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Here's the final entry in our Robotech Trilogy of Pain, Robotech The Movie: The Untold Story! That's right! This is what happens with the dopey production company Cannon Films, best known for schlock like Death Wish II, Jean Claude Van Damme's Cyborg, and Superman IV (the one where he tries to take away all the nuclear weapons so everyone will be at peace forever) teams up with Carl Macek to mutilate Megazone 23 in grotesque and unusual ways!

Hop on over to http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com for an earful of "THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUTURE IS NOW!" It's 80's-licious!

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Very nice review... again I actually like this movie, I don't know why.

But there's stuff I wish you had mentioned, like the fact that Megazone 23 the original the whole earth wasn't recreated on the ship, but only Tokyo and if you left Tokyo you were brainwashed into thinking you had left the city, which always begged the question where do Gaijin come from?

Also because it was supposed to be an exact recreation of Tokyo, every location in the movie was real, from the Hard Rock Cafe in Roppongi to the McDonalds Shogo worked at, every location was rendered as exactly as possible.

Now onto Robotech, when you talked about shows getting patched together and cutting to different shows in the same episode, I recommend Macron-1 cause it's exactly that, as well as Captain Harlock and the Queen of the Thousand Years.

Edit: with the "force is with you suckers" I actually respect that, because they're telling us they admit the movie ripped off star wars. "This reminds me of an old movie Becky made me watch. What was that line again?" is what he says before that line.

Also, I always wondered why people were so surprised about transforming giant robots in RT:TUS like everyone's like "oh my god this bike is like something out of a scifi film", when in the context of Southern Cross people should be used to giant robots which have been around for 20 years now, and are an ever present reality in the feudal society that earth had devolved into after Macross. But no, everyone's like "oh my god there's a giant robot!"

And yes every vehicle including the civilian vehicles in SC are hover vehicles in monument city... are we supposed to believe that Tokyo is now the last place on earth to get new technology?

And how can the Global Dollar drop in value, if it's the only currency? (said on a news report in the background).

Edited by lord_breetai
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Also, I always wondered why people were so surprised about transforming giant robots in RT:TUS like everyone's like "oh my god this bike is like something out of a scifi film", when in the context of Southern Cross people should be used to giant robots which have been around for 20 years now, and are an ever present reality in the feudal society that earth had devolved into after Macross. But no, everyone's like "oh my god there's a giant robot!"

And yes every vehicle including the civilian vehicles in SC are hover vehicles in monument city... are we supposed to believe that Tokyo is now the last place on earth to get new technology?

Thats probably leftover dialogue from when Robotech The Untold Story was supposed to be set either during The Macross Saga, not long after the SDF-01 disappeared. The move to make it part of the Southern Cross era was really a bad decision, both because the technological disparity between the two and the fact that the footage simply didn't match in any conceivable way.

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That was a good review. "Human we've come to bury you!"LOL! I still think RT:TUS could still be a viable part of ROBOTECH with a little change in dialogue & continuity. I would have it set post-Southern Cross a few years before the Invid Invasion. The appearances of Anatold Leonard & Rolf Emerson would have to be cut out & maybe keep a few generic Southern Cross battle scenes in to show they might be still fighting a few skragglers from the Robotech Masters' fleet. The military & central goverment are aware of the coming Invid fleet but are blacking out the info from the civilian populace. They're trying to prevent widespread panic. BD believes the "Yellowbellies" in central command are too soft to combat the Invid so later in the film he'll stage a coup. Eve will still be used as a propaganda tool to show how strong the military is but since she's AI she'll have own plans. Eve believes the humans are too weak & divided to fight the Invid so the only option is to flee the planet. She recruits Mark Landry who incidently acquired the transforming MODAT 5 from her original agent & Mark's best friend Todd. Eve wants Mark to reveal what the military's covering up so they can save what's left of the human race.

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I still think RT:TUS could still be a viable part of ROBOTECH with a little change in dialogue & continuity.

Actually, they could conceivably make it part of the Anti-Unification War in the mid-Zero's, to show the fall of the Japanese government before the UEG comes in and 'sanitizes' the situation. It would allow for the whole 'OMG, a motorcycle that transforms' bit, before a coverup occurs. They could retain the original idea of BD Edwards = TR Edwards as planned. But dear God, drop the Mark is a cousin of Rick Hunter. Not everyone in Robotech needs to be related.

They would only need to remove the Southern Cross footage, redo the dialogue and alter the placement of some footage. Maybe as a 'cheat' show the footage of the SDF-01 by compiling the battle scenes in space to go at the very end after the credits with a 2009 marker along with the SDF-01. This way you get a Robotech moment. ^_^

Edited by 1st Border Red Devil
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Thats probably leftover dialogue from when Robotech The Untold Story was supposed to be set either during The Macross Saga, not long after the SDF-01 disappeared. The move to make it part of the Southern Cross era was really a bad decision, both because the technological disparity between the two and the fact that the footage simply didn't match in any conceivable way.

Oh I know that... I'd love to do a fandub to recreate the project as intended. But as the movie stands it doesn't make so much sense for everyone to be like "OMFG it's a giant robot"

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I didn't want to go into too much detail on Megazone 23 because we are going to review that at some future date so no point in spoiling all of that now. We were talking about Robotech, not Megazone.

And that awful, "May the force be with you, sucker!" line is only in the lame comic book adaptation that came out like ten years later, sooo...

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I didn't want to go into too much detail on Megazone 23 because we are going to review that at some future date so no point in spoiling all of that now. We were talking about Robotech, not Megazone.

And that awful, "May the force be with you, sucker!" line is only in the lame comic book adaptation that came out like ten years later, sooo...

I know... I have the second issue of the comic with the Dirty Pair thing and I have the movie... but still it meant the authors of the comics realized what a rip off that final scene was, and decided to make it even more so. I still respect that.

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