us when they make translation errors, not people who speak only english makin' irrational comments.

anybody on shoupz, shoupz wow forums, 3gn or any other forum where i go to will tell you, don't debate with loe kee...

Well, we'll agree to disagree then.

I don't need to be fluent in Japanese to know Shinsen screwed up. Doesn't stop me from thinking they put out the best Frontier release, either. Personally, I download 3 to 4 releases for Frontier a week. Its really the best way to get the full picture as to what is going on.

  Duke Togo said:
Well, we'll agree to disagree then.

I don't need to be fluent in Japanese to know Shinsen screwed up. Doesn't stop me from thinking they put out the best Frontier release, either. Personally, I download 3 to 4 releases for Frontier a week. Its really the best way to get the full picture as to what is going on.

if i think that somebody made a post that is wrong, then i will point it out and ask for a source/proof/facts/ect., not their opinions.

so we can disagree to disagree.

  DJ Loe Kee said:
if i think that somebody made a post that is wrong, then i will point it out and ask for a source/proof/facts/ect., not their opinions.

So, Shinsen got it right, and the other fansubbers got it wrong? That's the story you are sticking with? Even though Shinsen's dialog in that scene doesn't make any sense?

Look, they screwed up, it happens. Its a fansub. Can we move on from this?

  DJ Loe Kee said:
anybody on shoupz, shoupz wow forums, 3gn or any other forum where i go to will tell you, don't debate with loe kee...

Dude, I'll disagree with you if I think you're wrong. :D

  Duke Togo said:
So, Shinsen got it right, and the other fansubbers got it wrong? That's the story you are sticking with? Even though Shinsen's dialog in that scene doesn't make any sense?

Look, they screwed up, it happens. Its a fansub. Can we move on from this?

i'm not sayin' that. i'm just sayin' translate for me what they said in that episodes. don't tell me what other fansubs used for their translation, i can dl their release and find that out myself. everybody could be wrong and another fansub release is not proof as they could have made a correct translation.

the lines spoken in japanese (in hiragana or kanji, i only know hiragana) and then a translation would be proof. japanese translation can be tricky sometimes. i can say "look at that [Ha-Na / はな] right there." i can translate that as "look at that [flower] right there." or "look at that [nose] right there". sometimes, a phrase can have 10 different translations and they are all correct, not a mistranslation.

  DJ Loe Kee said:
i'm not sayin' that. i'm just sayin' translate for me what they said in that episodes. don't tell me what other fansubs used for their translation, i can dl their release and find that out myself. everybody could be wrong and another fansub release is not proof as they could have made a correct translation.

Common sense says Shinsen got it wrong. I don't need to be fluent in Japanese to know that.

Why would Alto tell Michel, "you better not forget this!", when Michel is hazing/punishing him? He wouldn't, it makes no sense. What does make sense is what shows up in the other subs, which is "I will remember this!"

Why would Michel have Alto do 25 laps with the EX-Gear powered on? That would only make it easier. The suit was designed for increased mobility, firepower, and survivability. We've seen it in action twice so far (not counting the hazing). While the other subs differ on the exact translation, the gist is the same, its easier with the suit powered on (so don't do it).

I don't need to be able to translate the dialog myself to know that what Shinsen put was wrong. Hence, you are wrong. Get over it and move on.

Posted (edited)
  Duke Togo said:
Common sense says Shinsen got it wrong. I don't need to be fluent in Japanese to know that.

Why would Alto tell Michel, "you better not forget this!", when Michel is hazing/punishing him? He wouldn't, it makes no sense. What does make sense is what shows up in the other subs, which is "I will remember this!"

Why would Michel have Alto do 25 laps with the EX-Gear powered on? That would only make it easier. The suit was designed for increased mobility, firepower, and survivability. We've seen it in action twice so far (not counting the hazing). While the other subs differ on the exact translation, the gist is the same, its easier with the suit powered on (so don't do it).

I don't need to be able to translate the dialog myself to know that what Shinsen put was wrong. Hence, you are wrong. Get over it and move on.

and that is opinion, not fact. if he didn't say "you better not forget this", then simply tell me what he really said. by the way, wa-ta-shi means "I". there is more than one way to say "I" in japanese. if he said "I" and not "You", then simply translate what he really said. until then, it is one person opinion, not facts.

you have said the exact same thing in 10 different posts, have have not presented any new information.

let me go translate some german movies for you until then. and i don't know a single word of german.

Edited by DJ Loe Kee
Posted (edited)
  Duke Togo said:
Common sense says Shinsen got it wrong. I don't need to be fluent in Japanese to know that.

Why would Alto tell Michel, "you better not forget this!", when Michel is hazing/punishing him? He wouldn't, it makes no sense. What does make sense is what shows up in the other subs, which is "I will remember this!"

Why would Michel have Alto do 25 laps with the EX-Gear powered on? That would only make it easier. The suit was designed for increased mobility, firepower, and survivability. We've seen it in action twice so far (not counting the hazing). While the other subs differ on the exact translation, the gist is the same, its easier with the suit powered on (so don't do it).

I don't need to be able to translate the dialog myself to know that what Shinsen put was wrong. Hence, you are wrong. Get over it and move on.

ok, so you may be right on the "you", i'm used to bad grammar on forums so i read that as "I" when i watched it yesterday. but what if they really said "you" and that is the show's script writer's fault/error. i'd rather have somebody that speaks japaneses confirm that he said "You" and not "I". we do have japanese speakers on this forum... somebody has already told us that he said

  Gubaba said:
No idea...but the dialogue clearly said "juu-ni," not "ni-juu."

Beside, if it had been the 20th, Katherine would've been, what...Nine? Ten? when she was in the 8th contest. Not EVERYONE on board the Frontier is a pedo...(I don't think...)

i believe nothin' that i hear on the net without some facts to back it up. opinions are opinions, not facts, until proven otherwise.

and i still do not see how "it's twice as hard with the ex-gear switched on" is a mistranslation.

Edited by DJ Loe Kee
  DJ Loe Kee said:
and i still do not see how "it's twice as hard with the ex-gear switched on" is a mistranslation.

Not surprising, really. Perhaps Warcraft forums are more your speed, hm? Anyway, I'm done with this discussion. Its not what this thread was for.

  Duke Togo said:
Not surprising, really. Perhaps Warcraft forums are more your speed, hm? Anyway, I'm done with this discussion. Its not what this thread was for.

if you can't take the criticism then maybe you shouldn't leave comments in forums.

there is no need to me go to warcraft, you ARE OFF TOPIC. i only play wow 'cause i mod on shoupz, the music forum and the admin created a wow server/forum... so i had to see what all the fuss with wow was about. obviously i like macross and not wow and that is why i am on www.macrossworld.com. oOo snap, don't tell me that i was really watchin' "warcraft frontier" this entire time. just admit defeat instead of tellin' me to go to another forum. i don't even like wow, i have left all kinds of anti-wow comments on shoupz wow forum.

i'll speak my mind and you can speak your mind... if you can't back up your own opinions after bein' "called out", don't feel sad...you can't have a 100% win percentage.

i am not the only person who thought you opinions were wrong.

  taksraven said:
They are all doing it for free though (if people get paid for fansubbing I would like to know about it), so maybe we should not complain much out of respect. Better than no fansub at all.


  Valkyrie addict said:
and to all the people with their 'constructive criticism', if you don't like it or enjoy, instead of complaining a in a forum that I think they would hardly have the time to check, why don't you join them instead...I'm sure your input will be greatly appreciated and they would not deny extra help at their hard work

shinsen has a forum, you know. why don't you tell them your 'constructive criticism' instead of 'berating' them on a forum that they probably never visit. i have already seen a comment on shinsen's forum tellin' them they "listed the wrong basara song" playin' in the car in episode 2 or 3. i believe in tellin' a person anything i have positive/negative about them to their face, not talkin' behind their back to other people who are not involved in the matter. shinsen will not ban you for that. i wouldn't ban you for that on shoupz. i used to debate with the mods on shoupz and i didn't get banned... they made me a mod instead.

i've read their (shinsen) macross threads for their releases and their general mf discussion thread and i haven't seen anybody repeat your comments/criticism on their forum.

i gave you chance to back out a long time ago.

  DJ Loe Kee said:
ok, i will not argue any more about this. let's agree to disagree, i'm goin' back to watchin' episode 4 & 5 of macross f and then i'll study my korean vowels and consonants, this is really a waste of time.

remember when i said.

  DJ Loe Kee said:
debatin' on forums is what i do.

...don't debate with loe kee...

this is what i do. if i am wrong, then i would rather change my mind than continue to support a wrong argument (unlike 99% of people will support an argument that they know is wrong because they refuse to admit that they made an error). and when i am right, i know infinite ways to win... and i will use "by any means necessary" to make people understand my point of view (no i won't don't call them names or cuss them out).

なめんなよ ありがとうございます

oops, wrong language...


Oboeteru yo, Mihail!

In typical Japanese fashion, no subject is given in the sentence. No watashi, boku, ore, etc. No kimi, anata, anta, etc.

I don't believe that a subject is necessary, however. Oboeteru is a slangy way of saying oboeteiru. The te-form of a verb (our base verb being oboeru, to remember), plus iru indicates and ongoing state. Oboeteru or oboeteiru are more common in day-to-day Japanese, because simply saying oberu implies that remembering, then promptly forgetting.

Now, for the record, the command form, I believe, is oboero. So he's clearly not telling Mihail to remember it (and he's definitely not saying "don't forget" either, which I believe is wasurenaide). Logically, Alto is declaring is own intention to remember the hazing.

Yo is a particle in the Japanese language. It doesn't have a literal translation, but is often added to give a sentence emphasis.

and i still do not see how "it's twice as hard with the ex-gear switched on" is a mistranslation.

I'm going to be honest, my Japanese isn't good enough that I can actually make out what Mihail said. But let's use a little deductive reasoning. We've already seen Alto, among others, move with the Ex-Gears on. They just kind of float along, which apparently takes even less effort that walking unencumbered. In the scene that is causing such a stir, Alto is seen stomping around the hanger wearing the Ex-Gear with it turned off. It's clearly very heavy and he's having a hard time moving it.

With this information in mind, why would turning the Ex-Gear on make it more difficult? If, as is visually indicated, turning the Ex-Gear on would make Alto's laps easier, subtitles suggesting the opposite must be mistranslated.

  mikeszekely said:
I'm going to be honest, my Japanese isn't good enough that I can actually make out what Mihail said. But let's use a little deductive reasoning. We've already seen Alto, among others, move with the Ex-Gears on. They just kind of float along, which apparently takes even less effort that walking unencumbered. In the scene that is causing such a stir, Alto is seen stomping around the hanger wearing the Ex-Gear with it turned off. It's clearly very heavy and he's having a hard time moving it.

With this information in mind, why would turning the Ex-Gear on make it more difficult? If, as is visually indicated, turning the Ex-Gear on would make Alto's laps easier, subtitles suggesting the opposite must be mistranslated.

just adding my 2 cents.... :lol:

my version translated that michel ordered alto to run laps with the suit on, WITHOUT turning on the power...which in my opinion is like guiding a car with power steering, with the engine turned off, which is REALLY HARD. He even warned if he caught alto turning on the power, he will make alto double the lap.

so no confusion here.

*off to breakfast

  Gubaba said:
No idea...but the dialogue clearly said "juu-ni," not "ni-juu."

Beside, if it had been the 20th, Katherine would've been, what...Nine? Ten? when she was in the 8th contest. Not EVERYONE on board the Frontier is a pedo...(I don't think...)

I noticed that inconsistency, I pointed it out in my notes (not that anyone reads them anyway) on the forum as well. Went with 20 anyway because it's visible in the animation. It's likely an animation flub but who knows, a VA flubbing the line wouldn't be new either. Considering Catherine's supposed age, it's probably 12th (would make more sense if she was in her mid-twenties considering her position/attitude).

  Shouta said:
I noticed that inconsistency, I pointed it out in my notes (not that anyone reads them anyway) on the forum as well. Went with 20 anyway because it's visible in the animation. It's likely an animation flub but who knows, a VA flubbing the line wouldn't be new either. Considering Catherine's supposed age, it's probably 12th (would make more sense if she was in her mid-twenties considering her position/attitude).

Hey hey, haven't seen you around for a while. :)

  Duke Togo said:
Hey hey, haven't seen you around for a while. :)

I've been posting in the episode threads. I don't really post elsewhere. Fairly typical of my posting habits.

  Shouta said:
I noticed that inconsistency, I pointed it out in my notes (not that anyone reads them anyway) on the forum as well. Went with 20 anyway because it's visible in the animation. It's likely an animation flub but who knows, a VA flubbing the line wouldn't be new either. Considering Catherine's supposed age, it's probably 12th (would make more sense if she was in her mid-twenties considering her position/attitude).

Please don't take my earlier comment as a direct criticism...as I've said before, my computer can't handle h.264, so I've never seen your fansubs (or read the notes). But if someone says that saying Shinsen's "12th" is a mistake...well, that's just plain wrong.

As you say, a case could be made for 20th as well, but I really doubt that the Macross 25 would've launched in 2038/9...


Who knows. I went with the 20th because I did a similar thing in the Deculture and Broadcast Edition of ep 1. Sheryl is referred to as a "Ginga no Yousei" (Fairy literally, but Nymph might be more appropriate?) in the dialogue but I translated it as Galactic Songstress (which is usually utahime in Japanese). Why? The posters you see Ranka run by in the ep bill Sheryl as Songstress of the Galaxy. The case for that is a bit better though. :lol:

  Shouta said:
I've been posting in the episode threads. I don't really post elsewhere. Fairly typical of my posting habits.

If you've been posting, I haven't seen it. You guys have really been kicking ass since episode 4.


I see you guys have covered Lunar being added to the fray. Personally, I think they did a phenomenal job on Bleach (and Gin's slang form of speech is still done by DB by the way) so I think I might give them a try. They are releasing pretty large resolutions as well, which I like.

Also, if you guys are having trouble playing, try the k-lite codec pack. It works with Media Player Classic and plays EVERYthing. Best one I have found so far, just make sure to delete/uninstall ALL other secondary codec packs before you install it as it's pretty aggressive and likes having MPC all to itself.

  Chewie said:
I see you guys have covered Lunar being added to the fray. Personally, I think they did a phenomenal job on Bleach (and Gin's slang form of speech is still done by DB by the way) so I think I might give them a try. They are releasing pretty large resolutions as well, which I like.

Also, if you guys are having trouble playing, try the k-lite codec pack. It works with Media Player Classic and plays EVERYthing. Best one I have found so far, just make sure to delete/uninstall ALL other secondary codec packs before you install it as it's pretty aggressive and likes having MPC all to itself.

CCCP codec, all you'll ever need for anime. I cant speak to the accuracy of the Lunar sub, I didn't care for their use of slang, and didn't bother past 1 episode.

  MisaForever said:
It was one word and the only one in the whole episode. :p Granted it wasn't necessary but it doesn't ruin the vid.

Yes, but if they'll do it once, they'll do it again. We had this problem with Gurren Lagann, and it really torqued me off.

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