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What else do people expect for a future war movie? I saw it today, and liked it a lot. If anything, it was more exciting than T3. Not as good as T1 or T2, but it had tons of action at least. They did what they could with the plot considering the other movies outlined what would happen. I was pleasantly surprised by the changes. Arnold's cameo looked pretty good for CG.



See Star Trek for a fourth time?

Meh. I'll see Salvation tonight with very high hopes and LOW expectations.

Posted (edited)

I liked it much better than T3. My expectations were low as I knew this was basically an action film. I was not expecting a James Cameron film, and a James Cameron film it was not. The effects and action scenes were pretty cool. There was some different things to see as far as Terminators and not necessarily more of the same scenario as with T3.

The thing I like most about Cameron movies is that the plot follows along a well thought out and logical path for the most part. When I was watching Salvation I kept saying to myself now why did they go through all that trouble when they just could have killed him on the spot. In T2 you never saw the T-1000 get a clean blow at John Connor because it would have been game over for him with just 1 hit. He came very close, but they somehow managed to evade the T-1000. In T3 and Salvation you see the machines throw people around for some reason that does not make sense to me. You'd think that the first chance a machine has it would just crush a persons head or punch right though a person's heart and have an instant kill. The thing that struck fear in the audience with the first 2 movies was just how deadly, diabolical, and clever the machines were with tracking down it's prey and terminating it. Somehow the machines seemed less deadly and logical in Salvation.

I would recommend this to Terminator fans and anyone who wants to see some cool sci-fi action and special effects. Don't go into it expecting to be completely blown away or anything.

Edited by sharky
  Pat S said:
What else do people expect for a future war movie? I saw it today, and liked it a lot. If anything, it was more exciting than T3. Not as good as T1 or T2, but it had tons of action at least. They did what they could with the plot considering the other movies outlined what would happen. I was pleasantly surprised by the changes. Arnold's cameo looked pretty good for CG.

Well, for a future war movie, especially one that's supposed to be of the post-apocalyptic type, I don't expect to see submarines, A-10's, Little Bird Helicopters, endless teams of human soldiers as far as the eye can see, motorcycles or make-up wearing model-like chicks who run around in skin tight clothing with their boobs popping out and are ready to cuddle up to you by a campfire after knowing you for all of 2 minutes.

T1 and 2, through mere flashbacks, was able to convince me that humanity really was on the brink of complete annihilation. In Salvation, I just didn't get that same feeling of ultimate desperation-it was just, I don't know, lacking and not convincing. The desolate CG towns didn't work for me.

In regards to the action, it's meaningless if the entire movie just seems to be made up of one action sequence after another; what was the point to this movie, what was the story even about? I'm not sure, because I certainly didn't sense that there was much of one. There was supposed to be this conflict about Marcus and a struggle for his identity but, he didn't really seem all that conflicted to me.

I guess I wll agree that the Terminator movie go boom-boom really good, though. Blah, Potter better not let me down...

  Pat S said:
What else do people expect for a future war movie? I saw it today, and liked it a lot. If anything, it was more exciting than T3. Not as good as T1 or T2, but it had tons of action at least. They did what they could with the plot considering the other movies outlined what would happen. I was pleasantly surprised by the changes. Arnold's cameo looked pretty good for CG.

I expect this!!!



This movie was GARBAGE folks.

McG has gone and taken everything I liked about the first three movies and SHAT all over the franchise. It's obvious he needs to stick to directing rap videos because he has NO idea how to make a decent war flick. IMHO this is definitely a low point for the series (that AND The Sarah Connor Chronicles).


I saw it as well and I'm with UN on this one.

The movie had essentially...zero point to it at all. It was almost like the big wigs just said, 'well we haven't done Terminator in a while, might as well see if we can milk it some more". The action was pretty pointless, the characters were shallow and there was some lousy acting to boot.

Other things like the seemingly limitless supply of military hardware (like military installations wouldn't be high on the nuke list for Skynet?), lame implementation of the Terminators and nukes going off all over the place with Hueys just flying next to them like it was no big deal really sorta killed it. It didn't even satisfy as a popcorn flick in my book, I just kept thinking, "what the hell?"

Shoulda just seen Trek again.


The moment I saw the Director was gonna be "McG", I knew this was not going to be a well made movie.

James Cameron has already said that Terminator 2 ended his stories. T3 is a fun entertaining popcorn flick, but that was it, no more!!!

I'm gonna go see Star Trek instead with my friends tonight, So far everyone has had good praise for that movie!!


Any Skynet interaction? Mayhaps its intentions for just whati t would do with all those machines if it did whipe out humanity. Really seems kind of inane, would it restore the invironement, would it just hang out pumping out more machines until it ruined the planet more. come up with its own mecha utopia...


Haven't watch the movie nor read any of the spoilers here. However, I would like to find out about something if anyone knows. B))

Even before Terminator Salvation begins its filming, I have read somewhere that the new Terminator sequel(after T3) involves 3 more stories/movies. TS is one of it, there would be 2 more in the future. Is it true? Can't seems to find any of the news now.

Pardon my English. ^_^


I didn't despise it, I think it could have been a fantastic movie if they would have spent some time refining the dialog to make it not nearly as cheesy and to alter some of the rediculously unessecary and just plain assisnine stuff at the end. The robots and design elements and the gritty film quailty were awesome.

Oh, Why the hell were the t-600's wearing ratty clothes? They didn't look like they had the range of motion to put on a shirt, were they supposed to look like scary hobos?

Even before Terminator Salvation begins its filming, I have read somewhere that the new Terminator sequel(after T3) involves 3 more stories/movies. TS is one of it, there would be 2 more in the future. Is it true? Can't seems to find any of the news now.

Yep, Salvation is two other films were already written and ready to go by the same people who brought you Terminator 3....this was one of the reasons I was very skeptical of this film but wanted to give it a chance.

It's very clear that the guys who wrote Rise of the Machines and Salvation had no idea what Terminator is about or it's message.

Oh, Why the hell were the t-600's wearing ratty clothes? They didn't look like they had the range of motion to put on a shirt, were they supposed to look like scary hobos?

Ratty clothes just like everyone else ya mean? Let's face it, finding decent clothes is probably very hard to come by in a post apocalyptic world.

I wouldn't want T-600's in rubber masks wearing Tommy or something.

I'm sure a lot of the 600's out there were in service for many of years and got beaten up pretty good hunting down humans.

In Rise of the Ashes it's stated t hat the T-600's had magnetic coating on their joints so they were able to quickly reassemble themselves if they had been blown apart or badly damaged.

There was a piece where Blair's A-10 knocked out maybe what...50 T-600's and out of those less than half were able to reassemble themselves within an hour.


wow, major "ugh" factor on the 1st week can't be good. and they're still not screening it over here.

i take it Cameron's "big, steaming pile" statement is appropriate?

i wonder how many more "Terminator" movies he'll let slip until he decides to do something.

In Rise of the Ashes it's stated t hat the T-600's had magnetic coating on their joints so they were able to quickly reassemble themselves if they had been blown apart or badly damaged.

There was a piece where Blair's A-10 knocked out maybe what...50 T-600's and out of those less than half were able to reassemble themselves within an hour.

that's pretty stupid.

last time i checked, if you take a hammer to a servo motor, no magnet is ever gonna put it back together again. :lol:

i found it stupid when they did it in T3, it's still stupid now.


Wow, there's seems to be a lot of loathing in this thread towards this movie. Honestly, I don't know what everyone was expecting out of it, especially given how terrible T3 was. The cerebral Terminator material was on Fox, people, and apparently not enough of us watched it.

I saw the film last night. It was light on plot, and what was there was predictable. It in no way, shape, or form lives up to T2.

NEWSFLASH: They could make a hundred more Terminator movies, and none of them ever will.

What we do have is some chases, some human vs. Terminator throwdowns, and explosions galore. It's a popcorn movie. And taken for what it is, instead of what T2 was, it's actually not that bad. I enjoyed it more than I enjoyed Wolverine, and it was lightyears better than T3. At the very least, it ended with the same message as T2 ("No fate but what we make"), which I appreciated after T3's notion that they were just postponing the inevitable.

i take it Cameron's "big, steaming pile" statement is appropriate?

i wonder how many more "Terminator" movies he'll let slip until he decides to do something.

He can't, he has no control over Terminator anymore. The rights are even up for grabs again as MGM is wanting to fight WB for the next 2 films if this one makes enough money in the box office.

Again, I'm sayin you should just toss the next two scripts, take the time, and write something better without having to glamor it up with CG effects. I really miss the good ol days of props and make up : /

  mikeszekely said:
Wow, there's seems to be a lot of loathing in this thread towards this movie. Honestly, I don't know what everyone was expecting out of it, especially given how terrible T3 was. The cerebral Terminator material was on Fox, people, and apparently not enough of us watched it.

I saw the film last night. It was light on plot, and what was there was predictable. It in no way, shape, or form lives up to T2.

NEWSFLASH: They could make a hundred more Terminator movies, and none of them ever will.

What we do have is some chases, some human vs. Terminator throwdowns, and explosions galore. It's a popcorn movie. And taken for what it is, instead of what T2 was, it's actually not that bad. I enjoyed it more than I enjoyed Wolverine, and it was lightyears better than T3. At the very least, it ended with the same message as T2 ("No fate but what we make"), which I appreciated after T3's notion that they were just postponing the inevitable.

Newsflash: T3 was not that bad, in fact its a fun a movie to watch and the acting is quite good. This new terminator was not a good movie and though there are those who say you can't touch Terminator or T2.

Hire Ridley Scott or Christopher Nolan to direct and there writing staff, if you did then this Terminator Salvation movie would have been a 3-4 star classic.

McG is a hack of a director and the studio is to blame for hiring him!!

I went and saw Star Trek last night!! Loved it, might go see it again!!


Looks like I'm in the minority of people that actually liked this movie, although not as much as I liked the original. Maybe it's only because I'm not a die-hard Terminator fan that I wasn't disappointed inthe film.

  Beltane70 said:
Looks like I'm in the minority of people that actually liked this movie, although not as much as I liked the original. Maybe it's only because I'm not a die-hard Terminator fan that I wasn't disappointed inthe film.

I saw the movie today and I enjoyed movie so it looks like am in the minority as well. I have seen T2 and up in the theaters and enjoyed the tv show so i consider myself a fan of the series. I did read the TS movie prequel comic and did not particularly care for that and it did not seem to add anything to the movie.

  505thAirborne said:
Newsflash: T3 was not that bad, in fact its a fun a movie to watch and the acting is quite good. This new terminator was not a good movie and though there are those who say you can't touch Terminator or T2.

Hire Ridley Scott or Christopher Nolan to direct and there writing staff, if you did then this Terminator Salvation movie would have been a 3-4 star classic.

McG is a hack of a director and the studio is to blame for hiring him!!

I went and saw Star Trek last night!! Loved it, might go see it again!!

Double news flash: T3 was the first movie I'd seen in a theater that was so bad I tried to get my money back. Aside from chucking the "no fate but what we make" message from the first movie and replacing it with a message that was basically "fate is set it stone, and you're just putting off the inevitable," it depicted the future leader of humanity as a p*ssy that was tougher when he was a little kid.

The new movie was predictable and brainless, but 100 times better than T3.

Posted (edited)

Saw TS today. It was ok, but I think it could've been more. Just some comments, especially the depiction of the war...

- The strengths of the Resistance and Skynet seems way off.

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- I seriously questioned the reason why there even is a Harvester unit in the Machine lineup. For the resources it takes to make one, you could have how many regular units made? The larger number of Terminators could be used to surround a target area. 600's could close in and kill / capture what's needed. Not like buildings will stop them for long, so they can rip through them. Not like you can hide long since the machines have all the time in the world to look for you. You'd have HK's hovering about for spotting and picking off anything that gets out of the 600's perimiter.

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. But I'm getting too tactical I guess.

As for the movie, there's quite a bit of jumping back and forth in scenes early in the movie between Marcus and Connor. It was a bit annoying since you couldn't devote enough time to explore both characters. I can understand the splitting in the latter part of the movie to rescue Reese, but early on, it was bothersome. You also don't really get into Blair Williams and into Kate Brewster's character too much. Disappointing, especially for Kate. There's quite a bit of pretty important characters that aren't fleshed out. T1 and T2 had an edge in fewer characters, and were able to keep tighter focus and showing more interaction between them. Salvation had many named characters, so it felt "diluted".

The next movie needs some tweaks and refocus. The Resistance needs to look beat and worn down, like mankind's back is to the wall in fighting Skynet.

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Maybe improved weapons from Skynet will change that. We need to see the Machines in force, not in small numbers. Take a look at the strength of Skynet's forces compared to the Resistance in the flashback scenes in T1 and T2. Even the TV series got it right in a smaller scale and in feel, but TS missed that. Also, refocus on Connor, let Bale do his thing and earn what surely is a big paycheck he's getting. There's still some existing characters that could use some screentime and fleshing out.

Edited by Warmaker
Posted (edited)
  Warmaker said:
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As for the movie, there's quite a bit of jumping back and forth in scenes early in the movie between Marcus and Connor. It was a bit annoying since you couldn't devote enough time to explore both characters. I can understand the splitting in the latter part of the movie to rescue Reese, but early on, it was bothersome. You also don't really get into Blair Williams and into Kate Brewster's character too much. Disappointing, especially for Kate. There's quite a bit of pretty important characters that aren't fleshed out. T1 and T2 had an edge in fewer characters, and were able to keep tighter focus and showing more interaction between them. Salvation had many named characters, so it felt "diluted".

The next movie needs some tweaks and refocus. The Resistance needs to look beat and worn down, like mankind's back is to the wall in fighting Skynet.

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Maybe improved weapons from Skynet will change that. We need to see the Machines in force, not in small numbers. Take a look at the strength of Skynet's forces compared to the Resistance in the flashback scenes in T1 and T2. Even the TV series got it right in a smaller scale and in feel, but TS missed that. Also, refocus on Connor, let Bale do his thing and earn what surely is a big paycheck he's getting. There's still some existing characters that could use some screentime and fleshing out.

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I have heard that the blu-ray/dvd is supposed to have around 20 minutes of deleted scenes maybe the other characters get some time there.I believe there are a couple of alternate endings. I don't know if that will be in the extras or a directors cut .

I hope we get to see both sides at some point blasting it out with

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in one of the sequels.

Edited by Sdf Prime

Haven't seen TS yet, will see it this coming Friday.

I presume it shows the start of the war between humans and Skynet, so the humans would likely still have more land/air/sea vehicles and men available in the early stages of the war, than in the later stages, as shown in T1 & T2.


I presume it shows the start of the war between humans and Skynet, so the humans would likely still have more land/air/sea vehicles and men available in the early stages of the war, than in the later stages, as shown in T1 & T2.

15 years after the bombs fell and wiped out a lot of the population. It's not clear though just when the war really takes place and T-600's becoming front line soldiers over the T-1's.

You can assume though that the fight has gone on for sometime seeing how the game is cannon to the movie and that was 2 years prior to the events of Salvation.


Someone complained how the Terminator units in the movie don't seem like ruthless, intelligent killing machines, that's because T units in "grunt soldier mode" are running without autonomous mode on. The ones sent back in time have autonomous mode on which removes the limiter on their CPU to be able to learn and make its own decision rather than be controlled/programmed by Skynet.

  Graham said:
Haven't seen TS yet, will see it this coming Friday.

I presume it shows the start of the war between humans and Skynet, so the humans would likely still have more land/air/sea vehicles and men available in the early stages of the war, than in the later stages, as shown in T1 & T2.


In the movie I can't recall hearing how long the fighting's been going on. But from the way people are reacting to the Machines, Resistance or not, they're not so surprised by them anymore. Weaknesses to the 600 series are made known. The Resistance has active and decent surveillance on Skynet's positions and movements. They know where her strongpoints are, i.e. North of LA and into San Francisco to name a region. It leads me to believe that the fighting has been going a while.

Posted (edited)
  wolfx said:
Someone complained how the Terminator units in the movie don't seem like ruthless, intelligent killing machines, that's because T units in "grunt soldier mode" are running without autonomous mode on. The ones sent back in time have autonomous mode on which removes the limiter on their CPU to be able to learn and make its own decision rather than be controlled/programmed by Skynet.

I think the complaint was more about the ruthless aspect. This is a machine designed to kill, that is its only function.

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If the enemy Terminator had gotten that close to John or Sarah in T1 or T2 they'd have been dead before you could blink.

In T1 when they have that scene from the future of the Terminator infiltrating the base, he just slaughters everyone. He doesn't pick people up and throw them around or any random crap, he pulls out his gun and kills everything with a pulse. The only reason for a physical altercation involving a Terminator, should be against another Terminator where conventional/available weapons have little to no effect.

Edited by kaiotheforsaken
  wolfx said:
Someone complained how the Terminator units in the movie don't seem like ruthless, intelligent killing machines, that's because T units in "grunt soldier mode" are running without autonomous mode on. The ones sent back in time have autonomous mode on which removes the limiter on their CPU to be able to learn and make its own decision rather than be controlled/programmed by Skynet.

Good point, though possibly not enough to offset some bad writing. Great scenes from the deleted/ultimate/extreme cut on T2.

Still haven't seen it and hoping to this weekend. Otherwise will be waiting for the Blu-ray. Definitely doesn't sound like Cameron level detail and subplot went into it...

Remember, Reese in T1 said that Skynet was defeated and the Terminators were the last resort. In T2, the Governator said that Skynet initated Judgement Day to start the Nuclear War when they tried to pull the plug (which was shown in T3), though apparently altered by the "change in plan" wrt T2 theatrical ending. Does Salvation still fit into those 3 bullets or is there a retcon involved?

Posted (edited)
  kaiotheforsaken said:
I think the complaint was more about the ruthless aspect. This is a machine designed to kill, that is its only function.
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If the enemy Terminator had gotten that close to John or Sarah in T1 or T2 they'd have been dead before you could blink.

In T1 when they have that scene from the future of the Terminator infiltrating the base, he just slaughters everyone. He doesn't pick people up and throw them around or any random crap, he pulls out his gun and kills everything with a pulse. The only reason for a physical altercation involving a Terminator, should be against another Terminator where conventional/available weapons have little to no effect.

The only reason I can think of them showing the T-800 "toying around" with Connor is just an extended way to show how superior the 800 is compared to the 600. Impervious to conventional firearms (most types), strong (a given), agile, deceptive, and relentless. A chance to show in the movie how it contrasts to the powerful but clumsy juggernaut of the 600 series.

Otherwise, as you said, Connor would have been dead the first time the 800 actually got a hold of him. In T1, the crippled Terminator needed maybe a few more inches to crush the life out of Sarah until the press came down. In T2, the T-1000 needed a few more seconds to get past Sarah and cut apart John if it wasn't for the timely return of the 800. In TSCC, there was no toying around with human targets. A quick shot or a simple, crushing grab to kill the target.

Speaking of slaughtering, old

to T1 & T2's future war scenes B)) Edited by Warmaker
  Uxi said:
Remember, Reese in T1 said that Skynet was defeated and the Terminators were the last resort.

I think more accurately, Skynet knew its days were numbered. As a last ditch, it sent Model 101 back to the past in a hope to change fate....which the point now is pretty moot with the Salvation movie don't u think since they already said that time travel was now an alternate parallel universe rather than a linear time path.

Which would mean Reese did not have to go back to the past to impregnate Sarah nor did they need to bother trying to protect kid John of this dimension since as far as they are concerned, they won the war.

Remember, Reese in T1 said that Skynet was defeated and the Terminators were the last resort.

the time travel thing was the last resort, not the Endos.

they were pretty much buried up to their necks in Endos & HK's at that point.

Reese implied the sheer mass of the machine effort with "hide during the day, move by night" when he was explaining things so Sarah.

so yeah, minimal machine presence roughly 14 years into the war doesn't make sense.

at the same time, with the war lasting that long, i wouldn't think the resistance would be so rich in resources anymore.

  Warmaker said:
Speaking of slaughtering, old
to T1 & T2's future war scenes B))

Fantastic compilation. A true tribute to a real visionary. Thanks for posting this.

  Mr March said:
Fantastic compilation. A true tribute to a real visionary. Thanks for posting this.

Cool video, Well edited!!

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