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This is slightly OT, but anybody know about the Zero fandub? I used the links in one of the other threads and I got some file format that I don't know how to use, anybody by chance have the fandubbed version on AVI or something??

Here's the thing about the Zero dub, in comparison with this, it's really not my best work. it's watchable, but not my best anymore. I'm stuck in a rut on it as Episode 2 has gone nowhere cept down.

As for Episode 1, Boinger has it up on his webspace as a rapidshare file. I believe he's also in the works of doing a DVD for it as well.

Sweet! I'll be holding out for the dvd then. smile.gif

I wouldn't hold out for it just yet. After watching the first draft, it was pretty bad. The audio lagged by almost 2 seconds, and the picture quality wasn't as good as I would of liked. I tihnk it might of had something to do with the fact I was diong other things while I was writing the DVD...I'm probably gonna try some other layouts, see which is better and go with that. So I probably wouldn't even say this is going to make a holiday release anytime soon.

I would love to contribute something to that commentary if you'd have me, Hik. Especially THAT opening sequence I had so much trouble with at the time. rolleyes.gif

Hope the Blooper reel I turned in would be any use to you for extras.

A big wait and see, it's difficult as hell to coordinate such a thing with multiple people involved. The last commentary I did i was a bit late on because of work, and we all had problems getting our recording programs running in time so we were all in the same area

As for the blooper reel, sadly, no one had any bloopers to offer, so I doubt anything will be used.

  Hikuro said:
Here's the thing about the Zero dub, in comparison with this, it's really not my best work. it's watchable, but not my best anymore. I'm stuck in a rut on it as Episode 2 has gone nowhere cept down.

As for Episode 1, Boinger has it up on his webspace as a rapidshare file. I believe he's also in the works of doing a DVD for it as well.

I wouldn't hold out for it just yet. After watching the first draft, it was pretty bad. The audio lagged by almost 2 seconds, and the picture quality wasn't as good as I would of liked. I tihnk it might of had something to do with the fact I was diong other things while I was writing the DVD...I'm probably gonna try some other layouts, see which is better and go with that. So I probably wouldn't even say this is going to make a holiday release anytime soon.

A big wait and see, it's difficult as hell to coordinate such a thing with multiple people involved. The last commentary I did i was a bit late on because of work, and we all had problems getting our recording programs running in time so we were all in the same area

As for the blooper reel, sadly, no one had any bloopers to offer, so I doubt anything will be used.

Ok i'll just download the sucker in a couple of days then! :lol:

  Hikuro said:
As for the blooper reel, sadly, no one had any bloopers to offer, so I doubt anything will be used.

I had bloopers. They were in French, it never occured to me you might have been interested in them :)


might be a treat later tonight for you guys since the forums are back up. It's just a big wait and see as I'm still putting things together.


eeeeewwww Vista :unsure:

Errors in both fields really. I'm using a "Clean" audio and video transfer instead of just rendering another render of another render which lowers the sound and video quality to the point of just saying what's the point?

I'm holding off on doing anything for a little while long.....I want to get everything I needed and then start putting everything together.

  Hikuro said:
eeeeewwww Vista :unsure:

Actually.... Vista's one BIG plus is making DVDs. Very nice, with animated menus and all if you take the time to learn how. It's the ONE reason why I have kept it on one computer when I regressed everything back to XP :)


Alright, th en I'll check out my parents computer and see.....Although I can't remembe rif theirs has a dvd writer or not, they never mess with it and I'm not suppose to touch it cause I tend to "Break" their stuff they say.


Just released the English version of Do You Remember Love? As a music video using the footage from Flashback 2012 with vocals from the Fandub movie.

  Hikuro said:
Just released the English version of Do You Remember Love? As a music video using the footage from Flashback 2012 with vocals from the Fandub movie.

*Grabs jaw from wherever it landed on the floor and tries to put it back where it goes*

*ends up tossing it over his shoulder*


Took a brief look at it, it'll probably work for what I want to do, so I'm taking the bits of pieces of it from the HJ splitter and importing it to my folks computer. Hopefully it'll work.


Ok, here's my idea: Compile the movie properly once. Then, depending on the file type, it should work. One must realize that a DVD is made up of several compiled bits that Windows can't read. However, the DVD is readable because it knows how the bits fit together. DVDs are a great way to hold videos, I'll tell you that.

Alternatively, send me the file(s) and I'll see if I can compile it onto a DVD with my, more programmified, Vista PC.

Deal with it how you like. Just don't distribute it too heavily, or you will be sued by Harmony Gold. :p

Posted (edited)

I'm really looking forward to checking out this amazing project! Downloading part 1 now.

I can't begin to imagine all the hard work and time that has gone into this already!

Also, in your first post, you say that the d/l is a "condensed" version. Do you mean that parts are missing, so the film is not the full 2 hours?

Edited by Jedi Knight

Oh no it's 2 hours long, condensed in comparison to the video I'm planning on using for the possible DVD.

Basically the original video transfer was using the Hidef remaster that was released last year, but this is a slightly downgraded version of it. The quality is still good and download worthy, just not what you're gonna see in the future.


Okay, so fiddling around, Vista wouldn't take my Hidef copy at all, but it did take the newly rendered portion I did make this afternoon and did a decent dvd.

I need to get a pretty kick ass looking menu, but dunno how that's going to work on Vista....less the menu isn't actually interactive.

Here's what the menu will look like, well you gotta picture it. It'll be the HUD console of the VF-1 and in the middle box will be little bits on the video and off to the corner will be bonus material and play movie features.

It looks like it'll do chapter skips but it wont do scene access in the sub menus, kind of odd.

I'm really wanting to use the Hi-Def footage I made to be the DVD, but it's up to see how Cypher is able to do it as he'll be taking care of the subbing.


Yes and no.

I've created a new video for the dvd menu, and I still got 16 hours until Cypher receives the video cause it's a slow upload.

Then with what free time he has will be putting in the hard sub and trying to blur out the Japanese text.

I also got to figure out how to make a possible commentary track which could be a second disc or just non existent.

Chances are this wont see a holiday release.

  Hikuro said:
Yes and no.

I've created a new video for the dvd menu, and I still got 16 hours until Cypher receives the video cause it's a slow upload.

Then with what free time he has will be putting in the hard sub and trying to blur out the Japanese text.

I also got to figure out how to make a possible commentary track which could be a second disc or just non existent.

Chances are this wont see a holiday release.

Dammit. I rarely feel like this, but right now, I wish I had a Mac. I could hook your DVD up so lovely, then. It'd be insane.

Oh well.

  Hikuro said:
Yes and no.

I've created a new video for the dvd menu, and I still got 16 hours until Cypher receives the video cause it's a slow upload.

Then with what free time he has will be putting in the hard sub and trying to blur out the Japanese text.

I also got to figure out how to make a possible commentary track which could be a second disc or just non existent.

Chances are this wont see a holiday release.

I hear the upload's finished. I will get on this as soon as I'm home. Planned to model for Aria, but I figure I'd better have more than a couple of hours free for modeling, whereas I'm confident I can do your subs in the evening of the rest of the week.

Blurring's easy, timing the sub isn't a problem, it's how I do my end credits on Headmasters. you still need to confirm the font you'd like, and what colour it ought to be, Hik.

Whatever I get done tonight I'll render as a test for you, so if you can give me the info on what I need tonight, I'll get on it. won't be on a messenger so as to avoid being disturbed, but I'll check this thread before I get to work.


Forgot about the file size... *LOL*

I'm looking at a 5 hour total download. That puts it at 11pm.

I'll sub it up tomorrow and Friday I think.

May yet work on Aria tonight, then.


Well, Hikuro, I finally got everything downloaded and joined. I watched it today, and I gotta say this: I'm crying.

It's just that good, man. Sure, there were some sync issues (Hardest part, or so I've heard) and I wish there was less static in a few people's lines, but overall, best damn fandub I've seen. And besides, sync and fuzz are beyond human fallibility. I'd say this deserves a 10.12/10. You did damned good, and I'm really regretting all the bad things I've said. You done good. You made a guy who never gives anything above a 9 give a 10+. Good job.

And that goes to all of the cast and crew, as well. Good job.


Just got the DVD encode...so I'm just gonna wait until i get hom efrom my part time to assemble a new test DVD and see how it all comes out.


I haven't had a chance to watch the movie as a whole (I am going save that for the holidays) but I did look at several parts of the movie and the voices are outstanding everyone did a great job on it. The only versions of DYRL that I have seen are my old vhs that i picked up in the 90s with the English dub and the region 2 perfect edition so its great to have a version a great dub. Good luck with the DVD by the way.


I did try to do the DVD today, but alas it's not the exact encode I'm looking for, so I'm going back to the drawing bored with Cypher.


Yeah we're cool until the next release :p

Cypher on the other hand was able to give me a proper voice effect for a helmet, I'll be using that for now on, makes more sense than voice mail or the other one.

I just need to find a good program that's free and will do what I want, and so far I'm not seeing it.


No redux, DYRL has been put to bed forever more...well until an Blu-Ray or something.

Nero can do the job but it's being an ass an dI have to reinstall it.

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