sharky Posted June 3, 2009 Posted June 3, 2009 Bowen said: Didn't Ahnold actually punch through some dude when he wanted clothes in T1? EDIT: Just checked on Youtube, it appears he did Oh, yeah! I forgot about that. He even picked him up with his fist still inside him! It's too bad Bill Paxton wasn't conscious because then he could have said "Game over man!" LOL! Quote
Evil Porkchop Posted June 4, 2009 Posted June 4, 2009 Saw the movie 2 days ago. I liked it, it was a good summer popcorn flick. Funny thing is the thing I liked most about the T:Salvation is that they used A-10s in the movie, instead of F-15, 16, 18, or 22. I don't know if the writers/director actually understand why using the A-10 in a T:Salvation setting makes more sense than the others or if it was just dumb luck though. Quote
sidearmsalpha Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 So, we never really see Marcus die, right? Wouldn't it have been possible to keep him alive somehow without his heart and just give him an artificial heart? Quote
macrossnake Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 sidearmsalpha said: So, we never really see Marcus die, right? Wouldn't it have been possible to keep him alive somehow without his heart and just give him an artificial heart? You never know, He is a MACHINE. As long as they keep his chip! Quote
dreamweaver13 Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 sidearmsalpha said: So, we never really see Marcus die, right? Wouldn't it have been possible to keep him alive somehow without his heart and just give him an artificial heart? yup. and judging by Sam Worthington's next few movies (Clash of the Titans remake, Avatar), chances are he'll be popular enough that the writers will find a way to bring him back in the TS sequel (if there will be one). Quote
wolfx Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 macrossnake said: You never know, He is a MACHINE. As long as they keep his chip! The only conceivable reason (which is still flawed) they had a heart for Marcus was to pump blood into his brain which was the only other part of him that was organic not counting his skin etc. If they removed the heart, the must replace it with something else that does the same thing..... THEN it raises a whole new can of worms. 1.) does marcus need to breathe to oxgenate the blood that gets pumped to his brain? 2.) why the biological power heart anyway when they could use some kinda metal pump or something. Quote
Ghost Train Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 Evil Porkchop said: Saw the movie 2 days ago. I liked it, it was a good summer popcorn flick. Funny thing is the thing I liked most about the T:Salvation is that they used A-10s in the movie, instead of F-15, 16, 18, or 22. I don't know if the writers/director actually understand why using the A-10 in a T:Salvation setting makes more sense than the others or if it was just dumb luck though. In my opinion, the A-10 was perfect for the post-apocalyptic battlefields of the movie! It is just a traditional no frills, rugged, highly armored aircraft that pops ground targets like no other. The more advanced 4.5+ generation jets would have quickly run out of spare parts and qualified maintenance personnel to take care of them. Quote
RedWolf Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 macrossnake said: You never know, He is a MACHINE. As long as they keep his chip! He ripped his chip off. Quote
VFTF1 Posted June 7, 2009 Posted June 7, 2009 Saw this movie last night. Background/Context: Initially, I had been planning to see this on Friday when it premiered here in Warsaw. But of course, last week, me and my girlfriend had another fight and broke up - again (I lost count, but I think we broke up like 20 or 30 times already in the last 5 years). Anyways - when it's my fault, I usually grovel and beg for a week and get forgiven. But when it's her fault she goes into a mega depression and breaks off all contact. When this kind of stuff first happened, I took it seriously enough to start looking for a new girl and basically go through the "oh my aching broken heart" thing. But, after 20 or 30 times of this, it wears pretty thin - and you get some steel skin. So... I gambled and didn't go out with any other girls - didn't even go see Terminator Salvation when it premiered. Basically - I stayed home and built Gundams. Saturday afternoon... Ring Ring. My ex-girlfriend calls up and - as is her habit - makes absolutely no mention of our fight, makes no apologies, nothing - but instead says: "I want to take you to see Terminator Salvation. Come over." So - she takes me to dinner first - which I end up paying for because even though she's treating me, it still somehow didn't feel right not to pay for it anyways. Oh - back up - I pulled up at her place in a cab to pick her up - and she'd really gone the extra mile to make herself look pretty for me. All the elements were there - long high heeled trendy boots, a nice cleavage line with black lingerie laced with pink; great hair - the whole nine yards. I was impressed. It's not that she doesn't dress nice or look pretty anyways - but you know how it is... if you're with someone for a long time - you kind of let yourself go every once in a while - you're not that concerned about "making an impression" because you've been together, you know eachother - you know you'll be "forgiven" and "understood" (no time, nothing clean blah blah blah) - but she was really really making an effort. During the dinner - she drank lots of wine and let me do the same without making snide remarks about me being an alcoholic. Narry one word did I hear about my shirt not being "properly" ironed or my shoes not being washed "well." And the coup de grace: she asked me to buy her a pack of women's cigarretes and joined me in my pleasant smoking without making an unpleasant face, waving her hands around, coughing and hacking and complaining about me smelling of nicotine. As we walked to and from dinner, she cuddled up and acted like she had the greatest guy in the universe by her side - which was nice. Then - when we got to the cinema - SHE asked for two tickets to Terminator:Salvation. This was frickin' awesome because all the other couples basically looked like this: Excited guy/Bored girl. Guy asking for tickets to Terminator:Salvation/Girl looking at watch and praying for this to be over soon. Not me. Not only did she ask for the tickets, but she did it with bubbly anticipation and excitement as if she were looking forward to the movie as much as me. Heaven Anyways - she courageiously sat through the previews - which were ALL slasher/horror flicks. My girlfriend doesn't watch horror flicks and she is very very easily frightened. She likes psychological movies, artistic movies, comedies, romantic movies - not dark slasher bloody movies. But - she made it through the previews and was relieved when they showed the preview of Transformers: ROTF. At least it wasn't a slasher flick... And then...the movie began. So - I'm watching and enjoying and I look over at her to see how she's enduring. Keep in mind she's seen NONE of the Terminator movies and didn't even know it existed until I told her about it like a month ago. Anyways - I look over at her - in anticipation that she's got a bored look and will at least flash me an "see how much I love you, I'm sitting through this crap for you" smile... Nope... Get this: SHE'S IN TEARS!!! She sobbed through the whole movie It was frickin' great! She loved the Marcus story and was totally moved by the character, as well as my the plight of John Conor and of humanity in general and by the desperation - she was totally awe struck by how much people had going AGAINST them in the movie - and she completely loved the mini-love story between Marcus and the pilot. Anyways - I was amazed. I mean - she freakin' bawled through the movie and was thanking me afterwards for the chance to see it and saying stuff like "I never imagined a movie like that could be made" and "I wasn't prepared for it being about that." It was music to my ears. Naturally - her excellent behavior and special way of apologizing and making up extended far far into the deep reaches of the night But - back to the movie. I suppose my impression is going to forever be colored by this context. That's just the way it is. So no way I can say anything critical about this movie. Besides - I liked it - really. I thought the plot was great, the action was perfectly paced. And - as my girlfriend says: "The best part was the robot with the big human heart" What can I say? This was good stuff. Much better than Transformers IMO. Pete Quote
dreamweaver13 Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 VFTF1 said: It was music to my ears. Naturally - her excellent behavior and special way of apologizing and making up extended far far into the deep reaches of the night But - back to the movie. I suppose my impression is going to forever be colored by this context. That's just the way it is. So no way I can say anything critical about this movie. Besides - I liked it - really. I thought the plot was great, the action was perfectly paced. And - as my girlfriend says: "The best part was the robot with the big human heart" What can I say? This was good stuff. Much better than Transformers IMO. Pete who needs an apology? she could try to kill you one day, and you'd forgive her if she gave the same glowing review for any episode of MF. Quote
VFTF1 Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 Quote So is she back to GF status now I suppose? Of course Quote she could try to kill you one day, and you'd forgive her if she gave the same glowing review for any episode of MF. laugh.gif Are you suggesting I'm a push over? Well... I guess you'd be right! But seriously - I did like Terminator: Salvation. The ONLY thing about it which was kind of clunky was the fact that anybody who had seen the previous Terminators and read some of the Dark Horse comics kind of "knew" what was going to happen anyway which made the plot seem kind of clunky. It was almost kind of like seeing something you'd imagined happening finally visiualized. There were few moments in the film where I was like "oh wow!" - and even the action sequences - due to them mostly being homages to the original three films - were predictable - sort of. But this predictability in no way took away from the movies' enjoyment. In a way I envy my Girlfriend. Imagien if you had NEVER seen or heard of Terminator AND you had NEVER been to an action film (other than Transformers,which was pretty comedic by comparisson) --- and this was your first taste - you'd really love it I think Pete Quote
dreamweaver13 Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 VFTF1 said: Are you suggesting I'm a push over? Well... I guess you'd be right! when it comes to women, aren't we all? Quote
Vepariga Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 saw it last weekend, great action movie, and i loved how it paid lil homages to the previous films with john listening to his mothers recordings and the photo from T2,good stuff and kyle was cast well imo. the whole marcus storyline was cool,but Reveal hidden contents what was the point of skynet saying 'haha you were programed to lure out conner for us to kill" when marcus could have killed him at anytime? kinda made no sense really,but cool never the less. i loved how the molten metal went over the T-800 and he walked out of it and it made like a 'hood' like the grim reaper lol,that was cool. good movie,but does nothing for the overall story. just a war film set in the timeline. Quote
dreamweaver13 Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 Vepariga said: saw it last weekend, great action movie, and i loved how it paid lil homages to the previous films with john listening to his mothers recordings and the photo from T2,good stuff and kyle was cast well imo. the whole marcus storyline was cool,but Reveal hidden contents what was the point of skynet saying 'haha you were programed to lure out conner for us to kill" when marcus could have killed him at anytime? kinda made no sense really,but cool never the less. i loved how the molten metal went over the T-800 and he walked out of it and it made like a 'hood' like the grim reaper lol,that was cool. good movie,but does nothing for the overall story. just a war film set in the timeline. Probably coz Skynet got tired of their terminators failing to kill connor (hey they sent Kristanna Loken for chrissakes, and it still didn't work!) that they figured this time they should bring connor to them. on the other hand, when they finally got connor in their sights, what do they do? they send their very first terminator who failed the first time. haha. ok machines, you have a sense of irony, congratulations for that, but wouldn't practicality be much better at this point? Speaking of references, any chance the gasoline station where Markus and Kyle Reese were ambushed by the giant terminator was the very same gas station where Sarah Connor's picture was taken at the end of T1? Quote
Keith Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 (edited) VFTF1 said: Saw this movie last night. blah blah blah My professional analysis of this....are you sure she's not pregnant? Seriously, a chick crying at Terminator + severe break up mood swing + Just as random get together - smoking/drinking = high probability of pregnant. Congratulations! Also, quick quit smoking!!! Edited June 9, 2009 by Keith Quote
wolfx Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 dreamweaver13 said: Speaking of references, any chance the gasoline station where Markus and Kyle Reese were ambushed by the giant terminator was the very same gas station where Sarah Connor's picture was taken at the end of T1? Hmmmm....perhaps. Actually i thought that the bunch holding out there might've been Sarah's "extended family" in T2. Quote
Kelsain Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 wolfx said: Hmmmm....perhaps. Actually i thought that the bunch holding out there might've been Sarah's "extended family" in T2. But weren't the T1 gas station and T2 picnic in Mexico? In TS, Kyle & Marcus were headed from LA north to SF. Quote
VFTF1 Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 Quote My professional analysis of this....are you sure she's not pregnant? Seriously, a chick crying at Terminator + severe break up mood swing + Just as random get together - smoking/drinking = high probability of pregnant. Congratulations! I wish she was, but judging by the fact that she keeps lamenting the fact that she already has one kid and what a pain in the butt that is, I doubt she'll want another As for how improbable a chick crying at Terminator is - well - she is MY girlfriend - and she has been with me for 5 years now (each of our 20 or 30 break ups lasted on average between 1 to 7 days). A girl's gotta be wierdo to be with me for 5 years anyway - so to me it makes sense that she cries while watching Terminator 4 The funny thing though, is that she told her girlfriends at work (she works in interior design and there are pretty much like 30 hot chicks and two gay guys at the office) that she loved Terminator and they went on an internet hunt for nude pictures of Sam Worthington - (correct name?) - the guy who played Marcus and ended up emailing pics of him back and forth between eachother Women are crazy Quote Speaking of references, any chance the gasoline station where Markus and Kyle Reese were ambushed by the giant terminator was the very same gas station where Sarah Connor's picture was taken at the end of T1? I wouldn't be surprised - but there are actually quite a few such token gas stations in the Terminator Lore. There's the gas station Sarah, John and Ahnold stopped into pull bullets out of his back and sew up Sarah, and then I think in T3 there was also a gas station?... Ahnold went "shopping" there... But yeah - would be worth checking on the DVD version:) Pete Oh - and Kieth - I don't smoke regularly - just when I go out for movies/dinner - meaning on average once a week. One pack per two weeks average. Down from lots more in my youth - but thanks for the nod to health Quote
RedWolf Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 (edited) Vepariga said: saw it last weekend, great action movie, and i loved how it paid lil homages to the previous films with john listening to his mothers recordings and the photo from T2,good stuff and kyle was cast well imo. the whole marcus storyline was cool,but Reveal hidden contents what was the point of skynet saying 'haha you were programed to lure out conner for us to kill" when marcus could have killed him at anytime? kinda made no sense really,but cool never the less. i loved how the molten metal went over the T-800 and he walked out of it and it made like a 'hood' like the grim reaper lol,that was cool. good movie,but does nothing for the overall story. just a war film set in the timeline. I heard one script ending is that Marcus did end up with Connor's face. That what everybody was expecting.. Reveal hidden contents Then Marcus's sleeper program kicks in killing everybody even Kyle Reese. Plot Twist FTW! Machines Win End. Edited June 10, 2009 by RedWolf Quote
taksraven Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 Saw it last night, really enjoyed it. One of the best action flicks I have seen for ages. I think that those knocking it are expecting Shakespeare and that is not what the franchise is about. It was a real magpie of a movie. Take a little bit from different a movie here, take another bit from a different movie here, take a WHOLE LOT from Mad Max 2 here (feral kid, etc), but in the end I wasn't bothered. And it was great to see 1980's Arnie back. Loved that detail. The A-10 action was great, the Skynet technology was awesome, Sam Worthington did steal the show a bit (what can I say, another great Australian actor). Anton Yelchin was really good but he should have done the whole film using his Chekov accent and I really liked Moon Bloodgood as well. The franchise is back from the dead and I wish it well..... Taksraven Quote
VFTF1 Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 Quote I think that those knocking it are expecting Shakespeare and that is not what the franchise is about. Yeah - if it was Shakespeare, John Connor and the entire Resistance would have ended up lying in a pool of blood at the end Pete Quote
Ladic Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 taksraven said: I think that those knocking it are expecting Shakespeare and that is not what the franchise is about. Taksraven that argument can be used for any movie, including....BATTLEFIELD EARTH!!!!! Quote
wolfx Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 Ladic said: that argument can be used for any movie, including....BATTLEFIELD EARTH!!!!! Even.....ST***TH? Quote
valentin Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 Not sure if this is the right thread, anyway, just got this recently... John Connor 1/6th scale collectible figure Product Code: MMS-95 UPC/EAN/ISBN: 4897011172590 Release date: May 2009 (Delayed, recently launched locally in early Sep 2009) Manufacturer: Hot Toys® R.R.Price: USD$139.90{Via Sideshow Collectibles} Quote Via description on box ONLY ONE MAN SAW JUDGEMENT DAY COMING. ONE MAN, WHOSE DESTINY HAS ALWAYS BEEN INTERFERING WITH THE FATE OF HUMAN EXISTENCE: JOHN CONNOR [CHRISTIAN BALE]. CONNOR MUST DECIDE WHETHER MARCUS CAN BE TRUSTED. BUS AS SKYNET ADAPTS NEW STRATEGIES TO END THE RESISTANCE FOREVER, CONNOR AND MARCUS MUST FIND COMMON GROUND TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST THE ONSLAUGHT-TO INFILTRATE SKYNET AND MEET THE ENEMY HEAD-ON. Link to Hot Toys Product page:;product_id=421 Link to Sideshow Pre-order page: Here's the views of the packaging. Using the standard Terminator Salvation theme packaging so, the name of the product is etched onto it. Splitting the 2 halves of the packaging reveals, Weapons & Accessories The figure and the stand Everything out... Quote
valentin Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 A closer look at the leaflet Took a while to gear it up... and there you have it... A parting shot? Thoughts on this figure... After collecting solely sideshow starwars figures, I decided to pick up hot toys terminator salvation figures, and well, they are literally mind-blowing. In realism, detailing. stability and posability. And this particular figure looks just like it stepped out from the theatre screen. More shots over the weekend. :wink: Quote
taksraven Posted September 30, 2009 Posted September 30, 2009 This should not come as too much of a surprise to anybody, but it sounds like the whole franchise is in real trouble..... The article blames the poor reception and profits for Terminator:Salvation and the cancelling of the TV series for most of the franchises problems, but personally, I see a more fundamental problem with the Terminator franchise and that has been the wildly escalating budgets. Put simply, since the original films have come out they have simply been made for too much money. It means that all they have had to do is produce a film that stumbles profit-wise trying to pay off the huge production budget (which they have done) and the whole thing starts to implode. (This is also a risk they are taking with the Transformers franchise, because those crappy films are costing waaay to much. ) The opposite of this problem is what happened to the original "Planet of the Apes" film series. After the original, each successive film was made at around half the budget of its predecessor, and this caused huge problems further down the track. Whats the solution for the Terminator series? Is there a future? Well, they will certainly have to take a break, but if they do make another film they will have to be very careful when it comes to the budget.... Taksraven Quote
Warmaker Posted September 30, 2009 Posted September 30, 2009 It'd be nice if they actually made a Terminator movie showing more Terminators, especially for one actually set in the future war. Terminator Salvation showed very, very few Terminators if you really pay attention. There are more humans running around than the unstoppable mechanized juggernaut that is supposed to be Skynet's forces... AFTER a supposed nuclear exchange. The few flashbacks from Terminator and T2 did a far better job in promoting a dark, desperate feel to the fighting. Salvation didn't have any of that. Heck, the Resistance was so lavishly equipped that it had untouched airfields, entire flightlines filled with military aircraft, enough helos to do a full scale heliborne assault. That initial scene alone with the heliborne assault, how many Resistance helos were there filled to the brim with troops? How many machines (not just T-600's) were there defending on the ground? This was a Terminator movie? No wonder it failed... As for the TV series... I didn't want to see it go. Interesting take, and I really did like the future scenes. The franchise has a future. It's just the right people need to make it happen. Star Trek had been hurting for years, and the recent movie did good enough to bring some life back. Quote
Hikuro Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Can't call Transformers a failure budget wise as they've made 700 million dollars for that click world wide, 400 coming domestically in the US, not too mention that wasn't counted in for merchandising. Besides, Terminator hasn't had a good script AT ALL. T3 was an abomination of a storyline with a horrible director and poorly chosen cast, even with Arnold on board, it didn't save it. Salvation had a horrible director as well, poor storyline, maybe slightly better than T3, but it didn't give us the nitty gritty future war we had all scene and loved flashing back to from T1 and T2. Then the hints of the 5th film being a army of Terminators coming back intime left a very sickening taste inmy mouth as it was just not something to be pulled off. Terminator had a very small budget, it was a "B" horror film that become a hit. Terminator 2 helped paved the way for new technology with an excellent story to back it up. If you want my honest opinion, hire writers that know what the F they're doing for that Franchise, and use LESS CGI. I hate to say it, but I can smell fake action a thousand miles away, and a lot of Salvation left me bored. Quote
Pat S Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 (edited) While Salvation wasn't a huge success, it did make a bit of money. Salvation Gross: $371 million (Cost $200 million to make) For reference (yes I know about inflation)... T2 Gross: $519 million (Cost $109 million) T3 Gross: $433 million (Cost $200 million to make) What they really need to do is hold these series for established directors. Still, I enjoyed T:S more than 99% of the movies I've seen this year, and it was definitely better than T3 Edited October 1, 2009 by Pat S Quote
Graham Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 taksraven said: The article blames the poor reception and profits for Terminator:Salvation and the cancelling of the TV series for most of the franchises problems, but personally, I see a more fundamental problem with the Terminator franchise and that has been the wildly escalating budgets. Don't think the problem is so much the wildly escalating budgets. The problem IMO is more that T3 and Salvation had mediocre scripts, piss poor directors and could have had better actors cast in some cases. With better writting and a better director, I doubt the franchise would be in the poor shape is is today. As for Sarah Connor Chronicles, I echo the sentiment that the show should have been more about John and Cameron and less about Sarah. Graham Quote
Graham Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 McG IMO is only a slight step up from Uwe Boll IMO. Graham Quote
Hikuro Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Quote Don't think the problem is so much the wildly escalating budgets. The problem IMO is more that T3 and Salvation had mediocre scripts, piss poor directors and could have had better actors cast in some cases. With better writting and a better director, I doubt the franchise would be in the poor shape is is today. As for Sarah Connor Chronicles, I echo the sentiment that the show should have been more about John and Cameron and less about Sarah. Graham Echo echo echo echo Quote
Black Valkyrie Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Graham said: Don't think the problem is so much the wildly escalating budgets. The problem IMO is more that T3 and Salvation had mediocre scripts, piss poor directors and could have had better actors cast in some cases. With better writting and a better director, I doubt the franchise would be in the poor shape is is today. As for Sarah Connor Chronicles, I echo the sentiment that the show should have been more about John and Cameron and less about Sarah. Graham Agreed, they should never continued after T2. I was really put off from T4 story and plot. Quote
taksraven Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 Anybody interested in purchasing the Terminator franchise? Taksraven Quote
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