Scream Man Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 GOt myself a scramble at yavin pack today. VERY nice little set. Maybe not worth the price it goes for, but nice none the less.
sharky Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Graham said: Did Hasbro fix the legs on the current release of the AT-TE? Thinking of getting one for my son for Christmas, as he really likes "the walking tank" as he calls it. But don't want to buy it if the legs still fall off all the time. Graham Yes, and I believe that any new one on the shelf should have fixed legs. But, if you find yourself with an older one, I think Hasbro customer service will send you a repair kit to replace the defective parts. I bought one at a discount store, so it's possible that it's an older release. It's also a Christmas present, so I won't know until late December. I plan on calling Hasbro if I need to.
David Hingtgen Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 I only just now realized that I actually need the spacesuit Ahsoka fig---but I haven't found one in the 48 hours I've been looking---but I know I saw it recently enough that there SHOULD still be some out there among the many Admiral Pegwarmers. Is that Ahsoka still readily available? I don't really want to drive to the next town on Black Friday to figure hunt at various super-crowded stores for nothing. I don't want to order one and "risk random bad QC", as that fig has pretty complex paint apps on the face, and I really want a nicely-painted one.
Scream Man Posted November 26, 2009 Posted November 26, 2009 shes pretty new yeah, so u shouldnt have to much trouble I think.
David Hingtgen Posted November 26, 2009 Posted November 26, 2009 Well the thing is, I find Luminara almost everywere--and that's 2 waves newer according to Rebelscum, so I worry that everywhere has already "gone through" the Ahsoka wave and will only be restocking with newer figs.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted November 26, 2009 Author Posted November 26, 2009 (edited) David I think space Ahsoka is shipping everywhere, I've seen several but haven't paid much attention to paint apps. I want an Ahsoka figure but I'm waiting for a super articulated one. I know ball jointed elbows would need to be big because her arms are skinny, but I don't care if it breaks the sculpt, my jedi figures need to be super articulated! I like the Legacy line but I find myself enjoying the Clone Wars line more(well the vehicles and super articulated figures at least). Doesn't help that I'm almost done watching season 1. Man I want a hooded Clone Wars Plo Kloon with claw saber gauntlet AND full articulation! I got the Octuparra Droid recently it is HUGE! Don't let that box mislead you! One of the legs was missing a screw, but I found a screw around the house to replace it. Eh it's tighter than usual but thankfully not as loose as before. Maybe too tight. Sure it's a droid but I love how some of the droids have cockpits so I can put clone troopers in them. Makes it more fun IMHO. Got the Torrent Starfighter too and like it. For it's size class it's big, especially compared to the Vulture Droid. Also got the Imperial V-Wing Starfighter. The V-wing is AWESOME! Definitely one of the best starfighters I've ever bought. Even better in darker colors. Edited November 26, 2009 by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0
David Hingtgen Posted November 26, 2009 Posted November 26, 2009 Ok, I'll try to survive the crowds on Black Friday and see what I can find. (I normally make it a point NOT to shop on Black Friday, in deference to all the people I know that work retail---I'm one less person they have to deal with, and one less car on the road)
Uxi Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 I bought a couple of the smaller tri-droids but definitely want to get that big one. Decided I would just go into work on Friday instead of wasting time in any lines.
David Hingtgen Posted November 29, 2009 Posted November 29, 2009 Just a reminder to vote for what figure you want made next: Being a huge KOTOR fan, I of course voted for Bastila. And c'mon---double-bladed yellow saber. That alone should be reason enough to vote for her. I mainly posted this here to hopefully get a few votes for cool/known characters, and not "yet another person only seen for 1.3 frames in Ep IV or VI". It'll really suck if "person I don't know despite having seen the movies numerous times" wins... Note that Barriss Offee is almost guaranteed a Clone Wars style fig next year, if that influences your voting. Of course IMHO, they really should make a massive "battle pack" of nothing but every single remaining unproduced Ep IV cantina alien, just to hurry up and "cross them off the list" so they stop being brought up as possibilities and taking up valuable slots in the production lines... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't imagine a single 5-25 year-old who desires any of them, and that only "old-school" collectors who live and breathe Ep4-6 and despise all else actually want them.
Totoro242 Posted November 29, 2009 Posted November 29, 2009 I voted for Tarkin Bastilla was my second choice.
Uxi Posted November 29, 2009 Posted November 29, 2009 I want to see Thon (from TotJ) but voted for Bastila
David Hingtgen Posted November 29, 2009 Posted November 29, 2009 Really, I'd like an entire SERIES for KOTOR. Even a whole wave wouldn't be enough. (first we'd need a Malak that doesn't suck, then a reissue of Revan that wouldn't be scalper-bait---I never DID see one at retail, even with other family members helping to look) Also, due to how the armor and robes work, there'd be great possibility for variants/repaints. 1 "female blue jedi robes" body would work for Juhani and Bastila, and even female Revan---just make a couple different heads. Each character could get 1 "default clothing" figure, then all the other variants could "share" basically. There's a few Marvel figures lately that have done similar things, offering 1 body and multiple heads etc in the package. Just think about it--you could buy a "black robes" and "blue robes" figure, and by swapping around the heads, you could make most of the female cast for how they looked during most of the game. And if they make a male and female Sith officer body---there's another 2 dozen characters... ::cough::Yuthura Ban::cough::
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted November 29, 2009 Author Posted November 29, 2009 Quote Really, I'd like an entire SERIES for KOTOR. Even a whole wave wouldn't be enough. (first we'd need a Malak that doesn't suck, then a reissue of Revan that wouldn't be scalper-bait---I never DID see one at retail, even with other family members helping to look)YES! A super articulated Revan(the previous Revan lacked knees), cloth goods, and game accurate mask would be great. Also Mandalorian Crusaders, Mandalore, Candus Ordo, et al.
David Hingtgen Posted November 30, 2009 Posted November 30, 2009 At least he's a character a "moderate" SW fan will recognize. There's characters in that list where they say "sat next to A, B, and C in the cantina" and I don't recognize ANY of the names...
Mog Posted November 30, 2009 Posted November 30, 2009 Yeah, I voted for Bastila too. I just hope they base the figure on her in-game appearance, not the box-cover artwork. Given Hasbro's questionable choices lately, I'm a little worried about how she'll appear in plastic form. If Bastila's not in her in pink-and maroon get-up, super-articulated, with an adequately-sized double-bladed lightsaber, with soft-good front (and back) tabbards, and with an accurate face-sculpt (with clean paint-aps), I'll be most. . . displeased. The only times I ever found Revan, Malak, and the pre-cyborg Grievous were at Kohl's of all places. I think if I ever get my hands on another Revan, I'll repaint it as a Star Forge robes variant. BTW, were you able to find a space Ahsoka that met your standards, DH?
David Hingtgen Posted November 30, 2009 Posted November 30, 2009 Haven't really been out yet. Been kinda sick the past few days, staying home when possible. Also, I've read that the normal Ahsoka has been re-released in new packaging, with different and better paint apps on the face---may try to find that one instead. Finally, I'm sure I'm about the only person who'd rather have a good Juhani figure more than a good Bastila figure.
Scream Man Posted November 30, 2009 Posted November 30, 2009 Id rather have every obscure member of Rogue Squadron AND Wraith Squadron than Bastilla, but thats I respect that shes a popular character
eriku Posted November 30, 2009 Posted November 30, 2009 David Hingtgen said: Also, I've read that the normal Ahsoka has been re-released in new packaging, with different and better paint apps on the face---may try to find that one instead. Yep, I picked up the re-released Ahsoka and have so far seen her on the pegs about three times since. I never found the first release (hunted like mad though) so I don't have one for comparison, but this one has excellent paintwork on her face. I think I like the face sculpt of the space-suit Ahsoka a tidge better, but they're both pretty good. Speaking of Space Suit Ahsoka, I see her all the time around here. If you don't feel like hunting let me know and I can pick one up for you.
David Hingtgen Posted December 1, 2009 Posted December 1, 2009 Went out tonight and found several, so I got to pick the best one. Also found the re-released normal one, but I like the spacesuit one's head better. BTW---am I the only one who puts popular figures on the lower pegs up front so kids can more easily find them? Because frankly a 7-year-old can't rifle through the upper pegs. Ahsoka IS popular, I saw several kids squeal with excitement when they found one when the first figure came out---but it only happened if she was visible on a lower peg. I honestly think younger kids just don't "search"---they only stand around in the aisles and stare at what they can see.
eriku Posted December 1, 2009 Posted December 1, 2009 David Hingtgen said: BTW---am I the only one who puts popular figures on the lower pegs up front so kids can more easily find them? Because frankly a 7-year-old can't rifle through the upper pegs. Ahsoka IS popular, I saw several kids squeal with excitement when they found one when the first figure came out---but it only happened if she was visible on a lower peg. I honestly think younger kids just don't "search"---they only stand around in the aisles and stare at what they can see. I've never thought to do that, but that's a mighty thoughtful thing to do! I remember being that age and staring up at a wall of carded SW figures, wondering which ones were lurking up at the top where I couldn't reach. My sister found a Jedi Luke for me up in those nether-regions and I never saw another one besides that one.
David Hingtgen Posted December 1, 2009 Posted December 1, 2009 I do it for TF toys too. BB on the top rack, with the entire bottom row being Chromias? I rectify that.
Scream Man Posted December 1, 2009 Posted December 1, 2009 i wonder if the store does that so that kids will buy all the chromias
David Hingtgen Posted December 1, 2009 Posted December 1, 2009 BTW, if anyone has an old/loose/broken Asajj Ventress (most any style) I'm interested in acquiring it for parts for customs etc. Or if you find one at K-Mart's current "buy 1 get 1 free" SW figure sale...
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted December 1, 2009 Author Posted December 1, 2009 I found an AT TE at TJ Maxx for $50 and picked it up before Black Friday. Glad I did, because the ones that were left are probably gone now. Not sure if mine has the old legs, but so far there is no sagging. I like it, wanted it even more after seeing the Malevolance episodes from Clone Wars. I like it's features but feel like more of the internal space could have been used up for more play features. I wish it had more play features instead of electronics. I love how there are multiple places to store the Clone weapons. Anyone have both the AT TE and Turbo Tank? If so, which is better in your opinion? Not sure if I will pick up the Crumb Bomber at TRU. Heard that the doors are actually flimsy too.
Scream Man Posted December 2, 2009 Posted December 2, 2009 i reqlly want that Crumb bomber. But no aussie release means inflated ebay prices AND THEN big shipping prices. Its a tough sell. If any of u guys can get one cheap ina sale, Please let me know
Vepariga Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 finally got my anikan skywalker master replicas force fx saber,now my collection is complete of MR sabers. happy me,pretty room
transfan52 Posted December 6, 2009 Posted December 6, 2009 I recently picked up a few vehicle figures. The AT-ST walmart exclusive is great. It's in scale with the 3 1/4 inch figures and the poseablity is great on it! Also managed to pick up the newly retooled tie interceptor tru exclusive. Although a little pricey it is the best tie vehicle yet. The design is very sleek and the cockpit is alot more detailed.
the_foul_fowl Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 Scream Man said: New Cloudcar (They've said no to that). Really? Leaked new Cloudcar, Snowspeeder
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted December 7, 2009 Author Posted December 7, 2009 the_foul_fowl said: Really? Leaked new Cloudcar, Snowspeeder DAMN! Taken down already. Signs point to legit(especially since they are from rebelscum)
Totoro242 Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said: DAMN! Taken down already. Signs point to legit(especially since they are from rebelscum) Just follow the link to Coreplanets, the pics are still there.
Scream Man Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 yeah they seem legit. CLoud Card, Snowspeeder and some droid control ship thing. I'll definitely get the first too.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted December 7, 2009 Author Posted December 7, 2009 Cloud car looks awesome even with the retooled guns which weren't on the original(least I don't remember seeing them). What are the new parts on the Snow Speeder?
Scream Man Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 Its all new. Different size, some of the surface details are different, the main guns are certainly different. All new toy! The guns on the cloud car retract, so u can still have it look movie accurate. its a good comprimise actually; makes it aggressive for the kids, but still looks like the classic for the old schoolers.
Vepariga Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 (edited) Looks like they are bringing out a new A-Wing aswell,but i dont see any real difference on it from the current one thats already out. I wonder if the bespin cloud car always had conceled laser cannons,they had to shoot hand to stay on course in ESB,but i dont recall seeing any in the cross-sections. Edited December 8, 2009 by Vepariga
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