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Yamato GN-U Non-transforming Macross Action Figures

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  valkyrie13 said:
Some bankers are calling it the American "peso".... (No offense to our Latin American friends!)

:D Now you can imagine how hard is to be a macross fan here. :(


The dollar continued to plummet. Looks like we should be at 100 yen to $1 any day now. For a while $1 was close to 120 Yen... Yamato is going to find out first hand just how (un)important the American market is as we won't be able to afford importing their stuff anymore :( (with exception of the diehards). You can also imagine that any American companies that were investing in Anime are about to get all sorts of screwed (if you hate HG this is your sunny day!).

Posted (edited)

Not so bad for the aussie. Our dollar makes it easier to buy from the american stores even with the shipping. Just hope yamato doesn't screw up on quality control and tries to get great first releases. No mistakes yamato or confidence in buying will fall. I'm hoping that when the yf-21 comes out that it's close to being flaw-free on first release.

I think a "one of each type" is still doable since in macross plus there were no mass produced versions of those valks. (not as milkable as vf-1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ_qK4g6ntM :)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

IMO the sculpts are really odd on these... the 19's really stiff with some parts looking like they came from a toy of the fighter and others looking almost anime-stylized, and the 11's just all proportioned to hell... it's got a stumpy wide torso, awkward shoulders,a nd a stupid oversized gunpod...


I must say, those exposed shoulder and hip joints are not that much better looking than the revoltechs.

And I can't help but feel that the 1/144 VF-11C kit by Bandai had a nicer sculpt, though less articulation.

I feel for Yamato and their effort, but if I am gonna buy any non-transformable figures, I will get the Revoltechs. Though I'm not that interested in either at the moment.

I would rather Yamato concentrate on bringing us more transforming stuff like a 1/60 VF-11B or a VF-4, because I doubt they can capture this market.


Is that Machine Robo's Baikanfu in the poster behind the VF-11b? Does that mean it will coming out also in this toy line?

  Renato said:
I would rather Yamato concentrate on bringing us more transforming stuff like a 1/60 VF-11B or a VF-4, because I doubt they can capture this market.

I think that's the heart of the matter. Not just Yamato, but a lot of Japanese toy companies I would guess are extremely interested in the popularity and sales to be had in the current action figure market that Kaiyodo has created with these Revoltech figures. But to my mind there's a very specific set of variables for the success of the Revoltech line and I don't think the other Japanese companies understand this. The Revoltech line is offering line art-styled, detailed sculpts with the best articulation possible using sturdy joints that don't loosen with heavy use. It's a nearly unbeatable package. My first three Revoltechs are among the most fun I've ever had with a figure. They are almost impossible to put down and leave in just one pose. I've had them for months and I'm still discovering new poses.

Just like Yamato has the market cornered on Transformable Valkyries, Revoltech has the market cornered on articulated action figures. The Revoltechs are going to be a tough act to follow.

Posted (edited)
  jenius said:
The dollar continued to plummet. Looks like we should be at 100 yen to $1 any day now. For a while $1 was close to 120 Yen... Yamato is going to find out first hand just how (un)important the American market is as we won't be able to afford importing their stuff anymore :( (with exception of the diehards). You can also imagine that any American companies that were investing in Anime are about to get all sorts of screwed (if you hate HG this is your sunny day!).

It has been interesting to see the rate rise and fall over the years I just wish we had all this great stuff available in 1998.

1990-01-01 144.98

1990-04-01 158.46

1991-01-01 133.70

1992-01-01 125.46

1993-01-01 124.99

1994-01-01 111.44

1995-01-01 99.77

1995-04-01 83.69

1996-01-01 105.75

1997-01-01 117.91

1998-01-01 129.55

1998-08-01 144.68

1999-01-01 113.29

2000-01-01 105.30

2001-01-01 116.67

2002-01-01 132.68

2003-01-01 118.81

2004-01-01 106.27

2005-01-01 103.34

2006-01-01 115.48

2007-01-01 120.45

2008-01-01 107.82

Edited by rdenham
Posted (edited)

The non-transforming toys are aimed at action figure guys, the transforming stuff is for people who want model kit like proportions.

Action figures have to take on the personality of the robot mode seen in the cartoons. Notice the hands on the VF-11 are big and manly?

Notice the muscled look on the legs which suggests power?

Gunpods: why are gunpods so fat? This is to emphasise strength of the weapon. Just as a low camera angle shot of a valk which makes the legs look longer emphasis height and tallness.

Because of the lineart drawings of the robot modes having taken on impossible proportions in the the anime, these action figures look like that to be close to the tough robust appearance often granted to them when in that mode. Big expressive Ham hands and feet, beefy "pop-eye the sailor man" forearms, bulging muscles, and shorter stockier midsections all emphasise actions much better than if it were skinny like the cg model or the transforming robots which emphasise mechanical details and 'speed' (through sharp lines, skinny frame and light appearance in fighter mode) over smooth, more organic movements and bulky armor in robot mode.

Kaiyodo have done a great job with the Revoltechs, but one thing yamato might be able to challenge them on is how they might be able to cram some more details into the toys. Like don't just think of them as cheap action figures but try to include model-like details on the various parts that give it a bit more "realism" to remind us these are mecha. I've seen those Spawn figures which are like statues in their level of detail, so why not try to go in that direction without compromising the playability? (the 19 should have details underneath the shield and ability to stock extra ammo for example. Will we normally see that kind of stuff on a tiny action figure? what about something like hollowed head laser for vf-1?)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

I know one reason why the GN-U cost more than Revoltechs. They are significantly larger.

I was shown a photo last night of a Revoltech VF-1S standing next to the GN-U YF-19.

The GN-U YF-19 is significantly larger than the Revoltech.

The top of the VF-1S head (head not head lasers) only comes to about the lower chest of the YF-19. Actually, it looked like the top of the VF-1S's head only came to around the bottom of the YF-19's uni-boob (fighter nose cone).

And just to stress, all photos of the GN-Us shown so far are just the rough sculpts. The production versions will have significantly tighter seems and smoother finish.


The non-transforming toys are aimed at action figure guys, the transforming stuff is for people who want model kit like proportions.

No, the transforming stuff is for people who want toys that transform without parts swapping, which the model kits almost always have. They want something that can be handled and can played with, rather than just displayed. Model kit like proportions are only on model kits such as Hasegawa. Besides, on all the yamato valkyries, the battroid and gerwalk modes have come after the fighter mode, the fighter mode is the preferred mode of Kawamori and also the one most emphasized on all the variable Yamato releases.

Posted (edited)

Well the 21 is deffinently the nicest rendition fo the GNU line, and i am glad i'm still getting it, after all i am only getting 2 YF-21 1/60's, and i need a decent enough size Battroid of the 21 to do the cool poses whilst the 1/60's will be in broken limiter mode and FP fighter mode. Revoltechs (the 19 and 21) will be awesome little 1 on 1 battroid battle display pieces. :D

Thanks for the confirmation on how much bigger they are G-Man.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
Posted (edited)
No, the transforming stuff is for people who want toys that transform without parts swapping,

yep that too.

Model kit like proportions are only on model kits such as Hasegawa.

That's why I say model kit-like. The PT toys want to combine details from the non-TF world, (sculpted detail that is comparable to the kits) and try to make them PTF. (whether they succeed is another topic however. :D Also given that some TF mecha have anime magic problems, who is to say which is the 'correct proportion' in those cases? Is it the model which wants to just look good in one mode, or the toy which must balance all modes?)

For me, revoltechs and stuff tend to play around with the proportions of the shoulders (oversized) and midsection (small) to give an exaggerated appearance of power which isn't wanted (or needed) on transforming toys. Non-tf toys (I mention toys here, not models) appeals to fans of action poses and people who want the robot to appear a little bit more "organic" in movement to match anime which sometimes is more 'expressive' in some cels. (ham hands, chunky chests, bulky limbs, and in some extreme cases shrinking/growing parts)

In real life though, I think robots would have restrictions on what angles they could move in. Take the head turret in battroid mode for example: would this really have a "head tilt" point of articulation that a typical ball joint on a toy would offer so that the humanoid robot looks like it is lining up the targets with its 'eye'? Nope. Humans would do that but the robot would just have the head turret sit straight, because that isn't necessary. You'd get the same result if the robot just shot from the hip. Organic human-like movements like that look 'cooler' (but not realistic outside comic books) for dramatic action poses though.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  • 1 month later...

For non transforming figures with emphasis on poseability, I gotta say they're nowhere as poseable or dynamic as the Revoltechs. The bigger size may justify the higher prize, but we're not here for the size, do we? I'm afraid Yamato will have a tough time selling these babies. I'm not much of a fan of the non-transforming-toy-of-a-transforming-mecha concept myself, but if I had to choose I'd pick the Revos any day.


The slightly larger size of the Yamatos is more attractive if they might be more in scale with the Revoltech VF-1s.

The Yamatos set has the VF-11. B))

Each have good elements. The Revoltechs have fast pack armor, admittedly, the Revoltech YF-19 may be the wrong color.

I am wondering why HLJ has the Yamatos up for pre-order but not the Revoltech.

I'd like to get both at the same time to do a side by side comparison.


Hot damn, I had forgotten how big and beefy that VF-11B gunpod is! It's freaking massive on this figure!

The YF-21 should come with two gunpods. Although we never see it duel wielding in the anime, it does carry two, and we should have the option of having it duel wield. :)

I'm not too interested in the 19 or 21, but the 11 is looking pretty good. Now, if Yamato decided to put out some other battroids that haven't been released like say a :VF-4, VF-5000, VF-14, VF-17... I'd be much more interested. And I would definitely pick up a Q-rau GNU, especially after seeing the updated ones in action in Macross Frontier. :D

  Sumdumgai said:
The YF-21 should come with two gunpods. Although we never see it duel wielding in the anime, it does carry two, and we should have the option of having it duel wield. :)

Yeah both YF-21s need the duel gunpods.

Both YF-19s suffer from ugly shoulders.

With the VA-3 in the Yamato 1/200 series I wonder if it will jump over to the GN-U line?

Does the appearance of the VA-3 add hope to seeing the VF-5000 and VF-4?

Posted (edited)

Warning: The following are ten-minutes-after-looking, raging fanboy reactions. The following opinions do not necessarily reflect a consumer who actually owns these figures :):lol:

The Good

The VF-11 is the best sculpt and the YF-21 is pretty good as a sculpt with sufficient menace and proportions. The VF-11 could possibly pass for a Revoltech sculpt. The articulation of the Yamato figures appears to be much better than I had once feared. The Yamato's look to have good ankle movement and there appears to be multiple points of articulation within a single joint. These production versions also look WAY better than those awful painted things we originally saw. We were told the production versions would look better and I'm glad that was proven right: these look much improved.

The Bad

I don't like the joint gaps and stick joints. They don't look good and they don't appear to offer high articulation. I understand that many have complaints about the Revoltech ball joints and feel they are too much of an eyesore (particularly on the VF-1 shoulders). I agree to a degree and acknowledge that criticism as a legitimate complaint. But given the choice, I'll take the eyesore of Revoltech's ball joints over the eyesore of Yamato's joint gaps/stick joints under the confident assumption the Revoltechs offer a far superior articulation-to-eyesore trade-off.

The Ugly

That YF-19 sculpt is absolutely horrible. While the Revoltech YF-19 has gone somewhat overboard with their stylized sculpt (though still quite attractive, IMO) Yamato has somehow managed to produce the dullest, ugliest and most uninspired YF-19 battroid toy I have ever seen. Even the YF-19 1/60 scale transformable from Yamato has a more interesting sculpt in Battroid mode, despite being less ideal. Also, those hands are a major disappointment (dare I say it?). None of those hands are shown properly holding the gun pods in anything approaching a cool or interesting pose, nor do they appear capable of doing so.

Lastly, it does not appear the Yamato figure articulation is even in the same league as a Revoltech. These Yamato figures are being sold as competition for my articulated figure dollars but they aren't making the cut. It appears Yamato is willing to significantly sacrifice articulation in hopes of selling their figures on the virtue of no ugly ball joints. But in my opinion, high articulation IS the whole point of a non-transformable figure. Otherwise, why bother?

Edited by Mr March
  Sumdumgai said:
Now, if Yamato decided to put out some other battroids that haven't been released like say a :VF-4, VF-5000, VF-14, VF-17... I'd be much more interested. And I would definitely pick up a Q-rau GNU, especially after seeing the updated ones in action in Macross Frontier. :D

Amen! I would definitely buy a VF-4, VF-5000, And and Quedluun Rau (or 3) if yamato made those in the GNU line!


wow, the yf-19 is sucktastic. The only one i could see myself buying is the vf-11. The other two just don't do anything for me. If I were to buy a non transforming valk, these would not be the ones I got.


Gotta say... I find the VF-11 sculpt really really ugly there... and since I buy figures for articulation and style, these have no interest to me at this point.. they're UGGERS!

  Bariaburu Faita said:
another special offer from yamato, a special storage case for the GN-U figures. collect 3 passwords from the toys, which appear to be on cards probably inserted in the packaging, and register them on the site. offer starts second half of may, and expires in september.


Great, a lunch box. Now I'm sold <_< A display stand or a diorama would've been a much better idea IMHO.

Although I'm not interested in these first offerings I do hope Yamato succeeds with the GN-U line and makes some other mecha: enemy, destroids and less iconic valks. Until then, I'll be around :)


When you see and handle these figures in person, they are really nice. Pretty damn good articulation, that the photos don't really take advantage of.


  TheLoneWolf said:
The proportions on these look really good, but is it just me or does it lool like these guys are missing details like panel lines?

Yeah they look a little plain.


The 19 does look sucktastic to me. The YF-21 isn't that bad, but isn't great. I like the VF-11.

These sure do beat the crap out of the ARII VF-1 figures with horrible articulation.

Now, if Yamato made some small scaled valkyries that didn't fall apart, looked good, and were affordable, that would be awesome. And, start off with something besides the VF-1. The banpresto sucked, and I didn't like the toynami VF-1. I'd love some small transformable YF-19, YF-21, VF-11, VF-4, VF-5000, and VF-14s.


Man, these look more like MSIA Gundam PVC action figures. Very plain looking indeed. Maybe more articulation, but not as articulated as the Revoltech ones. That YF-19 does look really bad. Those legs are just too chunky. I might get the other 2 though.


I had originally pre ordered all three but I have just decided to cancel the 19 and the 11. I am still going to get the 21 as I really like the sculpt on that one. I am going to go for the revoltech for the 19 and may get a revoltech 21 as well.

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