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Posted (edited)

User on mixi posted these mag pics.


Edited by SaveRobotech

Hmmm that's like totally from the left field......but priced at 6,300 YEN, that's like 84.0293 SGD. Well, considering the fact that I got the Megahouse one for 70 SGD each, it's just a little more.

Oh well.....


On the legioss thread, there's a picture of the ride armor at the bottom corner and I noticed that Stick looks like a little kid in the armor. His face looks tiny! I'm like wishy washy on these, they look good, then bad, then good then bad... :rolleyes:

  jenius said:
Do you think that maybe the price is for both Rei and Stig?


Even I wouldn't be able to pass on that.

At this point though, I'll wait for your guy's reviews on these various Ride Armor puppies. (But in return, I'll take care of some loose T[h]reads..... ;) ).

  jenius said:
Do you think that maybe the price is for both Rei and Stig?

If it is, then they got my money, despite that big 'ole head (see my post on pg 26-ish of the CM Tread thread for an explanation). It just doesn't make sense if it's for separate figures compared to prices and looks and sizes of other cyclones/ride armors.

Posted (edited)

lol, CM = win, but meh! Megahouse has got my money. IF that's the price for each of them CM can stick it up their vernier.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
Posted (edited)

small figure, big price ... i'm gonna get one juste for fun ....

i'm wainting for the beagles's first pictures :) . bigger (hlj said 1/10th scaled) better ??? we'll see.

Edited by isamu_dyson

I'm more surprised by those of you surprised by the price than I am of the price itself. CMs stuff is always expensive.


Those CM versions look way better than I was expecting, but to echo the popular sentiment, at that price I'll stick with Megahouse.

Still waiting to see that damn Beagle version, though.

  eriku said:
I'm more surprised by those of you surprised by the price than I am of the price itself. CMs stuff is always expensive.

But they actually have to compete with 3 other companies, which should force them to lower the price to be competitive. Obviously it hasn't because I noticed that in the add, there are two separate areas that point to each of the figures and have 6300Yen listed, so I'm going to assume that the prices are separate. Usually CM goes after a market that nobody else is doing and can charge whatever they want b/c it's pay their high price or get nothing. In this case, it's pay their high price or pay a lower price and get a bigger, sharper figure (IMO) from MegaHouse. So far, all three companies that have shown figures have issues with proportions. MegaHouse's has neck issues and you need to remove a few parts for transformation, CM's has a GIANT helmet, Toynami's is very blocky/thick looking.

Posted (edited)
  protostar8 said:
But they actually have to compete with 3 other companies, which should force them to lower the price to be competitive. Obviously it hasn't because I noticed that in the add, there are two separate areas that point to each of the figures and have 6300Yen listed, so I'm going to assume that the prices are separate. Usually CM goes after a market that nobody else is doing and can charge whatever they want b/c it's pay their high price or get nothing. In this case, it's pay their high price or pay a lower price and get a bigger, sharper figure (IMO) from MegaHouse. So far, all three companies that have shown figures have issues with proportions. MegaHouse's has neck issues and you need to remove a few parts for transformation, CM's has a GIANT helmet, Toynami's is very blocky/thick looking.

Competition or not, I assume they have to charge a certain amount to not lose money and to also make a profit. They're a specialty company and don't have the same scale of production that the others do. They also most likely wont be making these in the same quantities as the other companies.

I'm just happy that after all these years we're not only getting Mospeada toys but we're getting a huge assortment to choose from. All criticisms aside, it's really damn cool that all this stuff is on the horizon. :)

Edited by eriku
Posted (edited)

CM's and Megahouse both look great to me.

Only issue I have is I am having a bad headache trying to pick which one to get.

CM's Mospeada has a moving visor with a decent face sculpture inside for size, hense a larger head.

Lack of any parts swap makes CM's a very desireble toy event though it sacrifices propotion a bit.

The question is, can CM's cut the line? I see no preorders so far.

For me, I am still keeping my preorder for Megahouse ones as they look much more detailed.

I am also thinking Megahouse may not feature perfect transformation, but I hope I am wrong.

Edited by konimon
  jenius said:
Do you think that maybe the price is for both Rei and Stig?

As expected they're NOT being sold in bundles.




Well i think CM corp has not been put up for pre-orders right?

I think we wait first see how. but it depends on which one u like more in appearances, transformability and such

I prefer mega house ones, but i might get CM corp's set just to play around =) haha mega house's gonna sit in the display cabinet.

  Lonely Soldier Boy said:
AAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!! I'm getting both, dammit!

I second that scream... CM's Mospeadas are looking better and better as scan resolution goes up...

Thing is, those thruster fins on the wheels can actually fold and retract inside. Neat.

I just might get both CM's and Megahouse. Time to sell my other toy collection.

I can sell off whichever I ended up not liking anyways.


Hmmm, pricey but I think I like the CMS one better. Could someone help to elaborate why the Megahouse one is said to be more realistic/proportionate? The CMS one looks fine to me, and I can accept that the helmet is bigger. It's a helmet anyway! Look at how large the DRYL ones are! :p And additional details like the thruster fins are appreciated too.

More than that, I like how the CMS one looks in both modes. The megahouse bike mode looks too small for the the rider. Ray and Stick have a really long neck, so I can't imagine displaying the Megahouse in any mode other than the combined form (which I agree looks spiffy too!)

Just my thoughts though. :p

Posted (edited)

I think CM's is winning thus far, their price is worth paying as their stuff is pretty quality and perfect transform/diecast is always worth paying a little more for in my eyes. They also seem to have better looking figures but they lose points to Megahouses's nicely painted bikes and boxes.

Really, it's going to be a race to see who can complete the team first.

Edit, both makes have the wheel hub verniers I've noticed so that's not a deciding factor anymore.

Edited by Fort Max

Well, if it's really coming in late dec, I guess I'll be getting em too.... feb's way too long to wait for the Megahouse ones ( even though I've pre-ordered em already) :lol:


Okay, the CM Ride Armors are looking pretty fantastic.

Do you guys think we'll really ever see the Fuke/Houquet or Yellow Belmont versions? The Stick and Rei are almost identical, it's like getting two toys out of the same mold. The Blowsperior, however, would require a new chest section, rear thruster area, helmet, and of course forearm sabers. That might be too expensive for one toy. As for the Fuke mold, it's totally different, but it could be used for two toys: one red with rocket launcher, and one black with camcorder -- that is, if CM thinks they will sell enough. Do you guys think it'll happen?

  eyesonme78 said:
Nice pics seems CM Corp is not bad..but i will still get mega house one, i like more realistic ones =)

I peeped some pics of the mega house one at hlj.com--if you've seen the figure w/out armor, it looks really wierd and disproportionate, especially the torso.

Posted (edited)
  danth said:
Okay, the CM Ride Armors are looking pretty fantastic.

Do you guys think we'll really ever see the Fuke/Houquet or Yellow Belmont versions? The Stick and Rei are almost identical, it's like getting two toys out of the same mold. The Blowsperior, however, would require a new chest section, rear thruster area, helmet, and of course forearm sabers. That might be too expensive for one toy. As for the Fuke mold, it's totally different, but it could be used for two toys: one red with rocket launcher, and one black with camcorder -- that is, if CM thinks they will sell enough. Do you guys think it'll happen?

Ahh man i was thinking the same thing, although now i know the japanese official name of her, Fuke, i do hope they bring her out. Both of course, Houquet i want badly.

But seriously these are way too small for the price, the MHouse one wuld have to have really horrible QC for me to stray away from getting them as to the CMs, but we will see i sposeeeeeeeee. Really dig small stuff anyways, i am deffinently gtting 1 CM that's for sure, but i fuggin hate it when you need the accessory of the other RA (60mm beam cannon) to feel complete. >_____________< Only reason why i am buying Stick and Rey R/Armours.... VERY EXCITED! :D

I wonder if we will get stands???


I just checked out those larger scans.... i'm now leaning more to the CMS... hot dammit.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
Posted (edited)

None of them. they all need to be improved.

I like the Megahouse posability the best. But the gaps in the armor in the combined mode, as pictured. Makes it seem as if the cylone is smaller then it should be. the Booths also need to expand according to the line art. If they fixed that and had a good price I would get it.

the toynamie looks too stiff. I wouldn't buy it. I like how the cylcone coveres the body like armor but everything else is mediocre,

the cm looks okay. Nothing great.

I wouldn't buy it though.


Edited by Ali Sama
  Fort Max said:
Megahouse already said they were planning on doing the four main charcaters and I think I recall hearing the same about CM's.

Well sure, they always say that. Doesn't mean it'll happen. I sure hope it does, though.

  reddsun1 said:
I peeped some pics of the mega house one at hlj.com--if you've seen the figure w/out armor, it looks really wierd and disproportionate, especially the torso.

Hahaha of cos i saw that, well in order to make the armour feel slick on the rider in armour mode definately the figure have to sacrifice some space and maybe not proportional to what we want.

Well nvm abt that anyways..


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