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  Keith said:
Shin Shoryuken was the perfect super in III, and needs to be back for IV. It's the move that finally made me choose Ryu over Ken.

QFT. I always liked Ryu over Ken, but it bothered me that the person that supposedly defeated Sagat and gave him a scar didn't have some super dragon punch. That super owns.

  dejr8bud said:
Ken and Ryu have always been "overmuscled"..

Yes, but not to this degree. The people making the game have even said as much, this is a deliberate design move to make the game more visually appealing to western audience.

  • 1 month later...

yeah, the models are hideous. They all look like WWE wrestlers, even dhalism... he's supposed to be an aesthetic and yet he's all bulky. It's too bad, I do like the dynamic camera angles that the 3D models allow.


I am filled with infinate hate for this game. And what's with female Reno (FFVII Turks)? Who thought it would even remotely be a good idea to do what they did to Chun Li? As for the rest, I'd rather play motion captures of the actor's in The Later Years than these WWE rejects.

3rd Strike Ryu needs to stroll up in Shin Sho-ryuken everyone involved!

  Gaijin said:
I like the new art style.

Which part? The bulbus out of proportion bodies? Pug ugly faces? Or huge hobbit feet?

  Keith said:
Which part? The bulbus out of proportion bodies? Pug ugly faces? Or huge hobbit feet?

my favorite are the thighs that are as big around as their torsos.

Posted (edited)

If you've seen the animated movie: you'll note everyone looks pumped in that.

I think this might be a case of them being influenced by that and some of the upgraded looks of the character in SF Alpha. (dhalsim, sagat, and especially bison looks a bit more 'powerful' than the older version sprites in SFII)

If the cammy in this game looks like the cammy from the animated movie I'll be happy.

Guile looks good! Remember how skinny the old school guile was in World warrior? Glad he is more muscular.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)
  1/1 LowViz Lurker said:
If you've seen the animated movie: you'll note everyone looks pumped in that.

I think this might be a case of them being influenced by that and some of the upgraded looks of the character in SF Alpha. (dhalsim, sagat, and especially bison looks a bit more 'powerful' than the older version sprites in SFII)

If the cammy in this game looks like the cammy from the animated movie I'll be happy.

Guile looks good! Remember how skinny the old school guile was in World warrior? Glad he is more muscular.

Chun-Li still looked like a woman in the animated movie, and while people were big, they weren't tripple H big.

chun li versus vega fight: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=FWk3dSCSlgg

Edited by eugimon
Posted (edited)

But Chun li looked a bit more manish in street fighter III.

Vega is a skinny guy, (a ninja needs to be fast and agile) and chun li evolved over the many games. (there is no one correct version of her any more than there is for a vf-1 in battroid mode :D ie revoltechs and superposables exaggerate certain features to bend the rules a bit)

You are totally ignoring that in street fighter alpha the characters have far bigger muscles and body changes for some. (bison for example) Yet it's ok for alpha to do it, but this game can't?

I just don't see why people complain now when they didn't then. (and please go back to world warrior sprites when guile was skinny. His newer super turbo sprite adds muscle but he has the same "frame" - meaning there is no "correct" version, just a version that you accept as the right one based on your taste)

I just want to remind people that Ryu in World Warrior, Ryu in Street Fighter Alpha (younger version of himself before he got the red headband from ken's ponytail ribbon) and Ryu in Street Fighter III/Animated Movie are not the same.

And chun li even changed her fighting style in street fighter III. People, it's not that I don't agree with you on some of the complaints, but I get the feeling some of the "fans" criticising haven't even been following the series to be aware of those small changes/evolutions from the various games to be allowed to complain "thats not ryu" when you take into consideration previous games have changed and added things. No where does it say that the characters have to be exactly like the ones you saw in super turbo or III or alpha. They seem to be a mixture. So Zangief can be a bit of the animated movie mixed with the street fighter alpha version and not the World Warrior version of zangeif in this game.

You know what I mean? There is no correct version since over time capcom changed their look slightly from game to game. Some characters DO look almost the same as they originally were designed, (take Ehonda for example) but look at the difference between World Warrior Sagat (where he is skinny) vs Street Fighter Alpha Sagat. (much more muscle mass)

Did anyone complain that Guy in Street Fighter Alpha didn't look like Guy in Final Fight? Of course not! There is no 'correct' version so long as fans get to pick and choose which is the real one based on which they have come to like more. Cody in Final Fight had a medium build. But look how big he got in Street Fighter Alpha! Designs can change.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Yes some characters did bulk of for the Alpha series, but "none" of them looked like incredible hulk rejects like they do here.


Ick. Everyone's overlymuscular. This is paint the point of ridiculousness. I didn't like the overly muscled takes they did in the Alpha series, but I lived with it. I didn't like Chun-Li's huge thighs and tiny head in SFIII, but I lived with it. I don't like what they've done so far with SFIV, but I'll live with it. :p


I don't think it's merely the fact that the characters look different or that they look overmuscled that annoys people. It's that the characters don't look *good*. The overmuscled-ness is just the most noticeable change-- but it's done in a way that lacks the style and pizzaz of the characters' previous incarnations. They just look generically brawny, and lack the essence of what made the characters likeable.

  Black Valkyrie said:
I bet all of you are gonna play it, no matter what you say. For me its starting to look better more and more.

Agreed. Either way for me its all about the gameplay. Can it compete with Super Turbo,Alpha3 or Third Strike? If so then I am game.

  Black Valkyrie said:
I bet all of you are gonna play it, no matter what you say.

I don't like the way the characters look, but I'm still going to play it because gameplay is what counts foremost. If the gameplay sucks, then the SF EX series will have some new company in the dumpster.

Posted (edited)
  Black Valkyrie said:
I bet all of you are gonna play it, no matter what you say. For me its starting to look better more and more.

Hooray for assuming? ^_^

I've been pretty loyal to Street Fighter over the years. From SF2, thru all 3 Alpha versions, and finally SF3. But if something looks or feels off with a version, I'll pay no heed to it. SFEX is a great example. How about SF2 The Movie (game version)? Then there were some extra versions of SF2 that I felt were not necessary, even during the height of SF2's popularity.

SF has a fond place in my gaming, but I'm not blindly loyal in light of Capcom's greatest gaming success.

The artstyle we have here for SF4 isn't to my liking. Maybe they'll change it, who knows. But these guys to me have stumbled off the block instead of getting onto a good start.

Edited by Warmaker

If it plays good, I'll play it. If it feels like crap, I'll stop playing it.

I hope there's more characters to come. The one new character they introduced looks like crap.

And as for a second thing to mention... I don't know where any arcades are anymore, except outside of the local theater. The one big good arcade I knew of is gone.

  Sumdumgai said:
If it plays good, I'll play it. If it feels like crap, I'll stop playing it.

I hope there's more characters to come. The one new character they introduced looks like crap.

And as for a second thing to mention... I don't know where any arcades are anymore, except outside of the local theater. The one big good arcade I knew of is gone.

Same, all of our arcades closed down and there's only one movie theater that has arcade games and that's only because it's relatively new.

Posted (edited)
I don't think it's merely the fact that the characters look different or that they look overmuscled that annoys people. It's that the characters don't look *good*. The overmuscled-ness is just the most noticeable change-- but it's done in a way that lacks the style and pizzaz of the characters' previous incarnations. They just look generically brawny, and lack the essence of what made the characters likeable.

Muscles = more realistic take on street fighting. :p

I never understood how skinny characters like sakura and karin could survive in a brawl. They are just these little girls. haha

To me dhalsim looks just like his alpha character. Chun li doesn't stray too far from Chun Li in III, blanka looks wild and beastly (which is much closer to the the animated movie, mutants should be scary like something from a freak show) rather than furry and cute (alpha - which I hated!) and zangief ....let's just say if you liked the animated movie of him, this model looks to be based off that one. Guile? Looks good.

Could you go into more detail as to what is wrong with guile? From the few pics shown he looks like the alpha/marvel vs capcom 2 sprite to me. I think when they get to sagat: please ignore the critics and make him more like the alpha or animated movie sagat, and not the SFII/super turbo 'skinny' sagat.

In my world the original 8 street fighters should be like Olympic athletes competing in a world fighting tournament so they should be in top shape, going more towards super hero type bodies. Not just some random average guy like the skinny goth dude in street fighter III. Save those guys for a spin off of street fighter which plays more like rival schools.

I bet all of you are gonna play it, no matter what you say. For me its starting to look better more and more.

They may need to give ryu and ken a bit of a mod, but I'm liking what I see of the rest of the characters so far. I can't understand where all the hate is coming from. I'll chuck this into the: "If it was designed to appeal to americans then it must automatically suck" factor..

Cult hit games like Dead Rising were successful in the US but did poorly in japan. (maybe this is like the "macross plus" for capcom :D)

Fighters like Darkstalkers were obviously done in an american comic book style to appeal to fans of horror movies, with exaggeration and comic humor, but that doesn't suck.

Resident Evil and Lost planet may have been influenced by american movies (dawn of the dead, the thing) and they aren't bad.

SF4 wants to go for a more gritty appearance like the artwork you see in turbo revival (GBA release of super turbo) and suddenly there is already so much hate just because characters have muscles, critics carefully ignoring how some characters have upgraded their look from the original games. (dhalsim in SFII = skinny vs Dhalsim in alpha = ripped. Please go back and compare the sprites) I'm going to hold off judgement until the game is finished.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  Keith said:
Which part? The bulbus out of proportion bodies? Pug ugly faces? Or huge hobbit feet?

Thing is, in motion, they don't really look as "chubby".

Posted (edited)

Again it's going back to the exaggerated expression you see in anime. In darkstalker this happens a lot. And I think in alpha when e.honda does his butt stomp move you will see the character on the ground have thier eyeball pop out of thier eyesockets. :D So no don't be surprised at funny expressions as this is the coninuation of everything that has been in SF since the beginning when people had little birds circling their head when they got dizzy.

I would really like to see Haggar from final fight in Street Fighter 4. He would be the rival for gief like what karin was to sakura, ken was to ryu, Adon is to sagat, and charlie was to guile.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

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