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Transformers 2  

238 members have voted

  1. 1. Now that you've seen Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, what did you think of it?

    • It was better than the first.
    • It was worse than the first.
    • Who cares?! Both movies suck!
    • Me Grimlock still want stomp Michael Bay!
  2. 2. How many times have you seen this film so far?

    • Once. That's it.
    • 2-3 times.
    • 4-5 times.
    • I lost count.
    • Zero. I'll just rent it later this year.
    • Zero. You ain't paying me to watch that crap.
  3. 3. Given its current box office numbers, will this film eventually surpass The Dark Knight and/or Titanic in ticket sales?

    • It'll overtake The Dark Knight, but that's it.
    • That ship is going down!
    • Not a chance.

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  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Indeed it will. 7 of those suckers combining into one huge beast. This is going to be awesome onscreen.

Too bad we wont see it at all with all the fast moving camera action :lol:


Trailer is up on the official site for all of those who are blocked from Youtube and are not in the U.S.

Damn, I couldn't recognize anything on TF2 new trailer, is that Scorponok near the end of the trailer?

I think that was Devastator.



Just thought you guys might want to know, they were doing some pick up shots for the movie here today at Edwards, and I got a chance to get a nice close look at that silver 'Vette they are using, nice looking car, no idea what T-Former it is though.

  VFTF1 said:
I think that was Devastator.


so was it devastator as in all of them together, or is it just one of them and that plus 6 more = devastator. (god that would be massive)


I think it was Devastator as in "all six of them together."

Unless I'm blind and halucinating (always possible) that was Devastator coming out of the water, smashing through a bridge/railway line and going into a city to wreak havoc.



Blue Arcee Component: Transformed

Just thought you guys might want to know, they were doing some pick up shots for the movie here today at Edwards, and I got a chance to get a nice close look at that silver 'Vette they are using, nice looking car, no idea what T-Former it is though.

It is Sideswipe

I think it was Devastator as in "all six of them together."

Unless I'm blind and halucinating (always possible) that was Devastator coming out of the water, smashing through a bridge/railway line and going into a city to wreak havoc.

No, it's one component, of 6 or 7, it is this guy

  Dobber said:
So are they going to still call him Devastator since they never corrected Brawls name in the first movie? I would have thought that they would have changed the name in the DVD blu-ray release but they didn't...still Devastator.


For them to make changes to correct names like that they would first have to care about any sort of continuity or canon from the original series. I don't see them suddenly caring about it ever, while they can hear the cash registers going off. ;) ;)


  anime52k8 said:
that's arcee? what the F**k? what happend this being arcee? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcee#2007_Transformers_film

That was for the first film, when she was supposed to transform into a Buell.

Since they never used her, but did release the designs (and a toy based on something between that and a GSXR1000), they redid her for the new movie. In line with the other combiners in the new movie, it looks as though she is 3 bikes that combine into a more regular-sized robot. The three bikes are a blue, pink, and purple bike, all custom sportbikes.

  azrael said:
The least they could do is hide the hands in jet mode.

That's the only thing I didn't like about the jet mode. I'm wondering if it can be folded up further to hide it better. At least this time he looks good from the front and doesn't have such a huge non-aerodynamic undercarriage. Despite the hands, the alt mode is a huge improvement over the previous figure. Upon closer inspection, bot mode is looking better too.


I still find the first movie disappointing; a Transformers movie should focus on the title characters. I wanted to like the first one, but I disliked more than I liked. If the entire movie had maintained the same tone as the beginning, with the attack on SOCCENT, eliminated the hacker and Sector 7 elements, eliminated the many lame and sophmoric attempts at humor, eliminated Frenzy, and eliminated Sam altogether, the movie may have been better. Too, Prime and the Autobots speak English through monitoring the web; how did Megs speak it upon awakening?; more poignantly, why would he, since he has naught but disdain for humans? Overall, the movie was terrible, IMHO. Nothing about it, beyond Peter Cullen's voice, made it feel like Transformers to me. Having said this, the new trailer looks to deliver more of the same from the same team. I was hoping some stuff would change due to feedback, but they've established this as the new look and feel of the franchise with Hasbro's blessing and support. I still think they could have used an aesthetic closer to Binaltech, with minor design changes to allow for more poseability; at least they'd look like Transformers. I think the movie would have been better served if it had started on Cybertron, like the original series, with some background and character building, prior to arriving on Earth and continuing the battle, with an older more mature human character as a guide and friend to the bots, and a wary human govt as well as the Decepticons as rivals. The human govt's trust could be earned; the Decepticons defeated, but not destroyed, could retreat strategically, allowing perhaps, a glimpse of new Decepticons arriving, or being built, ala the Constructicons, as a lead in to the second film.

For those of you who think the first movie rocked, cool. I hope you like the second one ttoo. I'll give it a watch, b/c I'm a glutton for punishment that way, but any enthusiasm I had for the first is, sadly, gone. I love the whole transforming concept, and while i'm not crazy about the designs, there's still something appealing to see these things rendered in a live action film. ROTF could serve the fans , too, with an R rating and a gratuitous, no plot value whatsoever nude to semi-nude shot of Megan Fox. Just saying. :lol:

  M'Kyuun said:
how did Megs speak it upon awakening?;

He was awake the entire time. That's why he said "I am Megatron!" upon awakening, because the humans kept calling him "NBE-01".

He was awake the entire time. That's why he said "I am Megatron!" upon awakening, because the humans kept calling him "NBE-01".

And all this time I thought he did it to sell his toy! :)



Well - what did we expect?

Look - I'll give these film designs one thing: they are aesthetically consistant.

I mean - what did you expect Devastator to look like?

This is actually ok.

I'm fine with it.


  VFTF1 said:
Well - what did we expect?

Look - I'll give these film designs one thing: they are aesthetically consistant.

I mean - what did you expect Devastator to look like?

This is actually ok.

I'm fine with it.


I agree. I think it makes perfect sense in regards to fitting the movie aesthetic and general sense of purpose to the designs. I'm ok with it.


Aesthetically it reminds me of Bionical... Also - you can just so clearly see that part of the reason Devastator's head looks like that is so the toy could light up :)

But...oh well... I'm curious to see how the toys come out.



While I have my issues with the writing and cinematography and editing and, well essentially Michael Bay...

I'll admit that I do like the aesthetic of the movie bots. It seems like the designers have looked at them as ALIEN robots. Their proportions aren't constrained to exactly human, nor are their faces quite so like our own. While the Autobots look more human than the Decepticons, they still look different. It looks like they're experimenting with different eye configurations this time around too, which I approve of. The beady eyes in the first movie just didn't look right on some - particularly Jazz.

  azrael said:

that's it? I was expecting something a little more imposing. he looks like frenzy if he fell into a tub full of Doritos. I'm sad that all the new designes suck so far.

I actually liked the design's from the first film. I'm still hopeful that Jetfire will look good :unsure:


can't say i like the colour scheme and overall look for Devastator. The head/face is kinda horrible too.

  wolfx said:
can't say i like the colour scheme and overall look for Devastator. The head/face is kinda horrible too.

Agree, the face looks like it popped up from a cement mixer.

  Morpheus said:
Agree, the face looks like it popped up from a cement mixer.

I'm afraid that you might not be far from the truth. :wacko:

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