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Posted (edited)

thanks for the scans

hmm... didn't notice the necks were so long. looks weird?

but overall is very nice, and can't wait to get my hands on them! :D

BTW> notice the gap on the helmet? (middle scan, top right corner pic) although we've not seen a clearer pic of the visor in the up position, but i think the gap is a good indication? ^_^

EDIT: oh yeah, did anyone mention the Beagle one is planned for sale this spring? their CAD pics look awesome, hope they dont disappoint n come out with something really good

Edited by Shun
Posted (edited)
  protostar8 said:
I don't know, I still think that CM's just looks cheap even if it is a perfect transformation. Maybe I'll pick one up when they are clearanced.

I find it odd that people translate shiny plastic as cheap. The final finish really doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the plastic, there are plenty of cheap crappy plastic toys with matt finishes. I've said it before, I've havn't heard nice things about alot of MH's stuff, so I'll wait for other people to grab on and tell me how they are. I've owned a bunch of CMS products, and while CMS does tend to be more toy like, their stuff has always been rock solid.

Edited by GobotFool
  GobotFool said:
I find it odd that people translate shiny plastic as cheap. The final finish really doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the plastic, there are plenty of cheap crappy plastic toys with matt finishes. I've said it before, I've havn't heard nice things about alot of MH's stuff, so I'll wait for other people to grab on and tell me how they are. I've owned a bunch of CMS products, and while CMS does tend to be more toy like, their stuff has always been rock solid.

So true. I think I have more 'cheap' toys with a matte finish or paint than ones that are glossy or plasticy. But overall matte or glossy means nothing in terms of plastic quality or construction.


My nitpicks of the Megahouse design are quickly evaporating... however the CM's versions just keep looking cheaper and cheaper the more I see them. And by "cheaper" I mean in overall detail level. The Megahouse toys just look like they have more detail to them, more tiny flecks of complexity. I will probably get the Megahouse versions in the end as they are bigger.

That is until that Beagle 1/10 comes out. If it looks as good as those CAD renderings then that will be a nice toy to have.

Edit: there is also just "something" about a toy that gives you additional stickers for sunglasses and a that thin "child toucher" mustache so you can make your own custom Colonel Johnson toy. That is just ten shades of badass.


I'm already sold on the Megahouse toys (moreso now than ever) but that Beagle version looks like the best one yet. I'm dying to see an actual test shot of that one. When's the next big toy & hobby show in Japan?


Well i think beagle might produce another master piece.. but i think for now MH is the best in articulation and posing.. but durability i think we will be able to have some idea when the item is out.

but i think I like MH better.. haha..


The Beagle looks fantastic. I'm thinking I will still keep my MH pre-orders tho. The only thing that bugs me about the Beagle is that the legs look kinda skinny giving it a top-heavy look.


I'll probably grab at least one from all lines. The CMS will look great with micro-men sized figures, the MH is the same scale as the Garland (if they do a rook I am definitely grabbing her to place next to my Garland), and at 1/10 the beagle should be about the same size as most larger scale anime figures.


Heh, that Megahouse video was pretty cool (I liked all the sound effects :lol: ) but its a shame so much has to be removed. CM's is what I preordered and im gonna stick with that until I get some reveiws for MH.

  Tober said:
The Beagle looks fantastic.
I'll say! It's freaking beautiful.

The only thing that bugs me about the Beagle is that the legs look kinda skinny giving it a top-heavy look.
It's the ankle armor that makes it look skinny, don't you think? It would be rad if they included a fatter ankle armor piece so we could decide which look we wanted.

Between the CM and the Megahouse, I like the overall look and proportions of the CM. Damn, I wish the CM legioss Looked so good.


The more I look at the CAD drawings of the Beagle, the more I consider just getting that. Maybe I'll just get one CMs to play with. The Megahouse look good too, but if Beagle comes out with each variation and it meets the look of the plans then I'll pay for it. It's obviously gonna be more though, isnt it?


Im kinda losing interest. Its been FOREVER since these were announced, and looking at pics is great n all, but...c'mon just release em already! Whats the holdup?


Well, apparently the CM's is due any day now. Release date is January. I think MH is due February. Toynami's is due sometime around 2012.

  eriku said:
Well, apparently the CM's is due any day now. Release date is January. I think MH is due February. Toynami's is due sometime around 2012.

Toynami is actually due forst quarter of 2008 or so BBTS says. I am thinking so far of going with the Megahouse. They look the best so far. IMO. :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

I can't afford to be a completist right now, so my money is on the MH line. I'm a PT zealot myself, but according to the original design, the front shocks connect to the back of the armor to give the pilot additional strength, like that exoskeleton that's been around the net. So far no Mospeada toy has ever accomplished that, so my priority now is the looks of it. MH has the best looking toy by far.

I have serious doubt that the CMs one has the kind of Perfect Transformation that, let's say, the 1/48 has. I reserve my judgement on the Beagle one, since they seem decided to make the most realistic looking and High End version of them all. If it turns out good and depending on the price, I'll pick up at least Stig's.

Edited by Lonely Soldier Boy
  misterryno said:
Toynami is actually due first quarter of 2008 or so BBTS says.

Yeah, that's the 'planned' date. My 2012 comment was a bit of sarcasm based on the fact that Toynami's releases are always extremely delayed. Sometimes by years.

  eriku said:
Yeah, that's the 'planned' date. My 2012 comment was a bit of sarcasm based on the fact that Toynami's releases are always extremely delayed. Sometimes by years.

LMAO :lol: .....I fell a little slow today......too much OT at work. <_<

I was just thinking about something though. You know how we are all "certain" that there will be QC issues with the Toynamis......well think of it this way. The ride armors don't really transform per say......I mean not like a Valk or a Alpha.......they more like come apart and then snap onto the figures right? Well then....there should be TOO MANY QC issues at all then right???


Posted (edited)
  GobotFool said:
I find it odd that people translate shiny plastic as cheap. The final finish really doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the plastic, there are plenty of cheap crappy plastic toys with matt finishes. I've said it before, I've havn't heard nice things about alot of MH's stuff, so I'll wait for other people to grab on and tell me how they are. I've owned a bunch of CMS products, and while CMS does tend to be more toy like, their stuff has always been rock solid.

It's not really the "shiny" that makes it look cheap. It's the semi-translucent appearance of the blue-green plastic and the prominant chest seam, and together, they give the toy a cheap, goopy look regardless of the design. The old 1/55 valks had plenty of shiny plastic, but that plastic was anything but cheap looking. Hmm. The CMS ride armor might look fantastic with a little paint to fix the translucent gumminess. As is, it looks like those asian soft fruit chew candies I just had the other day.

Edited by Sundown

I've been taking some closer looks at the CM's and the MH's and I must say that I think the MH's are looking a little more detailed and with the armor on I think it fits better that the CM's. Also, the face sculpts really make them look better than the CM's as well. And to top it off....I can't see paying around the same price for a CM when it is smaller and you can see the screw holes. That's my take on it.



WOOOT WOOOT!!!! Just put in my pre-order for the MH's with LOS. AWESOME!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!



Awww Crap....sorry. I wrote...

Well then....there should be TOO MANY QC issues at all then right???

What I meant to say was...

Well then....there should not be TOO MANY QC issues at all then right???

Now can someone agree or disagree with this?


  misterryno said:
Now can someone agree or disagree with this?

This is Macrossworld. Someone somewhere will disagree with you. You needn't bait them into coming as they will arrive in due time. ;)

  CoryHolmes said:
This is Macrossworld. Someone somewhere will disagree with you. You needn't bait them into coming as they will arrive in due time. ;)

I'm all about bating people into my traps of argument. ^_^

On another note though. I just now made it throught this whole thread (I would have earlier, but my job got in the way....stupid job) and I finally watched the video of the TFing of the MH and looking at the pics of the packaging. I must say.....I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY I ordered these 2!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!


  danth said:
It's the ankle armor that makes it look skinny, don't you think? It would be rad if they included a fatter ankle armor piece so we could decide which look we wanted.

Between the CM and the Megahouse, I like the overall look and proportions of the CM. Damn, I wish the CM legioss Looked so good.

Yeah, around the shin area downwards it looks too small. Tho in the bike pic it looks fine.

At 20cm tall I don't expect it to be cheap either, hopefully in the $80-100 range. And hopefully less due to the healthy competition.

  eyesonme78 said:
Ok.. let me rephase.. get all except toynami, regret and confess later muahahahaahah!!!!!!!! ;)

Well.....All of them.....nahhhh......I know I AM getting the MH's......I will not be getting the CM's......I may get the Toynamis though, for I for one have not had any problems with any Toynamis that I have boughten (knock on wood). I will let a few others get the Toynamis first and wait for the price to drop on them and then see what happens.



Wow - it's amazing how much difference a finish makes!

Studying the vehicle modes closely, and the hinges and joints as best I can from the pictures, the CM's seems to have a nicer looking vehicle mode, very close to perfect transformation, slightly better rider proportions, and a somewhat more solid design in a smaller package - but they shot themselves in the foot with the finish. The panel lines are thin and hardly visible, while the seams are actually thicker than the details! Theres a ton of visible screws and very little painting. Megahouse did the exact opposite - the panel lines are thick and deep, almost all the details are three dimensional instead of just flat (like the sensors on the chest) and they really went out of their way to hide the seams and screws. Throw in all the little extras and the megahouse looks like a display piece painted and touched up by a professional, while the CM's look like they've just been snapped together out of an older bandai model kit.

Despite having to be taken apart like a lego set, having giraffe necks on a toy that needs to be beheaded in order to work, and a bike front that is just shaped totally wrong for the design, it's just so beautiful it's hard to notice, much less care. Lets hope its as solid as it looks, I'm aching to see the reviews on these when they come out.

The nicely painted heads help with the MH's too - the characters really are themselves and give the toys personality, while the CM's could be, well, anybody in a ride armor.

It's a shame - like with many of the MOSPEADA toys, it would be wonderful if we could get the best of both worlds - but its great that the competition is out there! Any way we slice it, there are a bunch of options now for one of our most beloved and least depicted mecha.

Frankly, I'm holding out for the Beagle version. I hope they pay attention to their competitors right now - the design looks fantastic (even if the feet are a little small, they at the very least have the best looking bike and rider of the bunch, and the visible shocks on the back of the "gauntlets" makes me hope for a ride-armor that actually looks like a functional exo-suit) but just based on the reaction in here, I strongly suspect it will be the finish that makes or breaks that toy.

Megahouse set the bar really high in that regard, I hope Beagle is paying attention.

I also hope beyond hope that if these ride armors sell well Beagle and MegaHouse might try the Legioss and Tread . . . .

Or even better - that Yamato watches them, learns from all the successes and mistakes, and shocks us with some phenomenal MOSPEADA stuff somewhere down the line . . . .

Posted (edited)

uhh, i spose it would be interesting to see what Yamato could do atleast. :D So many Mospy toys! Not gonna bother with the CM. I am really looking forward to my MH Rey and Stick figs, i have already started to imagine their place in my display cabinet. I have great idea's of doing a forest diarama set, using fishtank ruin/plant growth stuff to sourround them. Gonna be sick.

Revy Revoltech is pretty much in scale, so she's gonne get her chance to pose with the armour. The figures (without Ride Armour) looks really poseable, and Rey looks great posed with his Plasma gun.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
  NeoverseOmega said:
I also hope beyond hope that if these ride armors sell well Beagle and MegaHouse might try the Legioss and Tread . . . .
I have faith that somebody besides CM will do the Legioss & Tread. Especially if these Mospeada Ride Armors sell well.
  ruskiiVFaussie said:
Rey looks great posed with his Plasma gun.
Thanks for reminding me to ask: Does anyone else think that gun looks too big?
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