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Episode 2: "Hard Chase"  

174 members have voted

  1. 1. Rating

    • Yeh! Alto got a girl in the cockpit! (Positive)
    • Meh (neutral/No opinion)
    • I can get a girl in my cockpit better (Negative)

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  Vegas Valkyrie said:
i dont know if this was duscussed before, im thinking those vajras and ranka's living/gubaba cellular phone are from one origin/maker?

If that's so, then the enemy has already infiltrated. Let's hope the cell phone rises against it's masters and fights off the Vajra menace! (Dude, that fight would be SWEET! :lol: )

  Gubaba said:
If that's so, then the enemy has already infiltrated. Let's hope the cell phone rises against it's masters and fights off the Vajra menace! (Dude, that fight would be SWEET! :lol: )

I dunno, the way Ranka treats her phone makes me feel sorry for the thing. Squeezing it to death and all!!! :lol:

  MisaForever said:
I dunno, the way Ranka treats her phone makes me feel sorry for the thing. Squeezing it to death and all!!! :lol:

...which brings up an interesting question...is it really a living thing? Can it feel pain? If so...man, I feel sorry for it!

Also...is it just me, or is the first time cell phones have made an appearance in a Macross series? The scens in the original SDFM of everyone missing each others' phone calls seem quaint now; but even in 1994, when cell phones existed, we saw Guld using a car phone; Isamu had to be paged; Mylene used her TV; no one on Zola had a cell phone...even in Mac Zero, they just used walkie-talkies.

  MisaForever said:
I think I'll wait for the Shinsen sub. This one wasn't bad but there were errors and I'd prefer someone a bit more precise before putting on DVD :)

I've heard Shinsen is not doing the series now.

Posted (edited)
  Shouta said:
I've heard Shinsen is not doing the series now.

Really? It's still listed in the ongoing projects forum (or, at least, it was yesterday).

If they don't do it, I hope SOMEONE comes out with a sub that ISN'T h.264...because, as it stands, there's no sub that I can watch.

Edited by Gubaba
  Vegas Valkyrie said:
i dont know if this was duscussed before, im thinking those vajras and ranka's living/gubaba cellular phone are from one origin/maker?

I would think by 2059 they'd be using something better than cellular technology. :wacko:

  Gubaba said:
...even in Mac Zero, they just used walkie-talkies.

No bars = No Bars dude. you think in a war of attrition, you kill off the elite pilots... what if AT&T and ANTI-AT&T started wacking all the good Cellphone guys (Can you hear me kno~*) :lol:

  Duke Togo said:
I would think by 2059 they'd be using something better than cellular technology. :wacko:

Radio waves are radio waves... ^_^


no matter what I did, I couldn't watch Gattai's subs, don't realy matter to me with the translation errors I keep hearing about in various forums...I'll just wait.

  Gubaba said:
  Shouta said:

I've heard Shinsen is not doing the series now.

Really? It's still listed in the ongoing projects forum (or, at least, it was yesterday).

If they don't do it, I hope SOMEONE comes out with a sub that ISN'T h.264...because, as it stands, there's no sub that I can watch.

Judging from a Shinsen-Sub forum administrator's response, it's still active - i.e. it's listed as active on the main website [link]. Though, it's probably not advisable to venture into a fansubber's home and ignore the rules as the poster who garnered the response did.


Well, I installed the latest versions of the cccp pack and VLC, but it still has the same problems as before. I just downloaded the good 'ol divx raw and ripped the subs from the Gattai MKV (before realizing they were up on the front page hehe). I think this is how I'll watch Macross F on my initial viewing, then download the AiA/anyone but Gattai for archival purposes at a later time.

  Duke Togo said:
I would think by 2059 they'd be using something better than cellular technology. :wacko:

I bet it's a Fold Phone! (Folne...?)

  pensives_wetness said:
No bars = No Bars dude. you think in a war of attrition, you kill off the elite pilots... what if AT&T and ANTI-AT&T started wacking all the good Cellphone guys (Can you hear me kno~*) :lol:

Dude...you should make an OVA about that!

Shinsen Subs and Central Anime are good about giving people a choice of h.264 or XviD. I wish that were more common, especially with Macross F.

It doesn't seem like Shinsen wants to do xvids anymore. I think Mplayer should be able to play the MP4. Not to mention mkv, and tends to be way faster than VLC, on a mac.


Anyone else using Zoom Player for mkv's?

I like the interface more than VLC's.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
It doesn't seem like Shinsen wants to do xvids anymore. I think Mplayer should be able to play the MP4. Not to mention mkv, and tends to be way faster than VLC, on a mac.

Yes, but my Mac is 10.2.8. Mplayer seems to need 10.3 or above. So until I get a new computer (I'm not going to update...my Mac also can't play DVDs), I'm SOL unless someone releases an XviD version.

Yes, but my Mac is 10.2.8. Mplayer seems to need 10.3 or above. So until I get a new computer (I'm not going to update...my Mac also can't play DVDs), I'm SOL unless someone releases an XviD version.

That sucks man, sorry to hear. Honestly, I wanted an Xvid version because all around its compatible. If you ever do upgrade, get the latest version of Mplayer, I just did and it works.

This episode is exciting, just judging from the awesome clip I saw last night. I wait patiently for Shouta's release.

  Gubaba said:
I bet it's a Fold Phone! (Folne...?)

Super Dimension Space communications... (funny how that other dimension, visited frequently whenever people in the universe fold, gets forgotten. ;) )

Check out Sheryl's mobile phone as well - in addition to being soft and squishy (like a pet or teddy bear), they've also got some funky holographic projection abilities!

Yeah, that was the most recent version I tried when you linked it before. sad.gif For some reason, I immediately get this message when I load the file: "Abnormal playback termination." Or it just crashes. ::shrug::

The newest one I got from macupdate.com works. I had that dreaded abnormal playback termination for months, but I opened up the new one for the first time today and it WORKS. Don't know what they did, but it helps me out a ton.

Hey Kresphy, those descriptions you posted, are they legit? Ranka isn't really Ozma's sister, and is a protoculture descendant?

  Gubaba said:
Yes, but my Mac is 10.2.8. Mplayer seems to need 10.3 or above. So until I get a new computer (I'm not going to update...my Mac also can't play DVDs), I'm SOL unless someone releases an XviD version.

Why don't you reencode to a lower resolution or to divx, then watch????

  Duke Togo said:
I would think by 2059 they'd be using something better than cellular technology. :wacko:

You know how Shoji Kawamori feels about technology corrupting us and bringing us away from pure beautiful nature. Unless, of course, the technology enables us to shoot more missiles or punch people harder, in which case it's all good.


My big beef with the Gattai is they miss out on sections of subbing. Plus they just seem a tad rushed since most other subbers make a unquie typesetting this just seems a bit blah. I can't wait for the AiA version. On that same note the video quality for Gattai is absolutely amazing!

  ssfsx17 said:
You know how Shoji Kawamori feels about technology corrupting us and bringing us away from pure beautiful nature. Unless, of course, the technology enables us to shoot more missiles or punch people harder, in which case it's all good.

Funny how the more recent Macross productions (and not necessarily the more in-universe technological advanced) have greater volumes of missiles fired, but with reduced effectiveness. It's starting to come across like missiles being used primarily as a destraction while another weapon (the gun pod) is used to do the actual attack. Even then, especially with the gun pod, only a small number of the bullets fired actually hit...

It doesn't seem like Shinsen wants to do xvids anymore.
D.Gray-man is still Xvid, thank god. I'd probably stop watching the show if they dropped that.

I'll just wait for AiA&I-Z....Shouta where are yaz yo? :p

Posted (edited)
  Chronocidal said:
K, can of worms time though.. if Ranka is pure Protoculture, how did Ozma wind up saving her? Assuming she was on that space station, how did she get there? And best one yet... if Sterne is Protoculture, I'd like someone to explain how his fighter and the VF-25 look so similar. I'm hoping against hope it's not another "lost and never heard from again" fleet that an enemy picked up Valks from. :p

It is only my guess.

Official promotion message:

愛と友情と惑星の運命が交差する超銀河ラブストーリー !!!

A Super Galaxy Love Story in which love, friendship and destiny of the planet intersects.

Which is Planet??? I think it is Ranka and Sterene's homeland, Proto Culture's homeland!!!

Valk is Over Technology(オーバーテクノロジー) by Zentraedi, So, if Sterene is Proto Culture, you could say VF-25 like Sterne's Valk~~~


Edited by kresphy
  Valkyrie addict said:
noticed a rather annoying error for me, don't know uif it has been mentioned before...

when Alto gets in the VF-25 and starts shooting before episode 1 ends, he's wearing his X-gear, later when episode 2 starts his X-gear is not on and sorta looks like a seat, yet when the CG image on the valk appears he's with his X-gear again, then switch back to non-cg and his X-gear is in place of his seat again, in the whole chase scene, he's not wearing the x-gear, up until the very second he jumps to rescue Ranka and his X-gear is magicly on, comes back to the cockpit and his x-gear is not on again.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ :huh:

It seems like the X-gear partially detaches from the pilot once in the Valk, at least the forearms do.


Posted (edited)

Animation is a bit dodgy at times (Ozma and Ranka's faces in the hospital (?)) but very enjoyable episode. The whole scene with Alto in the beginning was pure joy.

  Reveal hidden contents

I thought the GERWALK mode was supposed to be hard to manage? Alto sure seemed to have it down pat.

Edited by ChronoReverse
  akt_m said:
Why don't you reencode to a lower resolution or to divx, then watch????

Because I have no idea how to do that. You can reencode h.264 to DivX...? Really? How?

  Graham said:
It seems like the X-gear partially detaches from the pilot once in the Valk, at least the forearms do.


I recheck the episode again, since I couldn't believe a macross episode could go with such a big mistake, so I checked frame by frame and the x-gear detaches and becomes the seat, in the scene were Alto jumps from the cockpit you can see the x-gear reattaching to his back fram by frame... sweet.... also with Guilliam when he ejects before his doom

  Valkyrie addict said:
I recheck the episode again, since I couldn't believe a macross episode could go with such a big mistake,

Oh yes it can.

5:34 - BOTH arms are shot off by pursuing Vajra

7:22 - Arms have magically reappeared

Good job with the quality checking Satelite.

  UN Spacy said:
Oh yes it can.

5:34 - BOTH arms are shot off by pursuing Vajra

7:22 - Arms have magically reappeared

Good job with the quality checking Satelite.

Are we sure the VF-25 doesn't have nanotechnology regeneration capabilities?


  veffidas said:
It's odd that errors are being returned. Is the file complete, and does the file CRC check? Additionally, if you feel comfortable with it, you may try running CCCP's Insurgent to remove any potential conflicting codec packs previously installed on the machine.

Anecdotally, I've successfully run Gattai's *.mkv for episode two on a 1.7GHz 2GB machine with no audio/video sync issues using the most recent version of CCCP.

The file is complete and Insurgent detects no codec conflicts.

I just plain can't run the Gattai *.mkv on VLC, WMP, or Media Player Classic, and I'm using CCCP on a 1.33GHz 1GB machine that runs other videos just fine (including the AiA Episode 1, which is encoded differently I know).

The closest I've come so far is getting the audio with a video that freezes about 3 frames in. Think it may have to do with the 24fps setup?

  MisaForever said:
Well the whole arm debacle is unfortunate, but it's not going to ruin the show. Let's try and move on. :D

You're right. If I can put up with Anime Friend's tomfoolery then magic arms shouldn't bother me.

  UN Spacy said:
You're right. If I can put up with Anime Friend's tomfoolery then magic arms shouldn't bother me.

LOL I'm unfamiliar with this Anime Friend that you speak of. :)

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