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Would you buy 3 of the same Variable Fighter if there was a discount?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Pose one of each Fighter, Gerkwalk, Battroid all in one order with a discount. Would you do it?

    • I already buy 3 so that I could pose all three modes. So discount? Sure.
    • In order to afford 3 of them they would have to be at least 50% off.
    • Even if it was a 20% discount I would go for it.
    • I only like Fighter mode so forget it.
    • I only Like Gerwalk mode so forget it.
    • I only like Battroid mode so forget it.

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I love all three modes but I can not afford three of any variable fighter.

Would a discount on three at a time be an incentive?

How many of you would go for it?

Posted (edited)

Typically I don't by multiples so I wouldn't be interested in getting three of the same toy. A three pack of three different repaints I might go for at a discount.

Edit - the option list should include "I'm okay with just one" instead of making me pick a pose I like best. I vary up my displays.

Edited by jenius

Nice pole miriya... :D ...I would like to choose the first answer but sadly I would need at LEAST 50% off...I for a bit almost had 3 of each of my chunkies (chunky's ??? I like this way), but sadly ran low on money so sold some and hopefully will have them back soon. They should open a pawn shop for our Valks. What a great idea. Do you wanna go in on is as partners ^_^


For the new VF-1 line 1/60's it'd be cool, but only if we got different variants, like a tv/dyrl? pack..

example - 1J Hikaru, 1S Hikaru, VF-1D. That would be cool. and yes, discounted.

  eugimon said:
the point of a variable mode toy....?

exactly...no offense to anyone here since I know a lot of member have this 'need' for having several valks to display differently

I mean, what's the point of buying a perfect transforming toy, if you're gonna get 6 of them, to display each one in their 3 different modes with/without FAST packs

seems an awful waste of money, they would be better off buying models, cheaper and more accurate


3 VF-11Bs when they come out. If Yamato did a 3-pack at %50 off of the price of each individual valkyrie, I would bite. But only for the VF-11.


Tempting if they were 3 different color schemes. But out would have to be a 50% discount on all of them to get me to buy a 3 pack of the same color scheme.

  miriya said:
I love all three modes but I can not afford three of any variable fighter.

Would a discount on three at a time be an incentive?

How many of you would go for it?

Instead of focusing this on Yamato, I think it would be more of an effective offer of sorts to the actual seller.

  Valkyrie addict said:
exactly...no offense to anyone here since I know a lot of member have this 'need' for having several valks to display differently

I mean, what's the point of buying a perfect transforming toy, if you're gonna get 6 of them, to display each one in their 3 different modes with/without FAST packs

seems an awful waste of money, they would be better off buying models, cheaper and more accurate

Geezzzeee guys.......it's just a poll....why question it.....I mean.....if anyone should have more than one I would expect it to be you with a name such as Valkyrie addict.


Buying three to show all 3 configurations? I'll pass; that takes away the fun of having these valkyries. You gotta transform them once in a while...that's what makes them special!


I'm no sithlord nor am I a godzilla...so no....and even different paint schemes I have to consider heavily before getting them. IMHO if you gonna buy 1 for each mode in display, they won't get played and you'll eventually forget how to transform them/not bother so defeats the purpose of the transforming toy.

  Sumdumgai said:
3 VF-11Bs when they come out. If Yamato did a 3-pack at %50 off of the price of each individual valkyrie, I would bite. But only for the VF-11.

Same here. ^_^

I won't buy any multiples of any other VF's but I love the VF-11 so much that I won't be able to resist. Besides, it being a CF gives me a good excuse to buy multiples.


Why would Yamato do this @ 50% discount when they know there are enough suckers who will pay full price anyway :lol:

  thegunny said:
Why would Yamato do this @ 50% discount when they know there are enough suckers who will pay full price anyway :lol:

Yeah, I can't see a 50% discount. Their volume would need to go WAY up to justify that. 20% on the other hand I could see them doing. Just the savings as far as packaging goes would probably take vare of half of that.

  doodler7 said:
Buying three to show all 3 configurations? I'll pass; that takes away the fun of having these valkyries. You gotta transform them once in a while...that's what makes them special!

Eh....it's like riding a bike......like having.....well nevermind that one......you won't ever forget how. Unless you get amnesia maybe or alzheimers. I hope no one has to suffer from those terrible things.


Even if it were at 50% discount, it would still be too expensive for my wallet to handle. Changing the mode from time to time is enough for me.


Interesting feedback so far.

Yes it is a good point of course that they are variable, transformable, so you could change their stance but looking at a lot of member's collections (and my own) I have seen that a lot of people pose their valk in their favorite pose and leave it that way on display.

I do love transforming them and posing them but when I get a pose that I really love, I like to keep it that way for a long time. Also, I cant seem to be able to transform them fast enough to be satisfied. I personally, if I could afford it, have 3 of a single variant to pose in all of its glory. Sure I would change the specifics of the poses every once and a while but I love being able to see all three modes at once. If I could afford it I would have 3 1/48 Milia valks to pose in all three modes. I may still yet. But when it comes down to it, with my limited budget I would generally prioritize getting variants or different mech before getting 3 of the same. However with the new 1/60 line coming out getting three of a kind is more possible if the price stays down and if they did offer three packs at a discount I would not be surprised if they were popular.

Anyway, thanks for brining to my attention that it is an incomplete poll.

Cool to hear people's feedback.

  miriya said:
Interesting feedback so far.

Yes it is a good point of course that they are variable, transformable, so you could change their stance but looking at a lot of member's collections (and my own) I have seen that a lot of people pose their valk in their favorite pose and leave it that way on display.

I do love transforming them and posing them but when I get a pose that I really love, I like to keep it that way for a long time. Also, I cant seem to be able to transform them fast enough to be satisfied. I personally, if I could afford it, have 3 of a single variant to pose in all of its glory. Sure I would change the specifics of the poses every once and a while but I love being able to see all three modes at once. If I could afford it I would have 3 1/48 Milia valks to pose in all three modes. I may still yet. But when it comes down to it, with my limited budget I would generally prioritize getting variants or different mech before getting 3 of the same. However with the new 1/60 line coming out getting three of a kind is more possible if the price stays down and if they did offer three packs at a discount I would not be surprised if they were popular.

Anyway, thanks for brining to my attention that it is an incomplete poll.

Cool to hear people's feedback.

I know what you mean about the limited budget. I was doing well about getting all 3 of each of the 1/55's then....well.....eveyone knows no need to write it again......but soon....I will be back to it ^_^

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