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Just a quick comment about something mentioned towards the end of the first episode. This guy is talking about how other franchises have better video games and he specifically mentions Gundam Climax UC being a thousand times better than the Robotech games. Now, I've never played the Robotech games but I have played Climx UC and it was utter crap. Are those games really worse than crap?


I can not make it through this guys talk. I cant believe that he thinks Robotech has a better story than Macross! Anyway, not my favorite but I am sure someone will enjoy.


Well the gist of what this guy is preaching is that he wants people to go out and create content like games, game mods, webcomics, animated production. He even suggested dubbing anime like Macross II and Orguss to make it part of Robotech.


I would rather see Shoji Kawamori producing more greats like Macross Zero and Macross Plus. Not remakes but new OVAs within the macross universe.


I feel compassion for the guy. I know that we are obsessed freaks here in the Macross World Forums but this guy... not spooky but, strange?

  miriya said:
I feel compassion for the guy. I know that we are obsessed freaks here in the Macross World Forums but this guy... not spooky but, strange?

I thought the same thing: This guy has too much time on his hands.

Then I realized that I diligently listened to both episodes...

  VF5SS said:
Just a quick comment about something mentioned towards the end of the first episode. This guy is talking about how other franchises have better video games and he specifically mentions Gundam Climax UC being a thousand times better than the Robotech games. Now, I've never played the Robotech games but I have played Climx UC and it was utter crap. Are those games really worse than crap?

Robotech is worse than crap, then it's not impossible.


ok....there is a BIG difference between protoculture and quantum physics.

im not a trek fan, but you dont have to be able to explain quantum physics in order to be a fan.

this guy is just looking for attention and trying to sound important.

ok....there is a BIG difference between protoculture and quantum physics.

im not a trek fan, but you dont have to be able to explain quantum physics in order to be a fan.

this guy is just looking for attention and trying to sound important.

Ditto, I'm a fan of things, but I'm not gonna go out there blasting my thoughts, though I must admit, I could heavily school this guy in my sleep hmmmmmm........now I'm thinking up some ideas to show this robohippie a thing or two.

  Hikuro said:
Ditto, I'm a fan of things, but I'm not gonna go out there blasting my thoughts, though I must admit, I could heavily school this guy in my sleep hmmmmmm........now I'm thinking up some ideas to show this robohippie a thing or two.

I think most of us here on MW would too. B))


1. This guy got passion so I have to give him that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. He is a real fan of Robotech. As much as I like Robotech, Macross is and always the greatest. Granted I was a robotech fan, Robotech did in fact paved my way to the light side...err Macross. So with that said, cut the guy some slack as he is a little misguided :rolleyes: . Remember fan is short for fanatical. I am sure we got some real fanatics about Macross.

2. As much as I love the F-14 Tomcat, it was one of the greatest planes but give me a break. Someone always build a better mouse trap and someone will always figure out to break it. With that said, I am no where near sympathetic nor agreeing with this moron about the F-14. I mean, what happened if we were living in WW2, we would say the F4U Corsair or the P-51 Mustang is best plane and can shoot anything down? FYI, P-51s were shot down my Jap Zeros in the late stages of the war. This is where he is truly a moron and know nothing how technology will always be advancing. For its time, the F-14 was one of the greatest fighters. Looking at the next generation fighters, the F-14 would be outclassed and outdated.

  Godzilla said:
FYI, P-51s were shot down my Jap Zeros in the late stages of the war. This is where he is truly a moron and know nothing how technology will always be advancing.
I like how you use a racial slur in one sentence and then call someone else a "moron" in the next. Classy.
  Roger said:
I like how you use a racial slur in one sentence and then call someone else a "moron" in the next. Classy.

Chill. A lot of people use that abbreviation with no ill will intended.

  Roger said:
I like how you use a racial slur in one sentence and then call someone else a "moron" in the next. Classy.

Not to get all PC, but do Japanese people really get offended by that term? I'm Vietnamese, and no one seems to mind being called Viet. Furthermore do Asians really get offended by "ch..k"? I've just never been offended by it ever before. It seems so trite to get bent out of shape by something so trivial.

Lastly is it really a racial slur? Wouldn't it be an ethnic slur? The aforementioned c word would be a racial slur.



Since this was Talkshoe, I thought these were Robotech Master's Space Station Liberty show so I didn't bother listening at all until just a few mintues ago. I haven't had the chance to play the shows in their entirety, but besides the fact that he's a Robotech fan (and there are some on this board who are, too) is this guy really much different then any of us? He's a grown up who's a fan of a 20+ year old cartoon like the rest of us! :p

  justvinnie said:
Not to get all PC, but do Japanese people really get offended by that term? I'm Vietnamese, and no one seems to mind being called Viet. Furthermore do Asians really get offended by "ch..k"? I've just never been offended by it ever before. It seems so trite to get bent out of shape by something so trivial.

Lastly is it really a racial slur? Wouldn't it be an ethnic slur? The aforementioned c word would be a racial slur.


I think viet is not equal to the other two.... Jap is actually pretty offensive to me, I think it would be more akin to saying g**k, and I would suspect that Ch*nk is the same.


To perfectly honest, I just saw Roger post this over at Toyboxdx.com and after having listened to it I thought he was just make a joke about this guy since he doesn't seem any different than your ordinary half-wit fan with a podcast. I honestly thought this was going to be an embittered looked at the fandom in general and I did see some of that but it all came across as kind of shallow and, "Well I know this because I know this" talk. Especially with his rant about the F-14 and how awesome it is. He knows the F-14 is awesome because, "I know jets and I could go on about them." I also lolled at the way he described Carl Macek like a prophet. And how in order to make Robotech more popular is to go out and butcher more anime like Orguss. Also his idea of making Robotech the new Americana seems somewhat ironic given the elements that make it popular are not even American.

Well, a lot of his arguments seem really poor. "Robotech fans can tell you everything about Robotech and that makes them unique!" Which seems really short sighted, especially when he mentions Gundam, Star Trek, Battletech, etc as being different for that reason. All fandoms can be like that. And Robotech fans carrying the torch isn't that unique either. Just ask Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors fans.

His thoughts on Battletech were correct though and Harmony Gold did shoot themselves in the foot for not establishing a table top franchise that is more accessible.

  Noyhauser said:
I think viet is not equal to the other two.... Jap is actually pretty offensive to me, I think it would be more akin to saying g**k, and I would suspect that Ch*nk is the same.

If "JAP" is offensive. Then what about "Nip"?

  VF5SS said:
It's also lazy. I'm sure everyone is capable of typing the two extra letters.

Oh, you did not! I hope that you meant four extra letters!


I think you mean five....

As for the games, I actually liked Battlecry. It was easy to ignore the Robotech stuff and just take it as a Macross game. I just wish the ceiling wasn't so low and that there were more pre-reconstruction era missions.

I'm not sure I'd want to listen to this guy, but it might be amusing...

  Roger said:
I like how you use a racial slur in one sentence and then call someone else a "moron" in the next. Classy.

Good f**king lord. Dont call me a racist. I have been on the receiving end of racism as I am Chinese when I was growing up and I grew up in the South. So dont go Holier than thou BS on me. All the sudden we go PC? So should I be offended if I am called an Oriental like oriential rug. You want to talk about offensive, you calling me a racist is offensive. Jap Zero was often referred in the WW2 videos I have seen. If I was really racist, I would rant on how the Japanese killed so many Chinese and now deny it. You think the Nazis were bad...

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