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Posted (edited)

Old school TV shows have been remade lately like Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who, Knight Rider, Bionic Woman and even American Gladiators. I came across this today and I thought it would be good to make a thread on what we all would like see remade and re-visioned.

If We Ran Things: Remakes We Want To See

IMHO I'd like to see these shows remade:


Space: Above & Beyond

Six Million Dollar Man



Misfits Of Science (Bring back comical/campy Heroes and with Courtney Cox!)

Edited by gerwalk25
Posted (edited)

When I first started reading the article, I thought, "They'd better not mention the Prisoner," and then they went ahead and did. Dude, don't mess with perfection.

But then they won me back by mentioning MST3K (which doesn't need a revival...their new project, Rifftrax, is just as good or better...but I still miss Joel).

Me, I'd like to see a remake of Mork and Mindy, but this time, make it an action show, where Mork has to stop an alien invasion by aliens that ride in sleek alien ships and ooze goopy alien blood. They destroy Boulder to get Mork, but he escapes. Mindy's father gets killed, though, so Mindy joins Mork to get revenge on the aliens. Each episode will feature them going to a different town to warn them about the aliens, but no one believes them. Then the aliens come and blow up the town. Mork gets into his space egg and blows the crap out of the aliens, with lots of cool CGI effects. Then Mork kneels by some dying person and says, "She could have been saved if they'd only believed us...Shazbot! WHEN WILL THEY BELIEVE US???" It'll be great.

Or they could remake Three's Company, but have it on HBO or Showtime, so everyone could be naked most of the time.

EDIT: I'll just toss this one out there for others to feed on: MANIMAL REBORN!!!

Edited by Gubaba
  eugimon said:
And street hawk. that show rawk'd!

I see Motoslave or Ride Armor potential for Street Hawk. Back in grade school I told my friends that Street Hawk was way batter than Knight Rider and it still is!

Posted (edited)
  eugimon said:
hell yes! Bring back manimal!

And street hawk. that show rawk'd!

LOL. You guys read my mind. Manimal rawks :lol:

Edit - How about "VectorMan" ? :lol: Edit - Ooops, meant Automan, which has already been mentioned. Must have remembered the car, and blocked out all the rest.

Edited by Hiriyu
  gerwalk25 said:
Old school TV shows have been remade lately like Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who, Knight Rider, Bionic Woman and even American Gladiators.

Hate to be a nerdy nitpicker, but the series of Dr Who that is being made now continues the original continuity. It is definitely NOT a "remake" in the same way that the Bionic Woman and Battlestar Galactica are.


  taksraven said:
Hate to be a nerdy nitpicker, but the series of Dr Who that is being made now continues the original continuity. It is definitely NOT a "remake" in the same way that the Bionic Woman and Battlestar Galactica are.


And I hate to be a nerdy fanboy nitpicker but Bionic Woman is also not a "remake" in the same way that Battlestar Galactica is. :p

Posted (edited)
  eugimon said:
And I hate to be a nerdy fanboy nitpicker but Bionic Woman is also not a "remake" in the same way that Battlestar Galactica is. :p

Dr. Who does pick up in the same continuity as the other Docs. That's my bad! :wacko:

BTW I hated that Dr. Who TV movie they made for Fox back in the early 90's.

Edited by gerwalk25

Its not a particularly inspiring topic, since most "remakes", whether they be cinema or TV are inferior to the original at best and at the worst they are utter garbage.

There are a number of reasons why this is the case, varying from a lack of understanding (or even just plain ignorance) of the original material, through to funding or even just sheer bloody mindedness.

Examples of success and failures.

Failures - Avengers TV Series Vs the Avengers Movie - It was clear that the producers of this film believed that all the punters wanted to see was Uma Thurman in a skintight outfit. Everything else about this sucked (poor acting, poor writing, poor direction, etc....the usual suspects). This is the movie that convinced me once and for all that most movie remakes are garbage.

Transformers TV Series Vs Transformers 2007 film - Once again, I dont think that the makers really had any idea what made the original series popular and this film stuffed up badly as a result. Not good.

Successes - Star Trek The Original Series Vs Star Trek The Next Generation - No, I am not trying to restart that argument, I am just pointing out that doing the Next Gen series and setting it in the future was a great idea. You could have the original continuity, but you could also change parts due to time passing. Pity that the writing was not always great and they also made too many episodes (quantity ruining quality, as usual).

Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Vs Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet

The original series always had potential and the remake realised that potential. By using state of the art CGI, interesting scripts and by having the guts to have a program in which death could take place, this show was very underrated......

As for shows to remake now, I would think that Space 1999 always had a lot of potential. Gatchaman would look great in CGI too.

I would be happiest to see some new material made, this lazy remaking of old TV and Films is stupid. Where is the new stuff. Writers, get off your backsides!!!!


Posted (edited)

S:AAB needs a remake (more like a second shot), badly. However, I've got to say that all that that series had going on besides the aliens Galactica has already redone it and wrote the book about doing it right. A tough act to follow, even more when you realize that what didn't work in Space failed BADLY (gosh, how I hated Kylen Celina and the stupid things West did for her; she should have died at the beginning and it would have made better character development for him).

Edited by Lindem Herz

I think none of the remakes will survive..

I haven't come across any director that does a remake like I want it to be. Either they are under pressure

by stupid PR/Marketing pricks.

No more remakes for me.


I'm gonna chime in and say none of the ones listed by gerwalk25. All would be horrible remakes.

As for the IGN list, V would stand a good chance of a remake. Heck, they're working on one right now. The Greatest American Hero...no, Chuck and Heroes seems to be doing good right now. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.... I think Alias filled the hole for a while. Voyagers...could work, but I'm not seeing how I could work in time travel. The Prisoner could work as a remake. Lost in Space...nah. The A-Team, aren't they making a movie? The Time Tunnel...I'm not sure bouncing around time trying to prevent or alter things which can't be altered is somewhat self-defeating. Quantum Leap, I would say, did a better job at this idea. Affecting the people around historical events can be much better for the audience. Amazing Stories... N. O. Mystery Science Theater 3000, heck no. It went on for how long? Why remake it...

  bsu legato said:
These days Joel has his own not-quite-MST3K thing, called Cinematic Titanic.

Thanks! I'll check it out.

One of my friends used to work at Mrs. Gooch's (now Whole Foods) health food market in North Hollywood, and Joel used to shop there. He finally asked for his autograph to give to me.

It says, "Did you know that 'Manos' means 'hands' in Spanish? Tell your friends! Joel Hodgson."

I still treasure that...


The only remade TV series I would ever watch would be Quantum Leap and The Night Stalker (which already had a terrible remake but I always hold out hope).


Red Dwarf needs a comeback. I dare not say "remake" as the original show was pure awesome as it was... more like a "re imaging". With as much as the US "borrows" TV show ideas from the UK these days, I'd think a US made and "localized" Red Dwarf... provided it had the same "flavor" as the original... would be kind of fun. You really don't see much decent "Sci Fi Comedy" these days.

I'd also like to see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy redone as a longer TV series, but this time trying to be more accurate and following the books closer. The recent movie was good from an effects standpoint but completely lame in it's handling of the material. The old British mini series from the early '80s was spot on, it only lacked decent special effects. With today's effects I'd think HHG could be done serious justice as a limited TV mini series.


They should make a British Version of "the Office" which would basically be the same show as the ORIGINAL American show the Office but with much more sophisticated and halarious humor and a much better cast.....



...Oh and maybe Ricky Garvais could be in it. . .

....And of course I am a very bitter Office fan who refuses to watch that artistic massacre, the American version of the Office.


  miriya said:
They should make a British Version of "the Office" which would basically be the same show as the ORIGINAL American show the Office but with much more sophisticated and halarious humor and a much better cast.....

Steve Carrel > Ricky Garvais

  taksraven said:
As for shows to remake now, I would think that Space 1999 always had a lot of potential.

That would be if they stuck with the formula for the first season. The second season of Space: 1999 totally blew balls.

The Six Million Dollar Man would be kind of cool to remake, but he would cost a lot more to make these days and they would probably have to go back to the show's original title "Cyborg".

As for my preferences on a remake, I'd like to see Buck Rogers in the 25th Century totally remade. Get rid of Twiki, Dr Theopolis, and that funny bird guy and all the cheesiness of the 70's show and make it a dark and gritty war saga. Buck can remain a womanizer, and Wilma Deering has to be a hot, hot chick like Erin Gray was back in the day.


Mr. Rogers should get the "dark and gritty" make over. Now he's a vetran of the first gulf war, suffering from PTSD which causes him to hallucinate a medieval fantasy castle which he retreats to. In the real world he constantly struggles against his desire to kill young children (who he saw plant a roadside bomb which blew up his humvee). Eventually he gives into his baser desires but he justifies his murders by only murdering kids that misbehave. He lures them to his with the promise of elaborate arts and crafts which are secretly convoluted torture devices.


I'd like to see a BSG remake that doesn't drown in its own angst. The original was such a fun show, this new one gets so caught up in drama, that it became too much of a downer to keep watching.

Manimal was a neat show. If they revisited it, I wonder if they'd base it on his daughter, from that one episode of Nightman.

Some one mentioned Buck Rogers. As long as they based it on the first season, it'd be great. Maybe they could get Gill Gerard to play Dr. Huer. (Though, I think the original actor is still around) They'd have to keep the pop culture refferences.

Wilma: "Buck, What are you doing?"

Buck (trying to sabotage Ardalla's ship): "I'm a chargin' ma lazor."

Misfits of Science = Epic Win

  eugimon said:
Mr. Rogers should get the "dark and gritty" make over. Now he's a vetran of the first gulf war, suffering from PTSD which causes him to hallucinate a medieval fantasy castle which he retreats to. In the real world he constantly struggles against his desire to kill young children (who he saw plant a roadside bomb which blew up his humvee). Eventually he gives into his baser desires but he justifies his murders by only murdering kids that misbehave. He lures them to his with the promise of elaborate arts and crafts which are secretly convoluted torture devices.

Awesome ideas...what would you do with the Land of Make-Believe?

Another idea: The Revenge of the Great Space Coaster: Gno More Mr. Gnice Guy.

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