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Posted (edited)

She's in Mai's uniform. :p

Whats the matter guys? nothing wrong with the extra meat on her. :lol:

Beware of the B^tchslap if you pi55ed her off. :p

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
  Isamu Starkiller said:
Guile's alt is weak, Charlies vest >.<

Wait, what...?! I could buy that. Where can I find pics?

Posted (edited)
  Max Jenius said:
25,000 *what* for her alt outfit?!

Heyy.... could this mean prize fighters can actually score some dosh/points to trade in for costumes???

Awesome if so! :)

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

There's a good amount of SFIV vids on YT already some showing the characters alt's. Ryu is topless O.o, Blanka is in safari gear, Balrog (US) is in Apollo Creeds "Uncle Sam" outfit, Bison (US) is is topless with some cybernetic implant on his chest, I haven't seen any other alt's yet.

And Gouken IS in SFIV he has a unique mastery of the shoto style...upwards vertical hadokens (opposite of akuma), shoryuken, and a vertical tatsumakisempukayaku (sp?) that has a huge recovery time in the air.

For those who like sailor Gouki...Delta red Bison...


  Warmaker said:
Sakura's still sporting the school girl outfit? Isn't SF4 set quite a decent amount of time after SFA3?

I am a huge Sakura fan, I am glad she is in the game but disappointed as i was hoping to see a more mature Sakura

  • 2 weeks later...

Wow I hope the US gets something this cool


Capcom Europe has dropped details on the limited Collectors Edition Box sets for Street Fighter IV that European and Australian fans will be able to get their hands on come February 20th.

The boxes themselves are rather attractive in their own right, featuring a classic Street Fighter scene on the outer case. Inside players will discover a set of limited edition figurines representing Street Fighters past and present, with fan-favorite Ryu joined by the ridiculously busty newcomer, Crimson Viper. Along with the toys, Capcom is also including a bonus disc containing a selection of trailers and a full-length anime movie specially created for the launch of the game. Icing the cake is a mini strategy guide for the four new characters and the promise of exclusive downloadable content.


I've been playing a gray market unit for the last couple of weeks. Its hard getting used to the timing of the animations. Its still not as fast as 2D, but better than some other 3D fighters. I think the game is still unbalanced and needs some tweaking.

If you're in California, head over to your local Cal State University arcades ;)

$0.75 per play though! :huh:


Details of the NA SFIV CE..

Hot on the heels of Friday's revelation of the European Street Fighter IV Collector's Edition, GameStop has revealed details on the North American CE, which remains largely the same with a few console-specific differences.

While North American fans will still be receiving the 65-minute long anime movie (on Blu-ray for PlayStation 3), five downloadable costumes, and the comic-book styled hint book, the pair of limited-edition figurines will be split up according to which console you purchase the game for. PS3 owners will be receiving the Ryu figure, while Xbox 360 players will be getting the busty newcomer, Crimson Viper. While there is no mention of a collector's box, GameStop is listing a soundtrack CD, which wasn't mentioned for the Euro set.


  Isamu Starkiller said:
Anyone get SSFIITHDR?

My PSN ID is XxSITHappensxX if you want to fight :)

Im playing it on 360 but if I get it on PS3 later I will play ya.

Posted (edited)

everyone screams at SF4 like wet sissies ;] SF3 - 3rd Strike forever ;] Love the graphics, stages, music and characters ( Ibuki and Makoto ftw, not to mention overpowered Ken :D ) I'll change my point after testing SF4 at least 3 days alone at home and with my friend which is SF addict ;]


your avatar is familiar... was it Garou : Mark of the Wolves ?

Edited by crescens
Posted (edited)
  David Hingtgen said:
Except that MilkManX's friends list is full. :p

:blink: I'll try and send a friend invite...I wasn't aware there was a limit on the friends list....or maybe I'll spot you roaming around in Home tomorrow! ^_^

Edited by Isamu Starkiller

I've played through HD remix single player now, and honestly, not impressed. Went straight for expect difficulty, and apparently while putting the engine back together, someones idea of "hard" was boosting AI speed past player imput speed, and last time I checked, turbo was about equally balanced speed imput. That, and apparently Bison is super gimped for some reason, I had more trouble with Vega (using Ken) than him.

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh it is ON BITCHES!


Street Fighter IV Battle Pits Capcom Against Microsoft Against Sony

By Luke Plunkett, 11:00 PM on Mon Dec 22 2008, 2,210 views

It's like something out of a fanboy fantasy land. At next year's CES, there will be a Street Fighter IV tournament. In which Capcom, Microsoft and Sony will select champions, then do battle.

For real. They will fight, you will take sides, crap will get real.

Each publisher's community leader - Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb for Microsoft, Jeff Rubenstein for Sony and Seth Killian for Capcom - will be there, and they'll be leading teams of 20 (with contestants drawn from people like you) in a three-way festival of dick-swinging, name-taking and all around crap-talkery.

CES is due to take place January 8-11 in Vegas. Further details on how you sign up for this apocalyptic event to come.


That's weak, reading the title I thought PSN'ers were going to get to go up against MSL'ers for a true epic first.


I was surprised to hear SF4 will be hitting the PC also. My PC is pretty beefy, so I'll actually get SF4 for it. A fighting game on my computer. That's a first :lol:


I reserved the Collectors edition of SFIV, the only things other than the game that I'm interested in are the anime , and the 2 free DLC's. I thought DLC was free....I guess I was wrong.


I pre-ordered the Collector's PS3 version as well. I don't really care about the figure but a BD anime and soundtrack will be cool. PS3 version since I own the PS3 Virtua Stick High Grades.

Hori is also releasing the Real Arcade Pro for $90 in the US so jump on it if you don't have a good stick. It has a Sanwa stick but Hori buttons which can be easily swapped out for Sanwa or Seimetsu ones. Still would be cheaper than the $150 Tournament Mad Catz ones.

  Keith said:
I've played through HD remix single player now, and honestly, not impressed. Went straight for expect difficulty, and apparently while putting the engine back together, someones idea of "hard" was boosting AI speed past player imput speed, and last time I checked, turbo was about equally balanced speed imput. That, and apparently Bison is super gimped for some reason, I had more trouble with Vega (using Ken) than him.

Not any different from any of the Super SF games...the AI was always ridiculously cheap. I remember the famous Deejay projectiles while he walked forward, Cammy's throws from out of nowhere, and people throwing you out of Supers while they were being hit.

On another note: The collector's SFIV Editions. PS3 and 360. 360 gets a C. Viper figurine, PS3 gets Ryu. PS3 gets a Blu-ray anime and 360 gets an HD version on a 360 game disc (not a regular DVD). Mini STrategy guide illustrated by Udon. Exclusive downloadable content.



  Gaijin said:
I pre-ordered the Collector's PS3 version as well. I don't really care about the figure but a BD anime and soundtrack will be cool. PS3 version since I own the PS3 Virtua Stick High Grades.

Hori is also releasing the Real Arcade Pro for $90 in the US so jump on it if you don't have a good stick. It has a Sanwa stick but Hori buttons which can be easily swapped out for Sanwa or Seimetsu ones. Still would be cheaper than the $150 Tournament Mad Catz ones.



I'd stay far away from the $150 Mad Catz ones right now. It's full-on Marketing press from them and so far no reviewers have said anything about the stick. Hell when the Company that built the joystick does an "opening the box" video for itself, rather then let reviewers do it, something suspicious is up.


I hope the "exclusive DLC" is simply exclusive to being LE, not exclusive to each system like the figures are. It'd really suck if "your favorite character has new colors---only for the system you don't own".

PS---I only just now found out that Rose is going to be in it. Rose rocks.

  David Hingtgen said:
I hope the "exclusive DLC" is simply exclusive to being LE, not exclusive to each system like the figures are. It'd really suck if "your favorite character has new colors---only for the system you don't own".

PS---I only just now found out that Rose is going to be in it. Rose rocks.

I was more excited that Gen made the cut, Rose never seemed to fit in Street Fighter for me...she wears stiletto's :blink: and beats up people with a scarf? I'd rather see Ibuki in Roses spot on the roster.

  Isamu Starkiller said:
I was more excited that Gen made the cut, Rose never seemed to fit in Street Fighter for me...she wears stiletto's :blink: and beats up people with a scarf? I'd rather see Ibuki in Roses spot on the roster.

WOOT!!! Rose is back?! I didn't know since I've not touched a 2d fighting game since my PSP Vampire Chronicles 2 years ago, and didn't follow up on the SF4 news.

That means I have gotta get myself a PS3 then.

Hey, stilettos are sexy, and Rose is one sexy and poweful bitch (one of the few characters with air throws back then). And don't look down on her scarf. It reflects those fireballs back at those fireball producing noobs. ^_^

Posted (edited)


in addition to the original 12 World Warriors and bosses:




Chun Li


E. Honda






M. Bison

there are the 4 new ones:


Crimson Viper


El Fuerte

6 additions to the console versions:

Dan Hibiki


Fei Long




Also playable in the home versions:

Seth (SFIV Boss)

Gouken ("Sheng Long" as some people dub him)

Gouki (Akuma) playable at the start

25 playables so far.

Edited by Gaijin

I'm dying to play Gouken! He has all the moves of a Shoto clone but is different enough to not be considered a clone.

Gō Hadōken (anti air Hadoken, 2 if EX'd)

Tatsumaki Gō Rasen (diagonal Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku)

Kūchū Tatsumaki Senpū Kyaku (vertical Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku)

Senkū Gōshōha, (similar to Akuma's Ashura warp) that ends with an open palm attack

Kinjite Shōryūken (forbidden rising dragon fist) *super

Shin Shōryūken (true rising dragon fist) *ultra

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