SilentCrossHairs Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Just give me a good space battle scene. Been dying for one for a long time.
RedWolf Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Frakkers Huge! Like Zentradi huge! Cylon basestar is pointed. Cylon Colony
Mog Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Okay, that puts scale into perspective! So, can we unofficially refer to the colony as the HolyfrakkenshitStar?
Keith Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Any bets on the next episode having flying motorcycles, flying kids in overalls, and Gil Gerard?
miles316 Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 RedWolf said: Frakkers Huge! Like Zentradi huge! Cylon basestar is pointed. Cylon Colony Did they make the colony out of a asteroid?
RedWolf Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 I have no idea but from what Ellen said that the colony is where she, her fellow 13th tribe and the Centurion went after the first war. I think they just found this place. Likely through the backtracking the 13th Tribe's route to Earth. The Cenrurions couldn't possibly built this thing during the war.
miles316 Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 RedWolf said: I have no idea but from what Ellen said that the colony is where she, her fellow 13th tribe and the Centurion went after the first war. I think they just found this place. Likely through the backtracking the 13th Tribe's route to Earth. The Cenrurions couldn't possibly built this thing during the war. I should have said. Did some one build that out of a asteroid because it's texture looks rocky like they carved it out of rock. I didn't mean to say the Colonial Cylons built it sorry.
RedWolf Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Well it is too symetrical to be carved from an asteroid. Plus it looks organic.
miles316 Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 RedWolf said: Well it is too symetrical to be carved from an asteroid. Plus it looks organic. Do you think that it is some kind of space life form like the space whale from Macross 7 side story. The Cylons found, and adapted for their own uses.
505thAirborne Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Ghost Train said: I had a feeling we were going to get trolled this episode with a hour long Caprica preview... which I wouldn't have mind, but they tied in those flashbacks rather nicely. I can't believe next week is TEH END. Unless you count "The Plan" which will air in June I think. The grand finale better not be some Evangelion-style philosophical introspection for the last hour with all the Cylons projecting themselves into happy suburban environments, and concluding, "hey! We found earth! It has been here... inside us... all this time!" I had that same feeling in first 10 minutes of the episode, like where are we going with this? Got much better in the 2nd half. But yeah if this does have an Evangelion like ending..... I'm gonna be pissed! It was fine for EVA, but BSG needs an original ending!! "Lets get to work."
RedWolf Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Well RDM was pretty adamant there are no aliens. So no. But I wouldn't make it past him making the thing the source of the Head Characters. Since the Head Characters are the closest thing to the Beings of Light of TOS BSG. The Colony could be the equivalent of the Ship of Lights.
Vermillion21 Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 I just hope the finale doesn't disappoint ...
miles316 Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 RedWolf said: Well RDM was pretty adamant there are no aliens. So no. But I wouldn't make it past him making the thing the source of the Head Characters. Since the Head Characters are the closest thing to the Beings of Light of TOS BSG. The Colony could be the equivalent of the Ship of Lights. Like the ship the final five used to travel from Earth to the twelve colonies, or some kind of engineered space life form made from scratch. The Basestars are hybrid mechanical and organic with the ability to regenerate the colony was the prototype for the technology. Maybe the Earth cylons were trying to travel out side the star system, but the robotic rebellion happened before it could be compleatly crewed.
Mog Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 (edited) I think someone is making a mountain out of a mole hill (Granted, it's a MASSIVE mole hill, but still). I seriously doubt that somewhere buried in there is the final five's orginal ship. Remember, there was only five of them, and they knew the end was coming. I doubt they would have made their ship as big as Galactica. Maybe something as big as Colonial One. Maybe. But seriously! Look at how huge that HolyfrakkenshitStar is compared to even a Basestar. It'd make more sense to build that thing from scratch (than from the final five's original ship). Also, considering that the Colonial Cylons were already experimenting with organic technology, that there's a whole sh*tload of Centurions, that these Centurions probably don't need to rest or sleep, and given the amount of time since the First Colonial Cylon War, I can easily see them making this massive techno-organic HolyfrakkenshitStar on their own. It would just be their melding of the organic and the mechanical taken to an exponental level. But again, if your focus is so heavily aimed at the origin of this Cylon Colony, then you've completely missed the most important parts of this series and its overall story. Edited March 14, 2009 by Mog
RedWolf Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Cylon Colony is at an edge of a black hole. Center of the galaxy? Will we find out what happened to Megaroad 1?
glane21 Posted March 15, 2009 Posted March 15, 2009 Am I mistaken or did Baltar drop an actual F-bomb instead of Frak when he first started cursing in his dad's house. He said "I don't f-ing believe this." I think right after the nurse left.
Mog Posted March 15, 2009 Posted March 15, 2009 ^^It was frak. I rewatched it a few times, and he did say "frakken." It's just that Baltar's accent almost made it sound like the genuine f-bomb.
505thAirborne Posted March 15, 2009 Posted March 15, 2009 (edited) glane21 said: Am I mistaken or did Baltar drop an actual F-bomb instead of Frak when he first started cursing in his dad's house. He said "I don't f-ing believe this." I think right after the nurse left. It was frakking, but just barely. Seems like he corrected himself at the last second there, and that F--king is easier to slip out of ones mouth!! Edited March 15, 2009 by 505thAirborne
Roger Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 Ghost Train said: I'm still intrigued by the rumors of the final scene of the series supposedly being Reveal hidden contents the six in her signature red dress walking through present day NYC . That would really suck, because that gag was already used for Reveal hidden contents the ending for the Aeon Flux movie , which also dealt with Reveal hidden contents the survivors of a decimated Earth . I think it's possible someone is yanking your chain. At least I hope so. According to Ron Moore in the latest podcast commentary, Daniel has nothing to do with Starbuck, nor will Daniel be a part of the finale. He saw a lot of speculation among fans on the internet and wanted to put it to rest. Daniel may have something to do with the upcoming Caprica series (as Moore hinted in a previous podcast) but as far as BSG is concerned, Daniel only exists as a fix to explain why the writers named Boomer/Athena "Type 8," and leaving an empty slot for "Type 7." And that great whooshing sound you're hearing is the wind being taken out of a million fanboys' sails. He also mentions that at the center of the Cylon's Bodolza-class ship is the original Earth ship the Final Five arrived in. He's pretty disciplined with spoilers, so the fact that he's discussing it in the podcast seems to indicate that we won't be seeing it in the finale.
RedWolf Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 Daniel as in Daniel Graystone, father of the Colonial Cylons. A clone of Daniel Graystone makes sense. During Razor Flashback the guy whom young Bill Adama talked to looked like Leoben. And since Cavil was fashioned after Ellen's father Skinjobs being clones isn't farfetched. But I wouldn't make past him if they did a reveal that Daniel Seven was the Guardian Centurion's hybrid. Running away from Cavil's purge. Saving him much like Anders.
Roger Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 To clarify, in the earlier podcast Moore hinted that the name "Daniel" and the model might have some connection with Daniel Graystone from the Caprica series. In this podcast, though, he made it clear that Daniel (Type 7) won't have a role in the finale or Starbuck's origin. I believe there was an earlier podcast or Q&A session where Moore discounted the idea that the Cylons (at least the ones that had been revealed up until that point in the show, before the Final Five and Hybrids were introduced) were not clones of Colonial citizens, that they were genetically engineered from scratch. The writers referred to the Cylon homeworld in meetings as "Cylonia." Yecch, glad they ditched that.
Chewie Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 Anyone else watch The Last Frakkin' Special last night? I was sad. =(
Duke Togo Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 Chewie said: Anyone else watch The Last Frakkin' Special last night? I was sad. =( Quite a few spoiler shots in it, as well.
miles316 Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 Duke Togo said: Quite a few spoiler shots in it, as well. Will Galactica survive the attack on the colony? They show the Admiral piloting a viper in one of the shots.
big F Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 Back tracking slightly did anyone notice the old type Cylon Raiders on the pad when Boomer brought her stolen Raptor in for landing in Cavils base? One was on the pad and the other was taking off. Surely there cant be a mistake there. I mean the CGI models for new type Raiders are well used and would be almost no cost to put in the shot, afterall its all CGI.
miles316 Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 (edited) big F said: Back tracking slightly did anyone notice the old type Cylon Raiders on the pad when Boomer brought her stolen Raptor in for landing in Cavils base? One was on the pad and the other was taking off. Surely there cant be a mistake there. I mean the CGI models for new type Raiders are well used and would be almost no cost to put in the shot, afterall its all CGI. Maybe cavil put the old type back into service because they cant create new raiders brains with the lose of the resurrection ability. Do the Centurion's have a organic brain like the raiders? Edited March 18, 2009 by miles316
dreamweaver13 Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 finally watched the ep last night. wow. just..... wow. i could almost cry at how good of a build up this episode is. Galactica's last stand indeed. Admiral Adama FTW.
Duke Togo Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 This is an anti-spoiler, and not news if you follow the podcast: Reveal hidden contents The podcast for Episode 417 ("Islanded in a Stream of Stars") has been released finally and around the 34" mark, Ron Moore addressed the persist rumors about Daniel by saying that not only is Daniel NOT Kara's fathe nor does he have any role in the greater mythology. In essence, when Daniel's line was eliminated by Cavil, it was completely ended and so all the theories swirling around that involve Daniel are wrong.
chowyunskinny Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 (edited) big F said: Back tracking slightly did anyone notice the old type Cylon Raiders on the pad when Boomer brought her stolen Raptor in for landing in Cavils base? One was on the pad and the other was taking off. Surely there cant be a mistake there. I mean the CGI models for new type Raiders are well used and would be almost no cost to put in the shot, afterall its all CGI. Yup, a couple weeks ago. The throwback style Raiders were featured in Razor. If you haven't watched it yet, go now! chowyunskinny said: I laughed my ass off at Starbuck takin a piss, although I'm surprised she didn't do it standing up also, I got giddy seeing the retro Raiders at the Cylon colony Edited March 18, 2009 by chowyunskinny
Noriko Takaya Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 miles316 said: Maybe cavil put the old type back into service because they cant create new raiders brains with the lose of the resurrection ability. I doubt that. If you recall what Caprica Six said in the miniseries, she said the old types had their uses. I doubt that Cavil would have had them put into storage. They probably would have been second class citizens compared to the newer model and the skinjobs.
miles316 Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 (edited) Noriko Takaya said: I doubt that. If you recall what Caprica Six said in the miniseries, she said the old types had their uses. I doubt that Cavil would have had them put into storage. They probably would have been second class citizens compared to the newer model and the skinjobs. But after the loss of the resurrection capability creating new brains for the raiders would be impossible why would Cavil not use the old models as cannon fodder. because they show the old Cylon raiders being used when boomer lands her Raptor on the colony. Edited March 18, 2009 by miles316
Roger Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 Who says that old Raiders can only be piloted by old Centurions? Maybe there are skin jobs inside.
Ghadrack Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 Roger said: Who says that old Raiders can only be piloted by old Centurions? Maybe there are skin jobs inside. Also, while they may not be able to crank out a bunch of fresh ressurrected skin jobs, there's nothing to say that they can't start up the old production line cranking out old school robot cylons to fight their war for them.
miles316 Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 (edited) Roger said: Who says that old Raiders can only be piloted by old Centurions? Maybe there are skin jobs inside. I did not say the old raiders were using old centurions; maybe they just daisy chained a bunch of new centurions together to fly the old raiders, or put a skin job in a retrofitted cockpit to allow one person to fly it. But if the New centurions use a organic brain like the rest of the Cylon units they would not be able to create new ones, and would be left only having the electromechanical versions assuming they can still manufacture electric brains. A question did the resurrection hub have the cloning equipment needed to make the blank body's or did they make them elsewhere? I have been confused since they destroyed the Hub because when Galactica destroyed the resurrection ship the Cylons pursuing them lost the ability to resurrect for a period of time. Did it take time for the Cylons to get reinforcements from the Hub (new resurrection ship) or move the Hub closer to the pursuit fleet? Is the range of resurrection limited, and does the resurrection ship Carry the necessary equipment necessary to download the Cylon consciousness? Is the resurrection Hub were they make new body's, and with out it they cant make new body's, and once they run out of spair body's they lose the ability permanently? Edited March 18, 2009 by miles316
big F Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 (edited) The Cylons never did say if the resurection hub and its destruction meant no more skinjobs could be made. they only refer that their race is doomed. I though this was just as they could not further their existance to a point where they were no longer a manufactured product. I assumed that they were made some place else and that the ships and skinjobs would only benifit from resurection once created. Do the actual Centurions have organic brains. I do now recall what Cparica 6 said. So it makes sense not to scrap something if it works just fine. Would be good to see some in action again not just in Razor. Maybe if the end battle is all out we will, if they throw everything into it that could mean old types too. Edited March 18, 2009 by big F
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