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Posted (edited)


Team name:


Project name:

Free fan game based on Robotech/Macross universe

Brief description:

If you are not familiar with Robotech/Macross)) take a look at this





Arcade Simulator (Mecha, Flying combat)/ 3D person

Similar games

MechWarrior, Wings of War, Max Payne

Target aim:

It is an absolutely free game for everyone interested

Perhaps, with open source




at the moment: Blender, Blender Game Engine, Python, GIMP

previously: VC++ 2003/2005, SDL lib, OpenGL

Talent needed:

1. 3D artist/Animator

2. Anyone interested with programming skills

Team structure:

1. Myself.

Nikolay Semin, 23 years old, Russia

Gamedev is kinda hobby for me since may 2007 when I started learning OpenGL and CPP (I knew C a little bit before)

2. Another guy who is kinda adviser on programming

3. Sakura Shinguji - nice girl and 3d artist

4. AncientAngel - 3d artist

5. Dartallion - 3d artist


none at the moment


E-MAIL: seminnikolay_dog_gmail.com, _dog_ = @

Skype ID: nikolay.semin

ICQ: 348787996

Previous Work by Team:

none. This is my first project




ms3d20080424000336et5.th.jpg ms3d20080424000230bq8.th.jpg ms3d20080424000309kk9.th.jpg ms3d20080424000103hy0.th.jpg






Alpha fighter


AncientAngel + Dartallion


Alpha + Beta fighters



Sakura Shinguji




Edited by SeminNV

Very nice, good to see others working on DEV'ing out their own game. If you need some RT ships just let me know, I have been working on an RT MMO for the past two years.

The last ship I did was the Garfish and I have been a little to busy here lately to finish some of the others I have already meshed out but not textured.


As for the game, if it can support multi player it would be a huge plus for a ton of us Macross/RT fans.

Posted (edited)
  AncientAngel said:
If you need some RT ships just let me know

I DO need ships))

I mean at this stage I'd like to introduce VF-1S and Alpha figther. But I am not against other mechas. In my mind, two mecha would be enough for this stage. So, If you have an Alpha or other transformable mecha, you it would be very nice!

I will appreciate your help by adding you on the list of developers!

I plan to make mutliplayer, of course. I will certainly do this a little bit later.

If you have any comments on demo or some ideas about gameplay - you are welcome.

I am still thinking over how to do this.

Edited by SeminNV
Posted (edited)


Well I don't have a transforming VF-1S but I have the next best thing.

VF-1's I have some base work done and set for some transformations but I have yet to bone that in yet. Not sure how smooth the parts will work together since its low poly.


I Downloaded the demo but I can not get it running. Tried running the .exe's but with no avail.

Edited by AncientAngel
Posted (edited)
  AncientAngel said:
I Downloaded the demo but I can not get it running. Tried running the .exe's but with no avail.

At present, it will run on Windows only.

You have to rename 2 file into .exe: TransNew -> TransNew.exe, Robo -> Robo.exe

I am doing some changes now, so it will run on Lunix, Mac OS and some other platforms which are supported by SDL

Your models are very good. Especially I like that your VF has good cockpit - the main problem for those who model planes.

I have a VF-1S model in the demo (ver1.3ds) and you can use it. It has no bones - in TransNew.exe I made animation myself.

As for non-transformable mecha - I have some too like battle pod and officer pod + some destroids. Your female armor is really cool, I mean that it is the most detailed amateur model I have ever seen. Go on!

Edited by SeminNV
  yellowlightman said:
Eh? Got a link for this?


Not much has been done with the project in the past two months. Our one programer has been extremely busy lately plus the frustration factor is not helping either.


I have most of the REF fleet meshed in, with exception to redoing the Izumo and the SDF-3. After that I would need to go back and redo the Alpha and Beta since my olds ones are not transformable and no where near the level of detail I can now put into them. Plus they are getting close to three years old and they need to be redone anyways.

Most of the models are in the poly ranges of 3K-4K with exception of the SDF-1 I was working on. I think it is closer to 9K with out its arm attachments.

Posted (edited)
  AncientAngel said:
I have most of the REF fleet meshed in, with exception to redoing the Izumo and the SDF-3.

Could you post renders? Really interesting

  AncientAngel said:
After that I would need to go back and redo the Alpha and Beta since my olds ones are not transformable and no where near the level of detail I can now put into them. Plus they are getting close to three years old and they need to be redone anyways.

Are you sure? Take a look at the model in the demo. It has about 1500 polygons, but after smooothing it looks not bad even without a texture. Indeed, additional 500-1000 polygons won't be unnecessary. But it is your own choice. Perhaps, you want your models to look great. That's good.

About robotechmmo. I know this project. I am even registered on their forum)) But I think you guys decided to do too many things at once.

Edited by SeminNV

Some Mesh renders of the REF fleet.


Ikazuchi Command Carrier


Skimakaze Battle Cruiser


Horizont Troop Carrier

---Old & need to be redone---




As an example here is my first garfish attempt over two years ago in-game.


As low poly as it was back then I was able to redo it and make it much cleaner in its over all Mesh and still come under the old ones poly count. The Alpha and the Beta where done in Milkshape and are not Meshed for transformations. If you where to edit the mesh to do the transformations you might as well rebuild the whole thing since you would be putting a ton of effort into patching parts and lining up objects to pull it off. Just way easier to rebuild the whole mesh with that thought in mind.


As badly as I know this is a Macross Forums and that RT has made it a point to be a royal pain in the. Thanks for not locking this thread up, I would be willing to work towards doing an Macross multi player game just as badly as an RT one. Unfortunately because of my 2 years on the RT project most of my rendering shots have RT plastered over them. When the images are viewed I will go back to edit the posts to a degree to cut back on a possibly image heavy thread.

As a side note, it would be very interesting to do a Macross vs RT as well and finally drop the gauntlet down.


These projects look great. There is so much talent on this forum, I just wish everyone could work together to get one of these project to completion. I myself was working on a multiplayer Macross Zero game in the style of Battlefield or Call of Duty. These projects are nearly impossible to do alone or with little help. I had to put my game to the side recently for art school. It’s one of those dreams that I can see a few of us on the forums have. It would be nice to play one of these games one day.

Here is the thread I created for the game I started. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21505


2Brianw76, AncientAngel

Guys, could you lend me a couple of models, preferably in ms3d format?

I have a tutorial how to load ms3d models with bone animation, so I am sure it won't be difficult for me to do that quickly in my demo. I can load 3ds models, but unfortunately this format does not support bone animation.


none of mine currently have bones either. The game I was doing some of this model work does not support transformations but beyond that one issue supports heavy modifications.

All my models are Meshed with Wings3D then textured in Milkshape.

There was another Macross project using Wings of Vietnam as their game engine. Which I know absolutely nothing about in order to mod it since it uses 3dMax plug-ins to port new fighters over with.

  AncientAngel said:
As badly as I know this is a Macross Forums and that RT has made it a point to be a royal pain in the. Thanks for not locking this thread up, I would be willing to work towards doing an Macross multi player game just as badly as an RT one. Unfortunately because of my 2 years on the RT project most of my rendering shots have RT plastered over them. When the images are viewed I will go back to edit the posts to a degree to cut back on a possibly image heavy thread.

As a side note, it would be very interesting to do a Macross vs RT as well and finally drop the gauntlet down.

If you do that then you will not be able to use any of the Macross Mecha on the RT side... ^_^


I don't mix Macross stuff into RT. If it was seen in RT then it has a place with in RT. We had forum members jump right on the Macross band wagon and want to see VF-0's to the VF-2's. Which was promptly stomped out and addressed just like a Macross mod wouldn't like see'ing a bunch of REF ships floating about in their game.

As I have said before I am all game for Either version of what ever game. But we need an game engine and a team bigger than five people working on it.


A lot of viewing traffic going on but not a whole lot of talking. So does anything think this is possible if we can get a team together that could agree to get something started and finished.

Any thoughts on this?

Posted (edited)
  AncientAngel said:
A lot of viewing traffic going on but not a whole lot of talking. So does anything think this is possible if we can get a team together that could agree to get something started and finished.

Any thoughts on this?

I am too lazy to write))

Do you have Skype, so we could discuss it orally?

Currently I am working on the demo.

Edited by SeminNV
Posted (edited)
  SeminNV said:
I am too lazy to write))

Do you have Skype, so we could discuss it orally?

Currently I am working on the demo.

My Skype handle is "AncientAngel" I will try to stay on for awhile tonight and watch it this weekend as well. Going to have to use the chat client and not voice thou since my system

Edited by AncientAngel

This is a hard subject, there will be a lot of factors to decide on. Macross or Robotech, an available engine, from scratch, or a mod. Getting the man power for a game will be difficult if nobody can agree on a single direction to go. There is a lot of talent on this forum but a lot of them are too busy to dedicate the time needed to take on something like this. I myself would love to work on a project like this again but I really don’t know how much time I could devote to it. I can donate models that I already have but most of my low poly stuff is for Macross.

  Brianw76 said:
This is a hard subject, there will be a lot of factors to decide on. Macross or Robotech, an available engine, from scratch, or a mod. Getting the man power for a game will be difficult if nobody can agree on a single direction to go. There is a lot of talent on this forum but a lot of them are too busy to dedicate the time needed to take on something like this. I myself would love to work on a project like this again but I really don’t know how much time I could devote to it. I can donate models that I already have but most of my low poly stuff is for Macross.

Well then that settles it, lets focus on Macross then. I have no problems doing either and I do have some things that should work fine for a Macross game engine.

I think what he is looking for is some nice models to do further programing to help develop the game engine out. I am more than happy to donate the female power armor.


I know you wear many hats, but if you're about to jump into another long term project could you send me the newer meshes you've posted wip's of (like the new REF ones)? I'd appreciate it. :D


I JUST got a NEW computer (good enough for my purposes) and reinstalled all the tools I mainly use after vegging out on NWN2 goodness last two weeks... Of course I had to cut down on food intake to pay for this... (passes out).

And good call making a decision to go with Macross. At least now you got a focus and can drive on to planning.

Posted (edited)
  Star Dragon said:
I know you wear many hats, but if you're about to jump into another long term project could you send me the newer meshes you've posted wip's of (like the new REF ones)? I'd appreciate it. :D


I JUST got a NEW computer (good enough for my purposes) and reinstalled all the tools I mainly use after vegging out on NWN2 goodness last two weeks... Of course I had to cut down on food intake to pay for this... (passes out).

And good call making a decision to go with Macross. At least now you got a focus and can drive on to planning.



You know, I am Russian, so English isn't my native language.

I didn't understand a word in what you were saying above. So,

1. What do you want

2. How can you contribute to the project

3. Write flames here

Before you answer I'd like to make clear some things

I am an amateur in CPP/OpenGL programming, and this project is a hobby for me since may 2007. I don't promise that I will end it soon, but I am working! I am just looking for guys who consider 3D modeling a hobby (as I do with programming ), so they could lend me a couple of 3D models. That's all!

Edited by SeminNV

Sorry Seminnv, my post was for Ancient Angel. I should have made it a PM. We frequent a lot of the same boards and I was making a joke about his status. The same mod across several platforms. :)

Pls Disregard... I have no skills and cannot contribute personally. I do have access to some resources though so if you make a list of 3d meshes, I might be able to scrounge some up for your consideration, and include the source for credits (MOST of the meshes I use now are from the Bothec game Macross VO).

  • 4 weeks later...

Worries about Ancient. Still having PC problems One of these days I am just going to have to get your address and buy you some new components so you can at least work with a better computer lol.

I too have been working with Ancient on the MMO project and for a guy that is supposed to do textures "which I usually have to end up stripping down to basics first re-meshing out everything and then put it back together" I am now working on making models go figure. I am currently working on a terrain for a post apocalyptic Manhattan for the game and man just getting all the measurements for the city is a pain as well. I also have to figure out how to mesh all the components together arg! and I have to texture everything lol.

I do have a few other models I have worked on as well Such as a VF-4 that you can use for the game when I get home I will repost with some pics.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

hi, AncientAngel and Darrtallion!

What's new? How is your PC?

I am tired waiting for you, guys, so I decided to model myself + do animation))

It is not that difficulf as I thought it would be




Edited by SeminNV
Posted (edited)
  Zinjo said:
Nice Legioss, how does that relate to Macross?


I am not sure I understand right your question. In the game I plan to do there will be best mechs from Robotech.

It means Macross + Mospeada(New Generation) + Southern Cross (Robotech Masters)

I have already Vf-1s, so I decided to do alpha fighter

Edited by SeminNV

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