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  >EXO< said:
Now where's that damn price for the Beagle?

$600.00 USD BAM!!! THERE IT IS!!! :lol:



Got my CM's Tlead and Legioss today. Never really got time to open it up and probably wont until this weekend....so close but yet so far! :p


hiya, anyone watch the collectiondx's review on the legioss/tread? its on youtube. can see how the figure looks and moves in real-time. wow, didnt know how flimsy the connection was for fighter-tread. can actually see the pros and cons of this figure. man i wish it wasnt $300... hard to scrounge up that kind of cash for this toy =P


im like on the border to either get this or not. but that flimpy connection really pushed me away. hmm... wish toynami would release some info on their beta =P


Im with you on this Hikaru, the first 2 parts of the reveiw I was almost pressed to buy one since they seem to be THAT good, but after the 3rd part I easily turned away (sigh, why $300 ........ WHYYYYYYY!?).


sat the review as well and i have to admit that at first glance its was great

but the connection and and the lack of metal and then that price

Gonna pass for sure on this one


It gets worse as the metal arm becomes looser over time. Mine simply fell apart the other day and the screws seem to have destroyed the thread so I can't put it back together.

I just cry, put the metal arm away and push the thought of connecting the Legioss and Tread to the back of my mind. It hurts sometimes. But.....I carry on regardless.

Posted (edited)
  Alex said:
It gets worse as the metal arm becomes looser over time. Mine simply fell apart the other day and the screws seem to have destroyed the thread so I can't put it back together.

I just cry, put the metal arm away and push the thought of connecting the Legioss and Tread to the back of my mind. It hurts sometimes. But.....I carry on regardless.

Can you shows us pics of the arm? Maybe it can help others avoid your ordeal. Did you do anything other than connect together?

Edited by will74
Posted (edited)
  will74 said:
Did you do anything other than connect together?

I hardly even touched the thing. I used it maybe a few times but that was it. Recently i've been getting some really awful QC problems with stuff i'm buying. It probably was just mine. Maybe the person who screwedd it together put the screw in at an angle and it stripped the thread.

Edited by Alex
  Hikaru's VF-1S said:
hiya, anyone watch the collectiondx's review on the legioss/tread? its on youtube. can see how the figure looks and moves in real-time. wow, didnt know how flimsy the connection was for fighter-tread. can actually see the pros and cons of this figure. man i wish it wasnt $300... hard to scrounge up that kind of cash for this toy =P


im like on the border to either get this or not. but that flimpy connection really pushed me away. hmm... wish toynami would release some info on their beta =P

THANKS for the link!!! I will watch this tomorrow.


  Alex said:
It gets worse as the metal arm becomes looser over time. Mine simply fell apart the other day and the screws seem to have destroyed the thread so I can't put it back together.

I just cry, put the metal arm away and push the thought of connecting the Legioss and Tread to the back of my mind. It hurts sometimes. But.....I carry on regardless.

:( OH NO! This is VERY bad news. COME ON CM!!! DON'T LET ME DOWN!!!


  misterryno said:
:( OH NO! This is VERY bad news. COME ON CM!!! DON'T LET ME DOWN!!!


To be fair, it's the only thing on my CM that has suffered QC problems. The toys themselves are solid little buggers.


alex, dun despair, i think you can do a threading again for the arm.

pehaps look for the people who does those screwing and such.

In the industry that i work in the thread being spoilt is normal

and i think possible to do a rethreading.

Anyways i managed to take out the arms for my CM Corps Legioss and tread, and i found it interesting.. hmmm

will put up pic when i have time..


Planning to buy at least one of the three different company released Armour Rider, so which one is the best?

  Valk009 said:
Planning to buy at least one of the three different company released Armour Rider, so which one is the best?

Kind of difficult to say which is best since one (beagle) is yet to see a release. Design-wise the CM is your man. But the looks belong to the Megahouse.

Posted (edited)
  Valk009 said:
Planning to buy at least one of the three different company released Armour Rider, so which one is the best?

With the current crop, it depends what you want. If you want a well designed but fragile toy, go for the CMS, if you want a toy with a realistic finish and unhelmeted heads go for the MH. I own both versions and here is my break down of the two.



-probably as close to PT as a ride armor toy will get. (at least in this scale, beagle may suprise, but currently CMS holds the crown.)

-has some diecast

-Good rider proportions

-in scale with all other 1/18th figures, Gi-joe, Star wars, ect...

-Lots and lots of tampo printing, it really brings these guys to life.

-foot pedals. The only transforming ride armor toy that has this.


-Parts fall off that shouldn't (most can be easily placed right back on but still its annoying)

-Windscreen is very fragile and breaks off easily (easily reglued and if you use the right adhessive this fix should be invisible. I used epoxy

which drys very clear and doesn't mar the material itself.)

-Dumb stick stand

Depends on personal preferences

-Small. personallly I like the small size, again its in scale with everything, and the amazing design makes up for it IMHO

-Glossy plastic. Some people think glossy plastic looks cheap. It doesn't bother me that much but I'll agree a slightly duller plastic

like what was used on the legioss tread toy would have looked better.



-Nice dull more realistic finish

-Swapable non helmeted heads

-clear chest lights in armor mode

-Much nicer stand.

-Swapable character head sculpts


-I know this is a parts former, but parts that are not even supposed to come off like the rear seat section fall off easily, as well as the arm guards of the rider.

-Really small wheels in proportion to the bike. The CMS has properly proportioned wheels at 1/18th. At 1/15th the MH's wheels are only slightly larger than

CM's wheels.

-Weird Rider proportions. When riding his bike he's gonna look really funny, he looks a tad to big for his bike. Also his upper body proportions make him

are very exagerrated making him look like a body builder, and and he has a giraffe neck.

-Can't stand without the stand. Thank god this thing came with a great stand because unlike the CMS counterpart it can't stand without its stand. this is

partially due to the backheavy nature of the figure, but the waist is very floppy as well, and there is nothing that tightly links the ride armor toy to the lowe

portion of the toy. all the locking mechanisms are in the chest. All of CM's locking mechanisms are in the groin armor, which actually allows for a more stable


-Less tampo printing than the CMS, I wouldn't have mentioned this as a con, if the sticker sheet that is supposed to come with this wasn't randomly placed in

in the toy boxes, so toy may or may not get a sticker sheet to add in all your favorite markings.

Personal Preference

-Larger scale.

-Partsformation. Front forks, handlebars have to be compleatly removed to transform. The handguards/shoulder guards have to be removed and replace

to transform the toy, and the riders head has to be removed and placed back on to transform the toy. I hate partformers, and the fact that a smaller toy

managed to pull of PT (as close as you can have to PT in a ride armor toy that is) makes this aspect of the MH even less impressive.

Well, there is my two cents.

Edited by GobotFool

I think GobotFool's review is pretty much on-the-money. The CMs are fragile enough that I keep them in cycle mode, but it's cool that I can pose them with my old Matchbox Invid toys. I keep the Megahouse figures in armour mode to hide the "giraffe neck". I found that really distracting, at least to my sense of aesthetics.


I'm going to TRU to check out any available '1/18-ish' toys to collect some scalps. I need 'generic heads' to form up my 1/18 Irregulars. :-)

Posted (edited)
  drifand said:
I'm going to TRU to check out any available '1/18-ish' toys to collect some scalps. I need 'generic heads' to form up my 1/18 Irregulars. :-)

On the subject of in-scale heads, what figures have heads suitable for an un-helmeted Stick for the 1/8 Gakken? I don't mind a little resculpting and painitng but the least amount of work needed would be ideal.

Edited by Alex
Posted (edited)

Finally had a moment to check out my Legioss/Tlead set. I really can't think of anything to say about it that hasn't been said already. It's past midnight and I'm tired so I'll just offer some rambling stream-of-consciousness comments.

Overall I'm very satisfied with it and there isn't really any aspect of the toy that I have a particular issue with. The wings are tight enough on mine where it shouldn't be an issue that they don't 'lock' into place. Once I finished the simple-yet-satisfying transformation into fighter mode, I flew the Legioss around the house and did a few barrel rolls and nothing moved out of place. Same for the Tlead. Both are incredibly excellent action figures in soldier mode with enough articulation to not leave me wanting for more (although, yes, the Legioss head could benefit from a joint, I'm just not sure how it would work with the existing design). I was a little concerned with how hard it was to pop the hands on both mechs, thinking I might squeeze the articulated fingers too hard and break them (leftover bad memories from Toynami) but with some patience I got them on without incident.

I should mention the linkup, which has become the sorest point with this toy. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. Why? Because I'm not really a fan of the Legioss/Tlead linkup in the first place. It's always looked like an afterthought to me so it seems fitting that the toy's linkup is an afterthought. I don't know what could have been changed to improve it on this set. Maybe a better locking mechanism where it connects with the Legioss. It actually works just fine for display purposes, and you CAN fly them around linked if you hold them right, but they really should lock together better. I don't know, and I really don't care since I had no interest in the linkup anyway. I'm just happy the connecting piece is an optional piece so I can leave it in the box and forget about it. I originally thought it was part of the Tlead. It does suck for people who were looking forward to that mode though, and I understand the frustration over it being half-assed.

Was it worth the money? To me, yes - definitely. All the anxiety and disappointment over the wretched Toynami/Aoshima Legioss vanished completely as soon as I started playing with this set. It's gorgeous, it has superb parts-fit, it's fun and it's a toy that I can mess around with free from fear of imminent collapse. And it comes with a sword, like all of the very best robot toys. If no other Legioss or Tread toys are ever made, I'll be content. :)


Late night grammatical meltdown!

Edited by eriku
  eriku said:
Finally had a moment to check out my Legioss/Tlead set. I really can't think of anything to say about it that hasn't been said already. It's past midnight and I'm tired so I'll just offer some rambling stream-of-consciousness comments.

Overall I'm very satisfied with it and there isn't really any aspect of the toy that I have a particular issue with. The wings are tight enough on mine where it shouldn't be an issue that they don't 'lock' into place. Once I finished the simple-yet-satisfying transformation into fighter mode, I flew the Legioss around the house and did a few barrel rolls and nothing moved out of place. Same for the Tlead. Both are incredibly excellent action figures in soldier mode with enough articulation to not leave me wanting for more (although, yes, the Legioss head could benefit from a joint, I'm just not sure how it would work with the existing design). I was a little concerned with how hard it was to pop the hands on both mechs, thinking I might squeeze the articulated fingers too hard and break them (leftover bad memories from Toynami) but with some patience I got them on without incident.

I should mention the linkup, which has become the sorest point with this toy. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. Why? Because I'm not really a fan of the Legioss/Tlead linkup in the first place. It's always looked like an afterthought to me so it seems fitting that the toy's linkup is an afterthought. I don't know what could have been changed to improve it on this set. Maybe a better locking mechanism where it connects with the Legioss. It actually works just fine for display purposes, and you CAN fly them around linked if you hold them right, but they really should lock together better. I don't know, and I really don't care since I had no interest in the linkup anyway. I'm just happy the connecting piece is an optional piece so I can leave it in the box and forget about it. I originally thought it was part of the Tlead. It does suck for people who were looking forward to that mode though, and I understand the frustration over it being half-assed.

Was it worth the money? To me, yes - definitely. All the anxiety and disappointment over the wretched Toynami/Aoshima Legioss vanished completely as soon as I started playing with this set. It's gorgeous, it has superb parts-fit, it's fun and it's a toy that I can mess around with free from fear of imminent collapse. And it comes with a sword, like all of the very best robot toys. If no other Legioss or Tread toys are ever made, I'll be content. :)


Late night grammatical meltdown!

Glad too see your happy with the set! I'll be posting pictures of my red one when I get it in. ^_^

Posted (edited)

I am thinking of getting either the CM's Red Legioss/Tread set or the Green Legioss/Tread set one. With a USD320 plus pricetag I can only afford one :wacko: . Tried to get the blue set but it was sold out. I would prefer to get the red set but it seems that the green set is harder to get. Which would you guys recommend ?

Edited by vanpang
  vanpang said:
I am thinking of getting either the CM's Red Legioss/Tread set or the Green Legioss/Tread set one. With a USD320 plus pricetag I can only afford one :wacko: . Tried to get the blue set but it was sold out. I would prefer to get the red set but it seems that the green set is harder to get. Which would you guys recommend ?

Dude these guys still have the blue legioss in stock! In addition they have the red one for pre-order. They're a reputable company and they ship out your items quite fast.



My Legioss Tread combo arrived yesterday from Toyntoys. Very nicely packaged and for a good price.

I felt like a kid while opening and taking everything out of the box :lol: .

Always wanted a Beta and here it was. Some of the pics made me feel that it was a bit dull compared to the more complex looking Legioss, but boy did it steel the spotlight when I took it out of the box! The plastic indeed looks a lot better in person; the blue has a beautiful tone. The Tread with the wings extended looks huge!

The Legioss looks great, but the leg articulation needs some getting used to; the same can be said about the feet. It’s just weird. I’ll probably do the hip mod to get a better “A stance” like the Tread has. Fighter mode is tight on mine (having the missile pack attached helps keep the arms more in check) but I miss the extra tight feeling of locking parts you get from a 1/48.

I really didn’t care for the link up since I wanted robot mode over all the others but seeing both connected in person is awesome. In fact VERY AWESOME… It’s a real bloody shame the link mechanism is so f*ing rudimentary/crappy.

As you can see, I’m happy with the purchase. Things could be better but overall the combo wins in my book.

Next week I’ll try to panel line them (they are jam packed of detail; some of it is even very hard to see).

Thanks to Samuray Monkey I’ll be getting a green version and a red version courtesy of Overdrive will soon follow after that.


Great reviews guys. I am looking forward to owning a Legioss/TREAD. Although...I think I may still only want a Legioss and not a TREAD. Who knows...I may like them both. I don't know. Too indecisive.


  misterryno said:
Great reviews guys. I am looking forward to owning a Legioss/TREAD. Although...I think I may still only want a Legioss and not a TREAD. Who knows...I may like them both. I don't know. Too indecisive.


I was thinking of keeping the red and green Legioss and selling their Treads after I got them, but the blue Tread proved to be so fun that I’m having second thoughts. Both bots complement each other very nicely.

One question for you guys that have played around more with these: can the Treads head rotate? The pics in the instructions show it turning but mine doesn’t come all the way up and I don’t want to force the metal bar I connects to.

  Twoducks said:
One question for you guys that have played around more with these: can the Treads head rotate? The pics in the instructions show it turning but mine doesn’t come all the way up and I don’t want to force the metal bar I connects to.

It's supposed to, but I couldn't get mine to and, like you, I didn't want to force it. I assume we're just doing something wrong.

  Twoducks said:
Next week I’ll try to panel line them (they are jam packed of detail; some of it is even very hard to see).

Please do. There's a pic in jenius' Tread review that shows all the "un-paneled" etchings and details.

It's just a shame that most photos can't show that level of detail. Though, I'm sure panel-lining will bring out those details a lot more.


if you flip out the front cockpit and use a finger or pencil end you can pop the head up enough that it rotates. its basically just a ball end that the head sits on! hpoe this helps =-)

  Twoducks said:
One question for you guys that have played around more with these: can the Treads head rotate? The pics in the instructions show it turning but mine doesn’t come all the way up and I don’t want to force the metal bar I connects to.

The Tread's head certainly can rotatate in the horizontal plane. I had the pleasant experience today of watching someone unfamiliar with the design learn that for themselves when I got my Tread down from the shelf for them to have a fiddle with. The head should slide far enough up to clear the neck of the socket it folds down to, at which point it should rotate fairly easily.



My Red and green will be coming in next week!! hahaha..

but abit ex for the green ast USD$280 & red's costs seems to be cheaper then the blue one.. hpoefully it's cheap..

btw if any of you are interested in the Green version, perhaps i can help as a local seller is selling in a set Red+Green.

shipment be from singapore.

  vanpang said:
hi dude, thanks for the tip, but looks like they are sold out as well. Maybe if they can get the green sets ........

for the green sets u ahve to email them about it, they said they cant sell the green versions on their website but can sell it to u if u pay them in paypal. =P

  Hikaru's VF-1S said:
for the green sets u ahve to email them about it, they said they cant sell the green versions on their website but can sell it to u if u pay them in paypal. =P

hi bro, thanks but do you have their email address ? Can I have it ? Thanks

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