Hikuro Posted January 25, 2008 Posted January 25, 2008 (edited) After 4 long years the 2.0 Edition of the film is pretty much done. It has a few mistakes but by god it's a hell of an improvement from the one I did before! http://youtu.be/DfIgGsQsWgc For Part 1, ifyou wanna see the other 7 parts just follow the Channel! Phew what a pain in the butt this was but it's finally done and over with. DVD variant I wanna do will have the corrections that I needed to do in the stream that I just don't wanna mess with again. Want more? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwJjrWhYv3g&feature=share&list=UUvYdjXAF9BCF6Z1kSGmFCOA Have some 30th AV edition style. Presented in 1280/720 format at 720P HD. Edited January 31, 2013 by azrael Quote
misterryno Posted January 25, 2008 Posted January 25, 2008 Hikuro, I'd be interested in taking a position if you need it mate. Let me know. PM me or something with details. Quote
Hikuro Posted January 25, 2008 Author Posted January 25, 2008 thanks I appreciate it. I''ll be having more information up on this thread later today. And if I can get back on to my website, i'll post info there as well. first thing i'll have up are audio conparisons on good acting to horrible with bd mic quality....so ppl got an idea of what i'm looking for, and trying to void. i dont want to produce a new version of toeis dub. Quote
misterryno Posted January 25, 2008 Posted January 25, 2008 Hikuro said: thanks I appreciate it. I''ll be having more information up on this thread later today. And if I can get back on to my website, i'll post info there as well. first thing i'll have up are audio conparisons on good acting to horrible with bd mic quality....so ppl got an idea of what i'm looking for, and trying to void. i dont want to produce a new version of toeis dub. Gotcha....I will look out for the info mate. Quote
Hikuro Posted January 26, 2008 Author Posted January 26, 2008 Okay well I couldn't do what I planned too.........basically when doing an audio line, try to keep it sounding clean, the littlest pop or hiss can really ruin a performance (I gotta really clean my sound quality up myself...that's why i got LOTS of audio software)....monotones are horrible, they espically can ruin a performance or a moment in any film....also sounding hollow....sounding hollow is basically like an awkward mic feedback that makes you sound distant and staticy...you know you got it if you don't sound full and audiable (if that makes sense)....I really want everyone to come in as crystal clear as possible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUVzybn4LfM this previous dub I did is a good example of vocal clearity. anyways minus the vocals, I'm just about done remixing the entire 12 minutes of the opening film...which is faster then I anticipated but I know I'll hit some sort of a snag soon. I'm sort of combining ambience and sfx's at once...so there are a few gaps right now in my audio tracks. Good thing is I got a kick ass missile sfx from a friend XD and I can manipulate it with Adobe to sound like multiple missiles all coming at ya! I'll scout out voices in the very near future, I wanna atleast finish some of the mixing for this movie. Script wise as I said, not much is left but I got enough that I can diffenetly start production of a voice cast ASAP. SO YAY ME! Quote
Hikuro Posted January 26, 2008 Author Posted January 26, 2008 got my website up and running, so anyone who's curious on what's going on please check there. Quote
Hikuro Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 DYRL going smoothly. 15 minutes are nearly mixed to satasfaction...vocals for the first half of the movie are due out in first week of March....movie release in August. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 1, 2008 Author Posted February 1, 2008 I pretty much finished up to when the macross cannon destroys the zentradie cruiser and the pods retreat. Thats 5 of 35 dvd chapters right there. next segment is Hikaru and minmay in the belly of the macross up till Hikaru ditches roy, claudia and misa to hang with minmay. That was where I left off originally last year, but no one was doing their lines so I stopped there. This part will be pretty easy...no action, easy scenes to mix, just alot of dialouge. When I finish this segment ill be scouting to fill in the bit roles. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 3, 2008 Author Posted February 3, 2008 So far I've compelted nearly 30 minutes of footage, I took a little bit of a break cause it's superbowl sunday so I wanna watch Giants hopefully kick some ass and win a superbowl since it's been like....20 years? I might have a small snip here and there to intice everyone at some given point between misa and Hikaru. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 4, 2008 Author Posted February 4, 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MkIcx44EPE here's a quickie I did, 30 minutes of footage are complete....I'll probably start on the next piece a little later today, so that'll mean the movie will be half way finished. Quote
valk1j Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 I really like your work on this. My question is what are your plans for this when finished. MacrossWorld member exclusive purchase would be nice. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 5, 2008 Author Posted February 5, 2008 Quote I really like your work on this. My question is what are your plans for this when finished. MacrossWorld member exclusive purchase would be nice. Hmmm, it's debateable. I've got a CD, Cover and even insert design in the works but it's far from perfect and thought about having someone volunteer to do some awesome work that'd make it a dub exclusive DVD. This is a cover I had completed as a prototype, course I'd love to see if anyone could come up with something better. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 15, 2008 Author Posted February 15, 2008 Just an update, I got 18 minutes of footage left to mix...then check the entire movie for anything that's abnormal or doesn't sound right...then I just wait on vocals to arrive. Quote
RichyX Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 good work mate keep it updated as id love an english dubbed version of this, the only genuine english one i have is on vhs called clash of the bionoids whoch is the english dyrl be nice to get a macross zero in english dubbed aswell Quote
Hikuro Posted February 19, 2008 Author Posted February 19, 2008 Thanks. Yeah I've watched Clash of The Bionoids cut and uncut and was never impressed. But considering how long ago it was made....I guess it was pretty good for something UK/Australian made. I'm dabbing in Macross Zero a bit and I got plans to buy a DVD copy of Macross Plus movie edition. I've finished the music track for Episode 2 of Macross Zero, and almost half way done with the ambience levels. Some of them will need some tweeking and additional sounds to make them feel more complete. I'd say the most difficult will be the dog fighting in the start of the film. Which also has me worried about Macross Plus, but that'll be fun to tackle as everyone loves Macross Plus. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 24, 2008 Author Posted February 24, 2008 I just got my misa to turn in all her lines, and she's got just 1 redo, man she did a fantastic job! Also working hard on Episode 2 of M0...I just did a big test mix of the battle between Fokker and Ivanov http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRhLIWnpn-U It's almost perfect, just a few lil touch ups, and vocals. It's possible I will get my original Ivanov back...he's moved recently but he said he really wants to get back into the game. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 25, 2008 Author Posted February 25, 2008 VERY VERY VERY Close on finishing the audio mix for the first half of the film. I want everyone to know I've been working very hard on this while I'm breaking on DYRL I've been fooling around with Macross Zero. Right now I've got 5 more minutes worth of footage to mix for the second set of Sound....once that's done and calibrated I gotta add in another set to sort of overlap and calibrate that. Then I'm going in, checking the first hour without vocals....add any touch ups and sound replacements then calling that area of the film final. After that's done, I'll be waiting for voices and taking a few weeks rest on DYRL and mixing and maybe work on the script for Episode 3 of Macross Zero when I'm bored. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 26, 2008 Author Posted February 26, 2008 Mock up mix of the first half of the movie is complete. I'm starting to channel mix the audio so it doesn't come out mono. This is probably the most time consuming piece of it all cause I gotta select the right channel then move it to the left and then recopy and paste...so you can hear everything thru all speakers instead of just 1. Then I gotta go thru the second set again and take out the Zentradie steps because I found more accurate ones thanks to episode 12. Then I need to go back to the first 5 chapters and insert the missing soundeffects I noticed. Once all of that is finished, I take ALL of the audio and mix it as one big deal and start to work with the vocals I got. After that's finished, maybe I'll release the first half of the video when all the vocals are together. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 27, 2008 Author Posted February 27, 2008 FINISHED!......now I need vocals. Quote
Hikuro Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Not much to really report...alot of ppl have asked for extensions for personal, work, or family issues. So they got until next month before I get miffed off. Quote
Hikuro Posted April 10, 2008 Author Posted April 10, 2008 nothing to honestly report. Well there are a few things. The big part is I FINALLY got something that sounds close to the original Zentradie speach VFX. And my Breetia VA is finally finished, however......I gotta get my ass in gear and ring in the other VA's. Quote
Hikuro Posted April 27, 2008 Author Posted April 27, 2008 Wow BIG update XD my Roy Fokker VA turned in a majority of the first half of his lines....he's got a few missing here and there but it isn't too bad! Quote
Hikuro Posted April 30, 2008 Author Posted April 30, 2008 I FLY BETTER WHEN I'VE HAD A FEW Just a quickie I couldn't pass up on showing. Audio SFXs still need a lil work. Quote
hal9000 Posted May 1, 2008 Posted May 1, 2008 Sounding good, my only comment besides I WILL BE downloding this is the in helmet tinny sound SFX is good but I think could be toned down. Just my thought. But still this is fantastic keep up the good work. Quote
Hikuro Posted May 2, 2008 Author Posted May 2, 2008 It'll be toned cause the vocals will be cleaned up and that'll improve the SFX's. I'm almost tempted on letting everyone hear the new Zentradie vocals, they're almost spot on to the original. I did go back to my Chp11-16 sound files, and I did screw up, all but 1 file was MP3, the other was WAV and that'll screw the whole thing up by 1 second. So after fixing that, the SFX's are all back in sync and the video looked better. Boinger is offering me a chance to get the DYRL Remastered video, I'm tempted, very tempted, but I think I've been decoding DYRL at 29fp/s instead of 24fp/s....I doubt it'll be a problem honestly....I'll have to wait and see. Quote
Hikuro Posted May 10, 2008 Author Posted May 10, 2008 Well had a talk with some VA's, some just quit because they don't have the time, namely my Minmay VA resigned cause of her neighbors being noisey lil f heads. Productions at a stand still until I recast a few roles. Quote
Hikuro Posted May 11, 2008 Author Posted May 11, 2008 thank you. I finished the mock up of the PS1/Saturn intros PS1/SATURN INTROS HERE Not bad, just gotta rescript and send that out for vocals. Quote
Hikuro Posted May 13, 2008 Author Posted May 13, 2008 looks like I found my new Minmay, Miriya and Claudia....and I'm currently working on a few more Macross Frontier clips with English vocals on the music.....it should be very interesting. Quote
chillyche Posted May 17, 2008 Posted May 17, 2008 Hikuro said: looks like I found my new Minmay, Miriya and Claudia....and I'm currently working on a few more Macross Frontier clips with English vocals on the music.....it should be very interesting. Did you find a new Ranka? Or did the VA (please please please) decide she had time to do it again? Quote
Hikuro Posted May 18, 2008 Author Posted May 18, 2008 She said she would try and stay as Ranka, she really loves the role. But she's not sure if she'd be actually willing to do long dialouge parts compared to singing. I do have a rather impressive clip coming up at some point....I'm sure people will enjoy it. I did send out stuff to my new cast members, the cast listing feels alot more complete now then it did sometime ago. Quote
Excillon Posted May 18, 2008 Posted May 18, 2008 Frontier is cool and all, shame you can't get more help. I'd love to see all the Macross series in dub, even Mac7. I'm with RichyX though, I'd kill for a dub of zero. I'm surprised you can't find enough VA's on here for the male roles. I'd love to be a part of something like that. Quote
Hikuro Posted May 20, 2008 Author Posted May 20, 2008 There are three types of Male VA's I've come across over the many years I've done this, 1) The type that think they can act, and 2) The ones who can be don't do it and finally 3) the ones who do that you gotta keep using cause they're all you got. I'm VERY VERY VERY close on the sound mix for Zero episode 2...like if i wanted to push it, I could finish it probably tonight type of close. But I'll have to hold auditions for a few new roles and maybe think about redubbing Episode 1 to keep it consistant. I saw someone on youtube who was holding auditions for a Zero dub, to be honest, yet not to be rude, I kind of hope their project goes no where. It kind of makes me feel like I'm leaving some legacy behind to the Macross fandom by doing these and hopefully some day get some sort of a recognition for the hard work. In either case I do have some great news. Lionel, who plays Roy Fokker for Zero and DYRL has just completed his lines for the DYRL fandub. He did a phenomenal job, a lil off script at times but he did great. I'd like to congratulate him for putting up with my BS for the last few months since he's a busy man who's taken acting as a serious job and in the last 3 months has done 2 stage plays. I think everyone will like who I picked for Lynn Minmay as she's a professional Voice Actress just like the last one. Infact you guys can check her out for yourselves, she's a good friend and a looker to boot gotta love those cute VA girls. Cristina Vee's Youtube Page Quote
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