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Music and Macross


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I searched and could not find a thread dedicated to this subject;

For me - personally - Macross is really all about the music and the love, not the mecha. The mecha are an outgrowth of the pioneer spirit; and they are a beautiful representation of it - but it is the symbol of that spirit, in the form of the music, which is really the guiding force behind the story to me.

What is your favorite song? Do you hate the music in Macross (aka SDFM, 7, Plus, Zero) or are you particularly fond of it?

I think that the music in Macross Plus is my least favorite - although it certainly fits the profile, because it - like Sharon Apple - is hypnotic; but in its' rythmic hypnotism, it is also dull.... and I really can't get myself "into it" ....

Minmey is just beautiful - almost every song she sings is wonderful and filled with everything I like in a song, and in music... my favorite is probably Love Drifts Away; although Shao Pai Lon really hits a heart string too :)

Basara --- well - like the character, so too his music is vey hit or miss. Submarine Street is like my all time favorite song EEEVVEER... Angel Voice is breath taking too... but the other ones aren't so hot... too much juvenille headbanging....

As for Zero - I really really like the Song of Destruction - not just because it fits the scene and the entire story - but it's really well done.

Also - I like the fact that Sara sings in French - a very touching...er...touch!


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I searched and could not find a thread dedicated to this subject;

For me - personally - Macross is really all about the music and the love, not the mecha. The mecha are an outgrowth of the pioneer spirit; and they are a beautiful representation of it - but it is the symbol of that spirit, in the form of the music, which is really the guiding force behind the story to me.

What is your favorite song? Do you hate the music in Macross (aka SDFM, 7, Plus, Zero) or are you particularly fond of it?

I think that the music in Macross Plus is my least favorite - although it certainly fits the profile, because it - like Sharon Apple - is hypnotic; but in its' rythmic hypnotism, it is also dull.... and I really can't get myself "into it" ....

Minmey is just beautiful - almost every song she sings is wonderful and filled with everything I like in a song, and in music... my favorite is probably Love Drifts Away; although Shao Pai Lon really hits a heart string too :)

Basara --- well - like the character, so too his music is vey hit or miss. Submarine Street is like my all time favorite song EEEVVEER... Angel Voice is breath taking too... but the other ones aren't so hot... too much juvenille headbanging....

As for Zero - I really really like the Song of Destruction - not just because it fits the scene and the entire story - but it's really well done.

Also - I like the fact that Sara sings in French - a very touching...er...touch!


I'm the opposite of you in every way! It might be sacrilege to type this, but I would probably prefer a Macross story that didn't have the music/love elements and instead focused more on a realistic war story set in the Mac universe. ...Just my personal preference.

I also don't think music itself was such a factor in SDFM. Music was more of a symbol of human culture than anything. IMO, SDFM was about culture shock, (culture warfare?), and using culture as a way to survive an impossible war and then deal with the aftermath through re-integration and culturization. Music itself became a bigger focus in the series following SDFM.

Also, my favorite Macross music is probably from Mac Plus. Pop music isn't my cup of tea, so nothing Minmey or Basara sang did anything for me.

So yeah, pretty much opposite of you. : )

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Well - I'll say something "eevvvilll" that should throw everybody at my throat but might make for some interesting discussion:

For me, Macross without the music is...Robotech. That is to say - whenever I hear "We will win!" "La la la la la la - it's time to fight it, or just bite it, either way you can-not-hide-it, unless you ride it, then we will dieee....a slow and painful de-EATH, high on Me-ETH, until we've le-EFT this unholy pla-ACE...da du da du da da..."

And that - in essence - just sucks, as we all - I think - would agree...

What I'm trying to say is this:

Why did I "switch" immediately from Robotech to Macross as soon as I became familiar with the Japanese originals?

The music. Not just how beautiful it sounded, but the lyrics - when read in translation - are often times very poetic, very thoughtful, very touching... and the singing is really excellent...

And I disagree - respectfully - but I don't think it was just simply a matter of culture-war, or psychological warfare and assimilation - I think, on a deeper level, it was about bringing our humanity back - of music as the most effective means of linking everything that is good and high-minded with everything that is practical and fast paced... often, it's easy for people to get caught up in events and loose sight of what really matters - love, friendship and happiness - and the music brings ups back to that...

Anyways - it was the music that got me hooked on Macross :)


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Although the Mecha are the most important part of Macross for me, the music has always been a close second.

I love pretty much all the music from Macross and have nearly every CD released, with the exception of some of the drama CDs.

I would say the music of M7, Plus and DYRL are my favorites (in that order), with the music for Zero being my least favorite.

IMO, Macross and sequels are one of those rare anime franchises, where all the parts (mecha, charas, story & music) just gel together perfectly.


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If independently listened to, the music in Mac7 was (and is) great. However, after listening to Basara sing those songs in flight and mid-combat 5 dozen times, I grew tired of it.

I loved "0-G Love" and "Tenshi No E No Gu (Angel's Paint)" in DYRL but not much of a fan for the title song "DYRL". I also enjoyed the 2nd verse of Tenshi No E No Gu that was in FlashBack2012.

From the TV series, "Runner" kind of grew on me although it wasn't all that when I first heard it.

The music from Macross Plus was entirely different but enjoyable in such a way.

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The story and characters definitely come first for me, but the music and mecha are major parts of the Macross stories. I love the Macross Plus music the most, both the singing and the orchestral. I also really like the music from SDF Macross, DYRL? and Flashback 2012. I guess it just has a lot of that older-era style music that still appeals to me on some level. Plus it just fits so well with the visuals, I can't imagine it working any other way. I don't care at all for the music in Macross Zero, Macross 7 or Macross II. Just my opinion of course, but I'd say Macross Zero probably has the most uninspired music of all the Macross productions while the music of Macross 7 has the least aesthetic value.

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The music from SDF Macross is wonderfully composed, and powerful. Surprisingly enough, I love the music of Macross II. 7 was hit or miss but most of the music were hits to me. Totsugeki love heart, and Holy Lonely Night are excellent. I'm also a fan of Flashback 2012's music. Wonderful final song from Minmay.

The music from the 1st 2 episodes of SDF Macross, the bgm when Roy escorts Hikaru, GREAT dramatic effect there. Aka "watch me fly straight and score some kills just by flying straight and not really doing much else, I am Roy and bad ass!".

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Story, mecha, music, in that order.

I too was seduced by Mari's singing in Macross, however the story of humanity being sucked into the ancient Protoculture conflict between the Zentreadi and the Supervision Army was so much more powerful.

The variable mecha being based on realistic design principles really got me hooked. I'd seen so many shows that had transforming mecha and most looked rediculous and used "anime magic" to get that way. I was so amazed by how the Macross transformed, for an actual "logical" reason and it was reasonably explained!! Wotta concept!!! :blink:

I thorougly enjoyed Minmay's songs from both SDFM, DYRL and FB2012. Liked some of the music from MII and all the music from Plus. Like most of Mylene's songs and a few of Basara's songs ( I agree if I'd heard his music before the visuals, I'd probably appreciate it more, I suspect) and the music for Mac Zero seemed more atmospheric or mood music, not really a featured component of the show as was the case in previous productions.

As for the comment about Mac being RT without the music, that is a bold statement to make on these forums, that could get you flayed alive by some. Be careful about that minefield as RT: The Search For The Magic Battery is nothing like Macross: The Legacy of Protoculture...with our without music... <_<

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For me it's all about the mecha, mecha, mecha and their weapons, weapons, weapons and mabye Lucy's boobs, boobs, boobs. I've got better stories, characters and songs in my imagination. Besides, I don't dig all of the lovey dovey, pacifist, love will conquer-all nonsense from Macross OR the recent fascination with underaged girls anyway...

Edited by myk
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The music of Macross has always been an element that set it apart from other mecha anime for me. I love VFs, love the stories, and love the music. I find all three elements strong on their own, but together they create something more than just the sum of its parts. Like Graham mentioned, Macross is one of the few series where all the elements gel really well.

The Macross Plus soundtracks are some of my favourite collections of music, in any genre, and set me up for a lifetime of Yoko Kanno worship. I especially enjoy the more atmospheric pieces. The combination of "Santi-U / Torch Song" from the "Fans only" soundtrack is one of my all time favourite musical compositions. I think "Coma" from the second volume is wonderfully moody, and the "Macross Anthem" is terrific as well.

Honestly, I never dug the Minmay tunes too much until "An Angel's Paints", which I adore. I have a strange soft spot for "Sunset Beach" too, since the first animation I ever saw from DYRL was a digital clip I found online of the "Saturn's rings" scene from the movie. Most of the rest are a little simple and light for my tastes. I kinda dig "Runner", too.

I really enjoy Basara and Mylene from Macross 7. Mylene is my favourite of the two, with "Love It" and "Sweet Fantasy" my favourite of her tunes. For Basara, I love "Parade" and "Diamond Calling". After the constant repetition from the series, though, I could happily go the rest of my life without hearing "Planet Dance" or "Totsugeki Love Heart" ever again.

I found the BGM for Macross 2 sorta generic synth-ish, but dug all the vocal pieces, especially "Riding In Your Valkyrie" and "Deja Vu".

Macross Zero didn't have much musical impact for me at all.

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For me mecha. music and story are equal in Macross...

I love the music of Macross TV series, Aioboeteimasuka - flashback and Macross Plus. My favorites songs are Tenshinoenogu, Runner, Aiganagareru...

Because of this Mari Iijimas is one of my favorites singers/composers

The music of Yoko Kano in Macross Plus is grest, I specially love Info High, Santi-U and I wanna be an angel

The Music from M7 is very good but I do not have any song in special...

I like so much the song Angel Voice Basara ver or Minmay ver. both are great

The music from Macross Zero I really like it because it has a lot of elements of the tribal polynesia music, haka music... well I have to say that I love that music because of my wife ^_^ and the song of destruction really rocks...

The music in Macross is pretty good even the BGM and I think one of the reasons of the great success of Macross is the perfect combination between love, story, music and mecha

Actually, every time I see again the Macross the Movie last battle when Minmay sings Aioboetimasuka I feel the same magic I felt the very first time... when you see that kind of battle with awesome mecha and a beautiful song and characters, it becomes unique

I think Macross is unique for the combination and balance between music, mecha, love and story

Edited by Isamu test pilot
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