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Just my personal curiosity, Mr March and Zinjo, what's with the name calling between you two? Did you two have problems with (read: hate) each other? :p

BTW, did anyone knows rumors of any major difference between the Deculture Edition of episode one with the 'normal' version of episode one? I knows about the Op and Ed, but I wonder will there be any change for animation or the storyline...

Posted (edited)
  UN Spacy said:
Did any MW'ers pick up the COSPA Macross Frontier shirts from Wonderfest?

Hopefully these show up on HLJ.com like the previous (25th concert) ones did.

2002572777406896923_rs.jpg 2002555872766993065_rs.jpg 2002598203811843032_rs.jpg

Actually these shirts are not made by COSPA since only BANDAI has MacrossF merchandise locked down. These are limited and made by Big West. Only Sold at Wonder Fest, Currently being sold at Macross Queen DolcMacross featuring DOLCE Event in Akihabara and I was told will also be sold at Tokyo Anime Fair. They cost 3000 yen each.

Today at Dolce they got in the new MacrossF version 2 poster. Take a look!

There is also a AM/PM MacrossF promotion that just started they are selling two kinds of cream puffs. They are pretty big and heavy one is green tea and the other Im not sure but I liked it better than green tea one. Super sugar loaded!!



Edited by SaveRobotech
Posted (edited)


Yeah, you definitely have priorities that should take precedence over the scanner thing. Plus, it's just a judgment call on your part about the image quality in the magazines too. I can't say one way or the other if it's worth a new scanner if the source images in the magazine are crap. Even a good scanner won't help in that case. It's just that looking at all the scans you done for the year and doing scanning myself, it seems like the scanner is not very good quality, even compared to a cheapy like mine.

Regardless, your old scanner is getting the job done, so like I said, we can't complain :)

Sulendil Ang

Oh, the most spiteful of desires for which I yearn that you cannot know! Zinjack*** is my most hated archenemy on this message board. I find him extremely ugly. He emits a foul and unpleasant odor. I LOOOOOOATHE HIM!!!! :)

It has long been my most coveted goal to one day rip the reigns of Macross World power from the clutches of Shawn and Graham to achieve but ONE end: the total and utter destruction, in tar and feathers, of that most putrid pond scum that is known only in the most blackest of words as...Zinjo!

I will have his heart on a plate!

His head on my desk!

I will have him stripped naked and whipped through the streets of the capital at midday!

Oh yes, my dearest onlookers, Zinjo's pancreas will be mine!


*cough, gag, choke* ;):p

Edited by Mr March
  azrael said:
As we have repeatedly stated, the series starts on April 3rd (technically April 4th). Most likely, they will probably be re-airing episode 1 with completed openings and endings on that day. Now, if there aren't any scheduled or unscheduled interruptions, episode 2 will be the following week. Unfortunately, we don't have a clear idea of the schedule until next week. So I would check back next week to be sure.

The radio show also states (something along the lines of "look for") that there will be some changes between the preview episode one and the actual episode one.

  Zinjo said:
It is showing on NHK? If so when? Sorry I can't remember where that was posted... :(

----->For Lazy people

  Duke Togo said:
The radio show also states (something along the lines of "look for") that there will be some changes between the preview episode one and the actual episode one.

You mean like opening and ending themes? :p

  Duke Togo said:
The radio show also states (something along the lines of "look for") that there will be some changes between the preview episode one and the actual episode one.

I think that's about some short inserted scenes in the first episode. Which brings it closer to the manga's version of the story.

  SaveRobotech said:
Actually these shirts are not made by COSPA since only BANDAI has MacrossF merchandise locked down. These are limited and made by Big West. Only Sold at Wonder Fest, Currently being sold at Macross Queen DolcMacross featuring DOLCE Event in Akihabara and I was told will also be sold at Tokyo Anime Fair. They cost $3000 each.

Today at Dolce they got in the new MacrossF version 2 poster. Take a look!

There is also a AM/PM MacrossF promotion that just started they are selling two kinds of cream puffs. They are pretty big and heavy one is green tea and the other Im not sure but I liked it better than green tea one. Super sugar loaded!!

What? The shirts cost HOW much? $3000?

I'm itching for one of those yellow shirts and black shirts.

  UN Spacy said:
What? The shirts cost HOW much? $3000?

He probably means in Japanese yen, not US dollars. so ¥3,000 JPY (about $30 USD), not $3,000 USD. That better be the greatest T-shirt ever made to be sold at $3000 USD. Heck, I would expect it to have gold for the logo at that price...

  SaveRobotech said:
Actually these shirts are not made by COSPA since only BANDAI has MacrossF merchandise locked down. These are limited and made by Big West. Only Sold at Wonder Fest, Currently being sold at Macross Queen DolcMacross featuring DOLCE Event in Akihabara and I was told will also be sold at Tokyo Anime Fair. They cost $3000 each.

Today at Dolce they got in the new MacrossF version 2 poster. Take a look!

Um are you sure it's not 3000Yen? That would be about $30, which is affordable. $3000 should have 24k gold stitching and come in a mahogany collector's box... :p

  Mr March said:
Sulendil Ang

Oh, the most spiteful of desires for which I yearn that you cannot know! Zinjack*** is my most hated archenemy on this message board. I find him extremely ugly. He emits a foul and unpleasant odor. I LOOOOOOATHE HIM!!!! :)

It has long been my most coveted goal to one day rip the reigns of Macross World power from the clutches of Shawn and Graham to achieve but ONE end: the total and utter destruction, in tar and feathers, of that most putrid pond scum that is known only in the most blackest of words as...Zinjo!

I will have his heart on a plate!

His head on my desk!

I will have him stripped naked and whipped through the streets of the capital at midday!

Oh yes, my dearest onlookers, Zinjo's pancreas will be mine!


*cough, gag, choke* ;):p

Pfft! You impudent fool to believe you have a gnat's prayer of dethroning moi!

My armies and minions will make short work of your petty revolution and your dog too!

I have agents in your camp villan, and you will never see the daggar that ends your petty little existence...

Fear you? I fart in your general direction. You don't frighten me, English pig dog. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

**Snort** :p

  SaveRobotech said:
Today at Dolce they got in the new MacrossF version 2 poster. Take a look!

Dude! I love it!

If you could somehow get a scan to post that would be truly awesome!

The more I hear of the soundtrack the more I love it. It definitely has the same "heart" as SDFM's music and Mac Plus.


Zinjo: I still not get any of the SDFM or M+ vibe from the song yet, but maybe when the show is aired, I might have a change of mind.

On the other hand, I hope the changes mentioned didn't including the decrease of animation quality. You know, the animation in Deculture Edition is so good, I begin to wonder if Kamawori and co. can even do such good animation for every single week.

  Sulendil Ang said:
Zinjo: I still not get any of the SDFM or M+ vibe from the song yet, but maybe when the show is aired, I might have a change of mind.

On the other hand, I hope the changes mentioned didn't including the decrease of animation quality. You know, the animation in Deculture Edition is so good, I begin to wonder if Kamawori and co. can even do such good animation for every single week.

It's one of those intangible things. Comparing the music one to another really doesn't describe it as much as the fact that it is quality appealing music the I can see myself listening to Maaya Sakamoto singing Sheryl Nome songs in my car or on my home stereo as opposed to just enjoying it in the episodes of the show.

The SDFM music and the Macross Plus soundtrack give me the same sense of enjoyment. It will be interesting when the Ranka Lee character begins to blossom as a singer if the music will hold that appeal for me. The closing credits of the Deculture Edition with Megumi Nakajima singing Ai, Oboete imasu ka definitely left me intrigued (although I am now positive that Mari Ijima sang the harmony part in the song with Nakajima). Too bad it won't be the end theme for the actual series.



Just picked up the new issue of Great Mechanics. As Kresphy had mentioned a few posts back, there's quite a long article on Macross Frontier.

No new pics that we haven't seen already, but quite a lot of text. Hopefully somebody can translate it and there will be some interesting new info there.

There's also quite a lot of lineart of older VFs in the 'VF History section'. Again nothing really new though that isn't already in other art books.

Here's scans of the first 8 color pages. Some of the corners are a bit blurry unfortunately, from where the book moved when I was holding it down on the scanner to try and get it as flat as possible.







Broadcast List

第01話:クロース・エンカウンター(Cross Encounter),2008.04.03

第02話:ハード・チェイス(Hard Chase),2008.04.10

第03話:オン・ユア・マークス(On Your Marks),2008.04.17

第04話:ミス・マクロス(Miss Macross),2008.04.24

  kresphy said:
Broadcast List

第01話:クロース・エンカウンター(Cross Encounter),2008.04.03

Close Encounter? So we're getting the non-director's cut Episode I repeat the first week, well at least I can still look forward to the openning credits animation, bring on april 10th ^_^

Thanx for the info.


Oh, just look at all the potential text goodness. There has to be some good mecha trivia and maybe a few more statistics hidden in there. I can see many english numbers and terms like SMS scattered throughout. I hope someone can translate :)

*gets ready to copy and paste for potential M3 profiles* :)

  kresphy said:
Broadcast List

第01話:クロース・エンカウンター(Cross Encounter),2008.04.03

第02話:ハード・チェイス(Hard Chase),2008.04.10

第03話:オン・ユア・マークス(On Your Marks),2008.04.17

第04話:ミス・マクロス(Miss Macross),2008.04.24

Miss Macross? Wow, old tradition really dies hard. :p

BTW, is all of Macross TV series feature at least a Miss Macross episode? I haven't seen Macross 7 yet.


Macross always gotta have several elements to be "Macross-ish":

a) Love triangle

b) Transforming mechas

c) Micro-missile swarm

d) A singing lead or an idol

I see these are already present in Frontier. :lol:


The context in M-7 was to find a group of singers that the military could use in the manner of Basara, but without the trouble of having someone as insubordinate as Basara around...

The result was the Jamming Birds ....

And the contest was lots of fun... there was also a contest for pilots....

But I don't think either of them were labeled as Miss Macross contests --- since they weren't beauty pageants but just singing contests...


  Sulendil Ang said:
Miss Macross? Wow, old tradition really dies hard. :p

If you read the manga, you'll know what that episode is about. :)


Now for the news:

1) Broadcast of Episode 1 time slot change (Only for episode 1):

MBS 4/3 (Thursday) 24:55

CBC 4/3 (Thursday) 26:05

TBS 4/4 (Friday) 25:59

TBC 4/4 (Friday) 26:19

SBS 4/4 (Friday) 26:49

HBC 4/7 (Monday) 26:29

This is the only scheduling change noted. Things should move back to regular times after next week.

2) Tokyo International Animation Fair details

*Stage event

11:40AM-12:10PM, 3/30

Shoji Kawamori is scheduled to give a little talk and Megumi Nakashima is scheduled to talk about her character, Ranka. There will also be a live performance from May'n. There will also be a screening of Macross F before the event. You must go to the Satellite booth for admission tickets. Tickets will be handed out starting 10AM.

*Satellite Karaoke

At the Satellite booth, there will be an open karaoke. Songs will range from DYRL? to MF.

*Karaoke contest

March 29th 1PM - 4:30PM and March 30th 12:30PM - 4:30PM

Details are subject to change. Number of karaoke participants is limited. Please follow staff instructions.

*Macross Chronicle announcement

Kawamori will be there to talk about this 25th anniversary publication.

*Macross F T-shirts will be on sale

Same as the Wonder Festival shirts. 3,000 yen/shirt.


3) Macross Chronicle encyclopedia has been announced. It will present mechanical, character and technology information. Details are still in the works.

  azrael said:
3) Macross Chronicle encyclopedia has been announced. It will present mechanical, character and technology information. Details are still in the works.




Graham those scans are crystal clear dude!

Whatever changes you made worked like an absolute charm!


  azrael said:
3) Macross Chronicle encyclopedia has been announced. It will present mechanical, character and technology information. Details are still in the works.

Hmmmmmm.... B))

  Graham said:
Just picked up the new issue of Great Mechanics. As Kresphy had mentioned a few posts back, there's quite a long article on Macross Frontier.

No new pics that we haven't seen already, but quite a lot of text. Hopefully somebody can translate it and there will be some interesting new info there.

There's also quite a lot of lineart of older VFs in the 'VF History section'. Again nothing really new though that isn't already in other art books.

Here's scans of the first 8 color pages. Some of the corners are a bit blurry unfortunately, from where the book moved when I was holding it down on the scanner to try and get it as flat as possible.


If at all possible is there any chance of getting a good scan of the Macross F logo on second last scan and maybe on the last scan? Love that logo and it's almost pristine in the book at that resolution...

I don't know if it is possible without cracking the spine of the book though...


I just heard the Triangler OP.....WOW.

Thanks for the link kresphy!

  azrael said:
3) Macross Chronicle encyclopedia has been announced. It will present mechanical, character and technology information. Details are still in the works.

adding another one on my macross hitlist! :ph34r:

Posted (edited)


Actually, I would LOVE a timeline map of the Macross history like that one in Frontier. That would be awesome.

Edited by MisaForever
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