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Is there any news yet which tell us other character besides Chun Li on this movie?

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the link EXO!

So Balrog will be good, hahah don't know if i can take him seriously after talledega nights but i do remember him in the Dark Knight so he will kick arse. hahah.

but WTF is that dude from black eye'd peas playin as VEGA??? my god i hope his break dancing can execute some decent kicks.....

Bison will be interesting. Those 3 characters will make me want to see the movie on the big screen. :)

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
Posted (edited)
  bsu legato said:
So what...you want a quasi-realistic Street Fighter? :blink: I eagerly await your proposed take on the "Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku" or other signature moves.

Yes. I for one would like to see fights that actually look like fights and not some Peter Pan BS. Lets be honest, not all video games translate well into movies, especially if the action is the primary emphasis in the film and the storyline/character development is a distant secondary. However, with some creative martial arts choreography, the fight sequences at least do not have to be colossal disappointments!

For Chun's gravity defying move, one idea is to creatively use capoeira as a good starting point. Most of her other moves can be “enhanced” with skillful use of wirework but not overly exaggerated, which has become the Hollywood norm. An excellent example of how wirework can enhance a well choreographed fight sequence is the film Sha Po Lang. Watch it and see how the wirework was seamlessly incorporated and tell me that the finished fight choreography does not look and feel better than most Hollywood attempts at a martial arts type film (i.e. Kill Bill or DOA). Feel free to disagree with my stance that fight and martial arts films should actually look somewhat realistic. But there is definitely something commendable and worth reexaming when a film like SPL wins the “Best Action Choreography” at the Hong Kong Film Awards.

Edited by Fortress_Maximus
  Fortress_Maximus said:
Yes. I for one would like to see fights that actually look like fights and not some Peter Pan BS. Lets be honest, not all video games translate well into movies, especially if the action is the primary emphasis in the film and the storyline/character development is a distant secondary. However, with some creative martial arts choreography, the fight sequences at least do not have to be colossal disappointments!

For Chun's gravity defying move, one idea is to creatively use capoeira as a good starting point. Most of her other moves can be “enhanced” with skillful use of wirework but not overly exaggerated, which has become the Hollywood norm. An excellent example of how wirework can enhance a well choreographed fight sequence is the film Sha Po Lang. Watch it and see how the wirework was seamlessly incorporated and tell me that the finished fight choreography does not look and feel better than most Hollywood attempts at a martial arts type film (i.e. Kill Bill or DOA). Feel free to disagree with my stance that fight and martial arts films should actually look somewhat realistic. But there is definitely something commendable and worth reexaming when a film like SPL wins the “Best Action Choreography” at the Hong Kong Film Awards.

I think everyone here agrees that Hollywood's wire-fu is ages behind HK's.

15 or 20 years ago, Jackie Chan's gang did some stuff (WITHOUT COMPUTERS) that are barely matched by most of today's hollywood's standards.

Also, one must notice that A LOT of HK's stars are actually outstanding martial artists or at least acrobats by their own merits.

  Garou Kuroryuu said:
You beat me to it.

That was the exact same reference I was gonna use. That's the best non-BS rendition of the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku I've seen.

He does 5 kicks in total there (if you count the one while crouching as the starting kick of the technique). As long as they don't put in more than 4 in the live action, it should look decent.

A visual reference is always best.


Anyone else get a "Video not available in your country" message? I'm in the US...

Posted (edited)
  emajnthis said:
those were different actors, the guy from Talledega nights and street fighter is Michael Clarke Duncan, the guy from TDK is Tommy Lister

lol, oh... sorry! I guess i should have double checked. Similar looking when not paying attention!

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
  • 2 weeks later...
  protostar8 said:
Anyone else get a "Video not available in your country" message? I'm in the US...

I get the same error too and I am also in the US.

Dude if you can post a new link we'd appreciate it! I am sure others are interested in the vid b/c the peter pan flying BS just falls flat and gets really old, fast.

Thanks Garou Kuroryuu! B))

Posted (edited)
  Garou Kuroryuu said:
I think everyone here agrees that Hollywood's wire-fu is ages behind HK's.

15 or 20 years ago, Jackie Chan's gang did some stuff (WITHOUT COMPUTERS) that are barely matched by most of today's hollywood's standards.

Also, one must notice that A LOT of HK's stars are actually outstanding martial artists or at least acrobats by their own merits.

Actually I don't think it is the US wirework that is necessarily ages behind HK per se. Rather I think it is the actors ability to perform believably in their physical roles. Did anyone really believe Keenu in the Matrix remotely came across as a martial artist? LOL! IMO part of the responsibility needed to make wirework work also falls on the shoulders of the fight choreographer, the director and editors.

Sure it helps that some not all of the HK actors possess some acrobatic, dancing or martial arts background. But wouldn't you agree, just possessing those traits alone do not make an action role/film believable?

Edited by Fortress_Maximus
  Garou Kuroryuu said:
You beat me to it.

That was the exact same reference I was gonna use. That's the best non-BS rendition of the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku I've seen.

He does 5 kicks in total there (if you count the one while crouching as the starting kick of the technique). As long as they don't put in more than 4 in the live action, it should look decent.

A visual reference is always best.


The HK version of Street Fighter live-action movie, @42sec of vid they shows "hurricane kicks", @1:12 Hurricane Kick vs Scissor Kick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVQDa5Yj1gk ...Be prepared...

Hope this movie will be a better one.

  Apollo Leader said:
So for Guile's friend, they're using "Nash" from the Japanese games instead of "Charlie"? Unless this is suppose to be a different Nash...

Alpha 1 had the character as Nash in Japan and Charlie in the States, but I think the character is considered by most now to be Charlie Nash. And Chris Klein as Charlie O.o I dunno. M.C.D as Balrog is a good casting. Tatoo from BEP...they'll need to keep his speaking roles to a minimum and dye his hair dirty blonde/blonde. Neal McDonough as Bison, I can't see it.

I'd still prefer the Shoto story to this, show the fight between Gouki and Gotetsu, then Gouki vs Gouken with a young Ryu and Ken at the dojo. And finish the film with the fight between Ryu and Sagat when he gets the scar.

The second movie could begin with a flash back of Guile and Charlie getting separated while on a mission in S.E Asia and then work in the whole vagabond Ryu, and work thru some breif cameo's of the other WW's and end the second with Charlie V Bison and have the fight brutal like Rocky V Apollo Creed rematch, have Ken at the tourney fighting someone and win decisively then spot Ryu "passing thru" and Ken tracks Ryu down where the two come face to face with Gouki.

Posted (edited)
  Fortress_Maximus said:
I get the same error too and I am also in the US.

Dude if you can post a new link we'd appreciate it! I am sure others are interested in the vid b/c the peter pan flying BS just falls flat and gets really old, fast.

Thanks Garou Kuroryuu! B))

That's weird. Guess it must because of the licensing Manga Entertainment has in the US on the movie.

Lemme look around for an alternative source.

Edited by Garou Kuroryuu
  • 2 weeks later...

well they need something in the bargin bins for black friday... ^_^

  • 1 month later...
  chowyunskinny said:
The 1st trailer is up

surprisingly doesn't look as horrible as I thought it was going to be

definitely better looking than dragonball

well I think the fact that we only heard one line of actual dialog from the film and the rest was an over-hyper Japanese Video-game commercial type announcer made it seem better then it's probably going to be.

Still I think Kristen Kruek is pretty cute, I'll watch this... though I still think they should have cast a full blooded chinese person for the movie.

She should have a TV spin off... they could bring in David Carridene to be Gen and everyone could talk about Kristen and David and their Chineseness.

"you won't get away with this China man!" ohhhh I miss Kung-fu.

  Vermillion21 said:
Looks mildly interesting ....

As much as I like her and think she is hot. :rolleyes:

This movie is not looking good to me. But I guess it is better than the TrukeyBall (DragonBall) movie.


There's is no way I'm spending $10.00 to see this! Neal McDonough may have the correct build but last time I checked M. Bison (dictator) has jet black hair.



The perfect street fighter movie already exists, it's called "City Hunter."

And why is it so damn hard to make a Street Fighter movie about Ryu?

  Keith said:
The perfect street fighter movie already exists, it's called "City Hunter."

And why is it so damn hard to make a Street Fighter movie about Ryu?

Seriously, all the groundwork is there! Backstory with Goutetsu, Gouki & Gouken, rivalry with Ken...could spin it to mimick the rivalry between Gouki & Gouken, Dan Hibiki as comic relief, Battle with Sagat, Shadaloo could be touched on to introduce other SFII characters on the side, and end it similarly as the Ryu Final Manga!

I suppose the next Street Fighter Movie will be the Legend of Edmond Honda......

  Isamu Starkiller said:
There's is no way I'm spending $10.00 to see this! Neal McDonough may have the correct build but last time I checked M. Bison (dictator) has jet black hair.

Yeah, the haircolor really ruins everything doesn't it.

  yellowlightman said:
Yeah, the haircolor really ruins everything doesn't it.

It's too bad that science hasn't developed a way to change a persons hair color, even if its just temporary. What a cruel world we live in where we can put a man on the moon* but we cant "dye" if you will, a person's hair.

*assuming the moon landing weren't actually fake, of course

Posted (edited)
  yellowlightman said:
Yeah, the haircolor really ruins everything doesn't it.

I suppose if they make another "Legend of" and Ryu red hair I could deal. This has golden globe written all over it, if....NMD had the right dam hair color!

Oh yeah and this...


Edited by Isamu Starkiller

No, the second one won't be about E Honda, it'll be about Dee Jay's time on the Jamaican bobslet team!

Posted (edited)
  badboy00z said:
KK is wrong for this role IMO.

Yes she is. But against logic, it's only a street fighter movie, I'm not expecting everything great, and she's hot anyway. So I'm just going to overlook it.

Movies of the likes of this, and others such as Rambo, are made purely for taking the piss out of. They aren't academy award material.

Edited by kensei
  Keith said:
No, the second one won't be about E Honda, it'll be about Dee Jay's time on the Jamaican bobslet team!

I'd pay good money to see hollywood try to tackle Sakura with the genki! Japanese school girl and rich Zaibatsu rival.

  lord_breetai said:
I'd pay good money to see hollywood try to tackle Sakura with the genki! Japanese school girl and rich Zaibatsu rival.

I'd pay good money to tackle Sakura :)

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