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Transformers Super Thread 7

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Also I have Stealth bumblebee and I lost one of his shoulder guards. Those guards are a PITA!

Tell me about it. The one on my Screen Battles Bee barely holds at all and will fall off if you look at it wrong.

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Okay, yeah, I can kinda see that. The blue color and the narrower head threw me off, but he's sorta got Shockwave's ears.

Sorta being the operative word.

I can see it now that it's been pointed out, but I probably would've gone right by it and not noticed otherwise.

But since it HAS been pointed out...

Bot/altmode pix plzkthx!

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TFA Jazz went straight to the top of my must-buy list from the first moment I saw the pics surfacing. My mind hasn't changed. I'm really digging the entire TFA line, as these things all have style and character, accurate sculpts to the animation, high degrees of poseability, interesting transformations, and the majority have very little kibble. Helicopter Megatron has the least inspired transformation so far, IMHO, nearly as lazy as Classics' Jetfire arms just hanging there. Megs' arms are bent, but still just kinda hang there. His legs have a cool transformation. I wish they'd carried it the rest of the way and integrated the cockpit better into the robot mode instead of the old backpack routine. However, i love his bot mode, and I still like the look of his chopper mode, so my addiction will win this time too.

i wonder if releasing the TFA and Classics (Universe) lines so late in 2008 will hurt sales of the Movie Pt 2 toys, as most of the toys will most likely be repaints of the already established figs with maybe a few new characters thrown in. Designing a better concept Camaro BB will be difficult. TFA is almost through it's second season with still no toys on the domestic shelves. Personally, I find the TFA figs, characters, and story far far, far better than the Movie's ...the movie aesthetic, while ...interesting...just isn't very reminiscent of the Transformers I've known and loved since 1984. TFA and Classics is for people like me...this generation of kids can have Bay's and ILM's CGI delights( yes, I do have a number of the Movie toys, which, in all fairness, I think were done pretty well considering the transformations were all pure f@cking CGI magic and different in every scene depending on angle of shot). What the movie toys did for us collectors, however, was really make the designers think outside the box and create some cool, different, if sometimes frustrating transformation schemes, which have been carried over to the other lines, so Yay! for that.

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as most of the toys will most likely be repaints of the already established figs with maybe a few new characters thrown in.

I highly doubt that. The more likely scenario is that every character in the movie will have new toys, and the only rereleased figures from the first movie are store exclusives. If anything I expect returning characters to have vastly improved toys with regard to accuracy and hiding the gimmicks. Most of the toys were designed far before the final renders were completed, and even characters such as Prime did not have a finished character design until a short while before the movie premiered. This time around it will be different, if the returning characters look the same in the sequel, the toys based on them will be a lot more accurate than the first ones. This time around at least Hasbro has finished character designs to work off of, at least with the returning characters.

Personally, I find the TFA figs, characters, and story far far, far better than the Movie's ...the movie aesthetic, while ...interesting...just isn't very reminiscent of the Transformers I've known and loved since 1984.

I think the TFA series/toys doesn't feel as different to me than G1, than the movie did, but I like both personally.

I really wish the launch date wasn't delayed though, the toys are innovative and like Beast Wars, each figure has full articulation without the gimmick getting in the way. This is a huge thing for me, as it turned decent figures in the AEC trilogy into terrible toys. I am so glad the automorph gimmick from the movie line is being utilized in not only TFA, but the upcoming Universe/Classics figures.

Just need a few more deluxes and real gears and I am done with my movie collection! Time to save up for Universe/TFA/TF2!

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Saw Premium Prime, Megs, Blackout today. Still planning on getting a JP Prime. I need chrome. Blackout---toy's gimmicks still hinder the figure too much. And the coloring's still really wrong. Both Barricade and Blackout could have had significantly better toys given their price-point, if their gimmicks didn't compromise the Transformation. Note concept BB---no gimmick, and he's awesome. Blackout just has WAY too much "non-transforming tail kibble" in robot mode. Barricade has the entire sides of the car as his arms. Barricade is almost certain to return, and thus will get/deserve a new toy. Blackout--maybe/hopefully.

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Im not really digging the new designs of the new transformers animated series... Im through collecting most of the movie toys, alternators, and masterpeice stuff though, The new animated toys just look too kiddy for me :Shrugs:

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I am really enjoying the new Transformers Animated, and I am looking forward to the toy line coming out next month. I took my son to Walmart early in the morning when the movie toys were released and we managed to net some pretty nice toys, even though we live in North East Washington near the Canadian border. I just wished that our Walmart here and in Spokane carried the Masterpiece Starscream...but I never saw it.

I cannot wait until the new movie comes out, I took my son to see it on my honeymoon last July in Seattle, and it was simply amazing! Transformers are the toys for me right now, and I cannot wait to get my hands on more!


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I am really enjoying the new Transformers Animated, and I am looking forward to the toy line coming out next month. I took my son to Walmart early in the morning when the movie toys were released and we managed to net some pretty nice toys, even though we live in North East Washington near the Canadian border. I just wished that our Walmart here and in Spokane carried the Masterpiece Starscream...but I never saw it.

I cannot wait until the new movie comes out, I took my son to see it on my honeymoon last July in Seattle, and it was simply amazing! Transformers are the toys for me right now, and I cannot wait to get my hands on more!


The Walmart in Spokane did carry MP SS; I got him at the Wally on Wellesley Ave. I never saw him at the Wally in the Valley. Transformers have never not been the toys for me! Ha Ha And LEGO, but that's an addiction more gripping and powerful than the purest coke made from the finest, hardiest coca plants in Columbia. Anyway, I'm sorry you weren't able to score MP SS. but, you're a lucky dog for finding the TFA toys so early...my envy overrunneth.

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Wow, here I was thinking that I was the only Macross Fan in Eastern Washington....Now, not only is there another Macross fan but a Transformers fan too! Awesome! I have the MP Starscream original that I traded for a 1/60 VF-0S from Yamato, but the stupid horizontal tail fin is kinda warped and a little busted and I want to get one that isn't that way and doesn't keep falling off and doesn't have a stress mark on it.

Well, the Walmart.com has Skywarp for 119.99 that seems pretty sweet, or I can just go to BBTS and try to pick up a starscream tv colors for 95.


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Tformers.com has pics of BinAlt Arcee and others up. Arcee's looking better. (s)he's pink and white, definitely an improvement over previous pics. I think I may buy one in hopes that one of these fan companies will make a proper head remold, or maybe there was a close enough scale Arcee released in the past that I can scavenge one from. Going to have to research that.

Saw the last two episodes of Animated. Pretty good, if a bit silly at times(especially the Wreck-Gar episode), but the characterization is still excellent and the story does go to serious at the proper times. However, Starscream getting the heave-ho over and over again was just too funny. The G1 references were aplenty in the Wreck-Gar episode(Spike and Carly!) And again, I demand a Captain Fanzone action figure. Still not interested in the toys, but am really enjoying the show.

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I just watched Garbage In, Garbage Out and I was geekin' out. Wreckgar, Weird Al, Dare to be Stupid, Spike. Hell yeah.

Also, what episode is it currently on? I think my DVR is screwing me over.

GI, GO was my newest.

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I just watched Garbage In, Garbage Out and I was geekin' out. Wreckgar, Weird Al, Dare to be Stupid, Spike. Hell yeah.

Also, what episode is it currently on? I think my DVR is screwing me over.

GI, GO was my newest.

You're not getting screwed. For some stupid reason, Cartoon Network took a week off from new episodes, but the station airing it in Canada didn't, so we're a week behind them.

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Wow. This is gonna piss off MANY TF BotCon fans .....


Hey, the couple of people that could take the time off to drive to Botcon, then play a small fortune for a quintet of repaints, are likely a minority compared to the number of people who were pissed of that they couldn't get Thundercracker at a reasonable price.

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Hey, the couple of people that could take the time off to drive to Botcon, then play a small fortune for a quintet of repaints, are likely a minority compared to the number of people who were pissed of that they couldn't get Thundercracker at a reasonable price.

Agreed. Now where do I order one??? :blink:

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TFW2005.com has a news post that says Thundercracker & Skywarp are Hobby Toy Market/Ganbo Store exclusives.

So they too will be difficult to acquire, and likely pricey.


edit: More info

"Further exclusive revelations include Henkei! Thundercracker and Skywarp. The two seeker repaints will be available through TakaraTomy's Toy Hobby Market and Ganbo Store websites. The figures will retailer for 3,000 Yen a piece and pre-orders will begin on May 22nd."

Edited by Vermillion21
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Yeah---I think that TC will be only SLIGHTLY cheaper and easier to get than a Botcon one. Sigh. If I could "just order them" I'd buy both the SW and TC, despite already having a Target SW. (The lavender is just so much more correct on the JP version).

PS---I am so getting shiny chrome JP Movie Prime: http://transformers.hp.infoseek.co.jp/cgi-...80521010409.jpg (link is wonky--sometimes works, sometimes doesn't--try reloading, right-clicking, etc)

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The stripe deco pattern on Takara Skywarp is more boring, though. I wish Takara had gone bizzaro and followed Hasbro's example by doing some kind of stripe pattern that wasn't a carbon copy of the previous decos. I dunno, something like Armada Thundercracker would be nice looking, I think.

Wow. This is gonna piss off MANY TF BotCon fans .....


Not really, unless they're particularly mean-spirited ones or ones being ironic for the sake of pissing off people who take the Thundercracker issue way too seriously.

For some reason I noticed some people who didn't get the BotCon set (or were dissapointed at the exclusive/expensive status) created an imposed persona of elitism for people attending BotCon that previous didn't really exist before with any other BotCon or convention. From what I can tell of most people going there, like every other year they went there to have fun and pick up some souveniers, not to get nerd cock hard ons over which toys they have.

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I believe our Japanese and Japanese-reading friends at TFW2005 said that the limit number was for that particular store, but Ganbo (I think) said the preorder will stay open until June 20th, and the limit number is essentiallly unlimited.

It sounds like Takara is willing to produce however many are ordered, which, if true, is great.

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