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I have found 2 cars that date 1984 and 1980 (on both)

That I got a long time ago from collecting proof of purchases,

1st-Red Ferrari about the same size as say sideswipe

2nd - White toyota supra (obviosly the older one early 80's) same size

Any help would be apreciated, cause I cant find anything


I'm surprised my memory was good enough to remember two of them since I never actually had any of them, but I always wanted Overdrive. He was the only one worth having.

Did these guys ever make it into the cartoon?


though the omni bots do get stomped on in the new comic ;):lol: Actually over drive is a steaming pile of crap in bot mode IMHO. Imposible to stand up, and very loose legs. the other two are very solid in both modes.

Actually, it's Camshaft that's a pile of crap. A worse robot mode is hard to come by.

My Overdrive stands very well :)

I have to agree. I still have Overdrive after all these years and it stands just fine.


I had Camshaft... he was ok... I always liked the 308 Ferrari design. :)


Wow man... Blast from the past! I haven't looked at that G1 catalog since the early 80's!


are you planning on selling these? If so, let me know! Thanx! :p:D:lol:


I can post scans of the directions if anybody wants.

there are a select few transformers I have/want... many including the omni bots did not make the cut :unsure:


Downshift was the best of the lot, personally speaking.

The main problem with the Omnibots was the size - I had always thought they were the same size as the other main line car Autobots of the day. When I finally scored them on Ebay, I was dissapointed at their strange half-breed size... :(

But, I needed to fulfill that childhood dream, :lol:

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