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Advice on 1/60 19 Kai


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I'm currently turning my 1/60 19 into the Kai since I have so much epoxy putty left over from another project.

I've started sculpting the head and the "bell-bottoms". I'm just not sure whether to go with an "anime" paint scheme or a realistic paint scheme. The red may be either a dull or a bright anime red. I'm mostly stuck on whether to paint the bells gold or yellow.

Has anyone ever attempted this? Searched in vain for some pics but turned up nothing. I'd love to know how others have gone about this.

Edited by Alex
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Post some pictures of your work.

I think the bells should be yellow with a bit of metallic in them to give the slight reflection of a metallic finish without the full on gold look.

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I'm going to post some pics in about a week. Actually, I was looking at Jin Saotome's Ironman today and thought about using a silver base with clear yellow wash. Tempted to do this for the red too.


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I don't know if this will help but here is the Bandai Metallic VF-19 Kia.

Can always try white, metallic silver, and then a clear yellow and red lacquer.

Thanks for the pic. Yeah, I have that kit and I dug it out just recently to see how gaudy that would look on the 1/60. I like the look of the Kai in the opening credits (all shiny-goodness) so I think i'll try that.

WIP pics will be a up in a couple of days. Just wanted to get it looking nice even in this stage.

I'm actually a little surprised that no-one has attempted this before. Guess the price of the 1/60 is the problem.

Edited by Alex
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