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New Yamato TV Advertisment with 1/60 YF-21

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Posted (edited)
  eugimon said:
I think you're mistaken. The last shot of the yf-21 before we see the three mode group shot is of the yf-21 in battroid holding its two gunpods. There were no FP shown as far as i could tell.

no, if u look at it carefully, the second & third fighter shot in the commercial , u can clearly see the FP parts attach on the tail wing(2nd SHOT)

and the gray Fp parts at the down side(3rd SHOT) :lol:

even with the fp parts attach, the fighter still looks thin !! that's grea t!! yamato :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by Hayao Kakizaki

The YF-21 gunpods attach to the belly plates in fighter mode, they are not internally stored like on the VF-22. To me it doesn't look like they recess into the belly plate, but just attach, in the lineart.

  Grand Admiral said:
If lovin' the YF-21 is wrong, I don't wanna be right. :lol:

you are one of 'em vf-sexuals? :blink:

  Hayao Kakizaki said:
no, if u look at it carefully, the second & third fighter shot in the commercial , u can clearly see the FP parts attach on the tail wing(2nd SHOT)

and the gray Fp parts at the down side(3rd SHOT) :lol:

even with the fp parts attach, the fighter still looks thin !! that's grea t!! yamato :lol: :lol: :lol:

yeah, I think you're right. the first shot of the fighter (the spinning top down) you can see somthing grey along the bottom of the tail fin and the in the forward shot of the fighter it does look like there's a grew thing attached to the bottom of the belly plates.

good catch!

Posted (edited)

Well I guess I know where my taxes' return's gonna go.

If they truly come with the VF-11b in April, I may have to delay my buying of the YF-21 in favor of the VF-11B. Furthermore, if it's being made in 1:60 scale, it should be smaller than the YF-19 and YF-21, so it sould also be cheaper.

EDIT: Spelling.

Edited by Lonewolf
  Lonewolf said:
Furthermore, if it's being made in 1:60 scale, it sould be smaller than the YF-19 and YF-21, so it sould also be cheaper.

ha! maybe on planet Lonewolf but here on planet earth, yamato is taking everyone to the cleaners.


It seems that with each release they are able to justify a higher price tag! I too, for a brief fraction of a second, thought that the YF-21 would probably be cheaper but then realized that they have no reason to make it cheaper. Why? Because our willingness to pay is so motherjumping high. Why? Because we are completely obsessed freaks who will give blood, sell limbs, and spend our children's college funds for these deliciously evil toys!

Posted (edited)
  do not disturb said:
ha! maybe on planet Lonewolf but here on planet earth, yamato is taking everyone to the cleaners.

I never said Yamato's Macross products were cheap, but considering the fact that a 1/60 version of the VF-11B would be approximatly 6cm shorter in fighter mode thand the YF-19, I think it's safe to assume that it wouldn't go for 200$ like the 1st release of the YF-19.

Even if it goes for let's say 180$, it's still cheaper that the YF-19. Not by a lot you'll say, but it's cheaper.

EDIT: Back to topic, I really think Yamato did a mighty fine job on that 1:60 YF-21. It's way better than I would have imagined it to be.

Edited by Lonewolf

BTW, has anyone found where Yamato is hiding the YF-21 on their website? The winner gets a prize! Finding it is of course the prize. And sharing it should be nice too. I just have a feeling that the photos are on their site somewhere.

Of course there are the images from Graham master flash's notorious hard drive. I wonder which we will see first the Graham secret nuggets or the yamato site peekaboo.

  Lonewolf said:
I never said Yamato's Macross products were cheap, but considering the fact that a 1/60 version of the VF-11B would be approximatly 6cm shorter in fighter mode thand the YF-19, I think it's safe to assume that it wouldn't go for 200$ like the 1st release of the YF-19.

Even if it goes for let's say 180$, it's still cheaper that the YF-19. Not by a lot you'll say, but it's cheaper.

EDIT: Back to topic, I really think Yamato did a mighty fine job on that 1:60 YF-21. It's way better than I would have imagined it to be.

haha no need to explain, i was totally joking with ya dude, hehe. :)

i hoping it'll be cheaper too but i doubt it since the same thing happens with every new macross release. HLJ will put up some astronomical pre-order price, a lot of people will bite without a second thought, then every vendor who lurks here will sell it for about/around the same price regardless of how little it may have actually cost them.

with that said, i don't think i'll be picking up the YF-21 nor the VF-11B until a year or more after its been released, if at all. let all the vendors sit on the stock and sweat it out til they can't take it anymore. if its one thing i've learned from this hobby, never buy a 1st release, everything ends up on sale eventually, and they always make more(except the LV1).

anyway, the 21 does look pretty sleek in the commercial. i'm a sucker for this stuff but not so much so that i'm willing to pay $$$ to be yamato's test dummy.

  do not disturb said:
i'm a sucker for this stuff but not so much so that i'm willing to pay $$$ to be yamato's test dummy.

I'm probably going to be a test dummy for this one. In fact, I'm getting my orange General Galaxy flight suit sent to the dry cleaners tomorrow. :wacko: Hopefully, I won't be posting up any "How to fix my YF-21" threads. ;)

  Wicked Ace said:
I'm probably going to be a test dummy for this one. In fact, I'm getting my orange General Galaxy flight suit sent to the dry cleaners tomorrow. :wacko: Hopefully, I won't be posting up any "How to fix my YF-21" threads. ;)

well, since it looks like FPs are coming with this one, I'll be right there in your thread trying to fix mine too :p

Posted (edited)
  jenius said:
I missed the post that said we get FPs with this bird? I didn't see FPs in the ommercial.

the opening shot of the yf-21 in fighter mode, there looks to be a grey attachment on the bottom of the rear tail fins, and on the front facing shot of the yf-21 in fighter mode immediately following that shot, there looks to be somthing grey stuck to the bottom of the belly plates.

so it's not confirmed... there's no clear images of the fast packs.

Edited by eugimon
  nghia59 said:
Hey guys! Did you see the new YF-21 commercial on you tube?!!!!!

no.... we've been talking about some other yamato yf-21 tv commercial for the last few pages.

Posted (edited)

Guys are you kidding me? I am the one who uploaded this...

I think excessive Yamato commercial watching distracts people :)

Eugimon, it's not about you man, it's about other two guys B))

Edited by charger69
Posted (edited)
  charger69 said:
Guys are you kidding me? I am the one who uploaded this...

LIAR, nghia59 JUST FOUND IT, how could you have posted this up when nghia59 Just found it, right now. That's insane, that's just crazy talk. :p

maybe I should have included the sarcasm tag on my initial reply to nghia59's post.

edit: Dude, I didn't even realize someone else posted a "look at what I just found" in the other yf-21 thread.

Edited by eugimon

For the YF-21 I'm not going to bite for a while, to make sure that there's no problems that will come up after a while (see VF-0). Now, the VF-11B, I think I'll have to bite if the cost is much lower than the YF-19 and SV-51. Hell if the cost is anywhere near the 19 or 51, I'll wait and make sure I don't find myself up the stinky creek with a broken paddle. :p

Hot damn, that fighter mode is gorgeous!!!! :D


:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub: As I look at my YF-19, I want to tell it that Guld's coming with two barrels of gunpod whup-ass.

Thanks for the pics and links everyone!!!!

Hopefully they pack the first release with the FP's.

The only real nit I have at this point is that I wish the yellow sections on the nose and intakes were a bit slimmer.

Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta watch that commercial a few more times. :D


Ok enough of the tease. Lets see some high res still photos of this baby's prototype figure. If I get to see the pictures I swear I'll only be dancing around like a drunk for a few days and high fiving any living organism next too me. :lol:


It'ss...SO....BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This oughta show them YF-21 haters the greatness of this bird!


OK I might be out of touch, but I hadn't been to Yamato's site in a while. They have a nice english link to their "store" page. I wish I had seen this before and asked Graham to ask Yamato if there was any Chance they would be open to international direct sales. I sure would like to be able to cut out the middle men and order straight from the mother ship.

  Ghadrack said:
OK I might be out of touch, but I hadn't been to Yamato's site in a while. They have a nice english link to their "store" page. I wish I had seen this before and asked Graham to ask Yamato if there was any Chance they would be open to international direct sales. I sure would like to be able to cut out the middle men and order straight from the mother ship.

hells yeah! i'm tired of paying out the ass for this stuff. i mean vendors making a profit is one thing but charging me an a$$hole tax because i live in the US is another. i think it would be in yamato best interest to have their own retail site. cut out all the middlemen/distributors and keep the profits for themselves.

and whos hating on the YF-21?

everyone grab your pitch forks and nooses, we got a witch hunt on our hands. :D

Posted (edited)

I see Yamato took inspiration in the Hasegawa model for the nose sculp. Good call. I also love Battroid's head. The hands are the best we've seen from Yamato yet IMHO. I wish the legs seated further into the armpits in Battroid, as it is it looks too human, but that also means you have to make the flightpack shorter and where would you store the long legs then? So I guess I'll have to deal with it.

What else... Oh yeah: Yamato get you ass down and upload those Hi-Res pics on your website already!!!!

Edit: By the way, if Yamato can't do the VF-22's nor the game version due to licensing issues (Graham stated that it "might" be an issue with the game licence), wich other non canon schemes are possible? Are they any interesting fan works out there that Yamato could use as "inspiration"?

Edited by Lonely Soldier Boy

Non-canon scheme: I don't know the actual name of that kind of scheme, so I'll make the MW referece... Dobber's Scheme. :)

A number of different camo schemes would be nice.

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