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I think I can speak for everyone here when I say we are all very grateful for your time and effort. If I had one request, though, it would be for accuracy over speed. I'll wait another day for a sub release if that means it allows the translator another viewing or two to get it right.

Anywho, thanks again. :)


We are so insanely fortunate to be getting these subs so quickly. Whoever you are, thank you. I am especially loving the AiA I-Z subs. Please keep up the great work.

Posted (edited)
  grss1982 said:
To ALL the groups involved in Subbing Macross Frontier:


Yupe, thanks to all groups. :lol:

Especially those Chinese groups; they deliver accuracy and speed. (though I doubt Chinese groups will visit MWF)

Edited by Repiv_Onex

Miclone is the Zentradi reference to humans. Miclone is on the Animego dvd descriptions.

I'm not for sure where microne came from, but it sounds like a Japanese engrish translation.


Just wanted to throw my thanks in as well. I'm really enjoying this series, and I'm so glad that I have a new subbed episode every week. I very much appreciate the efforts of the subbers.

Thank you!


Yeah thanks for all the great job guys :D

  boinger said:
Miclone is the Zentradi reference to humans. Miclone is on the Animego dvd descriptions.

I'm not for sure where microne came from, but it sounds like a Japanese engrish translation.

Well the whole Micronized come for Robotech I think. Both makes sense actually, Miclone because it is some sort of cloning, and Microne because it's basically about reducing the size of the Zentradi. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of word-play from the Japanese, much like Megaroad/Megaload - it has a double meaning.


  JB0 said:
Also, if you would be so kind as to release subtitle files that can be used on raw unsubbed videos it would be appreciated.

Amen to that bro...

I'll love to get my hands on the AiA-IZ srt file for that very reason...


After watching all the AiA fansubs yesterday, I must say that the ONLY gripe I have is the contrast and brightness is much too dark (some scenes were unviewable). If you could PLEASE brighten up your releases it would make a perfect sub. :D


Cheers to the fansubbers indeed! We need to express our thanks to you all. We're so lucky to have you all working hard. As a long time anime fan who was around when we once traded non-subtitled Betamax tapes to get our anime, it's truly a pleasure to have fansubbers around to help out us Macross fans. Merci!


Copy & Paste from what I wrote yesterday

  Nexx Stalker said:
Their sub (Shinsen) of episode 2 has just hit the street.

And while I'm at it: a big, big thanks to all the various fansubbers (Gattai and AiA first and foremost, but others as well). Thanks to you we are able to follow Macross Frontier in what we can call "real time", and that alone is marvellous. Just wanted you all to know your efforts and work is really appreciated. :D


Yep, props to all the groups that are subbing Frontier. Words can't express how grateful I am to be able to watch a new Macross TV series with English subs within a few days after it shows on Japanese TV.


Posted (edited)
  Vegas Valkyrie said:
thankyou AIA gattai shinsen! more power to you guys

You forgot the triumvirate of AonE & Gekkostate & Menclave. ;)

Again, Altoh-Hime best describes our gratitude to subbers with the word, "Sankyou" from episode 4. :lol:

Edited by grss1982

Yes, thank you...all of you. We know it's a difficult series to translate, and we know that having a rabid fanbase ready to bite your heads off doesn't help, but really...we love ya.

  grss1982 said:
Again, Altoh-Hime best describes our gratitude to subbers with the word, "Sankyou" from episode 4. :lol:

Yes. Though we are unsure exactly what this word of apparently zentradi origin means, it seems to convey a sense of appreciation and gratefulness. So sankyou from the bottom of our fanboy hearts.

  grss1982 said:
You forgot the triumvirate of AonE & Gekkostate & Menclave. ;)

Again, Altoh-Hime best describes our gratitude to subbers with the word, "Sankyou" from episode 4. :lol:

oh and seiyan too :lol:


i would say arigato or merci beaucoup or gracias but i've switched to korean.


Kamsahamnida or gahm-sah-hahm-ni-da or Gam-Sah, Ham-Nee-Da (i hate romanization, that's why i provided the hangul/korean script)

i'm still in chapter 3-4 (chapter 3 is really chapter 1) so i got that from google.

shinsen subs ftw. i haven't even bothered to watch any other fansub version except for seiyan's sub of deculture.

  Vegas Valkyrie said:
oh and seiyan too :lol:


Shheeesssh.......Totally forgot about them. :(

BTW, Is Seiyan going to do the whole series? Or was the December 2007 episode all they were gonna do?


DAMN!!! Looks like Shinsen is going all out on Macross Frontier with the release of Episode 4 just recently. :ph34r:

If this keeps up I'm going to be having a hard time choosing between AiA and Shinsen. <_<

  grss1982 said:
DAMN!!! Looks like Shinsen is going all out on Macross Frontier with the release of Episode 4 just recently. :ph34r:

If this keeps up I'm going to be having a hard time choosing between AiA and Shinsen. <_<

The first 3 releases from Shinsen were definitely better than any of the rest, but they really blew it on episode 4. Seemed like they rushed it to catch up a bit, which I didn't think they needed to do.

  Duke Togo said:
The first 3 releases from Shinsen were definitely better than any of the rest, but they really blew it on episode 4. Seemed like they rushed it to catch up a bit, which I didn't think they needed to do.

Oh I see. ^_^ Well I'm gonna be sticking with AiA then. B))

  Duke Togo said:
The first 3 releases from Shinsen were definitely better than any of the rest, but they really blew it on episode 4. Seemed like they rushed it to catch up a bit, which I didn't think they needed to do.

What's wrong with Episode 4? I haven't seen Shinsen's yet but is it a sub issue?

Posted (edited)
  Duke Togo said:
The first 3 releases from Shinsen were definitely better than any of the rest, but they really blew it on episode 4. Seemed like they rushed it to catch up a bit, which I didn't think they needed to do.

Really ? I just found a mistake. Give us examples please.

Edited by Macross007

Several instances of funny wording. Not plot errors, mind you, but just how it reads. Alto tells Mikhail that "you better not forget this!" when he is pushing him hard, which makes no sense. It should read something like, "I won't forget this!" Also, "It's twice as tough with the EX-Gear switched on.", which again, makes no sense. Its easier with it switched on. There are several instances of that kinda thing in this episode. And then it seems like several people are just given the rank of captain (including Bobby??). Some of their choices when it comes to wording strike me as odd, as well. Shinsen's first three episodes are still better than the first three put out by the other three groups doing this series, and I was just a little shocked to see such a drop in quality in this release.

For my money, Shinsen has been doing the best work, accuracy and readability. Gattai does well with accuracy, but suffers when it comes to readability. AiA-IZ is a solid read, but the translation has been a little too fast and loose for my liking. You *must* get plot points right when subbing, over everything else. However, their episode 4 release is my favorite Frontier sub so far. Outside of the big flub on Ranka being the only survivor of the 117th Research Fleet, I really felt AiA-IZ took a big step forward with episode 4, and I am eagerly awaiting their episode 5 work.


I want to thank all the fansubbers as well. Without you guys I wouldn't know the awesomeness that is MacrossF.

However, I'm going to break from the pack here, and say that if there's one group that wants to deliver speed over accuracy, you'll have my support 80% (<-Get it. Like Accuracy. Nevermind) I'm good enough with English that I just need the jist of what's being said to enjoy the show. I'm not analyzing it to figure out if Ranka is "the only survivor" or "one of the survivors," Army Captain/Navy Lieutenant/Taii is all the same to me (we get paid the same,) and while "care to place a wager" is way different than "how goes the business," I don't mind the occasional non-critical scene being chalked up to lost in the translation. That stuff doesn't affect my enjoyment of the show, but not watching does. :)

I am a Macross junkie and I just want my next fix!

  Vinnie said:
I want to thank all the fansubbers as well. Without you guys I wouldn't know the awesomeness that is MacrossF.

However, I'm going to break from the pack here, and say that if there's one group that wants to deliver speed over accuracy, you'll have my support 80% (<-Get it. Like Accuracy. Nevermind) I'm good enough with English that I just need the jist of what's being said to enjoy the show. I'm not analyzing it to figure out if Ranka is "the only survivor" or "one of the survivors," Army Captain/Navy Lieutenant/Taii is all the same to me (we get paid the same,) and while "care to place a wager" is way different than "how goes the business," I don't mind the occasional non-critical scene being chalked up to lost in the translation. That stuff doesn't affect my enjoyment of the show, but not watching does. :)

I am a Macross junkie and I just want my next fix!

Why play favorites? Watch the first one to come out, then watch the preferred one later.

It's what I'd do if the raw image quality wasn't so much better than the pre-subbed video files. The image artifacting in the fansubs was sufficiently distracting that I swear by a raw + Gattai's subtitle file.

No offense to everyone else.

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