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  kresphy said:
Sheryl's two songs FULL Ver is leaked.

You will google it.

「射手座☆午後九時 Don't be late」(Sagittarius 9:00PM, Don't be late),5:46

「ダイアモンド クレバス」(Diamond Crevasse) ,5:57

Awesome too!

  kresphy said:
Sheryl's two songs FULL Ver is leaked.

You will google it.

I'll wait for the CD Single. I want the instrumentals.


The Shinsen Radio version has the instrumentals for Triangler (as well as the new song).

Four tracks in all.


How can you WAIT? It won't be relased for, like, 170 more hours!!!

(And, um...I did google it...didn't find anything. But there were a lot of Chinese pages I didn't have the patience to wade through.)


Perhaps the Shinsen subs will be the go to versions for keeping on the old HD. The other versions are great for those of us that need an immediate fix.

  UN Spacy said:
The Shinsen Radio version has the instrumentals for Triangler (as well as the new song).

Four tracks in all.

We're talking about "Diamond Crevasse". :blink:

How can you WAIT? It won't be relased for, like, 170 more hours!!!

Patience padawan. :ph34r:


Little message on the MF blog.

Kawamori is working on the VF-25 products. Production keeps him busy most of the time, but he is working on it.


His Froatingness needs a haircut...

  kresphy said:
Sheryl's two songs FULL Ver is leaked.

You will google it.

「射手座☆午後九時 Don't be late」(Sagittarius 9:00PM, Don't be late),5:46

「ダイアモンド クレバス」(Diamond Crevasse) ,5:57

After listening to both of the leaked songs, in my most humble opinion, Diamond Crevasse is my favorite original song from Frontier at the moment.


Yeah, what ever happened to all those funny pictures? Beams coming out of his eyes and fans bowing down to his froating head :)

  Realist_Classic said:
After listening to both of the leaked songs, in my most humble opinion, Diamond Crevasse is my favorite original song from Frontier at the moment.

Where did you find them?

Posted (edited)

Thank you! ^_^

EDIT: Whoops...Realist Classic's post (which I was referring to) seems to have disappeared...sorry, man. Didn't mean to get you in trouble...

Edited by Gubaba
  kresphy said:
Sheryl's two songs FULL Ver is leaked.

You will google it.

「射手座☆午後九時 Don't be late」(Sagittarius 9:00PM, Don't be late),5:46

「ダイアモンド クレバス」(Diamond Crevasse) ,5:57

I haven't found Diamond Crevasse yet - but interestingly the Don't Be Late version sounds different from the one we hear during episodes 01 - it actually sounds like the version used on the Macross Frontier trailer that was released last year.

On a side note anyone knows WHO is Sheryl's singing voice ? It that the voice actress or someone else ?


  Sergorn said:
I haven't found Diamond Crevasse yet - but interestingly the Don't Be Late version sounds different from the one we hear during episodes 01 - it actually sounds like the version used on the Macross Frontier trailer that was released last year.

On a side note anyone knows WHO is Sheryl's singing voice ? It that the voice actress or someone else ?


Isn't not the voice actress, it's a singer anmed May'n.

Her official website is mayn.horipro.jp.


Something I just realized, the Varja don't bug out when Ranka screams in episode 2, the flee after Ozma kills the lead Lobster.


All I found is Alvin & The Chipmunks-Christmas Don't Be Late mp3 files :wacko:

I agree with Duke Togo, we need official links to these songs.

One more thing, where's the Yoshinol when I need one.

  Graham said:
Buy the damn CDs ya' cheap bastiches! B))

I wanted to, but I prefer the full OST CD B))

マクロス フロンティア O.S.T.「娘フロ。」  价格:3,045円(含税) 6月4日发售预定

Posted (edited)

Ladies and Gentlemen, WE HAVE FRONTIER O.S.T. TRACK LISTING!!! (from the JVC website)

And it looks like those who thought there would be a Mac Zero connection in this show are right...

1. Frontier 2059

2. Welcome To My FanClub's Night! (Sheryl On Stage)

3. What 'bout my star? (Sheryl On Stage)

4. 射手座☆午後九時Don't be late (Sheryl On Stage) [You all know this one by now.]

5. Vital Force

6. トライアングラー [Triangler]

7. Zero Hour

8. What 'bout my star? @Formo

9. Innocent green

10. アイモ [Aimo]

11. ビッグ・ボーイズ [big Boys]

12. Private Army

13. SMS小隊の歌〜あの娘はエイリアン [sMS Squadron Song ~ That Girl is an Alien] (YES!!!)

14. ニンジーン Loves you yeah ! [Ninjiin Loves you yeah!] ("Ninjin" means carrot, but this may be something else... :unsure: )

15.「超時空飯店 娘々」 CMソング(Ranka Version)[super Dimension Chinese Restaurant Nyan Nyan CM Song] (YES!!!)

16. Alto's Theme


18. The Target

19. Bajura (Yep, that's how they write it...)

20. キラキラ [Twinkle]

21. アイモ〜鳥のひと [Aimo~The Bird Man] (!!!)

22. Take Off

23. インフィニティ [infinity]

24. ダイアモンド クレバス [Diamond Crevasse]

So it looks like "Sagitarius 9:00 PM Don't Be late" is a different version, so you'll all HAVE to buy the single! And the "Next Episode Preview" music had BETTER be on here...I don't want to have to wait for Volume Two for it...

Edited by Gubaba
Posted (edited)

21. アイモ〜鳥のひと [Aimo~The Bird Man] (!!!) OMG, That's one big fat spoiler right there :blink:...niiice B))

I think frontier is becoming even more awesome with every second.I'm gonna have to rewatch zero to see if i notice anything new in connection to frontier.

Edited by Aegis!
  kresphy said:
If this song is from Sheryl Nome........................

Vajra = The Bird Man 2!!!


It's probably not..."Aimo" is ending theme for episode 1 (Broadcast Version) and the song she sings in episode 3. So if anyone has a connection with the Bird Man, it's Ranka...


Of course all this mention of the Birdman could be a big fat red herring to throw us fans off.

It'll probably turn ot that the Birdman is some minor comic relief character that dresses up in a bird suit, to promote a rival restaurant to Nyan Nyan, or something silly like that.


Posted (edited)
  Gubaba said:
It's probably not..."Aimo" is ending theme for episode 1 (Broadcast Version) and the song she sings in episode 3. So if anyone has a connection with the Bird Man, it's Ranka...

Just in case you didn't notice these.

  Gubaba said:
10. アイモ [Aimo]


21. アイモ〜鳥のひと [Aimo~The Bird Man] (!!!)

Bird Man can well be Sheryl's version of Aimo song.

Edited by herbert
Posted (edited)
  azrael said:
I'll wait for the CD Single. I want the instrumentals.

...you're singing over it? B))

  Project Phoenix said:
Dang! No excuse to be cheap now. Must buy OST to show support for Macross Frontier! :lol:

So will we see the Return of the Birdman in later episodes then?

Yep, no excuse to be cheap! Clocking in at about 70 minutes, you're paying for more than the average Kanno CD :) It makes me think though that there would be no OST 2 :unsure:

  herbert said:
Bird Man can well be Sheryl's version of Aimo song.

Or it could be the Bird Man's version. :ph34r:

Edited by mike_s_6
  Graham said:
Of course all this mention of the Birdman could be a big fat red herring to throw us fans off.

It'll probably turn ot that the Birdman is some minor comic relief character that dresses up in a bird suit, to promote a rival restaurant to Nyan Nyan, or something silly like that.


I was thinking the same thing, LOL. I Am the Walrus, indeed. Don't count your chickens until hey are hatched, folks. :)

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