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Its Been a While Since We HAD................

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I remember looking forward to reading about new yamato products....now its like errrrrr*shrug* another VF-something...now if G gives us a little inside scoop or a lil teaser that would be cool. :rolleyes: i wont tell if you tell G :rolleyes:




I guess Yamato is giving us time to reload (our wallets) before the next onslaught. With all the 1/48 Fast Packs plus 1/60's and 1/72's there's gotta be more than a few MW'ers that wouldn't mind waiting a while longer (for new Yammie goodness). :blink:


HMMM "growing addiction to groundbreaking news, very interesting....""" <_<

The armour is groundbreaking , san andres groundbreaking,, (for those tha dont know,a fault line that runs along cali' s coast)e he he

  UN Spacy said:
I guess Yamato is giving us time to reload (our wallets) before the next onslaught. With all the 1/48 Fast Packs plus 1/60's and 1/72's there's gotta be more than a few MW'ers that wouldn't mind waiting a while longer (for new Yammie goodness). :blink:

Ditto! School has taken over half my life! :(


As much as I love the "groundbreaking news" that was so much part of macrossworld before, the speculation threads and polls became too much a few months back. People were putting up demands and opinions like they owned Yamato stock. Considering that as of now, we know of products that are months away, I say we are pretty lucky. Also, think about the people that may not get their 1/60 FP upgrades that they thought Yamato "promised" them. Now it looks like it may never see light of day. I kinda liked the way the GBP and the VF-1J was revealed. It seemed like it's pretty much greenlighted and ready to hit the shelves or in our case the shipping warehouses.

Just keep thinking back to days when we were beating each other up for cheap knock offs and overpriced used toys, then sit back, relax and watch the cash fly right out of your wallets...

  >EXO< said:
As much as I love the "groundbreaking news" that was so much part of macrossworld before, the speculation threads and polls became too much a few months back. People were putting up demands and opinions like they owned Yamato stock.

can't find that "I'm with stupid" emoticon anywhere ;)

problem is that those speculation threads are still everywhere

what if/what not/what when

it isn't just the announced releases, but the "look into the future and...."

  >EXO< said:
As much as I love the "groundbreaking news" that was so much part of macrossworld before, the speculation threads and polls became too much a few months back. People were putting up demands and opinions like they owned Yamato stock. Considering that as of now, we know of products that are months away, I say we are pretty lucky. Also, think about the people that may not get their 1/60 FP upgrades that they thought Yamato "promised" them. Now it looks like it may never see light of day. I kinda liked the way the GBP and the VF-1J was revealed. It seemed like it's pretty much greenlighted and ready to hit the shelves or in our case the shipping warehouses.

Just keep thinking back to days when we were beating each other up for cheap knock offs and overpriced used toys, then sit back, relax and watch the cash fly right out of your wallets...

Word. Double Word, in fact.

Groundbreaking news is nice, but begging for news and speculating all over the place has really grown tiresome as hell. Let's all chill out and let Yamato do their thing.

  Blaine23 said:
Groundbreaking news is nice, but begging for news and speculating all over the place has really grown tiresome as hell. Let's all chill out and let Yamato do their thing.

aggred we lost a good MW member cuz of that.

  Zentrandude said:
  Blaine23 said:
Groundbreaking news is nice, but begging for news and speculating all over the place has really grown tiresome as hell.  Let's all chill out and let Yamato do their thing.

aggred we lost a good MW member cuz of that.

sex not only sells... it also gathers information prior to public awareness...

I have to agree with exo and say just sit back and enjoy... or sell off all your vintage stuff to me real cheap and stock up on current releases... whatever :rolleyes:


most of those spectulation threads kill me. all it ever does is get me all worked up for nothing.

i would however like to see a 1/60 low-viz in the future. :D perhaps, yamato will make it seeing as the 1/48 low-viz did so well....or did it? hmmmm :unsure: ah whatever, i'll wait and see. B)


Remember the days when it was MW members that made the news???

Kudos to WMCheng and the other customizers that still post their innovations and customs. Boo to people like me, cuz I'm a lazy f*ck...

Posted (edited)

I'm rather glad at this point that we are not being crushed by a bunch of new products... I really need to take a break... I'm still behind on a couple of the current releases.... The Ostrich for example... and I can't afford to preorder the 1/48 1J FPs yet....

So a little breather is just fine with me....

Oh, and for those who still want new news...... (I know this may be taboo, and if someone has commented on this then sorry, but.....) HG and Toynami have just announced a preorder for a REALLY UNIQUE AND RARE ITEM..... Are you ready?

BOOKENDS!!!!! WOOO HOOOOOO Bookends to hold your MPC books...... And for a mere $150 they can be yours!!! But hurry! There are only 300 pairs being produced WORLD WIDE!!! So don't delay.... Get what just may be the collectible item to have out of everything being released....

Woah.... my sarcasm mode kicked in without warning.... I'm ok now. :lol:

Edited by rocco_77
  scand said:
The GBP was ground breaking news wasn't it?

That's exactly what I was thinking. We just saw that for the first time on the 9th - that was only 2 weeks ago, guys! Yamato's still a small company, contrary to popular misconception around here. Give 'em some time.

aggred we lost a good MW member cuz of that.

It was really a shame how all of that played out, but there's no point in dredging that little bit of ugliness back up. I hope she decides to come back one day. If you're still lurking around here - we miss you, Emiko. :(


I wouldn't mind a break either. I can't afford anything for a while and would hate to pass up on good stuff.

This thread reminds me of when I was watching the extra features on my Robotech DVD's. I was watching all the commercials of the toys available when Robotech aired in 1986. The 'Women of Robotech' and the other junk made my Matchbox made me cringe. It sure is nice now to have a feeding frenzy on quality Macross goods. I too want more info on what Yamato has planned but like the others said, we already know a majority of the things they have planned for next year. If they start discussing things far off in the future, they run the risk of people not buying current products because they are waiting for something else. How many people would by the 1/60 GBP if Yamato said they would do one in 1/48 scale someday? Then how of those people would be pissed of at Yamato if they later decided to not do the 1/48 GBP?

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