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Posted (edited)
  Roger said:

I "always" thought so. ;) There was an episode where Adama was flashing back to his marriage because it was the day of his wedding anniversary. Edit: Forgot to mention this is the episode where we find out about the ring. He seemed to romaticize it, and blamed himself for the break up. It was Apollo who came in later in the episode and pretty much told him how it really was, and how she wasn't mentally healthy. Adama seemed to cling to the good memory anyway even though Apollo told him it was a false one. I think this was pretty much the starting point for the storyline for him and Roslin becoming an item.

At least that's what I remembered. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong. :D

Edited by Alpha OTS

Yeah Adama's pretty much always worn it. It seems that until Laura came along, Bill was never really over his previous wife/marriage.


Battlestar Galactica 4.10 FAQ

What’s it called?


Who’s responsible?

Teleplay is credited to David Weddle and Bradley Thompson (“He That Believeth In Me”).

What does SciFi say?

“A band of rebel Cylons holds President Roslin hostage while attempting to lure the Final Five out of hiding inside the Galactica and the human fleet.”

Today’s not Friday! What is this review doing up Thursday?

The SciFi Channel on Wednesday night screened this episode at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood.

The big news?

Big stuff happens. I deem this the biggest episode of “Battlestar Galactica” yet produced.

Why is it the biggest?

Series mastermind Ron Moore implored the audience to keep the big secrets. We must abide Mr. Moore’s wishes.

Others were in the audience with you, right, Herc? Will you ban those who post any kind of spoilers in talkback and shut down the talkback entirely if the spoiling persists?

I will!

Is it true, as you intimated last week, that the focus this week shifts back on the circumstances of Starbuck’s resurrection?

It could be argued that Starbuck and her miracle viper are key components of this week’s story.

Is it true, as rumored, that Starbuck sees her own dead and mutilated body this week?


Is the final Cylon revealed this week?


What else is SciFi not telling us?

D’Anna has officially ascended from Boxey to Head Toaster In Charge. Despite last week’s Bill-Laura reunion, Lee Adama’s presidency continues. And we will see a side of Bill never before glimpsed!

Are you sure this is the biggest “Galactica” ever?


Bigger than the episode that ended with Boomer putting two bullets in Bill Adama's chest?


Bigger than the episode that leapt ahead a year?


Bigger than the episode that revealed the Watchtower Four?


Will this post spawn the lengthiest "Galactica" talkback ever forged?


What’s great?

An insane amount of tension among the Watchtower Four now that D’Anna can identify them; handprints will be permanently squeezed into sofa arms across America Friday night as a deadly showdown between Lee and D’Anna escalates. Then the final act kicks the episode, the season and the series into the stratosphere. “Revelations” is one aptly titled episode. You will revel in the reveals the episode bestows and curse those you're denied.

What’s not so great?

On the way out I asked writer-producer Jane Espenson if she knew if SciFi would announce Friday when the show would return; she said she’s long assumed it won’t be back until 2009.

Anything interesting emerge in the Q&A with Ron Moore, Mary McDonnell, Katee Sackoff and Tricia Helfer?

* Helfer’s “a bit agnostic” and not as tall as you’d think.

* Sackoff prefers “fart” to “frak” in her everyday life (“Nothing works like a good f-bomb,” she explains.)

* The series finale is filming right now in Vancouver and will likely wrap just before the June 30 Screen Actors Guild deadline.

* The script for the series finale made Edward James Olmos and Aaron Douglas cry, according to Helfer. Helfer describes her own reaction to the finale script: “Like somebody punched me in the stomach.” Helfer said the ending will compel fans to revisit the series’ beginning.

* McDonnell said the series finale script filled her with “an incredible feeling of adrenaline.” “It made me understand the entire saga, and made me excited for all of you,” she told the audience. She added she was “blown away” by it.

* “The Final Five do not have numbers,” said Moore. Which I guess means there isn't a Seven???

* Moore confirmed again that the fleet will get to Earth by the series finale and that he originally had a number of ideas for what the fleet would find there. “We X’ed off a few immediately.”

* Moore said he did not have the series finale in his head as he wrote the original miniseries, but figured it out midway through the first regular season. Moore seemed to hint that Leoben’s line about “All this happened before and will happen again” is significant.

* As Moore wrestled with the series’ conclusion this year, he had the epiphany that the show’s not really about the plot – it’s about the characters. He then scrawled “It’s the characters, stupid!” atop his whiteboard and says that’s when the series finale really clicked.

* Moore said the monotheist/polytheist business emerged out a single line in his rough draft, when Six told Baltar that “God is love.” “I didn’t really know what it meant,” said Moore, but SciFi exec Michael Jackson suggested Moore play up the religious angles. The colonists’ polytheism was holdover from the many references to the Greek and Roman gods in the 1970s series.

* Mary McDonnell volunteered that everyone was “quite happy” with Ron Moore’s directorial debut.

* How does the Cylons’ Bob Dylan tune and Baltar’s Shakespeare quotation fit in to the bigger picture? “All will be revealed,” replied Moore cryptically.

* McDonnell says she’s already snuck a peek at the now-filming “Caprica” prequel pilot’s dailies and found what she saw “absolutely thrilling.” “They all treat us like their parents,” she says of the “Caprica” cast.

* Making Starbuck female was one of the very first ideas Moore had for the series the weekend David Eick suggested Moore shepherd the series. It was a pivotal idea that helped Moore free himself from some parameters of the original series.

* Moore said the idea of another “Razor”-like prequel TV-movie set in the “Galactica” universe was still in the early talking stages. He downplayed reports that three TV-movies might get produced, suggesting one movie was more likely.

How does it end, spoiler-boy?

With the survivors, stunned into silence.


I don't know why, but reading your post gave me the chills, Skullsixx. And in a good way.

I think the thing I like the most is the inference that the end of the series is going to tie back to the beginning. That's the way it should be, and I'm glad that it sounds like that's the way they're doing it.

Really dissappointed that we're not going to get the final cylon reveal this week, and will have to wait until 2009. BOO! :angry:


Sounds good to me :) oh yeah. In 25 years time this could be like Macross, we could be getting all mushy over it.

  Alpha OTS said:
I don't know why, but reading your post gave me the chills, Skullsixx. And in a good way.

I think the thing I like the most is the inference that the end of the series is going to tie back to the beginning. That's the way it should be, and I'm glad that it sounds like that's the way they're doing it.

Really dissappointed that we're not going to get the final cylon reveal this week, and will have to wait until 2009. BOO! :angry:

If I remember correctly I read an interview with Ron Moore where he stated that when the final Cylon is revealed that it will make perfect sense, especially after seeing the show from the beginning. Definitely something to look forward to.


Someone on another board mentioned that the Starbuck's first line to Adama in the mini would actually come back to bite them this episode, what was that line? I thought it was basically good morning and they cat/rain thing. If so, how would that come back to bite them?


I just watched it as well all I can say is OMG!! and WTF!! I have to wait until 2009 to see how this will all end.

If anyone else who wants to check it out early. SCi-Fi will be playing the episode all day on the hour until 4pm today.


Well, I guess our Final Cylon pool is going to be postponed for a year :mellow:

Hmmm, so what to think after seeing the finale

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which makes me think, why are the cylons so hot to get to earth anyway? Don't they have their own planet/territory that they were chilling out at for 40 years?

Posted (edited)

One shot. Not even the movement of the people inside the ships, for I was expecting it, but that shot of blue and gray and black and the Sun. Galactica and the fleet and the Cylons found Earth. It made me cry.

Then I heard the Geiger counter, and I cried again.

Gods, that was amazing. And I can't wait to see what happens next. SciFi might be a little beyotch by stretching it as much as they possibly can, but if I were them I would do it too.

Edit: Removed the Spoiler tags since everybody has spoiled this to hell and back already.

Edited by Lindem Herz

Looks like the spoilers that were posted back a few pages were true.

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Posted (edited)

'Battlestar's' final season expands; TV movie looking good

As "Battlestar Galactica" gets ready to air its mid-season finale on Friday, there are two bits of good news to share regarding the show.

According to well-informed sources, it’s almost certain that at least one “Battlestar Galactica” TV movie will be made this year.

Here’s even better news: Up to two hours may be added to “Battlestar’s” final run of episodes.

You heard that right: The last leg of the show’s final season could expand to 12 hours, instead of the originally planned 10 hours.

As he discussed here, the show’s executive producer, Ronald D. Moore, wrote "Battlestar's" final episode, which could be up to three hours long (a wild guess here: Sci Fi probably wouldn’t air the whole thing in one night). Mary McDonnell described her reaction to the script this way: It filled her with "an incredible feeling of adrenaline,” she told Ain't It Cool News. “It made me understand the entire saga, and made me excited for all of you.”

UPDATE: Here's a statement from from a Sci Fi spokesman: "As written by Ron, the phenomenal finale script extends beyond the time alotted for the episode. We're exploring how to shoot the extra footage as Ron has envisioned and written it."

As for when the final part of Season 4 will air, Moore has told TV Guide that it’s probably going to be in 2009. (Update: EOnline.com reports that the president of Sci Fi has said the last episodes will begin airing in the "first quarter" of 2009.)

Kateeviper Regarding the “Battlestar” TV movie, as "Razor" did, it will probably air on Sci Fi first then be released on DVD within days (the preceding sentence was updated with new information from a Sci Fi rep). There’s no word on who will be in the movie, what it will be about and when it will air. All of that is still to be determined.

In a previous story, I’d reported that up to three films were being considered. Whether the other two “Battlestar” TV movies will get made is an open question at this point, but it is possible, according to my sources and according to Galactica Sitrep (which also has wall-to-wall coverage of Wednesday’s screening of the mid-season finale at Los Angeles’ Cinerama Dome).

UPDATE!! Independent, uninpeachable sources assure me that there will be a total of 11 new regular-series "Battlestar Galactica" Hours in 2009.

The original plan was to use the last two hours for the series finale. When the finale was expanded from two to three hours, 2009 got its 11th hour.

Edited by Skullsixx

Just finished watching the episode... Wow. Just wow.

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  meh_cd said:
Can't say I'm surprised. I've been expecting something like that for a few years now. I thought that'd be the series finale though. Talk about a mindfrack.

Actually, that wouldn't be a bad series finale. Just end it right there. But, they won't. Oh no, they'd better not.


D'anna made it a point to say that there were four in the fleet. She could have been implying that the fifth was on the base star. Which means that Roslyn, Baltar, or Helo could be candidates (although my money's on Hot Dog).

Nuclear weapons normally have a half-life of decades, not centuries or millenia, right? If so, the destruction of Earth may not have happened that long ago.

  Roger said:
D'anna made it a point to say that there were four in the fleet. She could have been implying that the fifth was on the base star. Which means that Roslyn, Baltar, or Helo could be candidates (although my money's on Hot Dog).

Nuclear weapons normally have a half-life of decades, not centuries or millenia, right? If so, the destruction of Earth may not have happened that long ago.

Was it ever said how long it was since humanity left Earth?

Nukes, depending on the makeup, and the amount... used... Can have a long half life. I'm probably way off, but the plutonium used as the core of a conventional nuke (implosion type) has a fairly lengthy half life, and remember, there's still quite a bit of radiation left after that initial half life...

  azrael said:
Looks like the spoilers that were posted back a few pages were true.

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  Guvava said:
Turning out to be alot like DYRL, wonder if Moore is a Macross Fan.

More like the original SDF Macross. The second half of the season is not alot unlike the extra 10 post-Space War I episodes tacked onto the original show.

Posted (edited)
  Fatalist said:
Saw the mid-season finale. While it was fantastic, I think they should have went with a 2hr. Some of it felt very rushed.

Agreed. But it was still amazing ... can't wait until 2009 ...

Edited by Vermillion21

Damn!! that was a good episode. I concur that they could've ended the show there. But I wasn't shocked that they found earth in the condition that it was in. The mystery between Starbuck, her 'new Viper' and the story associated with it have me excited to see when it will be told.

Posted (edited)

I didn't think that this season's cliffhanger would end with them finally arriving, I thought that it would have been shown at the season finally. Good tight episode. While it was an interesting cliffhanger, I still prefer the endings with Adama getting shot or the one year later jump which were more jarring. This cliffhanger was more of a slower paced direction.

Why hold it over til 2009?

Edited by baronv

I expected it to end at the announcement that they knew where Earth was because of the viper. Then I expected it to end when the president gave the order to jump. *Then* I expected it to end when Gaeta said the coordinates were a match. **Then** I certainly and fully expected it to end when earth was in view. I sort of expected what actually happened, I just didn't expect them to show us as much as they did in this episode.

What I also loved about the episode was that Adama reacted exactly like he should have to Saul's revelation. He also brought up valid points I've been asking about Cylon's aging and how could Tigh have been one this long. So the writers haven't forgotten about those points, but they still haven't answered them!!! Grrrr....

I have to give the creators credit, they're skilled at the art of dangling the carrot. Skilled to a purely evil degree. Waiting until 09 is cruelty, plain and simple. :p

Posted (edited)

Ronald Moore said the 5th Cylon is NOT in the infamous "Last Supper" pic. So that leaves Cally (who's dead), Dualla (who did NOT hear the song that other 4 did while Tigh heard it in the CIC) and Romo Lampkin. Hmmmmmm....? Unless, like they say in the upcoming "Caprica" prequel it's a copy of Zoe Greystone who's father built the Cylons and we (as an audience) have not seen the 5th at all yet. Before Moore said that, my money was on Gaius Baltar. I am willing to bet that the 5th is a female.

Edited by Skullsixx

I would not be surprised to learn that it's some other, new character, like this

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that I keep hearing about.

The legends of the twelve colonies speak of the fall of Kobol and the one god who tempted man to rebel, right? There's obviously some connection to the cylons models and these gods. I wonder if the final Cylon could be this individual, or somehow related to them.


It's funny that after all of this time, all of this waiting, they finally get to Earth and it SUCKS...


Being an "old school" Battlestar Galactica fan, I have only seen a few epiosdes, but was anybody really "surprised" that earth looked like the end of the original Planet of the Apes? I almost expected to see the head of the Statue of Liberty laying on the beach. B))

Posted (edited)
  aerocombatpilot said:
Being an "old school" Battlestar Galactica fan, I have only seen a few epiosdes, but was anybody really "surprised" that earth looked like the end of the original Planet of the Apes? I almost expected to see the head of the Statue of Liberty laying on the beach. B))

Given the ongoing depressing tone of the show, I don't think anyone was particularly surprised by it. People had other theories about what might happen when they got to earth, but I highly doubt they gasped when they saw earth was a radioactive wasteland. This show is all about the characters getting punched in the gut.....repeatedly, and the followup punch is always just as they've regained their breath. :)

Edited by Alpha OTS

My guess is that they'll run into survivors. I don't think the whole of the earth is dead yet. They only showed you the area they were in, but not all of it. So who knows really. All I can say is that I liked it and I can't wait for more!!

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