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I'm unpinning the threads for chapters 1-3 of the Macross Frontier Manga, as there are currently too many pinned threads.

From now on only the most current chapter will stay pinned.

Links to the previous chapters are below: -

Macross Frontier Manga - Chapter 1.

Macross Frontier Manga - Chapter 2.

Macross Frontier Manga - Chapter 3.


Guys, just picked up the new issue of Shonen Ace, containing chapter 4 of the Macross Frontier manga.

Not much action in this episode, although it end ends with a cliffhanger, promsing more action next month.

Fans of original SDFM will like this episode as

  Reveal hidden contents

Will start on the scans later tonight.


Posted (edited)

Would it be possible to have a single main thread pinned with links to each chapter's unpinned thread (possibly only also keeping the newest chapter pinned)? The numbers of pinned topics just for the manga seems to be getting a little excessive, making new topics harder to find.

Thanks for the scans.

Edited by Graham

wow. that spoiler tag has got to be one of the greatest thing so far.

i was expecting them to do it in Zero, i'm overjoyed they did it here. ^_^

and right after the DYRL/Miss Macross from the last chapter, it's just... wow.

i can't wait to see those in animated form :)

  kresphy said:
Ranka became Alto's calssmate....................................

what about Sheryl???

I don't think she goes to school anymore....


-Great..Ranka's 1st day in that classroom and Michael is already sucking up to the squad leader's sister.... :rolleyes:

-At least we know where the cream puffs come in now....

-I sense Alto will be the unwilling victim of Ranka's mishaps. Poor guy...

Posted (edited)

Here's the t/l for the first 10 pages. I'll add to it as Graham scans more.


Box: Mihoshi Academy High School

Box: This is the school that Alto attends. It is a training school that has numerous

departments such as Entertainment, Arts, and Aviation in order to guide it's students in

their efforts.

Ranka: I'm Ranka Lee and I just transfered into the Entertainment department today. Pleased

to meet you.

Alto: Whaaaattt!!


Blurb: Which girl makes your heart beat faster?


Alto: I thought you went to Saint Maria Academy...why did you transfer so suddenly...

Ranka: Ummmm. It's a long story.

Announcer: That was Ranka Lee.

Ozuma: What is the meaning of this? To do such a thing without giving notification...


Ozuma: Because of that you were expelled! What will you do now!

Ranka: I'm sorry for doing it without permission, but I don't regret anything!

Ozuma: I won't allow this idol nonsense! Anyways, someone as shy as you can't become a singer!

Ranka: You're wrong! I can.

Ozuma: No! Go to Saint Maria and apologize! If you do that your expulsion may be--


Ranka: Onichan is an IDIOT!! Blockhead!!

Ranka: And that's what happened and I transfered...

Alto: Commander Ozuma...

Nanase: I'm so happy that we'll be going to the same school!

Ranka: Nanase-chan.


Luca: Same here.

Michele: Girls will always be welcome, isn't that right Alto?

Alto: Huh? Yeah, I transfered midterm too so just ask if you have any questions.

Ranka: Ok!

Michele: Well then, lets show our new school friend around the campus.


Michele: Since I have extraordinary confidence in escorting ladies.

Alto: Michele, step away.

Nanase: This is the arts room. And this is--...

Ranka thoughts: Now that we're in the same schoool, you have to muster up the courage to take

the first step, Ranka. Then your school life with Alto-kun dream will be reality!

Ranka: Um...Alto-kun


Box: Yes! Now a casual conversation...

Ranka: You and Michele-kun sure are close.

Michele/Alto: Huh?

Alto: It seems that she is mistaken, would you please move further away?

Michele: Oh, that's right! After all, you are a maiden, Alto-kun.

Alto: Your "girl" comments are annoying! Is that the only thing you can say?

Michele: That's because that's the only thing you're good at! Why don't you try putting on

some round glasses!?

Ranka thoughts: It...it wasn't supposed to be like this...

Michele?: This is the cafeteria, Sheryl-san's "shuu" cream popular right now.


Ranka thoughts: I failed earlier...but not this time. Be casual. Be casual.

Ranka: Alto-kun, this "shuu" cream is...good--

Alto: Argh! My eyes!

Sheryl: Just you wait, Saotome Alto!


Luca: --and this is Mihoshi's special area, the catapalt deck!

Alto: Not many people outside of the Aviation department come here.

Ranka: Wow, incredible! I love high places! (maybe a reference to smoke idiom from the

earlier chapter, guess Ranka isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer) What is that plane?

Luca: Oh that...that is-


Luca: VF-1 "Valkyrie," the masterpiece unit that played a huge role in the interstellar war.

The pieces of armor were built around an engine that incorporated numerous pieces of

overtechnology resulting in a unit caparable to today's. (Summary) So it is now used as the

school's symbol, but it can still fly.

Ranka: Alto-kun, have you been ridden it?

Alto: Nope.

Michele: Your story is just uninteresting.

Nanase: Well then! Next is the library room!


Alto/Ranka: Sheryl[-san]! (Ranka adds "-san")

Sheryl: Found you!

Alto: Why are you here!? [side text: You got some time off?]

Sheryl: What's with that attitude after running into me! [side text: Of course I don't have

any free time!]

Alto: You're the one who ran into...

Ranka: Alto-kun

Sheryl: ...hmmmmm?


Sheryl: So the two of you are going out--

Alto: It...it's nothing like that--You've got it wrong!!

Sheryl: So you aren't going out? Really.

Ranka thoughts: You didn't have to say it so adamantly.


Sheryl: So it'd be fine if I did this-

Ranka: Please move away Sheryl-san!

Alto: Hey! Stop it!

Michele: Why's the ground shaking...

Luca: The...enemy?

Sheryl: This is bad! I spent too much time fooling around!


Mob: Sheryl-sama!! [headbands: Sheryl]

Alto: ...! (Unable to make any sound)

Mob: Sheryl-sama-

Luca: Sh...she really is incredibly popular, isn't she..

Nanase: It's hard being an idol it seems.

Michele: Hmm?


Michele: Where's Alto?

Ranka: Huh?

Alto: What! Why did I have to run!

Sheryl: Stop complaining and find us a way to escape!

Alto: Damn it!


Sheryl zombie1: Where are the hiding!

Sheryl zombie1: Find them-

Sheryl zombie: Kill the man!

Sheryl: It seems they've left.

Alto: [sidetext: That was terrifying...] Why did something like this happen...

Sheryl: The students who saw me transformed into insurgents...it's as simple as that.

Alto: This isn't the time for you to try saying cool stuff.

Sheryl: Anyway, you really don't know why I came?

Alto: The earing!?


Sheryl: Yes, I came to get my earing back, but I was recognized and it turned into this.

That earing is very important to me, that's why...I have to return to Galaxy next week so

today is the only chance I have.

Alto: The earing is probably in the cockpit of the VF-25 that's in maintenance so there's

no way to look for it now.


Sheryl: No way...

Alto: So, I'll definitely get it back to you by next week. Trust me.

Sheryl: Well...if that is the case...

Sheryl Zombie: Found them! It's Sheryl!!


Alto: Damn, they found our trail!

Sheryl zombie: They were here! Get her signa-

Sheryl: ...Hmph. What are you doing just standing around, Alto! We're getting out of here!


Alto: Hey! Do you know where you're going?

Sheryl: Don't worry, it'll work out somehow.

Alto: So this will work out somehow!?

Sheryl: The roof...!? It's a dead end!

Alto: This is bad! We've been cornered!


Ranka: Alto-kuunn~ Alto-kun.

Luca: Looks like Alto-senpai's no where to be found.

Michele: He hasn't been caught with even that many people after him so he's probably

just hidden himself really well. Of course, right now those to might even be...

Nanase: You're disgusting!

Luca: You're disgusting!

Box: That isn't true, right Alto-kun...


Mob: Huh...? No one's here. I could have sworn that they came this way.

Zombie: But there isn't anywhere to hide here.

Zombie2: Th...that's true.

Zombie Leader: Search everywhere!

Mob: Got it!


Sheryl: Hey...!! Stop grabbing me in weird places!

Alto: Don't blame me! This really sucks...

Sheryl: You say that even though you're enjoying it! [sidetext: pervert]

Alto: Like hell I am! You think too highly of yourself!

Sheryl: What did you say!

Zombie: Hey...did you here somthing coming from above? It can't be...from inside

the Valkyrie...


Alto/Sheryl: This is bad...!!

Teacher: Hey, the roof is off limits! I was wondering what all this was about.

Hurry up and get back to the classroom.

Zombie: But Sheryl-sama is--

Teacher: No excuses. Besides, there's no way that the Galactic Fairy would be here.


Sheryl: Looks like we've been saved.

Alto?Sheryl?: I thought it was over for us...

Zombie: Why's the roof off limits?

Teacher: Ah, you guys didn't know? This entire area took a direct hit during the

last battle, particularly the Valkyrie.

Sheryl/Alto: Huh?


Sheryl/Alto: You've got to be kidding...

Ranka: Alto-kuuun.


Sheryl: Alto! we're falling!

Alto: This thing is too old so the controls are...

Sheryl: Kyaaaa!

Alto: Damn it!


Alto: We...we made it...

Teacher: Even though it was an accident, don't let it happen again. Got it?

Alto: Sorry...

Ranka: Alto-kun, are you all right?

Alto: Yeah, somehow.

Ranka: I'm so glad. I was really worried.

Luca: Yeah Alto-senpai!

Nanase: Ranka-san was looking all over for you!


Alto: Is that...so? Sorry, we were in the middle of showing you around and all...

Ranka: It's OK! I memorized everything while looking for you.

Sheryl: My my, I apologize for interrupting such a warm moment. Alto, today was fun.

Alto: I'll definitely bring it to you before you return to Galaxy. It's a promise.

Sheryl: I see.


Sheryl: I'll be waiting, Alto. See you.

Ranka: what?



Message: [static noises] This is Ma...cross...Galaxy-...To the Frontier government we re...quest...aid...


Message: [static] The Galaxy Fleet has...been attacked. Repeat--the Galaxy Fleet...has...by the Vajura!

Edited by ackem

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