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Hikuro... didn't realize you were in Oregon as well.

Really ya didn't? :p I knew you were, just never bug ppl from my area, you never know what they're capable of.

And seeing how vast Oregon is, someone else could live 3-4 hours away and what not.


yeah dude I haven't even been in texas in like 20 years or so. visted El Paso maybe once or twice...grandfather would take me across the boarder for AUTHENTIC mexican food every now and then.

I was gonna check with a friend who owns a small shop in DT Portland if he'd do a lil screening some night for some of the movies I do for a club he does on the side, but alas I don't wanna bug him for that.

Posted (edited)

Anime shop? Wow... I used to rent anime from a shop down town a while back. Dunno if they are still there. I even forgot the name. I should look into it to rent copies of Frontier.

Edited by Skullsixx

This guy actually owns a yogurt shop, good friend, haven't seen him for a while but he use to work as a rep for redbull and came by my place of work and handed out red bull to all the sales and service guys and gave a case between me and my boss...that stuff would be gone from the sales department in 2 hours, hand to god!

I've almost thought about giving a copy to a guy I know at Cosmic Monkey Comics on I think 58th and Sandy near DT Portland...dude who owns it is a cool guy, use to go by his old store on 102nd and Halsey all the time, but now maybe once every 2 months I'll go to his sandy location and spend 20-40 bucks on Transformer comics. He use to get DVD's from me all the time on whatever Anime I was doing and said he enjoyed 'em.

I also know he's sold bootleg DVD's at one point, doubt he does now as it was a pretty small selection. But there ya go :p


Tacobell, Tacotime, Taco Treat, Taco Johns are NOT authentic mexican food :p

Anyways to stay slightly on topic, I've got some voice actors picked out for my Macross 7 episode...should hopefully be a good cast...1 person has turned in lines who is playing Ray. I got a pretty good Basara, Mippa will be Mylene, Hawkeye will be repraising his role as Max Jenius along with Timelord as Exadore.


They should know how to make a proper burrito then :p hate it when only one end is properly folded and the other is just like left there...guess that's the bite start end or something I dunno.

I got a burned prototype DVD, checking quality and what not. movie seems to be in a excellent wide screen looking format, color looks good, no real pixelation I can see...sound looks good...whole film looks good.

All that's left is the right menu which is coming from Chillyche later in the next day or so.


Hikuro... ever heard of "Just Be" video in downtown Portland? Was wondering if they are still there. I bought all my Zero copies there back in the day. I'll have to look 'em up to get Blu-ray copies of Frontier. Oh, and by the way, ya can get killer carne asada burritos from Sanchez Taqueria in Tigard.


Hah, I usually go to a joint in Wilsonville by the boweling alley or Senior' Lopez in Woodburn for quick easy food.

But no I haven't heard of Just Be, I don't really go to DT Portland because it's a good 45 minute drive from my place.


Same, there was a decent little sci/fi shop at the Clackamas Towncenter mall some years ago, I think it lasted for a year before they went out of busniess. Lots of cool stuff, lots of Macross/Robotech goodies and Starwars and StarTrek related goods....but they didn't make it for long at all and poof they were gone.

  Hikuro said:
Anyways to stay slightly on topic, I've got some voice actors picked out for my Macross 7 episode...should hopefully be a good cast...1 person has turned in lines who is playing Ray. I got a pretty good Basara, Mippa will be Mylene, Hawkeye will be repraising his role as Max Jenius along with Timelord as Exadore.

Comfirming for Exadore. Thanks for having me back on board Hik! B))

  Hikuro said:
Hah, I usually go to a joint in Wilsonville by the boweling alley or Senior' Lopez in Woodburn for quick easy food.

But no I haven't heard of Just Be, I don't really go to DT Portland because it's a good 45 minute drive from my place.

I'll have to look for that place in Wilsonville. I don't go DT much either. I did find a website for Just Be, but I dunno know if they still rent/sell anime. Looks like they may have changed their name too. I THINK this might be it: http://www.compoundgallery.com/index.php


I just cleaned out all my files and burnt them to DISC, I did not realize I had 15 or so gigs of files that were nothing but DYRL related. WOW that's insane.

That's just insane, wow really, GEEZEE XD talk about going into fine line detail on some stuff.

  Hikuro said:
I just cleaned out all my files and burnt them to DISC, I did not realize I had 15 or so gigs of files that were nothing but DYRL related. WOW that's insane.

That's just insane, wow really, GEEZEE XD talk about going into fine line detail on some stuff.

Bah. I have whole hard drives dedicated to a single project. So THERE!

Posted (edited)

I have whole folders dedicated to single projects! Actually... Never mind, yours is better. :p

Here's a sample of a sample of my work:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nRnf0AVLTk That is the kind of thing I do with WMM... Keep in mind, it's a WIP, and I forgot to clip the ends off... However, "Ranka-chan! News desu yo! Ultra-super-big-news desu!"

Edited by SchizophrenicMC

DVD is on the way, should be uploaded in 2 days time. 4.1 gigs in size, widescreen, plus extras. Yada yada yada. So stay tuned.



I stumbled across this forum in August and have been checking out the links and reading about this project. I wanted to let you know, now that I have seen the finished movie, what an awsome job you and the cast have done on DYRL. You made my holidays a little brighter. I am interested in the DVD version you are working on, so please keep me in the loop.

Later, JMN


Thanks, glad to see that cause of the movie you opened up an account :p

The DVD version is on the way, I have 56% of the film uploaded...it's taking a lot of time cause I'm doing other things that require my time and connection. I'm going to say that it'll be ready to go just before Christmas, and whoever wants to download it may.


That's great!!! So, it'll have the subs for Zentraedi and Meltrandi as well? Does it have a chapter menu? Man, can't wait to make the DVD.


no chapter menus, I couldn't make those, it's split into 4 subdivisions, the movie, music video, alternate battle and PS1/Saturn opening. However you can chapter skip which is set at 10 minutes each, so roughly 12 chapters in total.

Yes there are subtitles for Zentraedi and Meltrandi and even title opening. With new credits.

Posted (edited)

that's gonna piss me off so much if it's curropted...it really will.

File unzipped fine for me but I didn't download the file itself that's being offered, just the one I zipped that's on my hard drive.

Edited by Hikuro

I should have it downloaded by 0200 hours tomorrow.... If it does work, I'll burn it to disc and give it to Grandma, who loves anime... She's seen a lot more of it than I... And that says a lot...

If the file's corrupted, my bets are on the large size. WinZip can't handle that well. Only good thing about Zip is that the compression works more efficiently. I'll get back to you when it's done.


It does seem due to it's large size, it doesn't want to unzip...which is odd. Sadly right now, I'm not really up to reuploading/encoding/sizing it again cause it takes so damn long and it really just eats up my PC's memory cause it's a fairly old model now. Took almost 5 days to upload it, and I don't have the greatest speed right now, it was uploading around 28kb/s where as my downloading is almost 175kb/s....sucks.

Don't really need any explinations as to why, not really interested in fixing something that I don't understand.

Movies out in other forms for now so that'll just have to tied people over until I can address the problem later.

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