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Finally joining the 1/48th club


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Greetings everyone. First time poster, LOOOONG time lurker. Been a fan of Macross and other assorted anime for the past 25 years and thanks to this site, I've been able to keep up on the resurgence of Macross related goodies.

Just order my first 2 1/48th's the other day.

I also want to thank you all for doing such in depth coverage of the Garland. Thanks to you guys, I knew not to buy one. I am hoping that the Proto-Garland will have the arm joint issue resolved.

Cheers everyone!

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Welcome to macrossworld protogarland! Congrats on your 2 1/48 purchases, if you don't mind me asking which 2 did you get? I'm with you in hoping that the proto garland is also fixed and free of problems.

I purchased the VF-1S (3rd reissue I believe?) and the brown/green camo Low-Viz VF-1A.

I've also got a 1/60 Super VF-1S laying around from a purchase a couple of years back.

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Greetings everyone. First time poster, LOOOONG time lurker. Been a fan of Macross and other assorted anime for the past 25 years and thanks to this site, I've been able to keep up on the resurgence of Macross related goodies.

Just order my first 2 1/48th's the other day.

I also want to thank you all for doing such in depth coverage of the Garland. Thanks to you guys, I knew not to buy one. I am hoping that the Proto-Garland will have the arm joint issue resolved.

Cheers everyone!

Welcome to MW friend. And congrats on your first 2 1/48's. I hope you love them as much as everyone else loves theirs. A little note to you though...the 1/15 Garland Army Color Version does not have any issues like the original Garland ;) .

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man, for a lurker, you learned NOTHING. Don't you know that the 1/48s are a gateway drug? Sure, it starts off fine, a 1/48 here and there.. hmm maybe some fast packs and a GBP armor set... just the canon stuff you tell yourself. I can quit whenever I want to, I just don't want to you'll say. Then you start thinking you need to complete the skull squadron and then you start looking at the stealth and think, hey, why not. and next thing you know, you'll be logged into EBAY 24/7 looking for a good deal on the low viz 1.0.

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I am an adult now (really?) but my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I was just thinking that I should ask her for that 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru that I have been wanting for so long. It would be the first toy she bought me for probably 16 years but there is no way. She would be like, "$160 for a TOY!?!?! No way! Aren't you too old for that stuff now?"

My toy collection is to be hidden from my mother and my ex at all times. Especially my ex!

Edited by miriya
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I am an adult now (really?) but my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I was just thinking that I should ask her for that 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru that I have been wanting for so long. It would be the first toy she bought me for probably 16 years but there is no way. She would be like, "$160 for a TOY!?!?! No way! Aren't you too old for that stuff now?"

My toy collection is to be hidden from my mother and my ex at all times. Especially my ex!

Hidden....come on.....you must let them know......What a freak you are.....LOL :lol: JUST KIDDING....unless you really are a freak :huh: ....this could get interesting :ph34r:

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They DEFINITELY know that I am a freak. They also know that I am a Macross Freak. They can not know about the toys because of $$$. If they found out how much money I have spent on Macross toys then they would probably try to take my son away from me and put me in prison for bad $$$ management! Probably one of my biggest fears is my ex finding out about the toys! It kind of makes the hobby more fun in a way! It is a sneaky and naughty hobby :lol:

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haha, before i got married and what not, my Dad used to give me all sorts of grief for all the toys I had/have. He would randomly ask me how old I was and when I would stop acting like a child. At the time, I was running a dept and assisting in the management of another department of a rather large e-retail store and working 12 hours a day minimum. But that's my parents for you, they care little for the big picture and get hung up on the little/trivial stuff.

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Thanks everyone. Yea, this is kind of a drug. Ever since I was a child in the 80's I feel in love with the "chunky monkeys". I felt special back then because other kids did not have Macross toys.

And thus, as an adult, I get to relive my childhood again. :)

And no, I'm not a Yamato spy as I have, regrettably, been bitten by the Crapnami bug one too many times. No more I tell you.

Oh yea, and thanks for the info about the army-colored Garland. I might have to invest.

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I am an adult now (really?) but my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I was just thinking that I should ask her for that 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru that I have been wanting for so long. It would be the first toy she bought me for probably 16 years but there is no way. She would be like, "$160 for a TOY!?!?! No way! Aren't you too old for that stuff now?"

My toy collection is to be hidden from my mother and my ex at all times. Especially my ex!

Deem them "collectable items". Just saw that at a 1/18 scale blog with regards to the expensive "toys" we now play with. They call them collectable items rather than toys. Sure as hell sounds better than models.

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welcome aboard Protogarland!


welcome to the wonderful world of being broke.

I don't think I could say it any better myself. Well said Jeremy007. Welcome Protogarland if you have a little money to spend for now on chances are it just might go to a Yamato valk. These things are truly addicting. I didn't know about Macross world or Yamato valks until 4 or 5 months ago. Now its November and I have 3 1/48's a GBP armor, Super parts set, YF-19 1/60 , SV-51, and a VF-0S with ghost booster. These collectibles are an addiction. AND I"M LOVING IT!!!!!!!!

Truly welcome to the party!

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Oh I hear ya. Giving up the real world to become a student again has left me with little money but what I do make gets divided between anime and maintaining all the upgrades to the softsynths on my laptop.


welcome aboard Protogarland!


welcome to the wonderful world of being broke.

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Thank you. I'm not sure how much my collection will grow but I might as well start someplace.

In the year or so that I've lurked on here I've seen some amazing things people have done with their Valks and photoshop. It always made me want one of the 1/48's.

I don't think I could say it any better myself. Well said Jeremy007. Welcome Protogarland if you have a little money to spend for now on chances are it just might go to a Yamato valk. These things are truly addicting. I didn't know about Macross world or Yamato valks until 4 or 5 months ago. Now its November and I have 3 1/48's a GBP armor, Super parts set, YF-19 1/60 , SV-51, and a VF-0S with ghost booster. These collectibles are an addiction. AND I"M LOVING IT!!!!!!!!

Truly welcome to the party!

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God I need a fix. I haven't bought a new valk or any new really expensive toys in what has felt like ages. Money issues, buying a new car, etc... has put a stain on my wallet and i still need to buy a new VF-0S with ghost, a SV-51, the 1/48 Millia type to go with my Max, and of course the upcoming YF-21. Dammit I won't have any free money until the new year, then i need to start getting ready to attend film school at Full Sail in Orlando in the fall so I don't know how much expendable money i will have. I need a fix sooooooo bad, i am shaking at night dreamin of new valks to transform and pose. I miss getting the huge boxes in the mail.

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I know how you feel. I have been jonesing too. I have pre ordered the Nora Type SV-51 and have found a way to pay for it but I also really want a 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru, VF-1J Milia and Max, the Stealth, the Yf-19 with FP, the VF-0S w ghost, and the YF-21 when it comes out. I would need to win the lottery in order to afford all of that. But I am craving seriously!

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Totally understand how you 2 feel. I only need/want a few more. And they are going to cost me for sure. They are as follows. A 1/60 Ghost, 1/48 VF Hikaru, Roy, Milia, and Max all with FP's oh yeah and a 1/55 Strike Valk. (in regards to the 1/55 strike.....shya...like this will ever happen). Can we say CA-CHING $$$ :(

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if you keep watching ebay, you can easily find a 1/55 strike for the price of 3 or 4 1/48's. They really are not all that expensive anymore.

You're right...3 or 4 1/48's are not THAT EXPENSIVE :p Just kidding...I know...trust me I AM watching. :D

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