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  jenius said:
Wow... you're actually modding it. A member here once made a mod that gave it a swiveling torso, maybe you'll want to take a stab at that!

Yeah.....I know.....I'm nuts! :mellow: It looks good thus far but I don't know if I hav ethe balls to go for the swivle torso. That me be too much for me to handle.

Posted (edited)
  Hiriyu said:
Great, thanks W.A.

As terrible as those little toys were, I still miss mine 20-odd years later :wub:

I found this one in a box of toys tucked away at my parents' house. I recall having the Stick version, too, but I haven't located it. As a child, I couldn't get both the larger Gakken Ride Armor (a.k.a. Robotech Cyclone) and the big Legioss/Alpha, so I settled on the smaller versions.


Edited by Wicked Ace
  Wicked Ace said:
I found this one in a box of toys tucked away at my parents' house. I recall having the Stick version, too, but I haven't located it. As a child, I couldn't get both the larger Gakken Ride Armor (a.k.a. Robotech Cyclone) and the big Legioss/Alpha, so I settled on the smaller versions.

It's just so hard for me to say I like that....EVEN THOUGH it's Hoquett :rolleyes: she'ssssss dreamy! That color though makes me wanna puke. :D



Pics are coming. BE PREPARED!



Well....I did some paint modifications to the Gakken Legioss I recently purchased to make it more "anime accurate". The only problem area thus far is the cannon which I totally goofed up on and jest ended up making it pretty inaccurate. It will do for the time being. I still have quite a bit of work to do. This is what I have for now. ENJOY!


























I love the risk of this pose.



Now back to some regular stuff...




Well...today I decided to go ahead a paint the pilot. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. It was a bit more diffacult than I expected.

Here's a before shot.


And After...




  ruskiiVFaussie said:
It looks unreal in fighter mode, the mode is captured perfectly.

But for the other modes. nieh!


And nieh to you.... :p ...... :D

So the paint job looks pretty F'in good?!? I think the pilot turned out pretty well.



Good job MR!!! Are you going to add stickers to the legioss? We need a pinned thread on cleaning and finishing old toys. Some of my old Gakkens could use a thorough cleaning.



Great score on the Gakken and thanks for the pics.

Are you going to add stickers to the legioss?
Hells yeah..hook him up with some decals.

THANKS Golden Arms & rei! I TOTALLY need some really nice Gakken Legioss Decals so that I can make the beauty look even better. I need to finish the painting though. I still need to pick up the proper blue color. I think I may do that today. Can someone PLEASE hook me up with some bad a$$ decals/stickers for this Legioss?!? LET ME KNOW PLEASE!



The paint job so far looks great, MisterRyno, but most of the chest and wing area should be blue. Are you going to paint those areas too?

  danth said:
The paint job so far looks great, MisterRyno, but most of the chest and wing area should be blue. Are you going to paint those areas too?

THANKS!!! ^_^

Yes over time. I am not COMPLETLY sure that I will work on the chest all that much but I will be doing the wings for sure. I am going out in a few min. to go and look for some blue paint that will match perfectly (I hope).


  ruskiiVFaussie said:
Yus, the paint job looks great.



  misterryno said:
I am going out in a few min. to go and look for some blue paint that will match perfectly (I hope).
Good luck, and be careful. It can be hard to match colors. I'm not speaking from any experience here, but maybe you should let the paint dry on some other piece of white plastic to make sure it will really be the same color.
  danth said:
Good luck, and be careful. It can be hard to match colors. I'm not speaking from any experience here, but maybe you should let the paint dry on some other piece of white plastic to make sure it will really be the same color.

I went out and got some blue paint. It seems to be the closest one to the correct shade. I've considered it and I think I'm gonna give the Legioss a complete work over, so it's gonna take some time. I'll keep everyone up to date.



You'll always be your own worst critic on these. My prediction, you'll paint it but the slight differences in color will eventually drive you nuts... so then you'll strip the whole thing, primer it, repaint it, and buy some after market stickers. Regardless of whether or not my prediction holds true, you've already done a better job than I could.

  jenius said:
You'll always be your own worst critic on these. My prediction, you'll paint it but the slight differences in color will eventually drive you nuts... so then you'll strip the whole thing, primer it, repaint it, and buy some after market stickers. Regardless of whether or not my prediction holds true, you've already done a better job than I could.

You're prob. right. I'm prob. gonna redo all the blue so it matches and then have to redo the white. THANKS for the props!!!


Posted (edited)
  Hikaru's VF-1S said:
any love for the toynamis? =P

HELL YES! (Just not for the company itself or its crappy marketing strategies ;) )


post-3595-1210745557_thumb.jpg(Nuclear winter/Volcanic ash weathering effect optional :p )

Itano Circus, Mospeada Style:

(Probably seen this before, but it's worth a repost)

post-3595-1210745602_thumb.jpg[in a "baby-talk" voice]: "Aww, does the widdle Inbit wanna bullet to da' head? Yes?! No? Oh, YES IT DOES!!"

Edited by Mog

THANKS for those AWESOME pics....all of you!!! Anyone wanna remind me why I just sold my CM Legioss/TREAD?!? :wacko: It's all good though. I'll prob. buy another one down the road. think I might get the green one first next time around.


  misterryno said:
THANKS for those AWESOME pics....all of you!!! Anyone wanna remind me why I just sold my CM Legioss/TREAD?!? :wacko: It's all good though. I'll prob. buy another one down the road. think I might get the green one first next time around.


Because you needed the money. I've been there. Five years ago I went through a transitional period with a new home in a new city and a new job and I ended up getting rid of about 5 or 6 boxes worth of stuff that I'd rather not detail lest it bring tears to my eyes. Thing is, the vast majority of this stuff is always out there in one place or another and you can always start over and buy things back. It's not like you sat down in an alley and ate all of your Faberge Eggs or something. :D

It's not like you sat down in an alley and ate all of your Faberge Eggs or something.

Sniffle... I've been crapping diamonds for a week!

  eriku said:
Because you needed the money. I've been there. Five years ago I went through a transitional period with a new home in a new city and a new job and I ended up getting rid of about 5 or 6 boxes worth of stuff that I'd rather not detail lest it bring tears to my eyes. Thing is, the vast majority of this stuff is always out there in one place or another and you can always start over and buy things back. It's not like you sat down in an alley and ate all of your Faberge Eggs or something. :D

THANKS! That helped.....it really did. And a plus is.....besides some dough.....I'm gettin a figure that I REALLY wanted. I liked the Legioss/TREAD but I can do without it for now. ^_^


  jenius said:
Sniffle... I've been crapping diamonds for a week!

That's gotta hurt :blink:



I bet passing a handful of diamonds through your colon does wonders to scrape away all that red meat that builds up.

Alright! I guess I better post some Mospeada pics later to make up for my last couple of posts! :p

  eriku said:
I bet passing a handful of diamonds through your colon does wonders to scrape away all that red meat that builds up.

Alright! I guess I better post some Mospeada pics later to make up for my last couple of posts! :p

DAMN STRAIGHT YOU OUTTA.....and then I will too. I need to unpack my collection for I packed it all up cause I was going to be moving but I still may be but it does not seem like it. OMG!!! It's sooooo much confusion right now.


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