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One thing I want is for yamato to do the collector stuff, and bandai the chunky munkey kid stuff.

But only if:

-yamato can somehow make hands that aren't chickend hands but really nice and strong and bulky.

-bandai don't go too crazy with removing so much details on the toy. (vf-19 with parts of its inner calf missing just so the arm can fit into it)

Both need to try a lot harder. Bandai will probably just put a half-arsed effort though because they have gundam so macross isn't as important to them. Yamato has it's issues with first releases but that is ok so long as they have the right attitude to keep improving and taking feedback seriously.

Oh and the hip issues with the 1/72 VF-11 were fixed with the Fast Pack edition of the VF-11. Mine is still healthy. I think it is the best out of the 3 1/72 macross plus valks. YF-21 can't stand in gerwalk, while the yf19 has no locking mechanism for the upper body. VF-11 FP seems ok though.

  Sumdumgai said:
A very interesting theory twoducks, and makes sense to me.

If Bandai does make Macross Frontier toys, and they turn out to be chunky-monkies... Oh man, I think I'll blow chunks. :p

Yup there will be a very large pile of chunks if they do.

With the exception of the chunky monkey which wasn't really 100% Bandai and was made in the land that time forgot, all of Bandai's Macross stuff hasn't been very accurate. If they do the same lackluster half assed stuff they did for M7 then they may well kill the whole Macross toy market. They are great at Gundam but I don't think they really think Macross is worth the bother. After all why bother to bring out kits from 20 years ago, when Hasegawa slayed all the competition in that arena years ago. Kinda proves they are not all that committed.

I wait and hope I'm pleasantly surprised.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I know alot of people have their doubts regarding Bandai's ability to make decent figures for MF mostly because of their rather poor efforts regarding the Macross 7 toyline, but they have come a long way since then. Just look at the marvels they've produced for the SOC line and even the Aquarion. Its true, there is a chance that because they always feel the world needs a new gundam, in a new weird scale, with a new weird paintjob that macross might get the shaft, but until I see pictures of MF toys that make the M7 toys look like yamatos, I'm hopeful.

Edited by GobotFool

If Bandai makes a VF-171, then I hope an adapter for the Yamato display stand is included, since we get to see the VF-171s launching off them in the Macross Frontier pilot episode.

  GobotFool said:
I know alot of people have their doubts regarding Bandai's ability to make decent figures for MF mostly because of their rather poor efforts regarding the Macross 7 toyline, but they have come a long way since then. Just look at the marvels they've produced for the SOC line and even the Aquarion. Its true, there is a chance that because they always feel the world needs a new gundam, in a new weird scale, with a new weird paintjob that macross might get the shaft, but until I see pictures of MF toys that make the M7 toys look like yamatos, I'm hopeful.

Thank you. I like Yamato, but I like Bandai as well. I mean, look at the advances from Mac7 to now. I mean for Christ's sake, this is the company that makes the Perfect Grade kit, which outside the EVA PG, is a million times a slicker feat of engineering than ANYTHING Yamato has ever put out. Hell even Master Grade. And let's not forget Bandai's QC is far superior. everyone bashes chunkies, but those still stand today as great toys. Maybe instead of bashing Bandai, you should consider supporting them on this, because that will show them that Macross is indeed worth the same effort as Gundam and the others.


Can't support Bandai unless they put out, and if they put out crap then they don't get my support. :p And their history of putting out for Macross has led to some of us not having a happy-go-lucky kittens-and-bunnies outlook on the situation.

Bandai's Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth figures are pure awesome. I don't state that they don't have the know how, or the ability. I am just fearful they will continue to not care about Macross or put out M7 quality and quantity stuff and otherwise sit on the license because they can.

  Sumdumgai said:
Can't support Bandai unless they put out, and if they put out crap then they don't get my support. :p And their history of putting out for Macross has led to some of us not having a happy-go-lucky kittens-and-bunnies outlook on the situation.

Bandai's Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth figures are pure awesome. I don't state that they don't have the know how, or the ability. I am just fearful they will continue to not care about Macross or put out M7 quality and quantity stuff and otherwise sit on the license because they can.


As for not support them I'm sure I have a lot more Bandai related products than a lot of people here. Oh did I mention I worked for them many years ago too so thats support for them too.

Never snagged any of the Mecha products that were in our warehouse though at the time (should have) :(

If they pull it out of the bag I'm all over them but I need to see some pictures or prototypes first.


If we get a SOC quality perfect transformable VF-25 and 171 it may actually be better the the Yamato's. The SOC ones have perfect paintapps and all markings applied in a perfect manner.

However most SOC's need to detach parts in order to transform so im not sure.


So...for those of you who refuse to support Bandai because they haven't shown much interest in Macross over the last 10 years, what would you do if Yamato announced plans for a Mospeada line? Would you use the same line of logic and refuse to have any kind of optimism because Yamato hadn't shown interest in Mospeada in the past, or would you look at everything else Yamato has done and be excited for the project because they seem capable of making a good product?

  eriku said:
So...for those of you who refuse to support Bandai because they haven't shown much interest in Macross over the last 10 years, what would you do if Yamato announced plans for a Mospeada line? Would you use the same line of logic and refuse to have any kind of optimism because Yamato hadn't shown interest in Mospeada in the past, or would you look at everything else Yamato has done and be excited for the project because they seem capable of making a good product?

The situation is not the same. Yamato didn't put out a half-assed Mospeada product in the past and then just went away from the franchise. Given that Yamato has no history good or bad with mospeada; I would be inclinined to have an open mind until i saw what they came up with.

Personally I'm a show me kind of person; once bandai shows me a quality Macross product I'll believe in them. Until that day though all I have to go by on them macross wise is the craptacular M7 valks and the old chunky monkies. Neither of those is very confidence inspiring.

I am well aware that Bandai can make good toys ( I have tons of Gundam MG and PG kits), I am also aware that they have a habit of half-assing toys too that aren't as popular as Gundam. It is that tendancy that has many of us worried about how they would treat a Macross product.

While I hope they do a good job if they decide to make Macross F toys, I am by no means going to hold my breath.

  Weaseldancer said:
The situation is not the same. Yamato didn't put out a half-assed Mospeada product in the past and then just went away from the franchise. Given that Yamato has no history good or bad with mospeada; I would be inclinined to have an open mind until i saw what they came up with.

Personally I'm a show me kind of person; once bandai shows me a quality Macross product I'll believe in them. Until that day though all I have to go by on them macross wise is the craptacular M7 valks and the old chunky monkies. Neither of those is very confidence inspiring.

I am well aware that Bandai can make good toys ( I have tons of Gundam MG and PG kits), I am also aware that they have a habit of half-assing toys too that aren't as popular as Gundam. It is that tendancy that has many of us worried about how they would treat a Macross product.

While I hope they do a good job if they decide to make Macross F toys, I am by no means going to hold my breath.

I still believe that it's not fair to base their current abilities and product on what they did ten years ago. Pretty much every toy manufacturer has changed in that time. It's interesting to me to read the negative comments aimed at Bandai, because many of them seem so personal, like Bandai offended them just by making toys that weren't collectors items by todays standards. It's completely illogical to compare something that was meant to be a cheap toy (Bandai's Mac.7 toys and the Chunkies, which aren't even Bandai toys originally) to something that is aimed solely at deep-pocketed adult collectors. Yet people keep going back to those comparisons like no time has passed between the era of the 1/55, the era of the Mac.7 toys and now.

And for what it's worth, the Bandai Mac. 7 toys were pretty good toys for their time, and the 1/55 valks are still some of the best quality transforming toys out there, even by todays standards.


I'm not soley basing my opinion on their past macross products. Alot of it is based on the red-headed step child treatment that their less popular(at least in their minds) lines receive. I have never questioned their ability to make a quality toy, I'll acknolwledge that they do indeed make several extreamely good toys. I merely question whether they'll give Macross the same love and attention that they give their Gundam, Saint Selia and SIOC lines.

  Weaseldancer said:
I'm not soley basing my opinion on their past macross products. Alot of it is based on the red-headed step child treatment that their less popular(at least in their minds) lines receive. I have never questioned their ability to make a quality toy, I'll acknolwledge that they do indeed make several extreamely good toys. I merely question whether they'll give Macross the same love and attention that they give their Gundam, Saint Selia and SIOC lines.

Nor were my comments directed at you, just the overall atmosphere of the posts I've read here. I'm sure most of it is because Yamato has been the primary Macross toymaker for a long time now and with Bandai coming on board we're kind of entering into unknown territory - and people don't want to get their hopes up. But just remember people, kittens and bunnies, KITTENS AND BUNNIES!! :D:p


Also we have to remember, when the Macross 7 toys were made, I don't believe toys were being marketed to adult collectors. (I could be wrong, but I don't really recall any toys that were collectible before being toys during the 80s). Oh sure toy collectors existed, but for a long time toys were just that, toys for kids that maybe an adult might find amusing as well. With things like the SOC line we see that Bandai is interested in toys aimed at adults. Even the Aqurion, while I suppose designed to be a toy, was a decently engineered item. I don't own one, but I trust what a lot of people have said about it. Most complaints I hear regarding the Aquarion are less about its faithfulness to the actual design seen on the show, but are complaints about the design itself.


What nearly all of you forget is that Bandai made the HCM valkyrie, the only VF-1 toy even until now, able to sweep its wings back in battroid mode while still having the missles mounted underneath. It also had tailhooks. Everybody always mentions the Macross 7 toys or the chunky monkeys. What no one bothers to mention is that Bandai made a DX toy for the Aquarion, which is not as popular as Macross nor has the history/recognizability in comparison, and also made a high end SOC for freaking Ideon. Seriously, who the **%^&* knew who Ideon was? Ask anyone who Ideon is, and chances are most will remember Macross more than Ideon.


The anger towards bandai is justified, the market for high-end macross toys/figures is obviously there, but bandai just ignore it. Plus they rub salt into the wound by producing high end toys for uber-crappy shows like gunbuster. If bandai didn't suck so much I could have had decent vf-11, vf-22, battle-7 or vf-19kai years ago, the way things are it's unlikely I'll ever get them. Is it really that hard to understand?

  Sumdumgai said:
Can't support Bandai unless they put out, and if they put out crap then they don't get my support. :p And their history of putting out for Macross has led to some of us not having a happy-go-lucky kittens-and-bunnies outlook on the situation.

Bandai's Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth figures are pure awesome. I don't state that they don't have the know how, or the ability. I am just fearful they will continue to not care about Macross or put out M7 quality and quantity stuff and otherwise sit on the license because they can.

...Sums(dumgai :D) up my thoughts on the matter.

Put some serious effort into macross f then you will get the praise. We all love bandai, just worried what sort of attitude they will have towards the license.

A: let's just do nothing so other toy companies can't have it. So long as we have it, no one else can.

B: who cares? we won't make much money from macross compared to our other robot show so let's only put half the effort into it.


C: we are so grateful to have the rights to make the toys, let's try the best we can.

The ideal being they will care enough about macross compared to what other companies have done, and try to beat them in every category that matters by going with C.

Nothing personal bandai. ^_^

Posted (edited)
  eriku said:
So...for those of you who refuse to support Bandai because they haven't shown much interest in Macross over the last 10 years, what would you do if Yamato announced plans for a Mospeada line? Would you use the same line of logic and refuse to have any kind of optimism because Yamato hadn't shown interest in Mospeada in the past, or would you look at everything else Yamato has done and be excited for the project because they seem capable of making a good product?

I'm not refusing to support them. Just that if they can't deliver, then how can you support them? If they didn't make a vf-11 from macross 7, didn't make any vf-22,....as a fan wouldn't you rather another company who wants to do it, have a shot at doing it?

Having even the slightest concern that bandai might not make the most out of the license gets a reaction from people as if we insulted their mother. --> B)) cool your jets, we aren't angry at them. Just thinking what's best for all. (that having the most options is always better for fans of macross than having less options)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)

I'm hoping Bandai goes the SOC route for at least one of the valks in MF. Although they'd need a separate line to do a full assortment of valks from the show.

Edited by eriku
Posted (edited)
As for hot jets, mine are far from it. If anything I'm amused by the sentiment here that Bandai is a boogeyman.

People feel that if yamato could produce some of the mecha from say mac7, we'd probably have our max and milia vf-22 by now I reckon. As I said: if you had a choice between having nothing or something would you choose to have something or nothing?

If there was no vf-11 or vf22 from mac7, and you know bandai can easily make a PG quality toy but still don't attempt it due to macross not being popular enough to warrant as much attention/love as gundam, how can you say you're as happy not having those those things which could have been provided for by another company? See my point? Bandai is great for gundam, but maybe for macross they treat it differently, taking very little risk, putting less effort than they would gundam, and so there are missed opportunities to see the collector stuff we've got from yamato.

Maybe they will just go for the kids toy market and not bother with adult collectors of toys? So far no "Perfect Grade" max and milia vf-22 from bandai yet, right? Could it have something to do with the perception that they think macross is too dead to be worth the effort to have made it? That the fanbase is too small so it's silly for a big company to put it at the top priority for toys to be made?

We *hope* they can prove us wrong. So come on everyone: make sure enough people can paint them as a boogeyman to see what response they will give us in the form of "Perfect Grade" quality macross F goodies to show us what they are able to do with the license. :D I'm sure even for 10 years ago they could have made a better toy than the chunky mac 7 toys. (have you seen the pathetic landing gear for the vf-17 - that is just lazy man. No excuses.)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
producing high end toys for uber-crappy shows like gunbuster

Bull. Gunbuster is popular, and is meant to be corny. Good anime, even popular in Macrossworld. Not to mention the SOC was probably tied to an anniversary of it.

If bandai didn't suck so much I could have had decent vf-11, vf-22, battle-7 or vf-19kai years ago, the way things are it's unlikely I'll ever get them

Ignore the gaijin fanbase that thinks they are important and bigger than they really are, true. Cater to the japanese fans that haven't shown huge demand for Macross 7 toys, yes.

And with no anniversary or big media event in years past to support it, Bandai would do that why? 15th anniversary for Macross 7 is next year, if Bandai still holds the 7 license and aims to do something, it will most likely be by then. Unlike Gundam, Macross is not on every year.


I think with all the momentum going with Yamato (yf-21, 25th ann. toys, 1/60 scale reissues), it seems like they would continue to give these to the company that has already devoted a high percentage of it's line to the franchise. Also, I'm sure that thought has been given to the idea that collectors like keeping the same scales, something that Bandai doesn't really follow. Fans may want to keep the 1/60 or 1/48 scales, not 1/55 or 1/65.

As for licensing debates, this is a new show, so the question of it going to Bandai due to licensing isn't even an issue. There could be a possibility of both having licenses. One for transformable toys, one for PVC figures for example. It doesn't necessarily have to be one or the other. However, my personal preference would be for Yamato. I'm happy with what they've put out. As long as they keep striving for perfection, I'm going to keep up their support.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Good anime, even popular in Macrossworld.

.... I'm not going to argue this with you, I've just lost what little respect I had for you. I don't want to be part of a community with such exceptionnally poor taste so Ima just gonna lurk from now on.

It's a shame really, some of you have such incredible modelling skills, but GUNBUSTER FANS!?!? lol it's just not worth it.


  Maximiria said:
.... I'm not going to argue this with you, I've just lost what little respect I had for you. I don't want to be part of a community with such exceptionnally poor taste so Ima just gonna lurk from now on.

It's a shame really, some of you have such incredible modelling skills, but GUNBUSTER FANS!?!? lol it's just not worth it.


Ummm... Okay. Bye. :huh:

Posted (edited)

I was almost rolling on the flooor literally when I read the Gunbuster hate. :lol:

Anyway.... Bandai hate is not unfounded. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Bandai's track record with non-gundam toys which they had exclusive toy rights have been dismal.

But to look in the bright side, i don't think hory froating head is someone to *@&(!@ with especially with Macross. So maybe:

a.) Bandai is forced to make a good quality product.

b.) Yamato will be allowed to make the toys so Bandai doesn't have exclusive rights to make the toys.

Edited by wolfx
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